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Baro Bringing Prime Access Accessories.

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All of this whining just to tell everyone that they should be grateful that they got a good deal on boosters.  If you lift the blinders you'll see a whole world out there where people actually have different motivations than you.  And not just because they are lazy or butt hurt.  


Still no to this idea.  Seems pretty obvious majority agrees.  DE has already said PA Accessories won't come back outside of PA anyway.  It's a moot point to argue against it.


Maybe I misunderstand why people buy things, but my motivation when I play this game and buy things is because A) I enjoy this game and B) I want things that are in this game.  I could be completely wrong, but it was my belief that when a person buys things, it is because they want it, and it gives them something that makes their life easier.  I prefer function over form.  Simple enough to understand.  The thing that bothers me is when people justify a $50 purchase by form over function, and then cling to it, saying "it's mine because I've got it, it can't be yours too!  It's not fair that you came late to the party and get the chance to get something by working or paying for it!"  That's nearly on the same level as the concept of a modern hipster, choosing fashion and actions because they are uncommon to draw attention to themselves.


I guess me putting exclusive in capital letters was too complicated for you. Clearly, all the frames, weapons and companions are attainable in game, this isn't news to anyone around here, However, like you much stated accessories packs have been exclusive and it would only figure that is what was referring to because, you know, that is what is this thread is all about to begin with. Again that IS exclusive content. If you are too dense to see this just go to the prime access site:




See the parts where it says EXCLUSIVE? I marked them for you so you would not miss them somehow.

I updated my post to continue my argument before you posted your reply.  feel free to read it.  Standing behind the word "Exclusive" is one thing, arguing that "because I bought it, others shouldn't be able to get it." is another.

Edited by stratavar
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I will discuss just this particular point you made:




If you buy something that is COMPLETELY visual, that makes no ingame difference, and is simply so you can enjoy the aesthetics of your warframe, and then get butthurt when other people can obtain the same thing a full YEAR down the road, and then get angry about it, I honestly don't know what to say.


Just no, so again, to the point of this thread. Exclusive items are exactly that, exclusive. It should not matter just how insignificant you think they may be, at the time the items were sold by the developers those items were advertised as being exclusive to those who purchase prime access. It has absolutely nothing to do with how it will impact the game, it has everything to do with the developers keeping their integrity to their costumers. Having this stuff basically given out for free is a violation of that trust and there should be an up roar over that. Paying costumers should not be lied to about what they are paying for, its all about integrety. Again, those accessories would have absolutely ZERO impact on how the games are played.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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I prefer function over form.  Simple enough to understand.  The thing that bothers me is when people justify a $50 purchase by form over function, and then cling to it, saying "it's mine because I've got it, it can't be yours!"  That's nearly on the same level as the concept of a modern hipster, choosing fashion and actions because they are uncommon to draw attention to themselves.


I updated my post to continue my argument before you posted your reply.  feel free to read it.  Standing behind the word "Exclusive" is one thing, arguing that "because I bought it, others shouldn't be able to get it." is another.


The key here is, as you said, that you prefer function.  So far no problem.  You then follow with what it means to choose or prefer differently than you.  In your first post this meant that others were lazy or butt hurt.  And now those who choose differently than you are hipsters and attention seekers.  This pattern makes it pretty hard to take you seriously, and really just makes you look like a troll.


There is an unmistakeably large population who pay top dollar for virtual dress-up.  When said people pay money for these things it's very unwise to reintroduce them later for 'free.'  It will just hurt your business.  This is before you even consider the stated exclusivity.  You seem to let your opinion blind you to this reality.

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The key here is, as you said, that you prefer function.  So far no problem.  You then follow with what it means to choose or prefer differently than you.  In your first post this meant that others were lazy or butt hurt.  And now those who choose differently than you are hipsters and attention seekers.  This pattern makes it pretty hard to take you seriously, and really just makes you look like a troll.


There is an unmistakeably large population who pay top dollar for virtual dress-up.  When said people pay money for these things it's very unwise to reintroduce them later for 'free.'  It will just hurt your business.  This is before you even consider the stated exclusivity.  You seem to let your opinion blind you to this reality.

