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Why Are People So Close Minded When It Comes To Try Out Different Team Set Ups?

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Because Mag is Trash tier since the gpull nerf.


Zephyr doesn't really add to team set-up significantly (she is better solo with a tonkor).


Etc.  People are actually open to alternate setups if you can logically defend your choice and why it is beneficial.  "I am bored of playing other frames" is not a logical defense.  If you are using your own key or playing with like-minded individuals then feel free, but you can't expect other people to waste they keys or their time because you want to feel special.

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Because Mag is Trash tier since the gpull nerf.

Zephyr doesn't really add to team set-up significantly (she is better solo with a tonkor).

Etc. People are actually open to alternate setups if you can logically defend your choice and why it is beneficial. "I am bored of playing other frames" is not a logical defense. If you are using your own key or playing with like-minded individuals then feel free, but you can't expect other people to waste they keys or their time because you want to feel special.

I stopped reading after the first sentence, if you think mag is trash/useless now because of the greedy pull nerf then I don't know if we're even playing the same game.

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I can see why people would not let you in their squads.

it saddens me the fact that you had to come up with that salty comment instead of proving to me why mag is actual rubbish with actual facts, on topic I clearly said i left by choice.

Oh no pubs won't let me in their lobby because I actually try to come up with different team setups while everyone else just follows the same old team set up because they're too dumb to come up with their own , what am i gonna do now :(

Edited by (PS4)EvilFlowerChild
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Playing for pure fun is fine, but most people who do 2 raids per day just want to get it over with ASAP, especially 4-man teams. Trinity is the best for healing. If you want to bring a Nekros, Oberon, Limbo - go ahead, they are good alternatives. Mirage + Nova is the best combo for CC. If you want to bring Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, or Mag - go ahead, they are good alternatives. Loki is the best for utility. If you want to bring Frost, Volt, Valkyr, or Excal - go ahead, they are good alternatives.


The most efficient 4-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, and Loki.

The most efficient 6-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, Loki, Vauban, and Frost.

The most efficient 8-man team is a Trinity, Nova, Mirage, Loki, Vauban, Frost, duplicate of any, and Volt/Nekros.


Let's say that hypothetically DE nerfs the best 4 frames into the dirt due to "overuse" (a likely scenario given the past). Then you would probably see parties which look like...


4-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo

6-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Frost, Nekros

8-man: Banshee, Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Frost, Nekros, duplicate of any, and Volt.


Then people would complain about those frames being the only ones used. Point is, play the way you want with the people you want. But don't complain about people using the best tools at their disposal. That will always be the case because human nature tends towards highest reward for lowest cost/work. There will always be a most-used anything - and since winning LoR depends almost entirely on CC, only the best CC frames will be considered in most squads. And I'm sorry, but there are at least 6 frames better at CC than your Mag.


People will use what ever they want for there reasons, there's nothing wrong with using the most efficient team to accomplish your goal.


If any one wants to change it up for a challenge go for it.

Edited by DxAdder
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A fun way of taking a look at things, is  how Low Rank players will almost kinda always put Rhino, Frost and Nova as their must have objectives along side the Dragon Nikana, Quanta, Soma Prime, Boltor Prime and Amprex


You don't need to have a so high rank to understand that there are a lot of of others things to use, but try to put that inside a noob's mind, it's impossible. THEY NEED THOSE CAUSE THEY  NEED THE GAME "BEST THINGS "( in their opinion)

It's sad sometimes...

Same problem when talking about different team settings but hey if some people think it's FUN for them to repeatedly use the SAME things because it's "easier and efficient" that way then okay, but i prefer to be good without using cheap things that are "efficient" in numbers while having fun playing with different settings all around. 


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it saddens me the fact that you had to come up with that salty comment instead of proving to me why mag is actual rubbish with actual facts, on topic I clearly said i left by choice.

Oh no pubs won't let me in their lobby because I actually try to come up with different team setups while everyone else just follows the same old team set up because they're too dumb to come up with their own , what am i gonna do now :(

You're the salty one here, as evidenced by the thread.  Also, did you really expect me to give you an in depth explanation when you already admitted to be so close-minded that you didn't even entirety of my previous post?


You made it clear that they would not proceed unless you used a useful frame, which you refused to do. Ergo, they would not let you in their squad. The slat is real.

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A fun way of taking a look at things, is  how Low Rank players will almost kinda always put Rhino, Frost and Nova as their must have objectives along side the Dragon Nikana, Quanta, Soma Prime, Boltor Prime and Amprex


You don't need to have a so high rank to understand that there are a lot of of others things to use, but try to put that inside a noob's mind, it's impossible. THEY NEED THOSE CAUSE THEY  NEED THE GAME "BEST THINGS "( in their opinion)

It's sad sometimes...

Same problem when talking about different team settings but hey if some people think it's FUN for them to repeatedly use the SAME things because it's "easier and efficient" that way then okay, but i prefer to be good without using cheap things that are "efficient" in numbers while having fun playing with different settings all around. 


I have less effective things that I have fun playing with too. The difference is, I do it on my own time (i.e. solo or in public starmap) rather than wasting other people's time.

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Dude I'm so with you on this point.

Have made a couple comments about this already .. why judge someone on the frame they choose simply cause you have no idea how to get the best out of it ?


