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Lets Talk Parasitic Eximus And Why It's The Worst Thing In The Game


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We've all been there, high lvl DEF or SUR, things are gettin good... and then the Great Equalizers arrive. Why are they the great equalizers? Because there is no skillful response, you cannot dodge the massive AoE energy drain. Maybe you're pro, maybe you're a noob, but if your team didn't bring an EV Trin (or the band-aid of team restores), DE has decided it is time for you to leave.


You have so many ways you could raise the difficulty, but this enemy design is bad (and you should feel bad). Here's how to fix it:


1. No more 60 meter energy drain. Have that Eximus' aura give an energy drain buff to its allies' attacks. Preferably not FULL energy drain (have it be a % of their attack damage). This way, Pros can still flip their way out of sticky situations and they at least did something wrong if they get sapped.


2. There's too much energy and status effects flying around in the late game, you can't spot the parasitic eximus amidst a group of other eximus. This forces you to read the name at the top of the screen instead of keeping you eyes in the action. Instead, all Eximus should have a 120% size buff and they should have pallette variations for which type they are.


TL;DR - There's a difference between challenge and difficulty. Stop winning on technicality, return skilled play to late game.

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These guys definitely need to be changed. An enemy that can deplete energy is a good idea in practice, but Parasitic eximus are just executed horribly. They can deplete your energy without even having a LoS, meaning they can just hang around in an obscure corner of the room and cripple you, and they have no visible aura which means no indication of their presence save for your energy meter dropping (meaning you constantly have to monitor it rather than stare at the actual game). It add insult to injury, the Infested seem to spawn these guys over any other eximus unit 75% of the time (I've literally seen five in a row attack me).


Rather than a massive, invisible radial aura, the Parasitic eximus' energy drain should be based on their actual attacks, and maybe even throw in a few unique (but telegraphed) attacks for good measure. I'm not so sure about them granting allies energy-draining attacks (just imagine how annoying that would get with the Grineer and their hitscan weaponry) but they could grant some kind of reduced power/CC effectiveness similar to the Disruptor's aura.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Also the Energy Drain should have an indicator which would look very similar to the Trinity's Link. All Tennos affected by the parasitic eximus should be linked to it. That way people could spot it fast and actually NOTICE the energy drain before it's too late.

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I especially "like" those crawlers hiding in a massive infested crowd, sucking away all your energy.


The first few things I would do:

1) Reduce the spawn rate of Parasitic/Energy Leech eximus enemies. They shouldn't come one after another or even 2-3 at the same time. 1-2 every few minutes would be enough IMO.

2) In case of infested, only Ancient type enemies should be able to spawn as Parasitic eximus. It's too hard to find a parasitic charger or crawler in a big mass of infested, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

3) Parasitic/Energy Leech enemies should have a visual aura similar to Shock eximus (purple glow) to be able to find them easier.

4) Parasitic/Energy Leech aura should have a LoS

5) Parasitic/Energy Leech aura should have some visual indication, some way to see that you are affected by it, and visible area of effect. A lot of time you just run around shooting enemies and suddenly you notice that you have 0 energy all of a sudden.

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Make the Auras LoS.

DE plz


Spy missions have a tendency to spawn Eximus units inside the spy tiles. What's worse is that you have to take your time to stealth and do it correctly, while these morons drain energy as you speak. Grineer Spy Tile D (labeled on the wiki) has a vault where the guard inside is simply wandering around while you disable the two power panels as it drains energy, and you better hope that it's not Energy Leech Eximus inside.


DE shouldn't make me rush through stealth, a badly executed attribute to Warframe, when it's the only way to complete the spy mission without losing the bonus affinity associated with it.

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Also the Energy Drain should have an indicator which would look very similar to the Trinity's Link. All Tennos affected by the parasitic eximus should be linked to it. That way people could spot it fast and actually NOTICE the energy drain before it's too late.

Yes. Then even if they want to keep the LoS it is very easy to spot.


Of course have it look a little different, like a giant block or linked chains(what way trinity's don't complain).

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So it's unanimous? This turned out to be the least controversial thing I've posted and it was a thread calling out "THE WORST THING IN THE GAME".


Must mean it's pretty serious... DE, can we get some confirmation you've acknowledged this thread or do we need to bump it for 10 pages to make it official?

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So it's unanimous? This turned out to be the least controversial thing I've posted and it was a thread calling out "THE WORST THING IN THE GAME".


Must mean it's pretty serious... DE, can we get some confirmation you've acknowledged this thread or do we need to bump it for 10 pages to make it official?


It's not so much as "serious" as it it is clearly a bad mechanic and detrimental to gameplay.

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My favorite part about Ancient Parasitic Eximus is how they'll run to your location, then slow down to a leisurely crawl around the corner, or at the back of the crowd, while still being in range to drain you. If the AI was changed to make Parasitics rush you, that alone would solve a lot of problems, as suddenly the big tank is in your face for you to kill (while simultaneously punishing you if you don't keep an eye out).  

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It's not so much as "serious" as it it is clearly a bad mechanic and detrimental to gameplay.

I'm aware we are speaking within the context of a game, but when have you ever seen the WF community unanimously agree on anything?

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I'm aware we are speaking within the context of a game, but when have you ever seen the WF community unanimously agree on anything?


Well like you said, it isn't very controversial so there isn't much to argue about. It's a broken and just plain unfair mechanic that punishes you for not being able to deduce which of the 40+ rainbow-colored enemies within 30 meters of you is the one that drains energy, assuming you even noticed you're rapidly losing energy before it's all gone. Not to mention having them hide on the other side of a wall or on a platform above or below you and still suffering their penalty.


