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Why I've Lost Trust In De


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OMG, really?


You're stating the obvious as well. So, O'Obvious One, what would you suggest people when when 1/3 of the Loki's they run into are all trolls?

Keep in mind, putting someone on ignore doesn't guarantee they won't be in the same team nor does it stop them from trolling you again.

Also, Switch Teleport did get changed due to trolls using it on people at extraction. Why? Because that's where the most abuse was happening. Greedy Pull got nerfed because of the amount of abuse it was receiving, across the board.


Are you serious man? Reading that type of post i have feling most playrs are handicapaed.


If you have a brain, you just can no play with "troll" in team. Just remember nickname. Or dont play with randoms if you dont want have chance to meet troll.


NOTHING guarante to you game without trolling, becasue trolls, idiots and noobs are everywhere. In each game. Simple solution for this is avoid them at is possible. There is no other option. Simply liquidate eveyrthing what can be usuable for trolling is a totaly unreal.


For ppl who think that way i have one, best option: Stop playing in games. Than you have 100% sure for not meet trolls etc. Greatidea, right?

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OMG, really?



Are you serious man? Reading that type of post i have feling most playrs are handicapaed.


If you have a brain, you just can no play with "troll" in team. Just remember nickname. Or dont play with randoms if you dont want have chance to meet troll.


NOTHING guarante to you game without trolling, becasue trolls, idiots and noobs are everywhere. In each game. Simple solution for this is avoid them at is possible. There is no other option. Simply liquidate eveyrthing what can be usuable for trolling is a totaly unreal.


For ppl who think that way i have one, best option: Stop playing in games. Than you have 100% sure for not meet trolls etc. Greatidea, right?

Remember their nickname?


Do you even play Warframe?  Most people I've played with don't know that you can set player names to visible at all times, half of those don't even know you have to push Z to get the team list to show and when was the last time you were trolled and the guy was nice enough to say something in chat, so you could get his or her name?


No, there is no guarantee of 100% troll free gaming.  I never said that.  There will always be a way to troll someone, but saying 'just don't play with them.' isn't going to fix the issues with a game that puts out interesting yet flawed items and mechanics.  'Just don't play the game, or any video game, ever.'  is just plain stupid.  Want to prevent trolling?  Give DE ideas on how to fix as much of the game as possible to limit the amount of trolling available.


Warframe is in development (I really don't care if you agree about it being in beta or not.) DE is asking for our input as well as making changes to the game they feel get them closer to their vision of this game. 


Loki trolling people at extraction, Greedy Pull users keeping all the loot near them, Ripline being used on people at extraction - all things DE felt wasn't part of their vision for the game, so they got changed.  Yeah, it messed with a lot of people, and some of them came to the forums to make threads like this.  By your logic of 'if you don't like it, go away' then we'd never have the QOL improvements that we have now.


Also, might want to work on your own grammar and spelling before implying someone else has a handicap.

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Then you are close enough to them to do a quick resupply run by Mag.  In fact, it is actually easier because she was collecting all the loot from everyone's drops in a central location, so you don't have to run as far to collect it.


Honestly i'm surprised people have such a problem with this. If someone told me "just run by me to resupply your ammo and energy", I'd give them a high five every time. But then again, I play this game as a co-op game, I couldn't care less if all I get are assists as long as I'm being useful and we complete the objective. That's just me. 

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If you put it that way then there's no point in using Dakra since EB will out-damage it by far.  

Uhm.....what? How do you act as if you've read the post then respond with that?


He just mentioned it outside of EB. O_O?


Honestly i'm surprised people have such a problem with this. If someone told me "just run by me to resupply your ammo and energy", I'd give them a high five every time. But then again, I play this game as a co-op game, I couldn't care less if all I get are assists as long as I'm being useful and we complete the objective. That's just me. 


Well you have to remember, the forums are full with people complaining and asking for nerfs because they don't do as good as their teammate.

And of course if DE makes a decision about 60-80% of the people automatically assume it's the right one regardless, which is why the feedback section is such a nightmare.

