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It's Time To Stop Having Rare Event Mods That Sell For Upwards Of 500 Platinum.


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I've been trying to explain it to you for half an hour now. Don't give up, you might get it.

And you've been wrong for half an hour now.

On a self-regulated market, prices will settle in a certain range. Some people will overcharge and some will sell under price, but no one would ever seriously think of selling something that usually goes for 20 p for 1000 p.

Prices with steady supply and demand stay in the same price range.

If the supply is lowered or even cut off, the prices will rise (example: Frost Prime parts)

If the supply is increased, the prices plummet (example: dual stat elemental mods)

DE can raise the supply by increasing the drop chances of a mod, which will also lead to a higher saturation of the market and lower the demand.

What you've been saying all this time is that all that above is false, which made me just stop bothering to try.

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But also fair for those, that invested time to get those rewards. Individual fairness doesn't exist as both words are in contradiction.

Never said anything about individual fairness. I was pointing out that each individual event has different worth, thus time is an irrelavent variable when measuring how fair the aquisition of rewards is. The events are unequal in worth, thus one person's span of time played will vary in substance than anothers. So the system rewards them for different actions within that identical time (identical time as in the same measurement of time, not the same string of events) spent playing, meaning time is not a valid factor when seeing if two players are treated fairly in regards to an individual event.

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Never said anything about individual fairness. I was pointing out that each individual event has different worth, thus time is an irrelavent variable when measuring how fair the aquisition of rewards is. The events are unequal in worth, thus one person's span of time played will vary in substance than anothers. So the system rewards them for different actions within that identical time (identical time as in the same measurement of time, not the same string of

 events) spent playing, meaning time is not a valid factor when seeing if two players are treated fairly in regards to an individual event.


I am not sure why you think it is unfair. You can get those mods through other means, namely trading. The platinum prices depict the rarity/value of it. So technically it's still farmable. You just need to get the amount of plats through selling stuffs or buying plat.

Edited by Boltwin
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What do you think "don't like it, go somewhere else" means? If I want to sell it at 500p nothing's going to stop me. If you don't want to buy it at 500p nothing's going to stop you either. Rinse and repeat until someone's happy. But anyone with half a brain would realize that if the guy next door to you is selling for 50 and you're selling for 500, he's going to get the sales. DE can raise or lower availability all they want, the actual price is up to the seller.

Man, stop. The price a seller picks is not pulled out of a hat. The seller, unless they have absolutely no idea what they're doing, sets the price at the point where he can make the highest profit off of what he's selling. For rare, useful mods, the point at which a seller can make the highest profit is extremely high. Therefore, many sellers are likely to choose the higher price point.


This is a basic fact of economics, man. You're trying to rewrite an entire field.

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So the biggest reason people are not wanting this change is so they can sell said mods for too much platinum? 




No mod in this game should be exclusive, every build should be available to every player. I don't see why we can't move the rest of these event mods to Spy missions or less played ones. Or even from these upcoming new enemy types DE's got in store. 


Greed is not a valid reason to hinder a player's builds or progression. Not if it's from the community. 

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Man, stop. The price a seller picks is not pulled out of a hat. The seller, unless they have absolutely no idea what they're doing, sets the price at the point where he can make the highest profit off of what he's selling. For rare, useful mods, the point at which a seller can make the highest profit is extremely high. Therefore, many sellers are likely to choose the higher price point.

This is a basic fact of economics, man. You're trying to rewrite an entire field.

And what is that price? Who makes that decision? The player. I decide. Do I want 400 for my Buzz kill? That's what I'm going to charge. If I can't sell it there, I lower my price until someone's buying what I'm selling. It's not hard to understand. Whether the price is fair or not is irrelevant, as if you find the price is unfair, you can go somewhere else. "Fair" is subjective. "Reasonable" is also subjective. The only relevant question is if you're willing to pay the price for what you want.
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It's a really basic concept. The rarer something is the more desperate people become to obtain it thus they throw more money at it until they actually get it. If they fail they raise their prices until they can match a seller price. This concept is acknowledged both in real life and other online games. When there's so few of one item, prices on average go up.


The fact that you have the opportunity to sell buzz kill for 400p is offset by the number of buzzkills in the economy. Same case with primed chamber. There's a reason most in game obtainable mods are worth 20-30p while Primed chamber is a staggering 5,000+ plat onwards on average. Sure you get to decide what you individually sell it for.

Edited by Unholyrequiem
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And what is that price? Who makes that decision? The player. I decide. Do I want 400 for my Buzz kill? That's what I'm going to charge. If I can't sell it there, I lower my price until someone's buying what I'm selling. It's not hard to understand. Whether the price is fair or not is irrelevant, as if you find the price is unfair, you can go somewhere else. "Fair" is subjective. "Reasonable" is also subjective. The only relevant question is if you're willing to pay the price for what you want.

*facepalm* No, you generally can't go somewhere else. The choice is not between buying the mod at a high price or buying it at a low price. It's between buying it at a high price or not buying it at all.


Understand, I don't really care one way or the other if they make event mods more commonly available. It's your horrible mangling of basic economic concepts that I'm trying to fix.

