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The Warframe Market Is A Joke And Actively Discourages Impulse Purchases (Updated, Includes Solution To Installed Catalysts/weapon Slot On Weapons)


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bunch of people whining on the forums about prices being too high and wishing they were 50% lower

Meanwhile: thousands of nvidia 465 plat for $10 sold out on ebay, thousands of triple plat bonus on 1st purchase being sold by DE's multiple partners, thousands of 'Shattered Packs' being sold on Amazon, Gamestop, thousands of Prime Access sold, thousands of Founders packages sold. Even excluding the thousands of purchases using 50%/75% daily login discount. This is just a snippet, I'm sure there are even more I haven't mentioned, all in a window of just 6 months

$10 gets you 170 plat. $10 for 465 plat is a good deal... BUT it's random (coupons), and from a 3rd party (which prevents some people from being able to buy it)


it's 100% reliable, but seems like everyone in this thread just rather bury their heads like an ostrich and play the victim

...until they're not on sale,


What I was saying is that Darvo only sweetens the deal on top of all that, he gives an even further 50% discount on the already discounted plat for stuff you'd want to get, for example the awesome Catalyst/Reactor/Slots/Booster pack and the Immortal skin pack

No, Darvo is pretty much their answer to the problem, and again, Darvo is unreliable, he wont always discount what you want. Is Darvo nice? Sure. Is it an answer? No, it's a bandaid (just like other bandaids of moving primes to the OD)



if they caved in and lowered the 'prices' even further for you guys who did not bother to try and find any of this or help them strengthen relations w/ their partners, but rather sit here and whine, that is essentially adding a friggen 3rd!!!! layer of 50% discount. obviously it doesn't make any sense for them to do this

They barely have sales, and what you get for an undiscounted plat is incredibly low. IF they were to lower the prices it gives more incentive for people to go and buy weapons or frames, which drains their plat faster, which means they need to go and buy more.


Oh, and there's always the people who can't buy plat anywhere but steam (which they've said is the biggest source of players).


But no, do go on about how $15 for a weapon is a good deal. (and keep in mind, this is a 6 months old thread, this was when there were 0 deals of any kind)




It's become apparent to me, there is absolutely no reason for them to lower the in-game prices, which is why they haven't, not even for the better part of a year. (With Darvo and some random sales being the exception out of the kindess of their merciful hearts.)

With the game being new and well hyped, especially on PS4, Platinum is what is in high demand, not half price Loki helmets lol. Their entire strategy revolves around using Platinum to get what they want outside of the game: strategic partnerships, marketing targets, advertising, new players, etc. They are literally buying those with gobs of Platinum whenever they can, even offering extensive discounts, because quite frankly, they have an infinite supply.

Exactly. And yet, their prices are atrocious, the lowest deals offering $1 for 15 plat or $1 for 17 plat, and both of those packs buy you a couple weapons at best, or a few potatoes/slots (which are reasonably priced).



Once the platinum is in circulation, they couldn't care less how you spend it, they already got what they wanted outside of the game. And inside the game, you're forced to spend it at whatever rate they choose anyway. This leads to some inflation in the game, but right now I think they are OK because it still costs about 700 plat per player to max out the basic necessities like slots and potatoes. Aside from that, there's not many 'platinum sinks' in the game.

Yes and no, they care that it gets spent, and they care you need more. Pricing weapons decently helps accomplish that, and helps players at the same time because they're not getting gouged for a skana (150 plat, really!?) frames, and resources (no, 15 plat for a mutagen sample is not priced fairly)


I don't believe, if they lower the Penta by half price, you are going to go out and Buy Platinum (directly from them, at full price) just to get the Penta (even if you do, this answer is only second best.) What I'm pretty sure you're going to do, is just buy it with the Platinum you already have sitting in your inventory, which technically doesn't benefit them in any way, it only benefits you. And at that point, you might as well just buy it with double the Plat.

1. Actually, when the penta came out, I honestly thought about buying it because it looked cool, and sounded cool. Instead I didn't spent any plat and waited for it to build. If the penta had been what, 75 plat, I would have bought it on the spot unless it had incredibly low mats mats requirements (or used tons of mats I don't need)


2. ...but it'd lower how much plat I have, and eventually I need to buy more. See how that works? Judging by how many upvotes the OP has, I'd say plenty of people don't buy weapons with plat (or regret it), so they barely sell any anyways.


