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Sancti Tigris/tigris Needs To Be Scaled Down.


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It's not busting through lvl 95 Corrupted Heavy gunners fast enough or safely enough for my preferences.

That still belongs to the Tonkor.

Otherwise Sancti is a bulldozer.


I wonder what a crit build would do if anything.

It needs to be able to eviscerate one in one burst for a single target gun to be viable against armor scaling.

Edited by Ziegrif
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Not exactly, nerfing something is like making us only have 12 shots in a bow again, toning down is making something instead of doing say 110k dmg make it do 90k. Just giving an example.

They mean EXACTLY the same thing. Whether a weapons got a 1 damage decrease, or a 100,000 damage decrease, they mean the SAME THING.

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What's wrong with big numbers ?


Look it deals slightly more than the Vay Hek or the SJ Hek and for that damage, you have to give up on able to engage multiple targets UNLESS you take magazine mods, which send your DPS spiraling downwards.


Again, it is still balanced by the fact that even with Seeking Fury or Seeking force, you still can't engage more than a handful of enemies at a time. Leave it be.

Edited by fatpig84
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OP posted his thoughts. other people providing arguments against it. this is totally fine.

however, the OP is completely denying the other people's arguments, and his own logical errors, even if they are quoted from his posts:


If you're talking about PvE, it's still only 2 shots every 2 seconds. Give it all the damage in the world, and Tonkor, Amprex, Dread, Rakta Cernos, and Boltor Prime can still kill more targets per second.


no reaction on this - bacause this proves that the tigris is only strong in such a specific circumstance it doesn't even matters. OP also said that he doesn't play endless missions for that long, so in the scenarios he's using it, an MK1 strun is clearly superior (until both guns 1hit the enemies)


Yeah, you're saying it has no affect on anything, you just want it nerfed because "It's too much".


and, the reaction on this: i didn't say that.


Then WTH did you stay? this is in your posts. please OP, stop this already pls.

p.s.: also, half of the posts in the thread are about "toning down" is (not) the same as "nerfing", which is as irrelevant to the topic as it could be.

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OP posted his thoughts. other people providing arguments against it. this is totally fine.

however, the OP is completely denying the other people's arguments, and his own logical errors, even if they are quoted from his posts:

no reaction on this - bacause this proves that the tigris is only strong in such a specific circumstance it doesn't even matters. OP also said that he doesn't play endless missions for that long, so in the scenarios he's using it, an MK1 strun is clearly superior (until both guns 1hit the enemies)

and, the reaction on this: i didn't say that.

Then WTH did you stay? this is in your posts. please OP, stop this already pls.

p.s.: also, half of the posts in the thread are about "toning down" is (not) the same as "nerfing", which is as irrelevant to the topic as it could be.

Why are you calling for the thread to be locked and telling people off for not answering the topic (which you aren't either), what has it got to do with you?

Honestly, this is a very strange forum.

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Rant start...


Oh. My. God. STFU. It's people like you that leads to stupid things like the nerf to multi-shot making it essentially a ROF mod instead.


Considering these new weapons were designed with the multi-shot nerf in mind, I'd say the damage is pretty spot on because it's pretty much going to be a single shot and reload, which, means you'll need as much damage as you can get if you didn't already understand. They haven't even mentioned doing this change with enemy scaling in mind....it's so that damage and Warframe powers can be more balanced to each-other, as if we didn't already have some lazy people just spamming Miasma or Peacemaker.


Damage is is kinda needed to kill things the longer you want to go. It's not even a choice of if you have multi-shot or not because you're either going to lack the damage so you kill them in more shots or you do have the damage but have to reload after that shot, which means in the end you still use up more ammo. All not having multi-shot does is increase the time it takes to kill a single unit.


Sure they've said that they will be looking at weapon balance at the same time but seriously do we expect the weapon balance to come out the same time as this multi-shot nerf? We all know DE have a record of just kinda leaving things in a half working state like coptering and this multi-shot change considering they are saying it's a bug or even the basic status mods for each weapon being at like 15%(like seriously the event mods are so much better and even add damage...).