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*facepalm* No, you generally can't go somewhere else. The choice is not between buying the mod at a high price or buying it at a low price. It's between buying it at a high price or not buying it at all.

I don't see where I said anything different. You want it, I have it. If you don't want it for the price I set, you can't have it. Find someone with a lower price, or don't get it at all. Or haggle.
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I don't see where I said anything different. You want it, I have it. If you don't want it for the price I set, you can't have it. Find someone with a lower price, or don't get it at all. Or haggle.

And what everyone you've been arguing with is saying is that unless you're some green newcomer to the trade chat chances are there won't be someone selling it for noticeably lower. Or much higher really. So it is either pay more than what a frame costs or go without. That is not a good place for any mod, niche or not, to be.

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And what everyone you've been arguing with is saying is that unless you're some green newcomer to the trade chat chances are there won't be someone selling it for noticeably lower. Or much higher really. So it is either pay more than what a frame costs or go without. That is not a good place for any mod, niche or not, to be.

This thread isn't about how prices are set or how they are set.  This thread is about how some mods are completely unavailable for arbitrary reasons, which is not a healthy incentive to buy Platinum.  Arguing with someone over Warframe economics has nothing to do with the purpose of the thread, so you guys should do so in another thread.  

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I don't see where I said anything different. You want it, I have it. If you don't want it for the price I set, you can't have it. Find someone with a lower price, or don't get it at all. Or haggle.

If I haggle you down from a high price, that means you couldn't find another buyer at the high price. The chances of you finding a buyer at the higher price are directly impacted by the availability of what you're selling. If a third of the playerbase has a multiples of a mod that you're trying to sell at a high price, you're likely to be constantly undercut—you're unlikely to be able to sell your mod. If you've got the only copy of the mod you're trying to sell, you can name just about any price that someone has the ability to pay.


Supply affects price. It's not a conspiracy, it is a fact basic to how humans interact with each other monetarily. I don't know how to explain this any more simply, to make it easier for you to understand, so I'm going to stop trying.

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This thread isn't about how prices are set or how they are set.  This thread is about how some mods are completely unavailable for arbitrary reasons, which is not a healthy incentive to buy Platinum.  Arguing with someone over Warframe economics has nothing to do with the purpose of the thread, so you guys should do so in another thread.  

I was under the implication that the point of this thread was to increase supply so as to lower the price of certain mods. In which case understanding how supply and demand work is kinda integral. TheBsrkr seems to not get that simple fact, and since others were failing to get the point across I decided to try my luck. I could have said 'Dude, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself' but they seem to react with memes to anything resembling memes.

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I was under the implication that the point of this thread was to increase supply so as to lower the price of certain mods. In which case understanding how supply and demand work is kinda integral. TheBsrkr seems to not get that simple fact, and since others were failing to get the point across I decided to try my luck. I could have said 'Dude, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself' but they seem to react with memes to anything resembling memes.

The results of this thread boil down to "DE please reintroduce these mods so that everyone has a shot at them" vs " no don't reintroduce the mods so I can make money."  Arguing over economic theory has nothing to do with the practical implications of the thread, and is a distraction that muddles the feedback itself.  The thread was derailed the moment people started replying to TheBrskr's initial comment.

Edited by RealPandemonium
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I missed the events for the puncture and slash mods and I bought them for high plat but I don't mind, because I can get the platinum with trading easily. I only bought 370 platinum once at the start to buy warframe slots and weapon slots when I had a 75% discount. It is a free to play game and you can earn almost everything without spending any money.

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Today, I have finally had the realization that one big problem with Warframe is it's event mods.  The IPS Mod sets, and Melee stance mods such as Tempo Royale and Astral Twilight.  And of course, Primed Chamber.


Platinum, is not cheap.  370, is 20 Dollars.  When a person goes to find something that is considered good, or the best, and then learns that its over 20 dollars, unless they were here for the event.  For one single, piece of equipment?


Two own the entire IPS mod set, people are asking upwards of 100 dollars.  A single Stance mod, is worth 30 dollars.


It's time to put these into the game, because not only is this absolutely ludicrous for a minor upgrade, but I think events should be a fun thing.  Not a, You are required to do this to be able to function at a higher level than most players.  That's silly.


All I am asking, please put these mods in the drop tables.  Just so I can actually play the game with all the mods and equipment without having to drop hundreds of dollars.


Astral twilight and tempo royal arent a must...dunno exactly where you got that idea...are they cool? yes, are they a must? no.


Sucks to be you if you werent on the event, i have missed events on a pletora of diferent games, as bumed down as i was sometimes it didnt particularly afected my gameplay for the most part. I wasnt here when primed chamber was on, or many other wraframe events (mostly related to weapons) and i dont feel like i cant play or "need" such things to keep playing.