I feel as though Venomous Eximus deserve an honorable mention on this thread as well.

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It seems to me that only the following is required to fix the issue:


1) Limit it to LoS only, ignoring the enemy bodies in the way. Only the map can obscure the energy drain.


2) Give it a distinct effect, much like that of Trininty's Link.


3) Retain a small AOE drain around the leech (to avoid camping in corners behind stairs with non-LOS frames) 


This could be combined with a buff to them, preventing shield recharge while atleast one of them is linked to a tenno in that fashion.

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I'm aware we are speaking within the context of a game, but when have you ever seen the WF community unanimously agree on anything?

Quite true. I recently made a thread about platinum prices (normal) being too high and am still in shock at the responses lol.

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Quite true. I recently made a thread about platinum prices (normal) being too high and am still in shock at the responses lol.

Unrelated, i have seen that and i believe it is fine as it is, with the % discount PA offers always and plat discounts offer often.


But yes, problem is present and it needs some kind of a solution.

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Unrelated, i have seen that and i believe it is fine as it is, with the % discount PA offers always and plat discounts offer often.


But yes, problem is present and it needs some kind of a solution.

I made the thread to address more issues(feel free to comment there so I can discuss)



BUt yes, this issue is a consistent issue and will need to be fixed.

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TL;DR - There's a difference between challenge and difficulty. Stop winning on technicality, return skilled play to late game.

Agreed mostly.


Issue is that we don't know we're getting drained before it's too late. They're like ninjas.


A very simple fix would be to require LoS for a Parasitic Eximus to drain energy AND play some sort of drain effect on the players character when this happens, like a static effect shader over the frame, kinda like Disrupters have. Some sort of highlight on the character that lets us know we're in the aura range.. This way when you're getting drained there is a clear indication that it is happening, enough that you can't miss it, and so that you know the Eximus must be within LoS somewhere so you can locate it OR take cover from it.

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Reminds me of how Shock Eximus Crewmen worked back in the day - instant magnetic proc, no LoS, way too much range, barely noticeable aura, you'd often find yourself with no shields and energy even before you could spot one of those in a group of enemies. Same for Ancient Disruptors, where being slapped by them once = proc. Took a while but DE eventually changed these units. Maybe if this subject gets enough attention, Parasitic Eximus will be changed someday.

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I agree, energy drain is my least favorite mechanic in the game. The auras working like they do need to go, what the best solution is remains debatable though.


In the past I've said that the aura can stay, but killing the Eximus returns all energy you and teammates lost from it. Makes it a temporary drain, but rewards you for hunting down the right enemy. As far as Magnetic proc, I think it should temporarily disrupt power usage and shields (and perhaps last for longer), but NOT permanently drain it. I'm so glad Shock Eximus units are broken now, since those were the bane of my existence.

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Like others have indicated (I agree wholeheartedly with the OP) they need to be nipped - but not only do the Parasitic Eximus but the whole idea that something in the game must take everything away from you in one big unstoppable wallop. Lets face it - there are multiple ways to stop you (the player). Here are a few off the top of my head:


1)Drain Life until you die.

2)Drain Energy until you are too pathetically under-skilled to fight back (and then mob you with OP enemies)

3)Drain Shields until your life is exposed (and then hit you you with big life hits (slash damage for example))

4)Bypass Shields / Armor and go straight to life.

5)Hit you so hard nothing you have matters. Hit you hard, fast and repeatedly if necessary.

6)Stun lock you and THEN hit you hard, fast and repeatedly.


Any of those methods are at work at some time here in Warframe. They might nerf the Parasitic enemies, but then they will introduce some other enemy to take you out another way. We had Toxic Ancients in 2013 who were very hard to deal with. The mission was basically over for a lot of players the moment one entered the area. They nipped back that and in came the Mutalist Osprey, spreading toxic death (we died instantly from toxins back then - except for Rhino); then comes the Eximus mentioned here - the ones who just hang out and suck something away from you. We asked for better visuals and they gave then the glowing appendages. And then comes the parasites we have today. There is always SOMETHING that strips you down to vulnerable - and beyond asking for the current one to be nipped back, we need to ask that the whole philosophy be revised - or they will just change out one bad battery for another.


There has to be some kind of rise to the challenge to make the game challenging without cheap, frustrating parlor tricks. I am confident DE and do it, but will they? That's another story. The conspiracy theorist in me has little confidence that the system will change (sure the parasitics are going to get nipped, but they will just be replaced by something else). The reason is what is the purpose? The purpose is not to CHALLENGE you - but to STOP YOU. The whole anti-farming, anti-camping stance, coupled with these OP mechanics - its so obvious that they want to stop people from progressing too fast so bad that they are willing to jeopardize the enjoyment of the game. Even when people find a legitimate way to do these things - here comes a stop-gap. There's a vast difference in making something hard to attain and making it frustratingly near impossible. All the fun is being sucked out of the game because someone doesn't want people playing the game for hours (perhaps broadband costs are at issue?). I really doubt it actually has anything to do with what most people think, there's some kind of cost involved and we don't get to know that.


But anyway, I'd love to see them change this - but until they change a lot of other things you will always see something that will perform the same result - limiting and stopping you from progressing.

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energy drain is bad but without energy you have at least a small chance. but for me it is the life drain that gets me most of the time. i have a very shield heavy Mag witch makes running shield bypassing enemy's incredibly frustrating.

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