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We Need A Fourth Starter Frame


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A 2:2 gender ratio is a nice touch.  There was another thread about adding a 4th starter and during the conversation it come out that there have been a few female players turned away due to only having one female Warframe to choose from. 

I think I was a part of that thread, if I recall correctly. It's sad to see that kind of thing happen but when you make a game where your class is tied to your gender, it's somewhat inevitable if you don't represent both genders equally.

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What exactly do you mean by her not being viable because of the Vor's Prize quest? I'm assuming that's the quest you're referring to.

I'd guess for the same reason they had to drop Loki, the first part of the quest is "dispatch these enemies with your abilities, one at a time"

They did joke in a DevStream about the whole "distract these enemies with your decoy" instead, but in the end they had to drop Loki and return Volt to the lineup.


So you're limited to frames with killy abilities.

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Why not a new frame entirely...


Out of the current frames I feel banshee might be the best choice.  


We have Mag, Excal and Volt.


All rather squishy DPS style frames. maybe we need a new tank frame to offset the rather ability based DPS frames, who happens to be female to add that nice 2:2 ratio.

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I'd guess for the same reason they had to drop Loki, the first part of the quest is "dispatch these enemies with your abilities, one at a time"

They did joke in a DevStream about the whole "distract these enemies with your decoy" instead, but in the end they had to drop Loki and return Volt to the lineup.


So you're limited to frames with killy abilities.

I mean, to be fair, you can kill enemies with Mind Control. Either the one you're controlling kills it's teammate or it's teammate kills it. Either way, the Lotus gets her corpse. Though, it would be interesting if they made it so that your MC target takes more damage from all sources while fighting for you if you don't have the Mind Freak augment.


They could also simply amend that part of the quest to "Use your abilities to get past these enemies" which requires you to cast your first ability a few times in succession. 


I don't really see that being a big inhibitor for her inclusion in the lineup, but it is a valid point.

Why not a new frame entirely...


Out of the current frames I feel banshee might be the best choice.  


We have Mag, Excal and Volt.


All rather squishy DPS style frames. maybe we need a new tank frame to offset the rather ability based DPS frames, who happens to be female to add that nice 2:2 ratio.

I'm not against that. I'm just going off of what we have now. The chances that DE would go through all the effort to make a new frame and then release her as a starter just seems unlikely to me. Props to them if they did end up going that route, though.

Edited by Kestral9999
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I mean, to be fair, you can kill enemies with Mind Control. Either the one you're controlling kills it's teammate or it's teammate kills it. Either way, the Lotus gets her corpse. Though, it would be interesting if they made it so that your MC target takes more damage from all sources while fighting for you if you don't have the Mind Freak augment.


They could also simply amend that part of the quest to "Use your abilities to get past these enemies" which requires you to cast your first ability a few times in succession. 


I don't really see that being a big inhibitor for her inclusion in the lineup, but it is a valid point.

I'm not against that. I'm just going off of what we have now. The chances that DE would go through all the effort to make a new frame and then release her as a starter just seems unlikely to me. Props to them if they did end up going that route, though.



Well like previously said, the only real female tanks are Val, Syarn and Zephyr... And none of them would really work as starter frames.

Edit- Mesa if you mod her that way, but she has the quest and that rules her out as a starter.

Edited by BritishBob
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That moment when you remember that you start off with no weapons and just your first skill.

So picking a frame that doesn't have a damaging first skill is not an option for the 4th slot unless DE change the tutorial level.

I've outlined that in my replies. I'll edit that into the OP when I'm in a better position to do so.


Banshee, Nyx, and Ember could all get past that hurdle. Nyx's MC would simply require the target's teammate to kill them for you.

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That moment when you remember that you start off with no weapons and just your first skill.

So picking a frame that doesn't have a damaging first skill is not an option for the 4th slot unless DE change the tutorial level.



Sonic Boom

Banshee emits a sonic shockwave that pushes targets in range with enough force to incapacitate or kill attackers.





Launches a fiery projectile. It deals high fire damage on contact and moderate fire damage to any who enter the lingering flames.


Try again.

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Yes to Ember as a 4 Starter and second female warframe. She is ideal for the low to mid level content a new player faces.


No to Banshee.

Each time someone mentiones banshee and beginner(-friendly) it rubs me the wrong way.

Banshe is one of the warframes with lowest ehp (effectiv hitpoints) her powers have cc and are usefull but she needs good mods and loki has been removed for this reason.

A expirenced player can use and see Banshee's power a new player just feels weak if he uses her and needs the most revival.


I once sold banshee as a beginner months after with a complet mod selection i gave her a second chance and unleashed her power.

Edited by (PS4)Prisma144
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Yes to Ember as a 4 Starter and second female warframe. She is ideal for the low to mid level content a new player faces.


No to Banshee.

Each time someone mentiones banshee and beginner(-friendly) it rubs me the wrong way.

Banshe is one of the warframes with lowest ehp (effectiv hitpoints) her powers have cc and are usefull but she needs good mods and loki has been removed for this reason.

A expirenced player can use and see Banshee's power a new player just feels weak if he uses her and needs the most revival.


I once sold banshee as a beginner months after with a complet mod selection i gave her a second chance and unleashed her power.


That's your perspective opinion and you're certainly entitled to it, but I've experienced first hand how Banshee plays from the beginning of the game with all beginner mods and I found her to be perfectly viable for the content I was doing.


See post #17 for more details.

Edited by Kestral9999
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I would like to piggyback on this (slight tangent, perhaps I should start a new thread?)


