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Why I've Lost Trust In De


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People overreacted about the pilfering swarm change and greedy pull was ruining mag.


Ultimately, it's their game, and if the playerbase had their way we'd have no balance. There is literally no reason for them to ever listen to their community or even bother announcing changes ahead of time, but they do both things more than is expected.

Could you stop shilling for just one minute? Mag being ruined was not an "overreaction". The game is based on either spending money or grinding into boredom and beyond. GP was a tremendous asset in lessening the burden of arbitrary grinding, and now the players suffer for it.

You would think that certain individuals who actually did the math in regards to game balance, damage output, etc. would be a bit more knowledgeable on the variables that makes the game enjoyable. If the mixture is off, as it is right now, gameplay suffers accordingly.

Listening to the community is by far the wisest path to take. Not that I wish to imply that you have to bend to the collective will of a bunch of Warframe players (indeed if they did this game would have collapsed a long time ago) but it stands to reason that constantly making incredibly questionable choices that not only enrage the general playerbase, but also make active players leave the game for other options.

This is just one of many examples of DE's curious choices as of late. There comes a point where you start to question whether they actually want to make a great game, or just a passable one. You know, a mushy carrot sort of dangling in front of your milky eyes that makes you continue to shuffle for another couple of steps. I think that everybody on the "lower" level of the devs know in their hearts that this game has such astounding potential, if only the higher-ups weren't so profit-obsessed. We're content with "okay", and it'll never go away.

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Then you are close enough to them to do a quick resupply run by Mag. In fact, it is actually easier because she was collecting all the loot from everyone's drops in a central location, so you don't have to run as far to collect it.

So I'm either close enough to bend over backwards for my loot, or I'm a hallway hero? Holy assumptions Batman!

How about actually letting me use my weapon of choice for more than 2 minutes without having to run back an forth between the enemies I'm trying to kill us and the Mag working on that 2 million alloy plate?

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And there goes your credibility.

I know that you are unaccustomed to people having real opinions on the forums, I understand how this must be distressing for you.

However, please stay on topic. Greedy Pull could be rectified so damn easily. The key to playing with other players is teamwork, as it should be.

What sort of message does DE send when high-level grind was hobbled by this nerf? To call it abuse is to insult your playerbase.

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I know that you are unaccustomed to people having real opinions on the forums, I understand how this must be distressing for you.

However, please stay on topic. Greedy Pull could be rectified so damn easily. The key to playing with other players is teamwork, as it should be.

What sort of message does DE send when high-level grind was hobbled by this nerf? To call it abuse is to insult your playerbase.

Well the player base should pull up its big boy pants, because abuse is exactly what they did with it.
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Could you stop shilling for just one minute? Mag being ruined was not an "overreaction". The game is based on either spending money or grinding into boredom and beyond. GP was a tremendous asset in lessening the burden of arbitrary grinding, and now the players suffer for it.

You would think that certain individuals who actually did the math in regards to game balance, damage output, etc. would be a bit more knowledgeable on the variables that makes the game enjoyable. If the mixture is off, as it is right now, gameplay suffers accordingly.

Listening to the community is by far the wisest path to take. Not that I wish to imply that you have to bend to the collective will of a bunch of Warframe players (indeed if they did this game would have collapsed a long time ago) but it stands to reason that constantly making incredibly questionable choices that not only enrage the general playerbase, but also make active players leave the game for other options.

This is just one of many examples of DE's curious choices as of late. There comes a point where you start to question whether they actually want to make a great game, or just a passable one. You know, a mushy carrot sort of dangling in front of your milky eyes that makes you continue to shuffle for another couple of steps. I think that everybody on the "lower" level of the devs know in their hearts that this game has such astounding potential, if only the higher-ups weren't so profit-obsessed. We're content with "okay", and it'll never go away.

Pretty much this.



Well the player base should pull up its big boy pants, because abuse is exactly what they did with it.

And the devs should do the same thing. The players abused an abusive system. Layer upon layer of heavily weighted RNG, random chance on top of more random chance, and that "random" itself isn't all that random, since it is directly influenced.

It's boring, it's the most artificial way to lenghten the lifespan of a game, and is generally just a show of laziness or lack of knowledge on the developer's part.

