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The Nyx Rework Thread


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Frost and Excalibur got a rework during the last updates and are quite nice now.

Time for the developers to give another frame some love: The Nyx Warframe.


What's wrong with her?
She is supposed to be a crowd-control frame but all she ever seems to do is her absorb ability.

Her 1st ability sounds nice but since the controlled enemy has a terrible A.I. you will mostly never get any use of controlling him. Her 2nd ability is just... yeah, just crap. I have never seen anyone using this efficiently. Her 3rd is nice but there are better alternatives for other frames. Irradiating Disarm for making fuss in enemy rows, Molecular Prime for stopping the speed of attack. Her 4th is the only thing that is very good but let's be honest: Its just boring like some kind of ticking time bomb u charge up to *boom* the map.


This concept reworks many abilities but is focussed on maintaining her current role as a crowd-control frame.


1.) Mind Control

Will remain the same like it is now but with two small changes that need to be done.

First DE will seriously have to make a controlled target way more aggressive. Turn off the hiding function and let it rush towards enemies firing like hell. Second, make the ability work permanentely with small energy drain over time (like 3 energy/second) until you toggle it off with the hotkey again.


2.) Psychic Bolts

This ability will get a complete change. First this ability does not deal any damage anymore. Secondly the amount of projectils will be increased to 9/12/15/18. Each projectil will seek for an enemy and attach himself to it. The bolts will prefer enemies who don't have one projectile attached but if there is none left the will also attach to surroundings or already marked enemies. Pressing the Hotkey again will detonate all attached bolts with Psychic Energy releasing a Psychic Wave from each enemy with a radius of 1/2/3/4 meters, stunning them for a short amount of time. Each bolt has a change to release one random status effect with its wave. One bolt may freeze enemies, one may set them on fire, one may irradiate enemies and one may magnetize and so on. It is completely random and you will not know what bolt will release what wave before.


This randomness and pure confusion is pure chaos in my opinion and since each wave staggers a bit it would improve the crowd-controlling ability of Nyx enormously.


3.) Chaos

Fine as it is except with one thing.

You should be able to recast it while one Chaos is still active.

Its annoying while you only have one affected enemy left somewhere on the map and you're not able to recast it on the twenty other ones right in front of you.


4.) Absorb

Its just boring as it is now. A tank-ability with high damage output after time.

I would suggest the Absorb Bubble to stay as it is right now and sill absorbing damage.

The energy drain per second should be increased to the amount of energy consumed like in Mesas Peacemaker.

However you will NOT accumulate damage anymore. When being hit the Nyx Bubble should spawn one Psychic Bolt instantly chasing after the person that hit the bubble. However other than in the 2nd ability the Bolt will detonate instantly, will have not wave effect and will only apply the status effect to the one who attacked. The stagger effect will remain but with a shorter duration. When releasing the absorb ability all nearby enemies minds will be overwhelmed by Nyx's Psychic Power forcing them to fight for you for 2/2/3/4 seconds. After the inferior mind control ends, they will still remain confused with the Chaos effect for 4/6/8/10 seconds.




You think this concept is rotation all the same abilitys cross-over the whole skill set? Yes, because that what it should be. Nyx is supposed to be a mind breaker all the way round. You can control enemies, deal lots of procs and make them confused with your ultimate at the same time. But consider the ultimate is an energy eater and all effects done by the ultimate are worse than their single counterparts in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd abilty.



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I think Nyx is pretty OK right now. She just need a smart approach to her duration mods from the player. As for Psychic Bolts, it'll be better, if projectiles debuff enemy armor. C'mon, Phorid drop her parts and use very similar "razor-sharp quills" that can "rip your warframe to shreds".

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Nyx is mostly fine. She could minimize threat from the whole map with ease. Only Psychic Bolt needs rework since as is it's useless. WIth low damage it should come with high control, like make the enemy writhe in terrible headache for 5 seconds and dropping their armor and/or shield.

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Looking at it from, a theory point of view, (my Nyx is cooking in the foundry atm), psychic bolt's issue is in part it's energy cost. Whilst the number of targets is limited even compared to a well place typical 25 energy attack ability like slash dash, it's also costing considerably more energy. It would still be weak if you halved the energy, but it would be a lot better.


To truly make it work at 25 energy i think you'd have to make the number of bolts scale off power strength, make the bleed proc automatic, and add a guaranteed confuse effect, (with the augment delaying the application of it till the stun wears off).

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