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Reworking Void Rewards: Making Void Rewards Less Frustrating And More Rewarding


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...while still enhancing the replayability of the Void and making sure people will keep playing it. I humbly request the entire post be read, but I do include a tl;dr for those lacking the time.

Right now, there are a few problems associated with the Void. None of these are problems with the Void per se, but with the way the mechanics are implemented creating frustration amongst the players. Nothing gets to a player more than running the Void a hundred times and receiving a hundred Reaper Handles in return. After the fifth run or so, it stops being fun and you start trying to get through it as fast as possible so that you can see what the reward is, only to see that it's yet another Reaper Handle.

And therein lies the problem. The Void is fun. It really is. It introduces new combat mechanics, new exploration mechanics, tons of things to promote teamwork and keep players playing. But when you keep getting the same reward, even beating that challenge using those mechanics - it all stops being rewarding. And that's a quick way to burn out a player, because they become focused on the reward in the game, and to them that reward is essentially... well... nothing. I don't think many of us do Void missions for the credits; those are easy enough to acquire.

There is a ratio of investment and reward that needs to be kept. The investment, in this case, is either platinum or time spent to farm up some keys. The reward is nothing, so it gets to a point where it feels pointless to invest at all.

So the problem, essentially, is that Void missions don't feel rewarding to the average player. My solution to this is essentially an elaborate token system, designed to encourage repeated playing and putting the focus on the run itself rather than the reward at the end.

Players receive a certain range of tokens per mission that can be used to purchase their desired reward that is the blueprint or component you need. Lorewise, this would probably be fragments of information the Lotus can piece together for your desired item.

Reasoning and Elaboration: Yes, I realise that this is typically suggested for alerts, and it's odd that I'm suggesting it for the Void. Believe me, it seems odd to me, too - but I'm suggesting it for one important reason. It keeps every mission rewarding. There is no "dammit, I got another Reaper Handle"; there's only "Yay, I got more <token!>"

The number of tokens per Void mission should be a range. This is important. You cannot get only one token per mission, or five tokens per mission. It has to be a range. This is effectively to create that same RNG element that keeps people playing, while at the same time putting a cap on the maximum number of times you might have to do a Void run to get what you want. This means that every time you get something higher than the minimum end of the range, you feel rewarded - especially so when you get the maximum.

Also important is that the range should be dependent on the tier of the mission that you're doing. Tier 3 Void missions should give more tokens than Tier 2 Void missions. This keeps players of varying skill levels happy, as everyone can get their items, but skill means it takes less time to do so. This also gives lesser players a reason to increase their skill at the game, so they can obtain the item they want faster.

Now, here's the part that ensures that players focus on the mission, instead of speedrunning Void missions until they get what they want. Make it so that the players can get additional tokens per run by exploration, by destroying traps, etc - make it so they get additional tokens for playing the game. Reward them for playing your Void missions the way you intended it. Players who want to speedrun can do so, but it's less efficient to do so.

But now players can get whatever they want!, you might think. Yes, this is indeed a problem, and would impact the replayability of Void missions. This, in part, is why Void tokens should be a range - so that the number of runs you do isn't exactly fixed from the player's point of view. But there will still be a maximum cap on the number of runs you have to do. Once you reach that point: What then?

The answer is Forma.

You can get Forma using the tokens (obviously, since it's a Void reward). You need a lot of Forma. You need it for your clan dojo, you need it to better optimise your gear, etc. This is a reason to keep playing - because you can still use your additional tokens to get more Forma, to optimise your gear further. And you need a lot of it. This would help small clans quite a bit in obtaining the Forma they need. There's no reason for big clans not to expand their dojo even further, either: I, for one, would love to build an entire labyrinth using connectors on one of the levels (sadly, I am not in a big clan).

But let's say you have all the Forma you need, or don't want to use Forma for some reason. Fair enough. The Void tokens should also buy utility items that players would want because it made gameplay more convenient. The Void shop (obviously it wouldn't be called that, call it a research center or something) should sell ammo boxes that hold two charges, for example, that automatically refill your ammunition when you run out. For example. Or an item that's thrown out like Vauban's Vortex, except it's a just-for-fun thing that lets you fly around and Vortex surf. Things players would want to buy. In bulk. Who doesn't want a Vortex in the Great Hall of a clan? Answer: Nobody. Antigrav units! Woo!

(Clan leaders should be able to disable this if they want :p)

Moving on! Beyond that, what else? How do you keep players playing if they have had enough?

Answer: Cosmetics. The RNG should be in the cosmetics. Let Tier 1, 2, and 3 missions each reward a different (or several different, if you're feeling generous) cosmetic item that cannot be obtained by platinum. More badass rewards for Tier 3 missions, of course. This encourages players to play Tier 3 missions as well, and it encourages people to keep playing.

And I honestly think that would be enough to last people until the next content update.

TL;DR: Void rewards should be a token system to keep things more rewarding, each tier rewards a different range of tokens, more tokens can be obtained during gameplay through exploration and killing things, tokens should be able to buy convenient utility items (or just plain fun items, perhaps for the Dojo) that people would want to buy, RNG should give out cosmetic items rarely.

