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Coptering Vs Parkour 2.0 - How Much Speed Did We Really Lose?


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I assume it's because you screamed about console changes screwing up a PC game. If you were able to rebind the damn key then I don't know why you overreacted that much to make that claim.

Are you saying consoles do not affect pc games? from bad console UI's, to clunky mechanics , and graphics. Porting to consoles has set back pc gaming more than I care to even think about. I'm not going to say anything like PC ( insert Nazi garbage) cause it's low class, but some of us old folks have been around and know what is going on.

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Why did you assume I didn't instantly remap the key? Doesn't change the fact I think middle mouse as a default bind is super silly.

Someone else said it, but yeah, you clearly sounded like you were using the default key binding and suffering. Why hate on the consoles?

Are you saying consoles do not affect pc games? from bad console UI's, to clunky mechanics , and graphics. Porting to consoles has set back pc gaming more than I care to even think about. I'm not going to say anything like PC ( insert Nazi garbage) cause it's low class, but some of us old folks have been around and know what is going on.

Setting back PC gaming or what not, I'm not even sure if your point is valid, since I know for a fact that majority of gamers use poor and low end to mediocre system for their games. The argument that consoles set back PC gaming is made by those with money and time to get high end pc who are clearly the minority.

Don't be swept in such a false argument. No one is harmed from consoles, if at all, they are really small minority.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Someone else said it, but yeah, you clearly sounded like you were using the default key binding and suffering. Why hate on the consoles?

Setting back PC gaming or what not, I'm not even sure if your point is valid, since I know for a fact that majority of gamers use poor and low end to mediocre system for their games. The argument that consoles set back PC gaming is made by those with money and time to get high end pc who are clearly the minority.

Don't be swept in such a false argument. No one is harmed from consoles, if at all, they are really small minority.

He's actually right, but let's not get into that debate. There's plenty of evidence that consoles have been holding back the gaming industry. Even some whistleblower devs have started to come out. Lots of features and advances in graphics and technology have been removed from games prior to release because consoles couldn't "handle" it. The most recent two about this was Watchdogs and the upcoming title The Division.

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Are you saying consoles do not affect pc games? from bad console UI's, to clunky mechanics , and graphics. Porting to consoles has set back pc gaming more than I care to even think about. I'm not going to say anything like PC ( insert Nazi garbage) cause it's low class, but some of us old folks have been around and know what is going on.


You act as if though if there were no consoles that bad default keybindings would NEVER exist on PC. You act as if though having to switch keybindings is "screwing the PC". Your words, not mine.


I'm not defending bad console ports and features to PC but just your specific complaint about keybindings screwing up the PC game, It was hyperbolic and plain silly.

Edited by EetNotErn
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He's actually right, but let's not get into that debate. There's plenty of evidence that consoles have been holding back the gaming industry. Even some whistleblower devs have started to come out. Lots of features and advances in graphics and technology have been removed from games prior to release because consoles couldn't "handle" it. The most recent two about this was Watchdogs and the upcoming title The Division.

And the fact of the matter is, most gamers don't or cannot run those AAA titles. Even if it does happen, the ones who are harmed aren't the majority, since it's irrelevant when many pc gamers own systems less than or equal to that of consoles. Practically it doesn't matter as much as it sounds.

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As a console player, I can tell you that spamming 2 buttons is a godsend when compared to having to press in L3, X, and L1 in a very specific order, with a delay on the receiving end of the signal... More often than not as it is I wind up just sliding when I want to fly to the moon.... I welcome the new Parkour with open arms

PC games should not be modified to fit console games. I cannot stand console game controllers. My PS3 turned into a blue ray player. You just cannot compare a mouse / keyboard to a controller. That is the main reason I never got into consoles, the controller is inferior in every way and makes simple things to do with a mouse complicated.

I like things in new movement system, but I also liked things in old. In particular,

1. Bunny hopping is the single most rediculous thing in the game, orders of magnitude worse than coptering. Wall running animation should be added back in.

2. Directional air melee should be added in but modified for same maximum height as bullet jump so it's weapon independent.

There are other good points in this thread I agree with as well but won't repeat. Sword alone got numerous indirect nerfs (no block and glide, reduced block damage reduction, no air melee, etc.) and we are slower. To even remotely gain some speed back, lots of farming is required. Even if you pay the plat (I did), you still have to grind out the levels to forma and make room for slots.

Would be nice if all the utility mods came with a stat point reduction. I'm having to forma many frames twice to fit the good mods on, which then destroys my pvp builds....

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And the fact of the matter is, most gamers don't or cannot run those AAA titles. Even if it does happen, the ones who are harmed aren't the majority, since it's irrelevant when many pc gamers own systems less than or equal to that of consoles. Practically it doesn't matter as much as it sounds.

While I see your point, all because the majority of gamers are not on the medium to high-end PC rigs, it doesn't mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater and known down the entire industry as a whole. You can't just look at it from a "majority" point of view and then only work with that majority and pretend the others do not exist. If you want to take it down a few notches, just look at Dark Souls 1. That's not remotely high-end. Even lower end users can play it. However, the PC version was absolutely terrible. It was so bad, fans had to make their own patch just to make it playable. Let's not forget, it was because of PCs that those fans could even make that patch.


Anyway, let's move on, shall we? It's becoming very off topic.

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I already stopped using parkour a week ago,  and the more public sessions I play the less players are so called parkouring.


 those who are trying their best to be efficient with it are masteries 1-14 most masteries above that level hardly uses it.


 a simple jump has now become a two step process, either you bullet jump or double jump it's still a two step process either way.


 should you be in a public mission and I am in the squad, do your utter best and don't falter, ill be taking the long route  to get to ya so you'll most likely be dead by the time I reach halfway.


It's amusing how you try to equate mastery level with skill and/or efficient game play.


Please stop doing that.


I can make sweeping generalizations with no basis in reality too. Watch:


People with mastery rank 15 and higher are all fun hating try hards that take the game too seriously.

Edited by f3llyn
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It's amusing how you try to equate mastery level with skill and/or efficient game play.

Please stop doing that.

I can make sweeping generalizations with no basis in reality too. Watch:

People with mastery rank 15 and higher are all fun hating try hards that take the game too seriously.

I've been Mr 19 for quite a long time now, but I hate how people associate these rude people who happen to have high MR to mastery rank and act as if it's a valid point.

But yeah rank21 is being way too salty and unreasonable over the parkour 2.0. He needs to accept things better.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Hey all!  There is no point in arguing back and forth and getting heated at one another about what was faster.  The fact is we have parkour 2.0 now.


Feedback is definitely welcome on the subject, but there's just too much back and forth / potential to spiral out of control here.


Locking to preserve feedback.

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