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When Was The Last Time A New Frame Became Your Main Frame?


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Volt was my starter and my main until Mesa. She replaced Volt as my 'most used' by 11% within a month of her release (and contrary to what haters will say, I build her for 2 and 3). Now I find myself playing Equinox more often than any other frame, only time will tell if she'll become my next 'main' though...

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I started with Loki, moved to Saryn, and toyed around with a bunch of other frames before turning towards Trinity probably close to 2 years ago.  I knew I would ultimately turn to her as I love healing and supporting others so I waited to try her until fairly gave the others a shot.

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*checks profile* Excalibur 67% played, 36 million XP.


Eeeh, gonna go with "no" on this one. Been here for little over two years (started at the beginning of May) and through the ups and downs, Excal has just struck that cord that I can't let go. You know what they say about firsts, right?


But for a while I did enjoy playing Rhino. But that might of been out of spite because at the time Rhino was considered useless and weak. As for the newer frames, I have played around with Mesa quite a bit. Not for her abilites, but for her looks.

Edited by Lakais
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Frost Prime here because he was my very first prime Warframe that I got two years ago, maybe a bit more. I think I started playing Warframe when it was update 8.


Edit: I do switch Warframes as well to keep things new, but I guess whenever I am going to go somewhere alone, Frost Prime will make me feel safe inside that snow globe.


Globe, sweet, globe. <3

Edited by GhostShip20
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What is this "main frame" you speak of?


Play all, be all.

To quote myself:



I'd say the frame you find in the liset after login, the frame you use when no particular skills are required and the one you enjoy the most and would like to use in any mission if you could.

Also, usually your actual most used one.

IE: if I have to run a Spy mission, I use Loki Prime, if I run a fast Exterminate in the Void I take Saryn, Nova Prime and Mesa are quite used when I have to run a defense and occasionally I take Trinity if needed. Farming time? Well, Nekros and Hydroid are ready to go!

But these are all single situations, particular occasions where a certain power is needed.

Otherwise, I'd be running Excalibur Prime all the time on every mission!

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last time?



my mains are mag prime +some valkyr + probaby trinity will get back to serious use when skin will be released - and I'm not playing for long enought to see the game before any of these were released.....


EDIT: If someones doubt me maining Mag Prime - I have 4 of them build potatoed and each at leats once forma'ed - would have 5 or even six but she got to the void before I managed to farm out fifth :(

Edited by Elenortirie
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Well I guess Ash Prime became my new main whe nhe came out.


Although technically Ash has been my main since I first found his parts...like within a couple months of the game coming out.

Edited by DarthZ
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Depends on what you define "main".

My main as in most played is Volt/Volt Prime and that has never changed.

If by main you mean frame you use consistently in any kind of mission then i have 7 (soon to be 11, i guess i should grind another 8 MRanks for loadout slots) main frames that i all play constantly.

The last new frame that entered my main rotation is Chroma.

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