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We Need A Status Counterpart To Berserker


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Recently, the Ninkondi were released and it was revealed that it's a status weapon. I think at this point, we need a status counterpart to Berserker called Inflictor where at max rank, it grants a 30% attack speed bonus for 24 seconds upon inflicting a status proc with your melee weapon. 


With this mod, status weapons like the Ninkondi, Jat Kittag or Bo Prime can gain a more consistent attack speed buff without installing Berserker and the fact that someone who wants more speed for crit/status melee weapons like the Atterax or Prisma Dual Cleavers could do just that by installing Berserker & Inflictor onto them.

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I want to approach this using the STAR method.


S or T: We currently have a mod, Berserker, which increases up to 75% melee speed per critical hit. What we do not have is a variety of weapons to do so but we do have weapons capable of having high status chances but not a mod to increase the melee speed per status inflicted. we need that type of mod to further increase the variety of melee weapons to use.


A: We need a mod that will increase melee speed per status inflicted but we also need to balance this out with the berserker mod as well. The status will have the same increases as berserker but with a catch. The catch being you can only equip one or the other never both for a multitude of reasons (small reason being the prismatic cleavers 25% status and critical). If we do allow both to be equipped then decrease the bonus for both to compensate the multiplicative chances you have now.


R: This mod will be welcomed upon many Tenno. Digital Extremes please make this happen.

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this sounds pretty neat.

and there's no balance problems because you're sacrificing two Mod Slots to use both Berserker and this if you were to.

and a Melee Weapon which is both Crit and Status means it's using 6 Mod Slots for it's 'mandatory' to Mod for Stats, plus Pressure point making 7.

basically, to do this your Weapon has no flexibility whatsoever. it is also a Weapon that must spool up, only becoming quick when Enemies don't die in one hit and when there's a lot of Enemies around.

i was expecting a Mod like Berserker that would temporarily increase Status Chance though.... but this is good too.

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and there's no balance problems because you're sacrificing two Mod Slots to use both Berserker and this if you were to.


There's one problem I've noticed that would make this mod completely unbalanced: Slam attacks and stances that have a forced proc in one of their combos. If DE decided that this mod is a good idea to be implemented and they didn't make it so only procs from status chance can trigger the effect, it would completely outclass Berserker and would feel too mandatory for any melee weapon.

Edited by IronWolfKnight
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excuse me while i laugh for a while.

still no problem. you can get Attack Speed, and Melee's which have Damage Type Attributes on certain Attacks are also ones that are generally less used for Combat - so this is a good thing overall.

only serves to widen what Melee Weapons Players feel comfortable using.

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