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Thank you, captain obvious! So if you play with someone, and he proves to be an idiot or a troll, just don't play with him anymore. Ignore and let it go. Don't nerf something, beasue some people are idiots/trolls.


I reapet: If some player troll game using Loki teleport that means DE should nerf Loki and change teleport ability? Hell no. Just don't play with this player anymore. Done.



These are two entirely different situations, though. One is trolling, one is abusing game mechanics.


An ability having major troll potential doesn't warrant a change, an ability that makes all players in a squad press no more than one button outside of circumventing the AFK mechanic is broken and needs a fix.


You can argue that it was a problem with Mesa and not with Gmag, but you can't say that it wasn't a problem.

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 the forums are full with people complaining and asking for nerfs because they don't do as good as their teammate.


[citation needed]


Basing an argument on the motives of others is pointless. You have no way to know what those motives are, and they're irrelevant even if you did.

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At the moment, Warframe is not a game I would spend money on. It's a fantastic game, polished in many aspects, with a significant and mostly friendly community. The game is receiving constant updates with plenty of new content, and it's overall a fun experience. There are 2 things that keep this game from being my absolute favourite game and one that I'd happily spend money on: How DE responds to negative feedback, and how DE responds to players finding workarounds to issues with the game.

When it comes to the community, DE is good at including community content in the game (Design Council, Blade and Gun Challenges, etc) and talking to the community (Developers are active on the forums, Devstreams/Prime Times). The problem is that DE doesn't listen to the community when the community disagrees with a proposed change. Both the Pilfering Swarm and Exalted Blade + Augment changes have been good examples of this:

    - In both cases, DE made a thread announcing the changes ahead of time. This means they had time to review the community's feedback.

    - In both cases, a significant number of people disagreed with how DE was responding to the change. Both threads reached upwards of 10 pages with most of the posts talking about how these changes would negatively affect the game.

    - In both cases, despite having time to review community feedback and having a massive amount of negative feedback sent to them, DE implemented the changes anyway.


It's not hard to see how this would discourage a member of the community from wanting to play the game or spend money on it. Exalted Blade working with augments was an interesting interaction that people in the community capitalized on. By the time DE decided to change this interaction, it was a part of the meta and players liked how it worked. The next time an interesting interaction like this shows up, players will be more reluctant to use it for fear of it getting nerfed or removed in the near future. That, coupled with the fact that DE just ignored what a large portion of the community said, results in a lot less trust in DE.

Nitresco's posts sum up how the average player feels when they take the time to write up a well thought out response to a change, see loads of people supporting their response and disagreeing with the proposed change, and then see the change implimented anyways against the wishes of the community.

Nitresco's response to the EB changes:


Nitresco's post after EB changes were implimented:


Also, despite a popular rumor that's been going around, Exalted Blade being affected by augments was not a bug. DE listed that they added an interaction between Exalted Blade and melee augments in the Hotfix 16.9.4 changelog: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/479235-hotfix-1694/

This was not a case of players abusing a bug, this was players using something exactly as the developers intended, and then the developers pulled the rug out from under them a few updates later, just after everyone had enough time to start utilizing this feature fully and incorporate it into the meta.

The major reason the community didn't want Pilfering Swarm to be nerfed was because it let people obtain loot easier. Warframe's loot drop tables have always been ridiculously skewed, making obtaining a specific mod/resource/prime part/etc time consuming and not fun. Pilfering Swarm with high strength was a workaround that not only allowed players to have somewhat of a solution to this issue, it gave a very underused and disliked warframe a use.


DE's nerf of Pilfering Swarm is a good symbol of DE's reaction to players finding ways to subvert bugs and issues with the game: even if it hurts the end user experience, they'll make things work the way they want it to. This isn't the first time that this sort of change has happened, either: Players used Greedy Pull to pull invisible Syndicate Medallions. DE removed the ability for GPull to pull medallions without ever fixing the invisible medallion issue.

This sort of disregard for the community is why I can't justify spending money on this game, or recommending it to friends without a lengthy disclaimer.


90% of the general posting that complains about something get changed to that.

