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What Is Really There For Endgame Players?


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Okay, bear with me here- I know that Void T4s and such are geared toward endgame players and such- but ultimately, there's not a whole lot there for them. Sure, it's always fun to get that new prime warframe that just came out, but even that doesn't take much skill. Essentially, it's an easy grind you do over and over again. The raid was pretty fun, but that too is relatively easy. I think that it would be really cool if there was a tileset/special missions/challenges ONLY for endgame players of a certain mastery rank- and not just missions that are, "go collect a and bring to b" or "Kill # amount of enemies then leave". Some missions with some more depth to them wouldn't go amiss. (more like how stealth missions are now. Those a really cool.) A endgame mission that is ridiculously hard to beat with a low chance of winning, yet always awards a great endgame reward IF you finish it. A mission that you grind not because you keep wanting to get a certain item every time you finish- (Void missions) -But one that you and your squad grind because you haven't even been able to finish it despite having endgame mods/warframes/weapons and such- and getting to the end is an achievement in itself.

I've played warframe for quite some time now, but here am I am with only an easy grind for new gear left. I'm not sure if I missed anything that's truly challenging, but I just have a hard time playing now that everything seems like its all just for the weapons and continuous void runs- not much glory- except for in some occasional challenges that arrive then are gone, like the infestation event this august.


Anyway, those are my thoughts. If I missed any end game activities, then I guess just type 'em below.

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Many people consider 'endgame' content something that'll keep them interested in the game they play.

There is no such thing as endgame content. Mainly because there is nothing in this game that will keep you busy forever. IMHO.

So please, don't ask for something that doesn't exist. Eventually, you'll know everything about this game, or lose interest for not seeing enough new content. I keep myself occupied by checking if there are missions available that I enjoy(those are rare), or by diving into the lore of the game, and filling in the gaps, or  studying the lore that's in place.

But besides that, theres very little things that are still exciting to do. It's all kindof "been there, done that." A shame, as I really liked it when I started. But now, most missions are trivial.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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yeah my brother has like 1200+ hours in the game. i have no idea what to do in this game for that amount of time. this game is so empty content wise.


i believe he was waiting for "endgame" which will never come... well not with this developer it seems.

Edited by LeshJaeThiHah
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End-game is never going to be a thing for this game. As soon as something new comes out, most of the players will power-game it to no end, and due to our frames power, new content will be cheesed in a very short amount of time, after the new content has been cheesed, players will come back here and complain that there is no end-game because they already cheesed it. 


Unless ratio between player-power to enemy-power/numbers get's a bit more even and cheekibreeki mechanics are ironed out, a proper end-game that will keep players engaged for a long time will never happen for this game. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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If you have seen Steve's teaser during the tennovip he mentioned something about Super hard missions for veterans / strong players that they are planning to put on u18.

Btw I didnt read your wall of text I just assumed that you were looking for an endgame based on your title.

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Yah, there should be some exclusive missions for each 10 to 10 mastery ranks, something that also takes in account the conclave rank so the false high mastery players dont end up there when they aren't worth it.


Manly something that makes us feel special and good for playing so long, and having our unique elitist content.


Also, pretty sure raids aren't end game content, they are bad and non-rewording, so it's like the hardest most mehhh content around.


Just divagating now but, what if end game content was like exterminations with 500 or 1000 enemies, or captures with 30 targets, etc, something long and more strategic maybe, and with some sort of reward that all the veterans could agree to be worth (but again, locked by mastery and conclave rating).

Edited by 7grims
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Endgame has always been a key topic brought up by DE in various livestreams and im more than sure its something that is on the radar when it comes to the future longevity of Warframe.


There have been many mentions of the "focus system" which DESteve had already hinted at it being an answer to the end game conundrum, behind the scenes this system had taken on a variety of foundations and would seem to be something that DE has been considering for a long while although there hasnt been any official statement as to the state of it currently to my knowledege.


As for what the Focus systems is/ was it was "focused" (no pun intended) on putting all the extra xp we get in missions after we reach cap to an actual use for your Weapons/Warframes etc. It would provide buffs and a variety of options down the line that would allow you to customize your experience further through continued play with a particular warframe/weapon. If i remember correctly at the time a comparison to the Diablo paragon system was made although it was said it would still be different from that not just a paragon clone and that everything was still open to be changed completley.                       


I must say when this was first announced i was really excited of the "Endgame" DE were pitching and it really had me thinking of all these possibilities with where they could go with it, This was back before the Archwing Expansion was released, so it has been a fair amount of time since we have had any major updates on the state of the "Focus System" the last mention of it in a livestream was DESteve talking about how the Syndicates had taken over part of the initial vision of what the focus system was to become and that it was probably going to change the structure of the illusive focus system once more.


