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Connection Issues (Chat, Game Launcher And Server) [Megathread]


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So its still happenin huh. Kinda startin to get afraid to play lol


But thats not DE's fault. They are not in charge of the servers we play on.

Maybe their own servers would be nice but that comes with another slew of issues from time to time, long missions can really disconnect fast. I still worry about that myself whenever going on a long mission, hopefully they will find a way to change that.

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as of moment, the server become pretty unstable for a reasons.


usually wait for a bit of times after some update or event.


I still never forget what happen on first day of U15.


I think DE needs to find a new server provider , there were never issues like this when I first started , now it's getting worse every month .
And I believe it's because it's so popular now with new players every week


If i remember correctly, The players graph stats(steam) has double form febuary. Which is pretty impressive.

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I dont know if this is the right topic for this bug, but when i open the launcher load the game and when i go to  log

into the game it says that my info is incorrect and wont let me log in, i even double checked, i retyped my user and password and still nothing, plz help.

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Will there be an extension on this weekend's events? I haven't been able to log on since Friday evening and basically missed the entire weekend. I've been trying to log on every 30 mins for the past two days.


Pretty much this... Same situation around here. My friend got disconnected in the middle of his reactor alert attempt and that was like 3 minutes before the Wraith Twin Vipers mission went live. When he could log back in the alert was already gone.

Edited by Raniu
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