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The Best Time To Recommend Warframe To A Friend


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Unless you hooking your friend up with mods and whatnot i'd say no tbh the new player experience is still bad.


Yeah The pathetic amount of slots you get at the start nearly made me stop playing altogether. I know it's free to play, but that's just a greedy cash grab.

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Yeah The pathetic amount of slots you get at the start nearly made me stop playing altogether. I know it's free to play, but that's just a greedy cash grab.

I disagree. In a game where everything is available for free and you can trade for premium currency, DE could have easily imposed much more deterrent cash grabs and still be considered fairer than most other F2P developers are. 

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No it doesn't.


We've seen how it works. We know how it can and will work. This isn't replacing something basic with something flashy but not functionally amazing, like the star chart, which is also getting changed. This is a complete rework of a clunky and inherently bad system.


There is no genuine reason to say it'll turn out bad aside from "other things didn't work out".

It's not "other things didn't work out" but rather "we couldn't tell that those things wouldn't work out before testing them ourselves".


Another example would be the relays, great in theory, but having to load a huge level and go through the laggy lakes of hell just to acess the simulator/conclave trader/void trader turned out to be really impractical.


You can't see things for what they are until the novelty fades away, this paired with the fact that they are removing the two things that made parkour practical (coptering&directional) is enough of a reason to be worried.


"This is a complete rework of a clunky and inherently bad system."

A "complete rework" of a "clunky and inherently bad system" THAT WORKS, seriously, this is just melee 2.0 all over again, as people could've defended it the same way you are doing now.

We are throwing away something that works for hopes and dreams, ridiculous.

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We are throwing away something that works for hopes and dreams, ridiculous.

We are throwing away something that wor... oh wait, no. It works only if you equip a specific weapon type and bug the game to launch you into a wall at impossible speeds, then being stuck there before being able to move on.

We are getting rid of something that should never have been implemented anyway for a system that works reliably and isn't dependant on your armaments. It also looks nicer, as an added bonus. But yeah, sure, you go on wishing for a broken game if it makes you feel better.

Edited by Gale47
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Melee 2.0? less practical? Who think that? Oo


Galatine was the only melee weapon to use OO

Galatine was the only melee weapon to use, wow that was bad, good thing that now there is NO melee weapon to use, because they all suck at end-game, woooo!


Here is how to pick a melee weapon in melee 2.0

1.Are you going to speed run?  Pick tipedo/amphis

2.Are you going to kill low level enemies?  Pick orthos prime with primed reach

3.Are you going to kill high level enemies?  No you ain't

Fantastic choices! Thanks melee 2.0!


(Oh and the only choice will be orthos prime once parkour 2.0 launches)

Edited by Hakitojin
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Galatine was the only melee weapon to use, wow that was bad, good thing that now there is NO melee weapon to use, because they all suck at end-game, woooo!


Here is how to pick a melee weapon in melee 2.0

1.Are you going to speed run?  Pick tipedo/amphis

2.Are you going to kill low level enemies?  Pick orthos prime with primed reach

Fantastic choices! Thanks melee 2.0!


(Oh and the only choice will be orthos prime once parkour 2.0 launches)

If you can't use anything but the most effective armament that's something you've got to deal with alone. 

Edited by Gale47
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If you can't use anything but the most effective armament that's something you've got to deal with alone. 

What are you saying? That I am dumb for picking orthos prime over a weapon such as the shiv which would frustrate me for being useless in combat as well as for mobility?


...If you can't help but make illogical arguments that's something you've got to deal with alone.

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We are getting a much smoother, nicer looking, user friendly movement system. Coptering looks stupid, it relies on certain melee weapons, it puts new players off (me included when I first started), and it's buggy. 


So, I am super excited for the new parkour system.

Besides, who in their right mind would think a space ninja would get around by spinning in circles on their arse?

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What are you saying? That I am dumb for picking orthos prime over a weapon such as the shiv which would frustrate me for being useless in combat as well as for mobility?