 All this doesnt directly answer your question, i thought it may help in answering some of your concerns, although as of right now there is no date for when or even if this system will be implemented any time soon but i can assure you it is something DE is very aware of how integral it is to the future of their game.


As for playtime in the current game it is what you make it, Warframe is and will continue to be a fantastic game IMHO. Like anything it has its Flaws where things can be made better and at times the light at the end of the tunnel had dwindled somewhat, yet im still here playing years later with over 2000+ hours in game. Warframe is continually evolving and for some it will never be fast enough as for others there will always be too much content for them to digest; DE is trying to get the balance right before releasing this answer to Endgame and to that i can only be glad for i truly believe it will be amazing when it happens and im confident that it will!


sorry for it being a tad long that just happened :D

Edited by SanguineSol
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 future longevity of Warframe

there is nothing to do in warframe right now!


Mindless power spamming and a lot of crowd control.

mmm you know even if i don't really like 'glide' that much, change in the basic game mechanics, parkour, makes me hope that one day DE will also change melee, damage, scaling, modding mechanics as well.

Edited by LeshJaeThiHah
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Forget about the focus system, steve mentioned long ago they have leaked most of the focus system features as augments mods and arcane enhancements.

And I'm pretty sure the dev's have given up, or moved on about those ideas they must regret of ever talking of focus, since the community doesn't seem to forget about it.

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I want to see a Survival, or any mission I guess, start at enemy level 200. T5 key or call it what you like. Give us something that we struggle to get past 10mins in. Waiting 80min+ in a T4 surv for the enemies to get hard is the boring part. Start it off at the 80min mark.

May not be for everybody and I am sure we will get the whole "we want smarter AI, not harder enemies" argument. Smart AI doesn't seem to be coming in the very near future but releasing a few T5 keys to hold us over could work.

Just my thoughts.

Edited by (PS4)J_DANGER_
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End game for me:


1. Breed lots of Kubrows.

2. Farm argon crystals to keep my Kubrow empire supplied with power cores.

3. Break lots of Kubrow dens.

4. Forma S#&$ty weapons.

5. See how long I can go in T4S with various frames.

6. Farm cores because I need to get that useless primed mod to 10/10.

7. Pray to RNGesus to drop me 1 Onorix blade so I can finally complete the full, non-exclusive collection.

8. Experiment with different looks for my frames and weapons... because Fashionframe.

9. Help out newbies in my clan.


End game for a lot of other players also includes:


1. Argue about which S#&$ty weapon is the best with 6 forma.

2. Complain about Boltor and Soma Prime scrubs.

3. Ask for reworks of various frames/weapons 24/7.

4. Curse the Stalker for not dropping that one last weapon they need.

5. Try to fill-in gaps in the neglected lore of the game.


Honestly, there's not much else you can expect in a PvE game. Enemy AI can hardly compete with players unless given ridiculous abilities that make end-game content rather pointless and frustrating. If players can't overcome an obstacle through skill, they will rapidly lose interest. PvP could be the end-game for a lot of people, but I personally find it annoying that I have to run specific loadouts just to be on an equal "meta" playing field with others. There's only so much permanent stunning I can tolerate.

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Well, end game players are bassically people who are completionists....or people who have compeleted everything of interest. Like the lore, getting arcanes, all the weapons max rank, all missions cleared, all frames, all mods rich people with primed chamber. So basically, people that is at the endgame or near the endgame either complain or find THAT ONE misplacement THAT THEY HAVEN'T FIXED ON THE WARFRAME WEBSITE FOR for well about 1-3 month?(forgot to report it) or whenever the new website design came out.

So yeah, endgame players either have fun or complain either way. even though i'm tring to max out every weapon and frame....


Unrelated content will have a line for caution and spoilers.

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I think Conclave PvP is pretty good. I find myself playing that whenever I log lately, if not helping out new players etc with stuff. I think scanning things is a pretty fun completionist thing to do as well, but if your not into that I understand.


Ultimately, a game has a limited amount of content. Games eventually become dated or grow old as new concepts are realized and new games become popular etc. That is one of the reason's I think Warframe is so great, here we are on update 17, and the games potential for expansion hasn't changed despite all the new things the game has had added to it. DE is committed to adding new things for players to do, while improving the old. I think, that "eventually" Warframe will reach the end of it's lifespan, but DE can easily take all the tested, successful content of this game and use it as a template for the next one should that happen, so ultimately, you play Warframe cause you want too. If you've lost interest and a whole lot of other games are competing for your attention, thats completely fair, and I don't think Warframe suddenly catering to veteran player content is gonna make the game better anyway.


for me, Parkour 2.0 was a huge step towards something greater, the potential future that warframe can have, and Parkour 2.0 can still be improved on but ultimately, it opens up ways for map exploration and level design not previously accessible to a lot of the playerbase. That to me is really exciting.