Definately give a guy in a different frame a chance.

Likewise with their kit .. just because they have a weapon you don't think cuts it doesn't mean it isn't already forma'd to hell, or that the person using isn't friggen awesome with it. 


Play your 'A' game, and let others play theirs. 

I give people heart attacks when I bring my vulkar to the raid.

Funny thing is, it one shots pretty much everything there. I mainly use it to provide EV to people across the map. Pop EV, shoot in face, get energy, rinse, repeat.

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Plenty of frames work for raids. But, if I was to run through recruitment, I would probably want the good ol boring set up just to limit the risk...you never know what you're getting w randoms, so limit the risks where you can. Raids aren't really that hard but you can easily find people that know how to change that. 


IMO, host gets to pick. Want to bring something different and not finding hosts that want you? Host your own. People still complain? They don't get a free ride. Problem solved. 

Edited by (PS4)Bowjangelz
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The lack of critical thinking is strong in this thread.


You made it clear that they would not proceed unless you used a useful frame, which you refused to do. Ergo, they would not let you in their squad. The slat is real.

All frames are useful to some degree if you build and play them correctly.  I guess you can't comprehend how a lower tier frame can be useful in a raid. 

Edited by Intalus
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Doesn't matter if they are useful. What matters is if they are efficient.

And how is mag not efficient? Her first ability is great for cc with max range and is spammable too and so is her hultimate especially with the augment, obviously CP already removes all the armor but those 7 seconds where enemies are unable to move is effienct as well, and shield polarize? You can recharge your and your teammates' shields and that would be really useful when carrying the fomorian core.

I fail to see how mag is rubbish for the raid I really do.

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I used to have this mindset, but it gets boring. If your always playing what's best then when do you play for fun

When you aren't grinding/farming for something.



 shield polarize? You can recharge your and your teammates' shields and that would be really useful when carrying the fomorian core.

I fail to see how mag is rubbish for the raid I really do.

Trinity can instantly refill your shields to max, without the need for an enemy. Trinity should be constantly spamming EV anyway, so Vamp Leech > Shield polarize. etc.


Pull is also a crappy CC skill. There are so many better ones that it's not even funny.

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Doesn't matter if they are useful. What matters is if they are efficient.


There's varying degrees of efficiency.  If it doesn't affect the overall run time more than 20% then I don't see what the problem is.  You're still limited by the fact that it takes 6 hours to craft keys and it doesn't take that long to finish the raid if you're playing with competent people.  


I would much rather would try to make the run interesting and fun with the trade off of taking a little bit longer.  But if you want to play the game in the most efficient and mundane way possible, you're not any different than this rat:



Edited by Intalus
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There's varying degrees of efficiency.  If it doesn't affect the overall run time more than 20% then I don't see what the problem is.  You're still limited by the fact that it takes 6 hours to craft keys. 


But if you want to play the game in the most efficient and mundane way possible, this what you're doing:




Sorry, but I chose not to be a scrub.  I don't care if scrubs think it is "cheap" or "boring" or whatever other excuses they use.


I don't mind if you want to use inefficient frames on your key, but that doesn't fly on mine.  If you try switching after I start the key then I will just abort the mission, causing you to auto fail it, and I will just find other players.

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Sorry, but I chose not to be a scrub.  I don't care if scrubs think it is "cheap" or "boring" or whatever other excuses they use.

You've demonstrated that you aren't able to think critically, and if anything, your intelligence is probably on the level of that rat.  

Edited by Intalus
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This has been part of online gaming forever.

It really part of the monkey see, monkey do attitude.

Some people come up with the best possible tactics and this tactic gets spread.

Once it gets spread it gets picked by the general population and it gets turned into the only tactic.


This is pretty much how the system works.

Once certain people say something it gets picked up and it becomes law.


Back in the day Loki was designated as a sucky frames because he had no offensive capabilities.

People say how everything was useless, even his fourth.

Whats the point of disarm? All thats going to happen is that the enemy will now pile up on you and you die.


Of course, i came up with cool tactics because.... you know.... THATS WHAT YOU ARE SUPPPOSED TO DO and created D&D.

Disarm and decoy. You can control where the enemies go. 


Months later the whole "Loki master race" thing began.


This was so hilarious because Loki was called the worst frame. THE WORST. And now look at the dude.


It's really hard to combat this when you have a large mob all going in one direction but i guess what you have to do is prove you have the ability to or find people that dont care.


I am one of those people. I dont care what you bring as long as you do something.

Cause this is how i have some fun with the game. Trying to figure out how to accomplish a task with the tools i have.

I dont care how "good" or "bad" the tools are, what i am worried about is what plan i can come up with.

And this is why i play with most frames, weapons, and mods.

I just come up with crap and see what works.

I am playing the game on my computer so i dont understand why i need to follow some other person's tactics.

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When you aren't grinding/farming for something.



Trinity can instantly refill your shields to max, without the need for an enemy. Trinity should be constantly spamming EV anyway, so Vamp Leech > Shield polarize. etc.


Pull is also a crappy CC skill. There are so many better ones that it's not even funny.

Phrasing gives me the impression that you believe Mag needs an enemy to use Shield Pol.


Only one of her abilities needs a target to activate and that's BA.

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