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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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i have to agree with you that the pricing in this game is ridiculously high, but i have play a F2P game named world of tanks, and the pricing is straight up inhumane, a good premium tank cost you 15 dollars to 25 dollars. however, if the DEs keep the current pricing, i agree with you that as long as people have some money sense, no one will spend money on this. some time i wonder, the reason for how rare the ember prime helmet and the system are, it is because the DEs intentionally make them that way so they never drop, and at the end of the day, people will get do frustrated that they will go to the store and purchase ember prime??

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People on benefits who can't afford a free to play videogame should probably spend more time looking for work than wasting time on pointless pass-times.


The game is FREE TO PLAY.  You do not need to spend any money on it whatsoever.  Let those with decent income support the game you love to play so you can remain poor and entertained at someone else's expense.

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People on benefits who can't afford a free to play videogame should probably spend more time looking for work than wasting time on pointless pass-times.


The game is FREE TO PLAY.  You do not need to spend any money on it whatsoever.  Let those with decent income support the game you love to play so you can remain poor and entertained at someone else's expense.


You're telling this to the OP, who's a Grand Master (aka, paid $250 USD)? Okay.


Read through it again, he said appeal to the common customer. Not to the rich Bobsplosions* who don't mind blowing over $50 on three weapons.


(* Sorry, Bob, but you're now officially a comparison tool after that Ankyros purchase. :( )

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People on benefits who can't afford a free to play videogame should probably spend more time looking for work than wasting time on pointless pass-times.


The game is FREE TO PLAY.  You do not need to spend any money on it whatsoever.  Let those with decent income support the game you love to play so you can remain poor and entertained at someone else's expense.

...Have you read any of the posts here? I.e. have you seen any of the GMs/Ms (and hunters/disciples) saying the pricing is bad? You know, the people who spent $100 to $250, that we can see right off the bat, and that's not counting whatever plat they might have also bought.


In short, you have no idea what you're talking about, so I'll enlighten you:


It's about $15 on average for a weapon, and $20 on average for a frame being stupidly high pricing.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I hate having to hold my tongue in regards to how melee works right now but..I guess I have to....


What I wanted to say..generally.........if weapon in game actually matched their price ranges people would buy them....Skana in game isn't even worth 2 plat....

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Funny because 90% of those expensive items can be acquired in-game and the ones that come in a blue moon and/or mandatory are cheap i.e. reactors/catalyst and slots.


It's basically DE saying "work for your S#&$ or overpay for it"

Edited by Rhiasu
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(Excuse the awful obvious Paint edits, I ain't no graphic artist)



The person can choose to buy just the weapon, or pay a little extra for an installed Catalyst at a discounted price. And if they want to, even pay a little extra for a weapon slot. This way everybody wins.


Only thing I don't like is this pricing. Somebody may have brought this up, but what's keeping me from buying 2 inventory slots for 12 plat instead of 10 plat for one slot?

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They price this way because those are not the real prices. They continually run promotions of 20%, 50%, or even 75% off platinum/item/bundle purchases. It's literally discounts on discounts.

I don't see how everyone in the thread just ignores this point completely....

Think about it, Immortal bundle is 234 plat, which they recently had for 50% off ~120 plat... which you could have bought for 50-75% off = pretty damn reasonable.

And no, hitting a lucky discount on login, is not the only way to get the platinum at these greatly discounted rates.

Not to mention self-made Platinaires can buy all that stuff completely free, I saw plenty of them blasting away their Penta on day 1 while mine was still cooking in the oven.

I have to agree with all the posters saying quite frankly, you don't have a clue about their circumstances. It's naive to assume they don't already know what they're doing.

Edited by yggdrazzle
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They price this way because those are not the real prices. They continually run promotions of 20%, 50%, or even 75% off platinum/item/bundle purchases. It's literally discounts on discounts.

Darvo? That's very recent, and only on certain bundles (never items).



I don't see how everyone in the thread just ignores this point completely....


Think about it, Immortal bundle is 234 plat, which they recently had for 50% off ~120 plat... which you could have bought for 50-75% off = pretty damn reasonable.

Again, Darvo is recent, and it's random bundles, and it isn't all the common. Are Darvo's deals good? Yes, by and large they've been pretty good (i.e. the all frame bundle where each frame was roughly ~$10 before the discount, which brought them down to ~$7.50 or something), but that's the problem right there! The prices are only good under a big discount. DE is pretty much shooting themselves in the foot by pricing the average weapon at roughly $15 (and frames higher).


And no, hitting a lucky discount on login, is not the only way to get the platinum at these greatly discounted rates.

It is if you want an item that isn't in a bundle, or don't want a bundle, it is the only way.