Disclaimer: This system boiled around in my head for a while before I dared to post it. Sorry about the length of the post. I'm not saying this system is better, but I think it's a longer lasting system that has greater replayability, and I'd like to hear others' thoughts on the matter.

Edit: They have since fixed the drop rates somewhat by making receivers and handles more common in Tier 3 alerts. However, I feel that this system still has greater replayability, and would allow the Void content to last much longer - so I'm hoping DE takes a look at this. :D

Edited by Quetzhal
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It's funny how people complain about about the rewards of the void but nobody complains about how hard it is to get into the void in the first place. It might solve the problems for the lucky players or those with money that have constant void runs, but what about the people that barely get any keys in the first place? I guess we should just deal with it, right? RNG this, RNG that.

Edited by Kohira
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It's funny how people complain about about the rewards of the void but nobody complains about how hard it is to get into the void in the first place. It might solve the problems for the lucky players or those with money that have constant void runs, but what about the people that barely get any keys in the first place? I guess we should just deal with it, right? RNG this, RNG that.

Actually, I made a topic about that as well. :) It's not as well thought out, but yeah. It's just a separate topic because they're really separate issues, and people who agree with one may not agree with the other.

As for the rest: Thanks! Glad you guys like the idea.

Edited by Quetzhal
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Actually, I made a topic about that as well. :) It's not as well thought out, but yeah. It's just a separate topic because they're really separate issues, and people who agree with one may not agree with the other.

As for the rest: Thanks! Glad you guys like the idea.

I forgot to say that I like your idea and I'm glad someone took the initiative on both topics/problems. Great work :)

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This sounds great!

Logical, well thought and well put together!

Something to make the game less rng heavy/frustrating and more rng happy/useful ^^

I had a idea I was going to suggest, but, honestly?

I like yours much more!

I would praise DE beyond belief if they implemented this.

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The system you describe OP seems to be both fair and rewarding, and well thought out. The problem I see though is, that the system we have now is puposefully designed to be not fair and rewarding. It's sole intention is to get people to pay for keys, and that's pretty much it.


In a token system, customers would have the ability to accurately gauge the "price" of an item. Let's say a full latron prime would be 20 tokens, then I as a player would have to pay for 20 runs. I could either take it or leave it, but I would never consider buying only 10 keys. This is where the rng comes in. People are urged to do "just one more run", which ends up being much more then they originally intended to do.


This is also the reason why we have such an abundance of useless parts, and so few "bottleneck" parts, namely reaper blade and latron receiver. They are the carrot that they keep dangling before our eyes, becaue "getting a part for every run" makes it seem like more, when it really isn't.

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Thanks, all! :)

The system you describe OP seems to be both fair and rewarding, and well thought out. The problem I see though is, that the system we have now is puposefully designed to be not fair and rewarding. It's sole intention is to get people to pay for keys, and that's pretty much it.


In a token system, customers would have the ability to accurately gauge the "price" of an item. Let's say a full latron prime would be 20 tokens, then I as a player would have to pay for 20 runs. I could either take it or leave it, but I would never consider buying only 10 keys. This is where the rng comes in. People are urged to do "just one more run", which ends up being much more then they originally intended to do.


This is also the reason why we have such an abundance of useless parts, and so few "bottleneck" parts, namely reaper blade and latron receiver. They are the carrot that they keep dangling before our eyes, becaue "getting a part for every run" makes it seem like more, when it really isn't.

Getting people to pay for keys at the current rate will more likely than not be a short term thing. After the initial "Update 8!" hype is over, people will probably stop buying them and rely on gameplay, and the amount of people using the new content will likely end up trickling down. The profit works in the short term, but it's unlikely to last into the long term - and it comes at the cost of alienating the playerbase.

That said... I do see the point you're getting at. This, in part, is one of the reasons I suggested cosmetic rewards that are awarded in the current RNG fashion. It extends gameplay and serves as an "additional" reward that people would want, but even if you don't get it, you're still getting rewarded and you can get other stuff in the shop to help you on future runs, etc. The tokens soften the blow of the RNG, so to speak. But players are still encouraged to keep playing these levels, and purchasing Void keys would be a faster way of doing so than grinding them. Also, it's cosmetic, meaning players aren't as likely to be upset about it - it's not gameplay changing in any way.

Basically, you can still encourage those Void key purchases in the same manner while making it so that the runs still feel rewarding instead of "Dammit, I didn't get X!", ultimately frustrating players and burning them out.

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Getting people to pay for keys at the current rate will more likely than not be a short term thing. After the initial "Update 8!" hype is over, people will probably stop buying them and rely on gameplay, and the amount of people using the new content will likely end up trickling down. 


I also believe this, I personally bought quite a few keys and after only a weekend I don't feel like buying anything out of the shop anytime soon. My plat feels wasted, my time feels wasted and I surely don't feel like buying more plat anytime time soon either.


All the content they worked on for Update 8 turned out amazing but certain decisions are holding this update back by a mile.

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I've been thinking a bit, the idea is great, but I don't think it will happen. Why? Because:


Making it easy/fair to acquire void keys or forma would cause an outrage in the player base, most likely all who payed for keys will feel cheated, thus they will demand their money back. I can even see the forums being filled with: "Why should it be easier now after we payed so much money and got nothing?!''.


People will really crave for that optional reset.

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