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What's A Fair Price For Arcane Avenger? + Trade Channel Abuse

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Here lately I've been getting them for a reasonable price between 70p & 120p but here lately seems to me we have some Plat hungry greedy noobs on ps4.

I laughed at there pathetic attempt to try & rip me off

Now most arcane sell for the price listed above except rare ones which sell for 200+ plat.

But I ran into about 3 noobs today that all asked for 200 Plat 1 earlier last week

but thats too much & insane now so sick of uniformed people destroying the trade markwt everyone is full of greed if Arcane Avenger was rare I'd have no problem paying 200 but it's either a common or uncommon

If people can't be fair or realistic with prices then plz stay off trade market

Seriously though what's a Fair price for it to insure u don't get ripped off?

I only need 4 more to get rank 3 but I can't get em because raids are broken atm & the greedy platinum hogs are out destroying market

Seriously DE needs to have a price chart or to come up with away to prevent the rip offs from happening.

There game might work on a noob but not me or anyone who been around over a yr & a half

The sad part is the amount of abuse that goes on in trade channel & I always try to be fair & honest with people I trade with.

but what I find laughable is the misinformed seller that when called out for his greed gets all bent out of shape.

I try to be fair with everyone I'd expect those same people I trade with to be fair right back

so I'd ask what's the min & max Plat

You would offer because it's it's worth 200p then explain why because on ps4 the rare arcanes are selling 4 that much & rightfully so but it's laughable when someone tries 2 sell a non rare 4 same price 1st off I'll put them on ignore & move on.

but now it's getting stupid so I need pc players & console players advice what are u willing to pay 4 arcane avenger & non rare arcanes..

lastly plz DE do something to put a stop to the abuse in trade channel it's getting out of control so bad I feel bad 4 the new guys who just started playing that are getting ripped off or screwed by dishonest people.

Plus something needs to be done about people selling psn cards on there 1st off its aginest psn tos which they can be banned 4. plus the abuse of people saying WTS interapproaite words or raciest or sexual words . Ya know what I mean

Really people need to grow up where kickbot when u need him or a DE Chat mod.

Plz put a stop to this non sense thx

Edited by (PS4)ChiefsFury1984
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Ummm... DE cant do anything about it, being a Free player controlled economy... Thats what happens alot.

You will ethier have to wait for the sales price to slowly drop or go and try to get it yourself.

And the Words of things that arent tradable or there just goofing of will be kicked by player moderators who should be watching it.

Edited by (XB1)brenon45
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This is real life, real life is not fair, people scam other people non stop. Try and think for a moment, IF if someone offered you tons of money for something you knew was not worth it. You would for sure grab that offer, i do that myself. Had plenty of people offer me 400+ for sets like Mag and Dakra, i don't counter offer them. I take the offer and sell items gladly, but if they have a low offer ill counter offer with a reasonable price.


DE should not have to step into this, this is the players fault alone, if people overpay for something so be it.

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Why are you complaining? you want to buy it, afford it, people hold those items, they sell the price they want, they are not pointing a gun at you to buy it, move along and search for another.  Rant posts like this will never do anything but wasting your time.


On a side note: The average price for each is around 150pl +

Edited by Shad0wb0x
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Trade chat is all about patience. If there is no reasonable offer, simply wait for tomorrow or even next week.

I bought 10 Arcane Barrier one-by-one in about 6 days.


To avoid being scammed, learn the market. The best way is watching the trading chat for about 15min, or "Price check X" in multiple region/website.

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Theres really no such thing as "trade chat abuse". The fact that you are so appalled by people trying to sell for higher than average is actually pretty comical, 


Its simple: either you accept a price, or you dont. Or you try to haggle, but dont complain and insult people for prices you deem crazy. Ive seen some items sell for prices that you wouldnt even dream of. 

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Warframe Tradechat is a FREE market.

That means that greed doesnt exist and set prices dont exist. Averages and such do exist does that mean I MUST sell for that much? No, you I and everyone else can charge whatever they want.

And don't start on calling prices "scams", its been said over and over and yet some people dont get the message. In a Free Market there is NO SUCH THING as a scam. Both the buyer and seller agree to terms and make a deal.

And no, selling above the average price is NOT a scam

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also something to consider: raid bugs and crashing / disconnects on raids drives up the arcane prices

less people bothering to get them, less supply for demand


raids are actually easy enough to do and arcanes are not even that rare, uncommon ones are rarer than the rares now lol

but frustrations with raid mode performance artificially drives up the market value 


if raids somehow became alot more stable / reliable there would be a massive drop in arcane prices due to large influx of supply 


its just an impossible dream but imagine how much dedicated servers would change raids and pvp

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Ok guys. Free Market Economy. You buy at a price you want and the seller sells at the price he wants. If the seller doesnt know the price and others do, the price will eventually come down. If the seller knows the price and the buyer doesn't the price will eventually go up. If both don't know the price, demand and supply takes over and eventually a range will form. This is when your patience will triumph 

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It is SCAM if ONLY one party of a trade did NOT get what the trade was promised for, or their decision was forced

So there is no scam in Warframe.

Both party agreed that the price was fair for a trade at their own will.

Exactly, and yet i get called a scammer for selling things at a higher price when other people end up buying things like Mag for 400+p. People really don't know how the term is used nowadays..

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But I ran into about 3 noobs today that all asked for 200 Plat 1 earlier last week

Tbh you are the "Noob" here. Trade channel is a free place. You can accept the trade or not. Insulting people is not going to get you lower prices. World is not a nice place.

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