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The New Lisets?


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actually having a free special version as a reward from an event would be nice too

also im sure people want to know about the prisma liset skins. Ima make a thread cause why not seems important. Eventually to tired now

Edited by rechot
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actually having a free special version as a reward from an event would be nice too

I would like that for one type, but others should be obtainable. Make them mastery locked at MR10 or something and have a quest made available when you hit that number. I wouldn't mind if they had 1 special one available via event as you suggested, 1 available in the market (MR locked), and one available via quest (MR locked).

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Now that I have seen it again, something came to mind...


How are they supposed to make it rain with bullets and stuff when most of the tilesets are set inside? ._. I mean they would have to be able to penetrate walls and stuff right? And if that's the case, I hope it looks neat atleast and not just "pew pew, everything is dead but no damage to the area whatsoever."

Edited by DJ_Vauban
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I remembered those ideas from a discussion thread a long time ago, perhaps before even the skin is customizable(?). Could not find the post though (if anybody else who remembered and could find the thread, pls post links)


There were some ideas for limited use abilities with the properly upgraded lisets (and in applicable parts of the map. We can't really have bombard unless there is open sky in the tile for example)


can't remember the exact list so making up some as I goL


- bombard - super large range attack on the whole tile (but perhaps limited to those with open sky. Unless we work out some fancy tech which "phases in the weapons like lotus lifesupport pods" which will ignore "inside/outside" issues. Personally, I prefer open sky bombardment esp if Liset can appear in a fly pass... )

- rearm/resupply (fills ammo or energy or health, perhaps by dropping a supply pod that requires player to run there and activate)

- re-loadout (allow one time changing of weapons etc in-mission)

- reinforcements - dropping autonomous operatives/sentinels which will begin to automatically attack, much like the gear option, but without using items though limited use per mission.

- airdrop large equipment - (deploy tenno-made fixed turrets??.. even 'vehicles' in the future? or 'ground tank version of archwing'?)


Personally, I am rather surprised that the ideas discussed so long ago are now actualized. Perhaps it could just be coincidence (as in the dev came up with the ideas independently but just happen to mirror player ideas), but I am happy nonetheless, and believe that it will help expand the game positively. Looking forward to it already...

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