The players aren't necessarily lazy. Most just want efficiency. They want to be able to enjoy the game as much as possible with what free time they have without spending weeks on end grinding the same, boring content for one or two shinies. The blame is shared here, it always was. But only the devs can make the first step in the right direction, because it is indeed their game, THEY decide, not us. We can only wait for THEM to start walking along the "right" path, and then follow and support them. Then, and only then, can things get better, less abuse, more fun for everyone. But I repeat, the FIRST step can only come from the game's developer, not the playerbase. Because we don't have the key to the realm, They do.

Edited by Marthrym
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AMMO and ENERGY were exclusively controlled by MAG. Two things that directly affected performance of the ENTIRE TEAM. I had to use Latron Prime again during the whole Gmag shenanigans because I couldn't be arsed to chase Mag around the room for an hour if I wanted to shoot something.

This is all you people have in the way of an argument? Don't like it don't play? Do you honestly think that that is a solution to any extent? It isn't an answer to the problem. It will never be an answer. But please, tell me more why a 4 man team should revolve around the whims of one.


 I'm against peoples people who create artificial problems. If some idiots troll game using Loki's teleport, that means, DE should change it? Becasue some idiots use it improperly?


I don't say: Don't like, don't play. I say: You have a choice.


Its really strange to me. Why some people don't use their choice, instad wailing. For exemple, if I search Survival Camp mode, and someone wanna running, i don't play with him. Simple? Simple.


So tell me, who force you to play with gmag? Who force gmag to use gp alltime? Who force anyone to anything? Same thing with other issues. Who force you to take Frost for Def? Stay inside Ice Globe? No one! It's your choice. Sometimes can be necessity, but if you like run around and die, it's your choice!.

Who force you to get Mesa for game? No one. If you don't like idea of one frame kill everything, you can try play with other squad.


Do you get it?

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Could you stop shilling for just one minute? Mag being ruined was not an "overreaction". The game is based on either spending money or grinding into boredom and beyond. GP was a tremendous asset in lessening the burden of arbitrary grinding, and now the players suffer for it.

You would think that certain individuals who actually did the math in regards to game balance, damage output, etc. would be a bit more knowledgeable on the variables that makes the game enjoyable. If the mixture is off, as it is right now, gameplay suffers accordingly.

Listening to the community is by far the wisest path to take. Not that I wish to imply that you have to bend to the collective will of a bunch of Warframe players (indeed if they did this game would have collapsed a long time ago) but it stands to reason that constantly making incredibly questionable choices that not only enrage the general playerbase, but also make active players leave the game for other options.

This is just one of many examples of DE's curious choices as of late. There comes a point where you start to question whether they actually want to make a great game, or just a passable one. You know, a mushy carrot sort of dangling in front of your milky eyes that makes you continue to shuffle for another couple of steps. I think that everybody on the "lower" level of the devs know in their hearts that this game has such astounding potential, if only the higher-ups weren't so profit-obsessed. We're content with "okay", and it'll never go away.



Edited by Empiren
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 I'm against peoples people who create artificial problems. If some idiots troll game using Loki's teleport, that means, DE should change it? Becasue some idiots use it improperly?


I don't say: Don't like, don't play. I say: You have a choice.


Its really strange to me. Why some people don't use their choice, instad wailing. For exemple, if I search Survival Camp mode, and someone wanna running, i don't play with him. Simple? Simple.


So tell me, who force you to play with gmag? Who force gmag to use gp alltime? Who force anyone to anything? Same thing with other issues. Who force you to take Frost for Def? Stay inside Ice Globe? No one! It's your choice. Sometimes can be necessity, but if you like run around and die, it's your choice!.

Who force you to get Mesa for game? No one. If you don't like idea of one frame kill everything, you can try play with other squad.


Do you get it?

You are right that we have the choice to not play with idiots that abuse a flawed mechanic but, most of the time we don't know they're idiots until we're in the mission/key/raid/whatever. 


How often have you left a team halfway through because someone was being stupid with an ability?  Unless it's a serious troll and not an inconvenience, no one leaves because they don't want their time wasted or lose the rewards.  It's not like there's some way of seeing that a player will go Pull crazy, or Switch Teleport spastic.  You have to spend the time to find that out.