Let's take a step back for just a second with the idea of reintroduction.  If they introduce an item and people pay for said item, and then later reintroduce that item for either money, or different form of currency that requires time and effort to obtain, what do the people pay for when they initially introduce that item?  They pay it forward to have access and use said item before anybody else that doesn't go through the process of paying for said item.  If the time is for a year in which that the item is unavailable otherwise, then you essentially pay your money to have access to those items a year before those who don't pay do.  That's a fairly common business model, where people pay more to have access to something before others do.  Will it hurt business?  I suppose, if a majority of the community recognizes that they are able to access the item later, then yeah, it might.  But considering that this is a business model that is used very often, and rakes in plenty of money for companies, and the fact that a lot of people here DO actually spend an excessive amount of money on entirely visual content, it sounds like it wouldn't actually hurt their business nearly as much  as people here state.


Either way, it's just so amusing that people honestly get so bent out of shape in the first place that A.) a company evolves, changing its business model, and recognizes that its player-base has new and incoming players each day, and that those players should have the ability to get particular content, either by money or effort made in gameplay.  And B.) according to those people, visual content that is very popular should never be either sold nor obtainable ever again.


Why not start making a suggestion for said content to be obtainable in another way?  What do you think that these Visual Items would be worth in Platinum?  Why not make Darvo bring them in for huge sums of Plat in comparison?  I don't know about you, but honestly, if anything ever REALLY caught my eye, I would be willing to spend upwards of 500-600p for them.  Would you still be mad if people payed a currency that directly correlates to real-world currency?  Others would probably be willing to spend more, since the concept of converting currency to a currency that has no actually relevance to every-day operation is the basis of platinum in Warframe.  People completely forget how much platinum is really worth when they hit that "buy" button.

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Too bad so many players are so tied to exclusives and to keep them as so; I have every exclusive item in the game but Lato and Braton Vandal, but still I'd be happy if any of the items I got had a chance to be obtained for who couldn't get it.

your a saint. "Its mine its mine, no one else should have it" Grow up ppl. Its not like they are gunno give it to us for free

We still probably have to pay 100p for the set. Nd yes i know 100p is not $50 but u got more stuff for $50 so pipe down.

Now that thats said. I 'd be ok with a non prime targis or prisma targis. u babies can keep ur precious targis prime

Edited by (PS4)Treezzy1
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I don't mind prime accessories being rotated but Baro bringing prime accessories is just unfair to people who bought it with real money.Unless it costs 50,000 ducats then I'm fine with your idea.


50 000 orokin ducats, right ? and another 50 000 ingame cash for and further 500 000 ingamecash for taxes to DE XD


and for sale on tradechat ... LOL ?

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You can't draw a parallel line on event items and exclusive prime accessories. They involved real money.


I'd really like if people learned that already, but I know it's impossible. Some people will keep on demanding like this.


A real bad game design idea. (Not to say $50 accessories was a good design by any means though.)

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So last week we had a bit of an uproar when Baro Ki Teer brought the Prova Vandal and Machete Wraith in his bi-weekly stock. These old weapons used to be rewards for events, and some people believed they should stay that way. Personally I think it was a good idea, as I never got the Machete Wraith in the past.

So speaking of things I never got in the past, I'm now proposing the idea that I said in the title.

I'm sure a lot of people would be very happy to see things like the Targis Prime Armour set return, but I want to know the thoughts of the people who bought the accessories, thinking they would be exclusive.

Please keep this civil,


EDIT: So from what I can see in the comments within the first 5 minutes of posting this, it seems that the idea is viewed as pretty negative, which is what I thought would happen. Eh, a man can dream at least.

You more or less asked for something within the vein of excal prime. Past event weapons were free for those who participated, and just re-released for the influx of new players that Warframe is getting, both a recent and older weapon also for those who missed the respective events. For future reference, never assume that any ideas to make a paid item free will be taken positively, you will not get the (polite) results you expected, by asking a question similar to another that had a unanimous decision( looks at Founders), set in stone. 

Edited by Digidyne017
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Too bad so many players are so tied to exclusives and to keep them as so; I have every exclusive item in the game but Lato and Braton Vandal, but still I'd be happy if any of the items I got had a chance to be obtained for who couldn't get it.

You sir deserve a million upvotes, and the world deserves more of your generosity... unfortunately, this greedy and selfish world works otherwise.

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They won't do that because most people that buy them suffer from special snowflake disorder. If regular plebs could get the stuff, if wouldn't be appealing to them.

I don't care if they did. The only accessories that doesn't look like awkward, guady garbage is the Volt's prime açcessories. Even then, it only looks good on Volt P. I would never buy any of that crap, even with in-game money.