...If you can't help but make illogical arguments that's something you've got to deal with alone.

don't bother yourself to reply to him


...after all, every one gets the fun where he want

...although this should / would be done in private, not in public

i much hate to wait 1minute at extract for a slow poke to not even come in extract

Edited by 5h1n0k4m1
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What are you saying? That I am dumb for picking orthos prime over a weapon such as the shiv which would frustrate me for being useless in combat as well as for mobility?


...If you can't help but make illogical arguments that's something you've got to deal with alone.

No, he's right. Just because the player has to gimp themselves and sacrifice practical effectiveness for their selection of melee weapon to be diverse doesn't mean the mechanic is bad, it means you're trying too hard and you hate fun!


Why do you even need to be effective, anyway? Why farm ~efficiently~ like a tryhard when you can just go to https://warframe.com/buyplatinum and support these brilliant devs for their hard work? >:(


The market has a 100% droprate, 10o.

Edited by MeetTheJoves
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New parkour will definately make new people more attached to the game due to the freedom it (should) deliver. There aren't many, or any at all(?), that has this type of game with the upcoming system. To my knowledge. 



Galatine was the only melee weapon to use, wow that was bad, good thing that now there is NO melee weapon to use, because they all suck at end-game, woooo!


Here is how to pick a melee weapon in melee 2.0

1.Are you going to speed run?  Pick tipedo/amphis

2.Are you going to kill low level enemies?  Pick orthos prime with primed reach

3.Are you going to kill high level enemies?  No you ain't

Fantastic choices! Thanks melee 2.0!


(Oh and the only choice will be orthos prime once parkour 2.0 launches)



No viable melee weapon for high level enemies? My galatine and scindo prime beg to differ. 


Now, ofcourse I only mentioned 2. True, but that is because I only use these 2 for the high level ones as I run them with my melee centric frames. 


I have done t4 survs solo for an hour with a couple of frames with Melee only. EASY. Orthos P is great, but there are a couple of other weapons that are pretty darn good.

Edited by DLGrave
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I disagree. In a game where everything is available for free and you can trade for premium currency, DE could have easily imposed much more deterrent cash grabs and still be considered fairer than most other F2P developers are. 

You mean like the 3 hour wait to defrost your kubrow?


The extremely limited slots IS a blatant cash grab. They could have easily added a couple more to give people a better chance to test the waters with more than 2 (or was it 3 slots?) frames.

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I disagree. In a game where everything is available for free and you can trade for premium currency, DE could have easily imposed much more deterrent cash grabs and still be considered fairer than most other F2P developers are.

The only reason I'm still playing is because fairly common items, like Vigor or Blind Rage, could be sold for upwards of 60 plat while PS4 was still new, allowing me to buy slots and branch out with weapons, paired with the fact that PS4 got 150 starter plat for the first few months (maybe it still does) and I had enough distrust of the free to play system that I didn't use any of it. One of my 25ish friends from my first few weeks playing is still active, and no one I've introduced to Warframe or new players I've added to the friends list have stuck with it past Saturn. Slots aren't the only reason (else I'd just get them plat myself) but they definitely don't help.

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You mean like the 3 hour wait to defrost your kubrow?

The extremely limited slots IS a blatant cash grab. They could have easily added a couple more to give people a better chance to test the waters with more than 2 (or was it 3 slots?) frames.

You also forgot the 50 free starter plat which you can use to buy 1 Warframe slot and 4 weapon slots or 2 Warframe slots. Afaik you require at least 2 levelled Warframe's to reach MR2 and MR2 gets you trading access.
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The best time to introduce warframe to a friend would be when they turn the RNG based grind that often gives nothing for entire hours wasted to a slow but-you-actually-get-something-useful type of grind and manage to finally balance all warframes in a manner that they are all useful somehow in our "end-game".


A.K.A. never.


No amount of gameplay mechanics are going to fix the fact that most people quit because of the unrewarding repetitiveness based on chance. I have at least two friends with which I have been gaming along-side for years and both of them quit because they got tired of the grind.

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I would wait for better content. A lot of the game is fun, but is mindlessly repetitive. Maybe when DE starts introducing more enemies that require active thought and tactics to engage, beyond "hold down the trigger or spam # until it dies".

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