Does this make DE monsters? No, because this all helps the game achieve it's lofty goals in the short-term and allow you to continue your enjoyment of the game by ensuring it's long-term success.

It also makes them poor business people, they could cut all weapons and frames (well, maybe not the 75 plat frames) in half and sell probably atleast 2, probably 3 times as many.



So if you actually want to purchase Plat just to buy the Penta, what should you do? Clearly the answer (what DE wants you to do, and what is good for the game) is to go get double the Plat at half price, or even lower, from all of the myriad partners & promotions DE has established. A) You benefit, B) This benefits the game on many levels a #$ton more than the way the people in this thread want to do it. The prices can be changed later, and there will be plenty of crap to spend your Plat on later, but the iron is hot now, and only now.

1. Random coupons, some people cannot buy plat outside of steam, etc. Bandaids do not fix a problem.

2. Spending plat means you have less, which means you need to buy more, which helps DE more than stupid;y high prices.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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By making the game better for all players, so DE can use that money to make the game better for all players? I'd take that deal any day.

Think about it.

Their most common player are the ones who can't readily afford the platinum it takes to buy even the most basic of items.

If they make market costs reasonable enough so the average joe can say it was worth buying and they'd buy more. Which means they'd have MORE people buying platinum, which means MORE money which means a better game all around.


Economics 101, Make it affordable and you'll make more money because more people can afford it.

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Think about it.

Their most common player are the ones who can't readily afford the platinum it takes to buy even the most basic of items.

If they make market costs reasonable enough so the average joe can say it was worth buying and they'd buy more. Which means they'd have MORE people buying platinum, which means MORE money which means a better game all around.


Economics 101, Make it affordable and you'll make more money because more people can afford it.


You're saying this as though it's any different from what I was saying. I agree with this 100%. I quoted you because you seemed to be implying that you don't want DE to become richer.

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As long as there are people who buy at such high prices, prices will stay this high.


Look at the Steam market. You think there ever will be weapon skins for 500+$ if no one would buy them? Sure not. But there are people who obviously have too much money, so we have what we have. And we will have it, until people stop throwing their money.

Edited by Dansilent
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Well, things that are essential and can't be easily obtained - catalysts, formas, color pack - priced reasonably. The expensive stuff is stuff that you're supposed to get yourself. So you pay for either skipping the gameplay or just feeling good in the game from the very beginning. I've bought weapons only once, when I started. And another starting warframe for 75 because it's reasonable. By the time stuff I bought hit lvl 3 I could afford just crafting whatever I needed. So from this point onward I bought only cosmetic stuff, catalysts and formas. TBH if you consider this an MMO, pretty tolerable overall.

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can't agree more with the op these prices are ridicilous

most of the frames and weapons you can easily obtain with little effort


yes i would buy frames if they were cheaper

but rather just rush the frame cuz it takes 3 days to build


oh crap that's their plan make ppl spend plat with rush build the items


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Wow, that changed so much! I can feel the change! Oh wait, that solved nothing, and does nothing to fix the problem.


Saying "Ignore the problem!" is not a valid answer to a problem.

Actually, if you understood how economics works...

If nobody is buying the product because the price is too high eventually it will force the price to change if the company selling the goods (albeit virtual in this case) wants to stay in business.

It's a pretty basic principle referred to as equlibrium price.

As it stands, obviously enough people are buying at the prices offered... so what incentive does DE have to lower the price outside of swinging sales?

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Actually, if you understood how economics works...

If nobody is buying the product because the price is too high eventually it will force the price to change if the company selling the goods (albeit virtual in this case) wants to stay in business.

It's a pretty basic principle referred to as equlibrium price.

As it stands, obviously enough people are buying at the prices offered... so what incentive does DE have to lower the price outside of swinging sales?


Given DE's record with changes, it's better to give feedback than to ignore it. What's changed with the market? UI and Darvo, and that's since U7, months and months ago.


And we have no idea how many weapons are selling, DE is simply making money off of plat sales, which is used for trading, slots, potatoes, and rushing, so long as it gets spent and people need more, DE makes money.


So, again, ignoring the problem solves nothing, in fact, it makes it worse by sending the message of "nothing is wrong with the prices".