In short, I think for Veteran players, DE's commitment to the game is enough to keep me interested (as well as fun gameplay mechanics), even if I don't log on every Wednesday, I still want to see whats new, I still want to see what the devs are doing, etc.


That said, if DE ever does make a Warframe 2, it won't be for a while I'm sure, but if they end up doing it, I think they could really perfect the formula with a second go around. 

Edited by Temphis
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Willing to bet DE focusing on current content rather than endgame. Didn't they mention a starchart something something? The current starchart is just a mess in which only 20 or so nodes out of 200 are visited regularly.

If they do have a plan for endgame, I would prefer a new game type. Excavation was exciting when it first came out and it still is one of the more fun ones.

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Well raids are supposed to be endgame, but all they are just huge CC orgies.

Yeah but I will never do them. When I paid to be a founder years ago this game had no raids, it wasn't WoW or anything like that (games I dislike) which is why I supported it. I'd never support a mmo  raid game. That's why I don't buy platinum anymore.  I prefer all the other stuff, just fun solo or 2 player stuff. It would be better if there was more tilesets, more customization on the warframe's themselves, like removing things. I'd like a map editor the players can make content with. I don't even care if nothing drops in those, it would be more to build new designs and load it up with enemies to fight. Similar to what City of Heroes did and Cryptic does with games like Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, but better, I don't enjoy those games creation tools.  Maybe doing something like Doom 4 is going to do that would sure breathe life into the Solo/2-player content I want since I could create maps based entirely on that scale.

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Yeah but I will never do them. When I paid to be a founder years ago this game had no raids, it wasn't WoW or anything like that (games I dislike) which is why I supported it. I'd never support a mmo  raid game. That's why I don't buy platinum anymore.  I prefer all the other stuff, just fun solo or 2 player stuff. It would be better if there was more tilesets, more customization on the warframe's themselves, like removing things. I'd like a map editor the players can make content with. I don't even care if nothing drops in those, it would be more to build new designs and load it up with enemies to fight. Similar to what City of Heroes did and Cryptic does with games like Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, but better, I don't enjoy those games creation tools.  Maybe doing something like Doom 4 is going to do that would sure breathe life into the Solo/2-player content I want since I could create maps based entirely on that scale.

Yea I actually prefer story themed stuffs rather than raids.

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^^ that would require a lot of work. before implementation, during and after. you need to supply your player base with newer "story themed stuffs". *


i don't mind raids tbh, but i find them boring. because of the how we play them:


Well raids are supposed to be endgame, but all they are just huge CC orgies.

warframe as a game would be better if we would have a more diverse way to play this game. i still don't understand why DE actually added raids... this game mode shows all the flaws of the product. flawed mechanics and design. all the limitations we, as players, should endure because of the poor design of basics of the game.


* take a look at spy game mode. be as good as it is, with time it becomes dull and trivial. especially with parkour 2.0. if DE can't/won't supply us with new spy rooms on a constant basis, i wouldn't expect better missions in general from them. especially lore themed.

Edited by LeshJaeThiHah
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Actually I feel like community is regarding raids as endgame based on their experiences in other MMO. I know for sure it is definately not the endgame. For all we know LoR might even be an intro to raids to new players in the future. The basis of LoR is also really lack lustre. It is based on revenge for Fomorian attack on relays right? What would future players relate to? Vesper Relay being missing? Lol. LoR might as well be a history simulation.

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Actually I feel like community is regarding raids as endgame based on their experiences in other MMO. I know for sure it is definately not the endgame. For all we know LoR might even be an intro to raids to new players in the future. The basis of LoR is also really lack lustre. It is based on revenge for Fomorian attack on relays right? What would future players relate to? Vesper Relay being missing? Lol. LoR might as well be a history simulation.


LoR is like an event which got turned into a permanent Raid.

Whilst it was a much welcome change from T4S, T4D, occasionally T4I. and Draco, its problems became more obvious over time and were exacerbated in Nightmare mode:

Making a 4-stage mission fail due to one player.

Easily and consistently cheesed using the overpowered Bastille and Molecular Prime skills.

Raid seemed really challenging to begin with because nobody had a clue what they were doing and nobody brought 

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Leaderboards could be a great idea in terms of endgame-motivation and could give players with maxed out gear more reason to play the game and actually do stuff with all their gear.


Leaderboards for longest T4 Survival time, Interception and Defense waves, one that tracks the shortest raid times and so on. Maybe have different ones for different group sizes (1-4 players for T4 for example)

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