Finding a new game to play that doesn't have these kinds of situations is a reasonable choice, yes.  But what about the people that want to help improve the game, smooth out the rough areas?  Or, the people that have dumped a lot of money into Warframe and feel entitled to a certain amount of bang for their buck?


Yes, that is their choice, but that doesn't mean they can't give feedback or offer their opinions and find someway to make it balance with the rest of the game.  If them 'wailing' bothers you so much, why don't you make the choice to not read their posts?


Oh, right.  You wont know it's 'wailing' until you read it.


And the devs should do the same thing. The players abused an abusive system. Layer upon layer of heavily weighted RNG, random chance on top of more random chance, and that "random" itself isn't all that random, since it is directly influenced.

It's boring, it's the most artificial way to lenghten the lifespan of a game, and is generally just a show of laziness or lack of knowledge on the developer's part.

The players aren't necessarily lazy. Most just want efficiency. They want to be able to enjoy the game as much as possible with what free time they have without spending weeks on end grinding the same, boring content for one or two shinies. The blame is shared here, it always was. But only the devs can make the first step in the right direction, because it is indeed their game, THEY decide, not us. We can only wait for THEM to start walking along the "right" path, and then follow and support them. Then, and only then, can things get better, less abuse, more fun for everyone. But I repeat, the FIRST step can only come from the game's developer, not the playerbase. Because we don't have the key to the realm, They do.


I agree with this. 

Edited by Noamuth
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Do note that the weapon's stats have no effect what so ever on EB's damage, therefore there is no reason that Dakra Prime is better than any other melee on Excalibur.

Do note that you are not in EB 100% of the time, therefore it matters.  If all weapons work the same while in EB, and one is the best outside of it, then the one that works the best outside of it is the only logical choice.

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Do note that you are not in EB 100% of the time, therefore it matters.  If all weapons work the same while in EB, and one is the best outside of it, then the one that works the best outside of it is the only logical choice.

And it just so happens the mod synergy is equal to the current top-tier weapons



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Do note that you are not in EB 100% of the time, therefore it matters.  If all weapons work the same while in EB, and one is the best outside of it, then the one that works the best outside of it is the only logical choice.

If you put it that way then there's no point in using Dakra since EB will out-damage it by far.  Makes more sense to bring a more utility-focused melee that can generate many procs (Serro, Lecta, etc) or one with a large slam knockdown radius like Orthos Prime or Jat Kittag.  Abusing the ragdoll bonus damage bug with Obex, Scindo Prime, or one of the other eligible weapons would also be more fruitful if going for damage without EB turned on.  



And it just so happens the mod synergy is equal to the current top-tier weapons



There's no real mod synergy except in the case of crit builds, really, and EB only has a 2x base modifier and 15% base chance, so it's no Hysteria in that regard.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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You are right that we have the choice to not play with idiots that abuse a flawed mechanic but, most of the time we don't know they're idiots until we're in the mission/key/raid/whatever. 





Thank you, captain obvious! So if you play with someone, and he proves to be an idiot or a troll, just don't play with him anymore. Ignore and let it go. Don't nerf something, beasue some people are idiots/trolls.


I reapet: If some player troll game using Loki teleport that means DE should nerf Loki and change teleport ability? Hell no. Just don't play with this player anymore. Done.

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Thank you, captain obvious! So if you play with someone, and he proves to be an idiot or a troll, just don't play with him anymore. Ignore and let it go. Don't nerf something, beasue some people are idiots/trolls.


I reapet: If some player troll game using Loki teleport that means DE should nerf Loki and change teleport ability? Hell no. Just don't play with this player anymore. Done.

You're stating the obvious as well. So, O'Obvious One, what would you suggest people when when 1/3 of the Loki's they run into are all trolls?

Keep in mind, putting someone on ignore doesn't guarantee they won't be in the same team nor does it stop them from trolling you again.

Also, Switch Teleport did get changed due to trolls using it on people at extraction. Why? Because that's where the most abuse was happening. Greedy Pull got nerfed because of the amount of abuse it was receiving, across the board.

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