I feel like we should be able to try out our starter frames before we use them.  I selected Mag because her hemet was cool, Pull is extremely useful, but I was terrible with her trying to play solo (not understanding that I "had" to play with people to win).  If I had known it was going to be so hard to play as Mag, I might have chosen Loki or Excal (volt wasn't a choice when I started)


Now that I'm a seasoned player, I really like Mag, but rarely ever use her because I was forced to use her and remember the bad times.


So, to contribute more-than-my-tangent to this thread, I'd like to say I agree with there needing a 4th starter, I agree with Ember (being able to reload during her 1 ability is major useful), but we should be able to test drive her before we choose her.

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I would like to piggyback on this (slight tangent, perhaps I should start a new thread?)


I feel like we should be able to try out our starter frames before we use them.  I selected Mag because her hemet was cool, Pull is extremely useful, but I was terrible with her trying to play solo (not understanding that I "had" to play with people to win).  If I had known it was going to be so hard to play as Mag, I might have chosen Loki or Excal (volt wasn't a choice when I started)


Now that I'm a seasoned player, I really like Mag, but rarely ever use her because I was forced to use her and remember the bad times.


So, to contribute more-than-my-tangent to this thread, I'd like to say I agree with there needing a 4th starter, I agree with Ember (being able to reload during her 1 ability is major useful), but we should be able to test drive her before we choose her.

I'm trying to think of how exactly that would work. Maybe upon reaching the menu to select which frame you wish to choose, you could press a different button to load into a test area where the game teaches you how to use your powers, similar to the Simulacrum. But I feel like that somewhat defeats the purpose of the tutorial if you do that...

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I'm trying to think of how exactly that would work. Maybe upon reaching the menu to select which frame you wish to choose, you could press a different button to load into a test area where the game teaches you how to use your powers, similar to the Simulacrum. But I feel like that somewhat defeats the purpose of the tutorial if you do that...

I actually made a thread a looong time ago about setting up tutorial missions that require the use of specific starter 'frames.  That way the new players get to play each of the 'frames before they decide which one to pick. 

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I actually made a thread a looong time ago about setting up tutorial missions that require the use of specific starter 'frames.  That way the new players get to play each of the 'frames before they decide which one to pick. 

Hmm, well depending on how it's integrated that would make for a great addition. Like Ikari, I only chose Mag because I loved the way she looked but I've always been a fan of support classes in any game I play, and a force enabled support class happened to be right up my alley. I could see how that might not work in others' favor, though. If you were to pick Banshee/Ember thinking they'll be a tank, you'd be rudely surprised to find out otherwise.

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Hmm, well depending on how it's integrated that would make for a great addition. Like Ikari, I only chose Mag because I loved the way she looked but I've always been a fan of support classes in any game I play, and a force enabled support class happened to be right up my alley. I could see how that might not work in others' favor, though. If you were to pick Banshee/Ember thinking they'll be a tank, you'd be rudely surprised to find out otherwise.

Which is why testing them out on missions before choosing one at the end would be beneficial.


I'd suggest a set up of;


Excalibur - Exterminate

Banshee - Spy/Sab

Volt - Assassinate

Mag - Mobile/Defense


There is probably a better distribution to match their skills sets though.

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I would consider Trinity and Saryn both contenders as well, but Trinity would severely trivialize lower level content for the entire team once a new player unlocked Energy Vampire/Blessing. And Saryn's Miasma nuke is under too much scrutiny/abuse lately to suggest for her to be accessible to fresh players


So what you're saying is...


Nerf Trinity? ;)

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I would go with Ash over Banshee for new starter because Banshee still needs a bit of modding to make her truly shine. Ash does too, in a sense, but he compensates for it with average armor and massive health pool.

Ash rather than Volt?

So what you're saying is...


Nerf Trinity? ;)

Always nerf Trinity.

Trinity? A support role starter would be welcome

Ever heard of Mag?

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Ash rather than Volt?

Always nerf Trinity.

Ever heard of Mag?

Er.... I'm of the rather unpopular opinion that the genders don't really matter all that much. Volt is an Excellent starter. Excalibur a little less, but he's the poster boy so that's to be expected. Mag I have some issues with, but she is good there, and others wouldn't fare much better.
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Er.... I'm of the rather unpopular opinion that the genders don't really matter all that much. 

They do. Check your privilege.




If you're suggesting a male in this thread it's as Volt's replacement.

Edited by Kestral9999
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They do. Check your privilege.


Seriously, though. If you're suggesting a male in this thread it's as Volt's replacement.

I'm a firm believer in the position that what you do matters more than who you say you are. If another frame has to be added to the roster, I wouldn't care either way. I will take a firm stance against it, though, if it HAS to be female because of no other reason than it is female.
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Ember because good versus infested. Mag great versus corpus. Volt / Excalibur good all around. Seems a good mix and all have damage first abilities for quest line.

Banshee is a frame that takes a little more skill to use effectively, not to mention requires better mods. Embers skill set s hard to mod for (duration, strength, and power), and lends itself to using mods that are not corrupt to be useful all around, which is good for beginners.

Ember is the obvious choice, also gives 2 female / 2 male.

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I'm a firm believer in the position that what you do matters more than who you say you are. If another frame has to be added to the roster, I wouldn't care either way. I will take a firm stance against it, though, if it HAS to be female because of no other reason than it is female.

I agree that a character should be chosen on it abilities and not if it has bewbs or balls.  But, there are a large amount of female players that disagree and, like I mentioned earlier in this post, there have been female players that are turned off by only having one female to choose from.

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