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New Contest: Warframe Elections!


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Interesting contest. And I know just the right candidate...



The Strong!

The Brilliant!

The Omnipotent!







The one and only, that brings peace and order in every corner of the Origin System and also in our very hearts!






I am SO original :)

How many butts were already recommended?

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It's the Tenno, the warriors. We need you. We need to save the solar system. The grineer and corpus is here. They are out to exterminate you. Vote for Lotus and we will protect you. Go Tenno, you need to hurry!


Edited by Paderfrik
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Did some Corpus Poster lol







Nef  : This is Nef. Alad, can you hear me ?

Alad : Load and Clear Nef...... Nef can your hear me, Nef?

Alad : Nef? Nef ?







FOXHOU....I mean CORPUS needs you, Nefy need credits, Give unto the Corpus

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My Children, I speak to you as a mother so that I can protect you and guide you in your war with the Corpus and the Grineer. With the infested also in this universe these things a Mother needs to help with the defense of her offspring. In order to do this better than just tell you where to go, I would be more efficient as your leader, that I could help you with your missions by sending in reinforcements with my newly gained power as Queen, alas, if the fates allow, I could even join you in battle. I hope to be able to help the Tenno however I could. Rise my children and let me help you take back our Galaxy. Thank you for letting me speak to you today.

 A Mother leads and protects her Children.

Vote Lotus


Edited by Biblefreak
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*  My submission is a campaign speech for Trinity.  *


     My fellow Tenno, hard-working Syndicate members, Lotus employees and good people of the colonies:  My name is Trinity and I want to be your next System Overseer.


     I have the utmost respect for the other candidates but let us be frank.  Throughout this campaign you have heard a lot of slogans and rhetoric but very little plain talk about the issues that are important to you.  That changes now.


     Our poor solar system has been ravaged by time and war and we face many challenges.  Those challenges can divided into two categories: domestic issues and foreign policy.  I am clearly the candidate most qualified on both fronts.


     My record on domestic issues is second to none.  I have a history of always keeping an eye on the health and well-being of my constituents and fighting to get them what they need.  My record on Health-care is especially notable.  Time and time again I have recognized that my constituents were struggling and reached out to help them, no matter how far away they were; helping them live healthier, more secure lives.  Ask anyone and they will tell you what a Blessing my actions have been.


     I don’t want to simply dwell in the past though.  My team and I have developed ambitious plans to help jump-start the economy and get the system moving again.  Privatization of solar rail construction will increase and the rate of construction itself will accelerate.  A vigorous program of Void Prospection will be launched.  Targeted tax cuts on Prime transactions and Dark Sectors will help free up capital so that entrepreneurs can reinvest in production of more goods and services.  Onerous solar rail Customs Inspections will be standardized and streamlined in order to facilitate the movement of goods and persons.  This process will also root out the corrupt and costly system of bribes and varying taxes on the solar rail and replace it with a simple flat tax that will provide stability and predictability to our markets while also funding these reforms.


     I also intend to reform our system of courts and law enforcement.  Autocratic powers of search and seizure, threats from law officers and imprisonment without trial will all be things of the past.  No longer will prisoners be confined in tiny cells without beds or toilets.  Instead I have been working with the Steel Meridian to develop a new system of Justice that will Blast lawbreakers while providing for the Health of the innocent and Armoring them from future depredations.


     Now let us discuss foreign policy, where I also have a fine record.  My negotiations on behalf of the Tenno have always yielded excellent results.  No matter how much Energy I pour into negotiations I always get more for my constituents than we lose.  If elected I will use these skills to immediately negotiate trade agreements with the Grineer for Orokin Cells and the Corpus for Neural Sensors.  This combined with our own natural resources will allow us to Streamline production of Orokin Reactors, thus letting energy Flow freely and alleviating our current energy crisis.


     Nor am I blind to the many threats we face: from the Corpus, the Grineer, the Infested and others.  Let them all beware.  Just as I constantly look out for the welfare of my own people so I also keep an eye on our enemies, tracking them as if we were Linked.  No matter how they try to attack us they will only end up harming themselves.  Neither should they think that because the people of the colonies want peace that we are cowards.  The colonies are protected by the Tenno, the finest fighting force this System has ever seen.  Some of our foes have proclaimed that they think we are weak, that we don’t have the will to put ‘Boots on the Ground.’  To them I give this warning.  We are not afraid of you.  Do not test us, for if you do I will not stop at placing Boots on the Ground.  I will put Boots on Earth, I will put Boots on Walls, I will put Boots on Uranus!


     People of the Sol System, my name is Trinity and everything I am is dedicated to keeping you safe and well.  I have out-lined why I believe I am the most qualified candidate to help us survive and thrive in these troubled times.  In the following days my aides will be releasing detailed versions of the plans I have sketched here for you today.  I welcome any opportunity to address concerns or debate the issues and my specific plans to address them.  I am deeply humbled and honored to be considered for this position.  I would like your vote for System Overseer.  Together we can turn this Life into a Well from which Blessings never cease to flow.  Together we can make this system great again.

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This universe is in chaos. Entropy, degradation, a slow collapse of all we know and all we do not. Within its vast expanse lie the spinning limbs of the Milky Way Galaxy, hurtling through space. Look closer. Look much, much closer, into the Orion arm, find the Origin System. Closer still: Factions of tiny specks battling other tiny specks for the control of larger specks. Some of these specks are Tenno, fighting under my banner. Do you see how small they are? I do. Their sight is so narrow, their reach so short. But I know the passion that is within them, the passion that drives and pushes them to beyond the sum of their parts. They were made for more, and so was I.


Why remain complacent reigning over all Tenno when there is an entire galaxy, nay, an entire universe awaiting order and rule? Why stop at one Grakata when you could have two? Why CAN'T you ride on your massive purple kubrow through a shower of credits? These are the questions that will move us forward, Tenno, with me, the Lotus, as your leader.



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