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Coming Soon: Devstream #59


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Hey I have a question and I really want this answered plz :D :D: if the tenno and the grineer and the corpus are so advanced that they can travel to any planet in the solar system within minutes and they can even travel to a space within space (the void) then why haven't we, the player and the owners of the entire tenno army heard of any other planets and solar systems other than the one we already know of?

Why have we not heard about the three planets orbiting the twin sun system, Alpha and Beta centauri and why haven't we heard of any others?

If we're SO advanced, surly by now we have leads and foot holds in other solar systems and perhaps even other galaxy's?!!?!

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Hello, I just want to ask about Certain frames. Especially Saryn.


Are you planning to give her a rework anytime soon? With her current state right now, she does deserve a new lease on the warframe life instead of being that one frame you spam miasma with. She is a nice tanky frame that has a lot of natural advantages like health and decent armor. It's just that her current kit completely clash with her set except Molt and Miasma. 


Is she going to get reworked sometime in the future?

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Two(or three haha) simple questions:

1. How long until the old Prime Frames get their PBR treatments? Dying to tint my Excalibro's golden parts xD
2. Is Excalibur Umbra a separate frame or a skin?
2a. (follow up) IF Excalibur Umbra is a separate frame, is there any way it can also be made a skin for Excalibur Prime? That way founders don't have to use two separate inventory slots for Excalibur and/or choose between having prime or Umbra?

Thanks for your time, looking forward to the stream :3

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New armor sets when? Syndicate armor sets? Arcane enchancements for armor?


Can we replace roll with a dodge like the manics? They seem more agile and ninja than tenno

Unique bullet jump animations per frame like stances? Rhino looks weak when bullet jumping.


Can we have the option to switch dojo rooms with other rooms instead of having to take apart our whole dojo for one room to be moved?


ETA on new warframe skins? Well they come out together or one at a time? If one at a time which will be first? TRINITY PLS!!


ETA on Brawler frame? Name?


Rakta Cernos..who spec'd it? amazing job

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Okay so I really, really hope my question pops up tomorrow...


Are we going to ever recieve a Quest to fix Ordis? I mean his memories and such. I think it would add interesting storyline to the game as a whole and put an end to the mystery that is Ordis. Because even though he is annoying I feel bad that he is broken.

Edited by Annisette
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Fusion cores packs ever going to be added as rewards for completing Exterminate or Mob defense star chart missions? 


Also ultra rare items should be added into drop rates , would give players that have everything something to continue to try for and players that don't have everything would give them something to try for as well.



Kinda like ultra rare skins in counter strike.

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What is DE considering to make sword alone and melee as a whole, more viable!

Last stream you talked about a "multistrike" mod, it sounds like a band aid fix and would just become another mandatory mod that would further limit build diversity.

Why not just simply buff melee weapons across the board and/or update the lack luster first generation stances to be as fun and as effective as tempo royale, blind justice and astral twilight.

A thread I saw earlier was suggesting on adding armor that would replace your primary and secondary weapons, said armor would have a single mod slot for special armor mods, as well as providing extra armor / damage resistance for the warframe.

what does DE think of this idea? I personally love it.

Also, how much does it cost, on average, to Develop a warframe from start to finish?

P.S would DE ever consider adding transmogrification into the game? I want to use the dakra prime but I love how the prisma skana looks, I would totally pay 1 to 5 plat to replace the look of my weapon with something in the same catagory and type E.G replace dakra prime with a prisma skana skin (both are melee and are longswords)

I was also thinking about a reason to equip a melee at all. I personally have 3 reasons: lifestrike, groundslam, and quickmeleeing weak enemies. Perhaps a way to make melee more viable to match up with weapons that already do so more much damage, why not make melee's purpose different? Perhaps more crowd control focused. Launchers for example could throw enemies into the air + knock the enemies down for increased stun time + assured knockdown. Also perhaps, if we pulled our melee out, a locking on ability might be nice? Perhaps link the alt fire buttons or something to locking onto the enemy you look at.

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Q: Any updates on the void rework into the start chart? If the rework is going to take some time is there anyway to address the Rotation C Forma/Resource issue that plagues the entire player base?




Q: Any update on the star chart and how the rework is going for it?

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