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Why Are People So Close Minded When It Comes To Try Out Different Team Set Ups?

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I stopped reading after the first sentence, if you think mag is trash/useless now because of the greedy pull nerf then I don't know if we're even playing the same game.



You aren't, trust me.


Shield Polarize is good, especially because it scales, something a lot of other damage abilities don't. 

Bullet Attractor, with maximum range, allow to redirect every incoming damage when playing in close tilesets like Void. 


But Pull is still a selfish and dangerous ability. Selfish if you use Greedy Pull, dangerous everytime you pull Ancients Healers. That's something a lot of Mag player do and fail to understand: pulling Ancients means let them group and let their auras stack togheter, making de facto enemies more difficult to kill instead of helping with its 'CC ability'. 


And then there's Crush, the most useless ult in the entire game. Slow, low damage splitted into even more slow animations. 



Mag is not that bad but certainly she's not a good Warframe. She is an acceptable one, like Rhino, Ember and a lot of other Warframes from the old times that need a fix. She can't do anything any other Warframe can already do. 


Two examples of good Warframes are Excalibur and Frost, who have all their abilities usefull in a way or another.

Exalted Blade is counted as a melee weapon, and Slash Dash increase the melee counter with its augment. Using Slash Dash while Exalted Blade is active unleash energy waves, sliding while EB is active cast Radial Blind, and Radial Blind itself gives a buff to Exalted Blade damage. 

About Frost, it can slow down enemies using Freeze, Ice Wave and Snow Globe. Freeze also destroy Snow Globe when needed. Practically his 'slow down' theme allows him to have a real good control of the battlefield. 


This is the kind of synergy older Warframe don't have. Having the possibility to generate oversheilds or use bullet attractor on an enemy to avoid gunfire don't make Mag as good as them.

Edited by Latronico
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It is boring because of the lazy people who make it boring using the same damn frames, i assure you that.

Nah, the level itself is boring honestly. Raids aren't too fun to get through, most do it for the rewards and want to spend their time doing other things.

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Shield Polarize is good, especially because it scales, something a lot of other damage abilities don't. 

Bullet Attractor, with maximum range, allow to redirect every incoming damage when playing in close tilesets like Void. 


But Pull is still a selfish and dangerous ability. Selfish if you use Greedy Pull, dangerous everytime you pull Ancients Healers. That's something a lot of Mag player do and fail to understand: pulling Ancients means let them group and let their auras stack togheter, making de facto enemies more difficult to kill instead of helping with its 'CC ability'. 


And then there's Crush, the most useless ult in the entire game. Slow, low damage splitted into even more slow animations. 



Mag is not that bad but certainly she's not a good Warframe. She is an acceptable one, like Rhino, Ember and a lot of other Warframes from the old times that need a fix. She can't do anything any other Warframe can already do. 


Two examples of good Warframes are Excalibur and Frost, who have all their abilities usefull in a way or another.

Exalted Blade is counted as a melee weapon, and Slash Dash increase the melee counter with its augment. Using Slash Dash while Exalted Blade is active unleash energy waves, sliding while EB is active cast Radial Blind, and Radial Blind itself gives a buff to Exalted Blade damage. 

About Frost, it can slow down enemies using Freeze, Ice Wave and Snow Globe. Freeze also destroy Snow Globe when needed. Practically his 'slow down' theme allows him to have a real good control of the battlefield. 


This is the kind of synergy older Warframe don't have. Having the possibility to generate oversheilds or use bullet attractor on an enemy to avoid gunfire don't make Mag as good as them.

I agree.

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Honestly, I want to do a raid. I've never done one before, but have been turned off because of the sheer amount of elitism going on when recruiting for the raids. So, I can't fully empathize with you OP, but still can empathize to some level.

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the reason is because people want to lower the chance of failing the mission so they don't want to risk someone bringing a random frame that would just hold the team back plus they don't know you. I do the same thing when I run with a random team so if you want to experiment your going to have to find a team of people who want to try the same thing you do other wise get use to vanilla mode bro.

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Well what it comes down to really is trust most of us don't trust random players until we see what they can do am I right. I mean I have had enough speed nova s or troll vaubans in a raid to make me a bit cautious. But yes every frame is viable in the raid as its all about team work and not really the frames. I mean I have done the raid with every frame in the game. Plus I also believe the power leveling cancer is really messing up the newer player base I mean half of them never used there frames or weapons in actually combat before but thats another topic all together

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the reason is because people want to lower the chance of failing the mission so they don't want to risk someone bringing a random frame that would just hold the team back plus they don't know you. I do the same thing when I run with a random team so if you want to experiment your going to have to find a team of people who want to try the same thing you do other wise get use to vanilla mode bro.