People will always ask stpudily high prices for new things...when the nikana stances came out they where over 60+ plat each one, nowdays you can find them for 10/15, same for primed weapons, frames etc...its the "novelty" everyone wants it and everyone tries to make some money from it, also if you are willing to pay up to 30 dollars for somethign thats your problem, theres always selling for idiotically high prices, others for decent and others for as cheap as posible...its called luck and patience...something many people seem to lack on warframe (mostly patience)


For starters the events are fun by themselves, the rewards have not always been that great, also you just said it yourself..."minnor upgread" as in something with a slightly better benefit, nothing gamebreaking. You are not required to funcion with event moods for the most part...heavy caliber, split chamber, serration, those 3 pretty much make every single weapon needed mod for most guns...elementals work perfectly as they are, besides plenty of the event mods are already on the game...in fact many are rewards for diferent missions...i dont get why you keep complaining like you do.


Now to elaborate a bit...the puncture, slash and impact mods for starters arent a must...in fact those sets are all heavily related to specific weapons...my braton prime varely gets any benefit from any of those moods, same for soma and MANY other weapons, latron prime or tigris get a benefit...but fact is from ALL the weapons whe have courently at best 20% if not less actually use such event mods tho the fullest potential...if you dont know elemental combos have FAR better beneffits that regular damage.


You arent required for spend "hundred" of dollars on the game...right now you sound like just complaining because you missed some events and people dont want to give you stuff for free...deal with it, most games online have events wich bring "unique" stuff for diferent dates...some get them, some dont...you should be tankfull that DE puts event stuff months/years later.


And just to make a single example...i had to buss my &#! the first time for the tempo royal, my reward was a special stance not that many managed to get, the event was hard crazy eben with a tought out setup, a small tinny miss and the whole team was down...i was rewarded by my work and skill, DE give you people another chance with a far FAR FAR easier event this time just killing stuff...you want the stuff? work for it...you dont want to work for it? be ready to pay the price for people who did

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And what is that price? Who makes that decision? The player. I decide. Do I want 400 for my Buzz kill? That's what I'm going to charge. If I can't sell it there, I lower my price until someone's buying what I'm selling. It's not hard to understand. Whether the price is fair or not is irrelevant, as if you find the price is unfair, you can go somewhere else. "Fair" is subjective. "Reasonable" is also subjective. The only relevant question is if you're willing to pay the price for what you want.

That decision is based upon circumstances.

Youre more likely to put higher price on items which you cant consistently get, youre much more likely to put higher price on item if everyone else does the same(btw thats also why you cant just go elsewhere) and finally youre greedy by nature and gonna put it as high as possible.


In the end you can ofc ignore every bit of common sense and say F*** it ill give it for fraction of the price but such ppl are minority.

Edited by Davoodoo
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1. Hey I got the 75% discount => buy 1500 NTD for 4300 plat  =>  go to trade room => okay, let me see..... frost p set 500p, prisma gorgon 250p, hmm..... Mara Detron 250p , okay... the price....... I accept => then buy it


2. 囧  <--- no discount buff


    /  \     => go to trade room =>  okay, let me see..... frost p set 500p, prisma gorgon 250p, hmm..... Mara Detron 250p, really? 

              500p = 1000NTD = 33.3 USD OMG , if I buy those item , 500p+250p+250p =GTA 5 => leave trade room => after 2 week => delete the game



DDEE : okay we decide to up the rate to get 75% !!


just my humble opinions


sry for my bad English

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I call bullS#&$. Badge, completion and Leaderboards doesnt interest most of the players.

You dont need those mods. Use others.

Its Free market. You cant decide for people. People are paying that much because they are willing, so the sellers will sell from that price. You are whining about something nonexistent. Those mods are not that helpful. You can possibiliy use an elemental mod and maybe do more damage.

Also seizing oppurturnities in trade chat can net you hundreds of platinum if not thousands. Im not kidding. When the Syndicate weapons first hit, i bought from half price and sold for 3x. I did that 3 times and made near 1k plat.

Its all about experience which is something clearly you lack. If you still want the mods, you either gonna have to play the events or drop the plats for it. Alternatively you can use other mods. People were doing hours of T4 survival and defense missions before IPS mods. They dont help you that much. Stop saying it like those mods are a must to have, they are not.

U smart smart penguin. Honestly seen alot of wonderful replies cross several topics today. The smart ones are coming back. I dnt use my slash set anymore because i realised i do more damage with elementals.

Whats more it was a newer guy who told me. I thought elementals only did more damage when they proced. So i didnt use elementals on low status weapons

Edited by (PS4)Treezzy1
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Today, I have finally had the realization that one big problem with Warframe is it's event mods.  The IPS Mod sets, and Melee stance mods such as Tempo Royale and Astral Twilight.  And of course, Primed Chamber.

...  When a person goes to find something that is considered good, or the best


These "Best" mods always focus on something very specific.


The Slash/Impact/Punctures ones have been proven totally unworthy on any weapon when their base damages is not 85% or so of the concerned type, which HEAVILY reduce the numbers of weapons having benefits from it rather than the elemental mods.


Primed chamber is for 1 bullet sniper only. Snipers are not mean for end game anyway (60 min T4), and are strong enough without primed chamber for normal missions, it won't make a difference.


Elemental/Status event mods are mostly accessible, and only high status weapons (with RoF concern) have benefits from it.


Event stances match a few melee weapons, why not taking others ?

Instead of focusing on "best" mods, focus on primed ones. Much more importants.

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