Okay sure we do kinda need incentives for utility mods but as they are now it's mostly because those mods are kinda terrible being at like 30% more ammo capacity etc....whereas they've just used primed mods as a band-aid. The primed mods should have been the base for these mods, hell I'd even say the event IPS mods should have been base because they're actually only effective(in terms of adding more damage than an elemental) if the weapon itself un-modded has over 70-75% of that physical damage type as base damage.


A solution to these mandatory mods would be to just have the weapons damage scale up innately so that by the time they hit level 30 it's a fully ranked Serration, Hornet strike, Point blank, Pressure point with some numbers tweaks making them add +200%. That way there's actually room to mod for whatever else you like, even though there will become new mandatory mods it's still a better way to deal with the current ones.


TBH I think theGreatZamboni was onto something with they're proposed changes https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137875-a-complete-rework-of-the-foundation-of-warframe/


Rant end...for now.




TLDR; Sancti Tigris is fine as it is already balanced for multi-shot nerfs and lack of crowd mowing(unless modded for).

Edited by Lichcontract
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And here to your right you can see the species called the idle-nerf-callers. I don't like X performance therefor please reduce its performance by 3%. Oh also Y performance is too high for my liking so please reduce its performance by 7%. I see Z this many times (made up percentage) and it really bothers me so please reduce its performance by any amount sufficient to reduce the number of times I see it.


I've seen this about 12,000 times now (partially made up but it feels about right). Can we at least have some specific objectives behind each nerf-calls?

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Why are you calling for the thread to be locked and telling people off for not answering the topic (which you aren't either), what has it got to do with you?

Honestly, this is a very strange forum.


i want this locked, because there's no point of this thread to exist, because the OP continues to tell the same thing without considering the arguments against it.


basically it is the same if you would post these:

A: tigris too stronk, pls nerf

B: no, it doesn't need to be nerfed, because X, Y and even Z.

A: no point in nerfing it, pls nerf

C: don't nerf, because X, W and 3 more reasons. also what you wrote is stupid

A: GTFO, i didn't say that, pls nerf

D: no nerf

A: yes, nerf it already





H: YES YES!!!!



and, the other half of the people:


A: toning down is not nerfing

J: so, you want to make it less powerful, it is a nerf

A: no, it is not

J: yes, it is, because this is the meaning of "nerf"

A: no, it isn't

K: you're stupid, this is a nerf






see? this is THE type of thread that needs get locked - it is only a matter of time that people who argument like this start to call each other names. and AFTER that the thread will get locked, but that doesn't help the poor people who were trying to add their 2cents, only to get a "no, you're stupid" instead of a proper answer


PS: i didn't wrote down my arguments, because i already upvoted the posts that i agree with

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i want this locked, because there's no point of this thread to exist, because the OP continues to tell the same thing without considering the arguments against it.

basically it is the same if you would post these:

A: tigris too stronk, pls nerf

B: no, it doesn't need to be nerfed, because X, Y and even Z.

A: no point in nerfing it, pls nerf

C: don't nerf, because X, W and 3 more reasons. also what you wrote is stupid

A: GTFO, i didn't say that, pls nerf

D: no nerf

A: yes, nerf it already





H: YES YES!!!!


and, the other half of the people:

A: toning down is not nerfing

J: so, you want to make it less powerful, it is a nerf

A: no, it is not

J: yes, it is, because this is the meaning of "nerf"

A: no, it isn't

K: you're stupid, this is a nerf






see? this is THE type of thread that needs get locked - it is only a matter of time that people who argument like this start to call each other names. and AFTER that the thread will get locked, but that doesn't help the poor people who were trying to add their 2cents, only to get a "no, you're stupid" instead of a proper answer

PS: i didn't wrote down my arguments, because i already upvoted the posts that i agree with

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this thread is a rich topic of conversation and needs to be kept alive. I'm saying that if I opened a thread to read and I could see it was going nowhere I would probably just leave and not give it a second thought (assuming I'm not a mod) rather than jumping in shouting "Hey! This thread needs to be locked ASAP! The quality of what is being said falls below my personal quality standards!"