That's so wrong, it's not because a person is not using a certain warframe that most judge as better that he can't do it as good as it or contribute to the group, if the group can't adapt to play in other ways and settings then the problem  is them not the player who tries different things. 

You can expect that he either knows how to play so well with that different frame and setting that the ones causing trouble and dying/ failing will be you, not him, or that he just wanted to go around and have fun.


Saying that someone picking limbo or oberon cripples a team show how much some ppl are crippled in mind...

Edited by g43riel
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I'm pretty sure people have tested them like I have, or it could be Less headache to do it safely and efficiently all the time. I run privates with a friend, and Banshee is his requirement.The times that my private runs and the player happen to be the only CC, and the CC was unsatisfactory in comparison to the meta... We wipe, and waste 10 minutes on NM part 2.


I'll give you a reason why people don't use these frames


-Requires her to stand still to use Crush-takes much more time and less productive-cannot hack

-Pull Ragdolls, and EV trin loses target occasionally

-Lowest Energy pools in the game with 150

-Low Health... stage one kicks



-Selfish, aura requires her to be close by teammates,

-cast time delay, as well as the most inconsistent CC from turbulence

-Tornado is just bad especially with rag-doll vs High HP

-Tail wind got heavily nerfed ever since parkour 2 came out



-Kills with peacemaker but doesn't do Energy pool any good

-Blind Shooting gallery by far, some of the worst screen shake in the game. 3 seconds cycle sure, but the reliability of other CC is much superior.


I'm positive i'll get some hate for this but... Vauban and Nova are trash with my special comp :)


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I'm pretty sure people have tested them like I have, or it could be Less headache to do it safely and efficiently all the time. I run privates with a friend, and Banshee is his requirement.The times that my private runs and the player happen to be the only CC, and the CC was unsatisfactory in comparison to the meta... We wipe, and waste 10 minutes on NM part 2.

I'll give you a reason why people don't use these frames


-Requires her to stand still to use Crush-takes much more time and less productive-cannot hack

-Pull Ragdolls, and EV trin loses target occasionally

-Lowest Energy pools in the game with 150

-Low Health... stage one kicks


-Selfish, aura requires her to be close by teammates,

-cast time delay, as well as the most inconsistent CC from turbulence

-Tornado is just bad especially with rag-doll vs High HP

-Tail wind got heavily nerfed ever since parkour 2 came out


-Kills with peacemaker but doesn't do Energy pool any good

-Blind Shooting gallery by far, some of the worst screen shake in the game. 3 seconds cycle sure, but the reliability of other CC is much superior.

I'm positive i'll get some hate for this but... Vauban and Nova are trash with my special comp :)

The fact that turbulence mitigates 100% ranged weapons makes her the only Real frame with a 100% percent mitigation. (Iron skin is paper skin in late game.) You say that tornadoes is bad. Have you ever used a defense with low ceiling, you get a high damage multiplier by shooting people in the tornado. Also, if wait 10 seconds, enemies in the tornado instantly die.

Tailwind not being recastable is a glitch. But that doesn't stop Zephyr from being better than any other frame in the moblitiy department.

Tornadoes with molecular prime will make enemies take forever to get up in the raid. Awesome utility. Turbulence is basically a selfish radial disarm. It basically takes away ranged weapons from hurting Zephyr. Only difference is all ranged enemies have no way of attacking you because it doesn't disarm them to make then come at you with cattleprods.

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Other Warframes can do the same thing that Mag and Zephyr does, but better, that's why

How the damage, CC and pretty effects are delivered is purely players choice.  I like how Mag does things, so for me she's better than any other meta 'frame you choose.


Also, other 'frames aren't as lethal against sheilded enemies like Mag is.  Try again.

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.. I'm amazed how hard it is to bring my banshee to endless runs where she excels, but most people don't seem to even know what she does and just say no because they never heard of her ..



Primed example.

Banshee, in the hands of an experienced player, is awesome .. but I've seen the same thing where people flat out laugh, diss, or close the squad and re-form it without you if you're attempting to join a game in a frame like this.


It may not be the case that the players don't know the frame, infact it could be they think they know all about it and act this way because they perceive it as the wrong choice. But again, it's those players only playing for the win 'as they see it' and not letting others even attempt to bring their A game. 

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