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I agree with the prices you're presenting, but disagree with the notion that they aren't entertaining anyone with the current ones. The prices are what they are because people are silly enough to pay them. They would bring them down if they weren't making the money they felt was enough, you can bet on that. It is a business after all.

Edited by Str4ikkeri
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This is a really good idea, but the DE are going to have to reimburse the people who already spent plat with the current prices. I know I would feel completely screwed over because all my founder plat was spent on the high prices, and now all of a sudden they cut the prices in half.

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I'm sure everybody by now has noticed how absurdly priced everything is in the Warframe market.


DE, why is everything so expensive? I know you're new to the whole F2P scene, but making everything cost an arm and a leg is not how you make a profit. Who are you appealing to with garbage like this?




125 Platinum (nearly $10) for a Dual Skana? And it's apparently on sale? How does this count as a sale? Last I checked, sales were meant to be enticing to at least somebody.


800 Platinum (the price of the average AAA game you can find on Steam) for two poxy reskins and a scythe?


Who is going to buy these besides people who have zero sense of what money is worth?


When you put things up in the store, you want to appeal to the average Joe. The guy who has $5 left in his account after paying the bills. The kid who got $5 for delivering newspapers and wants to spend it on his favorite game. You appeal to these people because they are your most common customer, the broadest audience that plays your game. You DON'T want to purely appeal to people who apparently S#&$ money and own a Bentley, because that's what it seems you're doing.




These are your cheapest Platinum packs, these are the most commonly bought packages. Appeal to the people who will only put money down on THESE packages. Take advantage of the rich folk second.




=( awww I bought those weapon/ warframe and everything I have right now is store bought. I'm your average joe and I can afford it. I don't own any fancy car or big house or anything you've mention above. I just think its a good way to support the community and keep the great game alive. I mean I have a job and I don't get to play this game that much, so I can't afford the time to farm material / blueprint. I don't understand your point of argument here. If you have a crappy job and couldn't afford to buy ingame items that means you have lots of time on your hand. Thus you can farm and hunt blueprint and build ur weapon/frame like the rest. .... er I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore. What I'm trying to say is, pay to win(busy with real life with real job) or suck it up butter-cup?

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A price drop on frames would probably bother lots of players.


People that bought it with plat before would want some kind of small refund, and players that farmed them would feel as if they wasted time knowing that people are just buying them on the spot.


Situations like this are very subjective. I personally like the idea of playing the game to unlock things. Of course, we aren't being forced to buy items via plat, but it's just seeing the option there that bothers players sometimes.


Look at all those EA games that let you practically unlock entire games for only a few bucks. Again, they're not mandatory purchases but some players feel that it's kind of a ridiculous option to offer in the first place.

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Oh nice this got brought back to the front page. Seeing how nothing changed. The old prices are still the same.

Do they have no guy working on this at all?


Why would they do that? The change that made frame BP's a guaranteed drop was a step in the right direction. Rather than improve the market, they should improve the game.

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A price drop on frames would probably bother lots of players.


People that bought it with plat before would want some kind of small refund, and players that farmed them would feel as if they wasted time knowing that people are just buying them on the spot.

Right, and that's easily done, they keep track of purchases. And worst comes to worst, they have people submit a support ticket, or be forced to suck it up. And "players that farmed them would feel as if they wasted time knowing that people are just buying them on the spot," is the dumbest thing ever, most players didn't feel this way when they made BPs 100% chance drops, so I SEVERELY doubt they'd complain about this, ESPECIALLY when it's very easy to farm a new frame now, once you have the boss node unlocked.


Situations like this are very subjective. I personally like the idea of playing the game to unlock things. Of course, we aren't being forced to buy items via plat, but it's just seeing the option there that bothers players sometimes.

So do a lot of people, however some people would like to simply have a new frame/weapon at a reasonable price rather than farming for one. The only thing that bothers people about having the option is the incredibly high price.


Look at all those EA games that let you practically unlock entire games for only a few bucks. Again, they're not mandatory purchases but some players feel that it's kind of a ridiculous option to offer in the first place.

Sure, but those are games you already have payed for. (assuming we're thinking of the same games), for example, The newest Forza on the Xbone costs $60, then as an added free kick in the nuts, they've made the game incredibly grindy with microtransactions.

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