We're all different though I guess.

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I think it needs a nerf, 1800 base damage is just too much.

Rant start...


Oh. My. God. STFU. It's people like you that leads to stupid things like the nerf to multi-shot making it essentially a ROF mod instead.


Considering these new weapons were designed with the multi-shot nerf in mind, I'd say the damage is pretty spot on because it's pretty much going to be a single shot and reload, which, means you'll need as much damage as you can get if you didn't already understand. They haven't even mentioned doing this change with enemy scaling in mind....it's so that damage and Warframe powers can be more balanced to each-other, as if we didn't already have some lazy people just spamming Miasma or Peacemaker.


Damage is is kinda needed to kill things the longer you want to go. It's not even a choice of if you have multi-shot or not because you're either going to lack the damage so you kill them in more shots or you do have the damage but have to reload after that shot, which means in the end you still use up more ammo. All not having multi-shot does is increase the time it takes to kill a single unit.


Sure they've said that they will be looking at weapon balance at the same time but seriously do we expect the weapon balance to come out the same time as this multi-shot nerf? We all know DE have a record of just kinda leaving things in a half working state like coptering and this multi-shot change considering they are saying it's a bug or even the basic status mods for each weapon being at like 15%(like seriously the event mods are so much better and even add damage...).


Okay sure we do kinda need incentives for utility mods but as they are now it's mostly because those mods are kinda terrible being at like 30% more ammo capacity etc....whereas they've just used primed mods as a band-aid. The primed mods should have been the base for these mods, hell I'd even say the event IPS mods should have been base because they're actually only effective(in terms of adding more damage than an elemental) if the weapon itself un-modded has over 70-75% of that physical damage type as base damage.


A solution to these mandatory mods would be to just have the weapons damage scale up innately so that by the time they hit level 30 it's a fully ranked Serration, Hornet strike, Point blank, Pressure point with some numbers tweaks making them add +200%. That way there's actually room to mod for whatever else you like, even though there will become new mandatory mods it's still a better way to deal with the current ones.


TBH I think theGreatZamboni was onto something with they're proposed changes https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137875-a-complete-rework-of-the-foundation-of-warframe/


Rant end...for now.




TLDR; Sancti Tigris is fine as it is already balanced for multi-shot nerfs and lack of crowd mowing(unless modded for).

Salty much?

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I'll just throw my two cents - my ONLY issue with snacti tigris is how bland regular tigris fall in comparision


OVER 20% DAMAGE BOOST, added with significant reload speed boost and 3 polarisations compared to none.

I don;t mind polarisations but iether it needs to be a toned down a little - or if you like tragically sounded words - nerfed, or regular tigriss needs to be buffed to comparable level

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I think it's fair where it is. Even if it hits like a truck it actually does have drawbacks in the form of it's small clip and reload time, meaning that it is at a disadvantage when dealing a large number of dispersed enemies. And the Tigris has a it's max Syndicate ranking and MR 12 gate, so it'll take a bit of grinding to even be allowed to use it.


On top of that, I would imagine that part of the reason everyone's using one is simply because they're new. They'll likely die a down a bit in popularity after a while.

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I think it needs a nerf, 1800 base damage is just too much.

Salty much?

Ofc I'm salty he's calling for nerfs in a PvE game as well as not taking into account the fact it's balanced by the fact it's not going to be a mass murderer unless modded for and a small mag size which WILL get worse with the multi-shot changes making it even more balanced. You have one shot so you have to make it count.

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And here to your right you can see the species called the idle-nerf-callers. I don't like X performance therefor please reduce its performance by 3%. Oh also Y performance is too high for my liking so please reduce its performance by 7%. I see Z this many times (made up percentage) and it really bothers me so please reduce its performance by any amount sufficient to reduce the number of times I see it.


I've seen this about 12,000 times now (partially made up but it feels about right). Can we at least have some specific objectives behind each nerf-calls?

so. much.this.

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