(and no, 3rd party promotions don't count as a reliable source, as those are random too)

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(and no, 3rd party promotions don't count as a reliable source, as those are random too)

bunch of people whining on the forums about prices being too high and wishing they were 50% lower

Meanwhile: thousands of nvidia 465 plat for $10 sold out on ebay, thousands of triple plat bonus on 1st purchase being sold by DE's multiple partners, thousands of 'Shattered Packs' being sold on Amazon, Gamestop, thousands of Prime Access sold, thousands of Founders packages sold. Even excluding the thousands of purchases using 50%/75% daily login discount. This is just a snippet, I'm sure there are even more I haven't mentioned, all in a window of just 6 months

it's 100% reliable, but seems like everyone in this thread just rather bury their heads like an ostrich and play the victim

What I was saying is that Darvo only sweetens the deal on top of all that, he gives an even further 50% discount on the already discounted plat for stuff you'd want to get, for example the awesome Catalyst/Reactor/Slots/Booster pack and the Immortal skin pack

if they caved in and lowered the 'prices' even further for you guys who did not bother to try and find any of this or help them strengthen relations w/ their partners, but rather sit here and whine, that is essentially adding a friggen 3rd!!!! layer of 50% discount. obviously it doesn't make any sense for them to do this


It's become apparent to me, there is absolutely no reason for them to lower the in-game prices, which is why they haven't, not even for the better part of a year. (With Darvo and some random sales being the exception out of the kindess of their merciful hearts.)

With the game being new and well hyped, especially on PS4, Platinum is what is in high demand, not half price Loki helmets lol. Their entire strategy revolves around using Platinum to get what they want outside of the game: strategic partnerships, marketing targets, advertising, new players, etc. They are literally buying those with gobs of Platinum whenever they can, even offering extensive discounts, because quite frankly, they have an infinite supply.

Once the platinum is in circulation, they couldn't care less how you spend it, they already got what they wanted outside of the game. And inside the game, you're forced to spend it at whatever rate they choose anyway. This leads to some inflation in the game, but right now I think they are OK because it still costs about 700 plat per player to max out the basic necessities like slots and potatoes. Aside from that, there's not many 'platinum sinks' in the game.

I don't believe, if they lower the Penta by half price, you are going to go out and Buy Platinum (directly from them, at full price) just to get the Penta (even if you do, this answer is only second best.) What I'm pretty sure you're going to do, is just buy it with the Platinum you already have sitting in your inventory, which technically doesn't benefit them in any way, it only benefits you. And at that point, you might as well just buy it with double the Plat.

Does this make DE monsters? No, because this all helps the game achieve it's lofty goals in the short-term and allow you to continue your enjoyment of the game by ensuring it's long-term success.

So if you actually want to purchase Plat just to buy the Penta, what should you do? Clearly the answer (what DE wants you to do, and what is good for the game) is to go get double the Plat at half price, or even lower, from all of the myriad partners & promotions DE has established. A) You benefit, B) This benefits the game on many levels a #$ton more than the way the people in this thread want to do it. The prices can be changed later, and there will be plenty of crap to spend your Plat on later, but the iron is hot now, and only now.

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lol at all of the people who wont be playing in 6 months complaining about prices... Those of us who are founders and have bought max plat packages at no discount and have put over $1k into this game because we want to see it grow have no problems with the prices; they are what they are.


You can get everything in this game and level it to 30 and forma it 8/10 times without having to get ANY plat AND still have your starting 50. What other game lets you do that? you may not be able to KEEP it all, but once its 30 its worthless from a mastery level perspective anyway so if u ditch it and buy it again later you dont really lose anything apart from one extra level for forma purposes.


on top of that with trading you can earn INFINITE plat for free and STILL not have to spend any of it


soo confuzzled

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Those of us who are founders and have bought max plat packages at no discount and have put over $1k into this game because we want to see it grow have no problems with the prices; they are what they are.


Speak for yourself.  I'm a founder, and the market prices are something disgusting.  The OP is a founder, and he clearly holds no love for them.  Skim through this thread, and you'll see more than a few in the same boat.


Not everyone likes spewing money (or time, with your mention of trading) like projectile vomit at prices that take the "micro" out of "microtransactions".

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On a slightly off topic note, the original post in this thread is about to reach critical mass.


Will it be the first thing to ever get 1,000 upvotes?

lol... it won't gain a like from me...


I still feel the market works just fine the way it is... Its a lot cheaper than what most games demand of me...

Edited by Arlayn
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I don't see what the big fuss is about. If it was the other way round people would be complaining that it's pay to win or pay to cut. 


You have a choice, play the game and earn them yourself, or pay a little extra if you want to cut corners. The cosmetic prices are reasonable.

Especially since you can get 5200 plat for £32 currently if you get 75% discount and use the 20% bonus... just saying. 


I think DE's market is one of the fairest, discourages people to cut corners yet still provides the option for those who want to. 


Most people like me invest in a small amount just for slots and the odd potato. 

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