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Final Harbinger Drop Rate


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no plat left since the last event


and will wait until i get a 50% discount


trading... well nobody wanna trade they just want plat.


i dont know if i should farm in a group (with nekros) or alone (with nekros as well)

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seriously DE i made 80!!! runs with Nekros so far and this damn mod hasnt dropped once


i am really really tired of this game by now when i think there are even rarer mods like Vermillion Storm or Four Riders


How can this be more rare then vermillion storm? For both you need to to the Tyl Regor assassination and there are a few more manics then manic bombards.


But I agree, locking mods behind enemies that are that rare is not good.

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How can this be more rare then vermillion storm? For both you need to to the Tyl Regor assassination and there are a few more manics then manic bombards.


But I agree, locking mods behind enemies that are that rare is not good.

read again please


i never said final harbinger is rarer than vermillion storm.

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Ya know... nothing says you have to get it as soon as possible. There's always trading too. The only one responsible for making you sick of the game and burned out is yourself. Not the game's fault. It's a F2P game, if everything just came to you like everyone seems to want- DE would never make plat sales...

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Ya know... nothing says you have to get it as soon as possible. There's always trading too. The only one responsible for making you sick of the game and burned out is yourself. Not the game's fault. It's a F2P game, if everything just came to you like everyone seems to want- DE would never make plat sales...

when i do over 80 runs with nekros i should really be able to get that single mod!

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A clanmate got it on his 3rd run while farming for Equinox. But I agree, super rare enemies like Manics shouldn't drop so important mods or at least have a higher chance to drop a mod to begin with.

+1 for gif. -1 for "rare enemies shouldn't drop important mods" for 2 reasons: firstly, those manics are guaranteed spawns every run on tyl- there's nothing rare about them. Secondly, ALL mods are important- save a few absolutely worthless ones that shouldn't exist. +1 again for tougher/rarer enemies having an increased chance to drop at least SOMETHING. Drekar heavy gunners have a guaranteed rare resource as well as guaranteed mod drop. This was going in the right direction- but took about 5 steps when it only needed to take 2. They should DEFINITELY not be guaranteed, the insane amount of surplus of all those mods and resources I have now is starting to make me hate Uranus, it feels too easy.

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btw. havent dropped vermillion storm either

Have you considered doing what EVERYONE else does and selling some stuff then using the plat you get to get it instead of trying to trade directly? >_>

yes and nobody is @(*()$ answering when i use the trade chat, and i got some rare prime stuff.

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yes and nobody is @(*()$ answering when i use the trade chat, and i got some rare prime stuff.

Give an example of "rare prime stuff"- because I have the feeling you're wrong or highly overpricing if people aren't jumping at actual rare stuff. Also- there's not always going to be someone on that is going to want whatever you're trying to sell, trading is 60% patience. If you're not patient enough to use trading, then you can just wait to get a discount and buy plat like you said. Also, you seem to be getting mad. We're just trying to help mate.


EDIT: and in reply to your other reply to me of "doing 80 runs with nekros should get you the mod". No. No it shouldn't. RNG exists, 80 runs with nekros and desecrating each corpse of the what is it like 4 manics each run? That ends up being around 1/640 manics drops the mod, for a rare stance mod compared to MANY other things in the game, that's very very high. If it was that high, everyone could get it in a short amount of time, again hurting DE's sales.

Edited by Stratego89
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the mod is uncommon not rare!

yes i am mad after farming for days now

per run there are about 6-8 Manics so, do the math. (Manics are immune to Hydroids tentacles btw. which is another bullS#&$)


well this mechanic hurts DEs sales as well because i wont buy any plat until they ll do something about the whole dropsystem which is flawed since i began to play (and i play this game for a looong time now)


btw. DE decided to use a F2P model not the players so they have to live with the risk!

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+1 for gif. -1 for "rare enemies shouldn't drop important mods" for 2 reasons: firstly, those manics are guaranteed spawns every run on tyl- there's nothing rare about them. Secondly, ALL mods are important- save a few absolutely worthless ones that shouldn't exist. +1 again for tougher/rarer enemies having an increased chance to drop at least SOMETHING. Drekar heavy gunners have a guaranteed rare resource as well as guaranteed mod drop. This was going in the right direction- but took about 5 steps when it only needed to take 2. They should DEFINITELY not be guaranteed, the insane amount of surplus of all those mods and resources I have now is starting to make me hate Uranus, it feels too easy.


While Drekar Manics aren't that rare, normal Manics definitely are. The fact that an enemy, which spawns in quantities of 1 (bare Drekar ones again) has the same chance to drop a mod as cannonfodder which spawns in countless amounts is really bad. It shouldn't be a guaranteed drop, but it should be much higher than it is right now.


Most mods are important, yes, but they also have mods on their droptable that a variety of other much more common enemies already drop. Their table shouldn't be diluted with garbage like Fast Hands or North Wind (which has 8 other drop sources according to wiki) if the droprate is going to stay this low.


So either increase the chance for mod drops from rare enemies like Manics or remove diluting garbage from their droptable.

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How can this be more rare then vermillion storm? For both you need to to the Tyl Regor assassination and there are a few more manics then manic bombards.


But I agree, locking mods behind enemies that are that rare is not good.

I actually got Vermillion Storm while farming for Final Harbinger.

Got Vermillion Storm after around 30 runs with Nekros.

I'm now at around 40-50 Nekros runs, still no Final Harbinger in sight.



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While Drekar Manics aren't that rare, normal Manics definitely are. The fact that an enemy, which spawns in quantities of 1 (bare Drekar ones again) has the same chance to drop a mod as cannonfodder which spawns in countless amounts is really bad. It shouldn't be a guaranteed drop, but it should be much higher than it is right now.


Most mods are important, yes, but they also have mods on their droptable that a variety of other much more common enemies already drop. Their table shouldn't be diluted with garbage like Fast Hands or North Wind (which has 8 other drop sources according to wiki) if the droprate is going to stay this low.


So either increase the chance for mod drops from rare enemies like Manics or remove diluting garbage from their droptable.

-So... exactly what I just said... on enemies that are rarer spawns or a lot tougher than normal, the overall drop rate for mods/resources should be buffed- but not guaranteed. Again, LITERALLY what I just said and what you are replying to...


-"If the droprate is going to stay this low" yes, again like I said. If the overall mod drop rate is increased, the drop rate for specific rare mods will not feel nearly as bad.


-Removing other mods is not the answer, we should not be guaranteed to get a specific mod when an enemy eventually does drop a mod. People would never ever complain that a mod is hard to get because other mods drop instead, because there would be NO RARE MODS at that point... that's the point of rare mods- they are rare. Not to mention the fact that if they did remove the other drops, they'd probably nerf the overall mod drop rate to make up for it, buffing the overall chance to drop any mod when killed is a much better choice than removing all other mods from the table and dumping the RNG that was contained in that onto the chance of getting a mod at all. I would MUCH rather get SOMETHING than NOTHING. No one has a right to complain about anything they get ever- it can all be used one way or another, but everyone has a right to complain if we couldn't even get anything to begin with.

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i dont know if i should farm in a group (with nekros) or alone (with nekros as well)

Cookies in the oven (>♡~♡)>

You should farm in a Groupe, from self expirience more spawn in boss battle when in a squad rather than alone.

Besides cookies taste better with people to enjoy them with, here have one (>^_^)>(',)

Even though I got it from solo play, no Nekros. (*_*)

Edited by DaRealLokaBoy
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