I have spent money on this game and am still comfortable doing so. Just not on metal-colored inflatable tumors on my character.

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This is regarding Prime Accessories.

What people don't seem to understand is,

1. It was purchased. With money.

2. Its not always about, "Nobody can have this but me cause I bought it". Its the way it's advertised. If it says, pay $59.99 to receive EXCLUSIVE content, yadda yadda, it's about DE keeping their word with their advertising.

3. There's possibility for some items to come back into rotation with PA, it even says it in PA FAQ (think it was linked here earlier).

So now what's the point of arguing? Just because you missed out on your chance to get it so you want to sh*t on people who got it and then you ask for it for free?

Edited by (XB1)TsK x BraVo
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Let's take a step back for just a second with the idea of reintroduction. If they introduce an item and people pay for said item, and then later reintroduce that item for either money, or different form of currency that requires time and effort to obtain, what do the people pay for when they initially introduce that item? They pay it forward to have access and use said item before anybody else that doesn't go through the process of paying for said item. If the time is for a year in which that the item is unavailable otherwise, then you essentially pay your money to have access to those items a year before those who don't pay do. That's a fairly common business model, where people pay more to have access to something before others do. Will it hurt business? I suppose, if a majority of the community recognizes that they are able to access the item later, then yeah, it might. But considering that this is a business model that is used very often, and rakes in plenty of money for companies, and the fact that a lot of people here DO actually spend an excessive amount of money on entirely visual content, it sounds like it wouldn't actually hurt their business nearly as much as people here state.

Either way, it's just so amusing that people honestly get so bent out of shape in the first place that A.) a company evolves, changing its business model, and recognizes that its player-base has new and incoming players each day, and that those players should have the ability to get particular content, either by money or effort made in gameplay. And B.) according to those people, visual content that is very popular should never be either sold nor obtainable ever again.

Why not start making a suggestion for said content to be obtainable in another way? What do you think that these Visual Items would be worth in Platinum? Why not make Darvo bring them in for huge sums of Plat in comparison? I don't know about you, but honestly, if anything ever REALLY caught my eye, I would be willing to spend upwards of 500-600p for them. Would you still be mad if people payed a currency that directly correlates to real-world currency? Others would probably be willing to spend more, since the concept of converting currency to a currency that has no actually relevance to every-day operation is the basis of platinum in Warframe. People completely forget how much platinum is really worth when they hit that "buy" button.

But it wasnt, 'Pay $X to receive content before it's released to the public' its, 'Pay $X to receive Exclusive content only available in Prime Access'

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Baro offering prime accessories - No.  It wouldn't be fair to those who've spend actual money on said accessories.

Circulating Prime Accessory packs (With the exception of Founders) - Yes. The Proto Armor for Excal isn't a prime piece, but it can be considered a collectable which comes around time and again for people to purchase.


On one hand I do understand how there would be an outrage from players who paid money for their accessories if DE decided to allow others to obtain them for free through Baro. However, with the exception of Founders, the whole mentality of "These are my exclusive items, they are my pretty's, so no one can have them," is a bit petty. Obviously, that quote is an exaggerated one, but you get my point.


People place so much value on pixels that make them feel special, because they have a piece of coding that few others have that they're willing to go up in arms against anyone else who wants to enjoy other features of the game. lol It's hilarious, really. I agree that the Founder's should remain exclusive, because they were the original supporters of DE, and I can respect that. But, to sit there and demand that no one else should have the opportunity to purchase something, because you want your "precious" all to yourself is ridiculous.


In other words....    I WANT MY OWN SET OF TARGIS PRIME ARMOR!!  ='( 

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Will the Exclusive items be available in-game after a new pack is available?

No. The Exclusive items in Prime Access are Exclusive to the Prime Access Program. You may see them rotated within the Program but they will not be made available in-game

Source: https://warframe.com/prime-access-faq

Whatever you may think, the truth to the matter is that the accessories were advertised to be exclusive to the PA program only.

Im not saying that these accessories should never return but DE has to keep their word, otherwise it'll bite them back in the end. While you maybe alright with it being released to non-PA users, A lot of PA payers will be raising pitchforks and torches.

In the end, these things were bought under the pretense (and in writing) they were not to be released outside the PA program. And what does it say about a company that can't even keep a small promise like this?


Final thing i would like to add, it is exactly because it doesnt effect gameplay that DE should keep this promise.

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