And you are annoyed that 100% of the suggested changes dont go through.

Come on.

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[citation needed]


Basing an argument on the motives of others is pointless. You have no way to know what those motives are, and they're irrelevant even if you did.



"it's irrelevant, you have to know X, X is irrelevant"


Right.....ok buddy.....

Edited by Empiren
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"it's irrelevant, you have to know X, X is irrelevant"


Right.....ok buddy.....


Let's do a little example:


Imagine there are two players arguing for a change of some sort. Player 1 genuinely is a good person and has the best interests of the game in mind, and believes this change will improve the game. He gives reasons X, Y, and Z in support. Player 2 doesn't care about the game at all and has only malice in his heart, and just wants to ruin something. He gives reasons X, Y, and Z in support.


What is the difference between those two arguments?


Also, were you trying to link a thread?

Edited by vaugahn
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Uhm.....what? How do you act as if you've read the post then respond with that?

He just mentioned it outside of EB. O_O?

Well you have to remember, the forums are full with people complaining and asking for nerfs because they don't do as good as their teammate.

And of course if DE makes a decision about 60-80% of the people automatically assume it's the right one regardless, which is why the feedback section is such a nightmare.

Holy unbased assumptions Batman!
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When calling people out on fallacies, try not to use one yourself


Pray tell, how so you know that 60-80% of the forums blindly agree with DE? How do you know why people give the feedback they do, and why is the reason for the feedback more important than the feedback itself? No straw man here but yours.
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If you put it that way then there's no point in using Dakra since EB will out-damage it by far.  Makes more sense to bring a more utility-focused melee that can generate many procs (Serro, Lecta, etc) or one with a large slam knockdown radius like Orthos Prime or Jat Kittag.  Abusing the ragdoll bonus damage bug with Obex, Scindo Prime, or one of the other eligible weapons would also be more fruitful if going for damage without EB turned on. 

As I said before, you can't be in EB 100% of the time (just most of the time). When you are not in EB the Dakra Prime is the best. When in EB, the Dakra Prime is exactly the same as everything else with the same setup.  You will be both in an out of EB.  Therefore, there is no reason not to use the Dakra Prime.


The only time procs win out over damage is far into the end game, and that requires build for status chance, which would actually make EB weaker, and by the time you are that far into the endgame, you don't want to be within melee range.


Honestly i'm surprised people have such a problem with this. If someone told me "just run by me to resupply your ammo and energy", I'd give them a high five every time. But then again, I play this game as a co-op game, I couldn't care less if all I get are assists as long as I'm being useful and we complete the objective. That's just me. 

Exactly. The majority of people complaining about G-Pull Mag were people that wanted to run off on their own, basically playing a co-op mission as if it were solo.

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Exactly. The majority of people complaining about G-Pull Mag were people that wanted to run off on their own, basically playing a co-op mission as if it were solo.

Woot, over generalizations about the majority of a population in which one would have no valid data on.

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The only thing that bother's me about the change is the damage bonus from syndicate mods doesn't apply, I'm perfectly fine with the syndicate aoe effects not working on EB.
Greedy Pull was great mod, truely, but it turned Mag into the community pack mule. There was also the few instances where bored players would climb to hidden spots and pull the loot there to troll.
Pilfewring swarm is better now that Hydroid doesn't have to be the one killing the enemies for double drops, sure it's a shame that power strength doesn't affect it like it did before, but it's a good trade off imo.

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The only thing that bother's me about the change is the damage bonus from syndicate mods doesn't apply, I'm perfectly fine with the syndicate aoe effects not working on EB.


Pilfewring swarm is better now that Hydroid doesn't have to be the one killing the enemies for double drops, sure it's a shame that power strength doesn't affect it like it did before, but it's a good trade off imo.

Keeping the damage bonus on would maintain the false choice problem since even though the damage is overkill already people insist on getting max damage.


 The PS change was a hefty nerf overall since pretty much everything you would ever want to farm is killable with just  PS so all this did was make sustaining a group in endless missions slightly easier while killing the farming potential.  A purely business-related nerf, unfortunately.  

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