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Do You Ever Avoid Playing Certain Frames Because Of Others' Expectations?


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I totally feel the OP on this topic.  Unfortunately it's often what online games degrade to...from playing and experimenting to have fun, to elitist mentalities who only want the meta build/frame/weapon/etc.


Totally takes the fun out of playing and makes it become more of a chore.

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Personally, it's not necessarily because of others' expectations, but because other frames do a better job or are more fun.


I have my Ember prime with 5 forma since its release in winter of 2013, but nowadays I really don't play her because others are fun and interesting.


Now I'm not saying all of the old frames are unfun, but to be honest, so many of them do lack the creativity because they were made back in the day.


That's why I'm so glad Saryn is getting some treatment. I just wish Ember gets changed drastically and more creatively.

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Honestly just run what you want, as long as you enjoy using the build don't let others put you down for it.


I usually main Frost, and before they made his non-Snowglobe abilities better I had tons of people in public matches tell me I was just wasting energy using his other abilities rather than just continuously spamming his number three. After the update for Frost those complaints went down quickly.


Outside of that, the only frames I don't play are ones that just don't fit my playstyle. I got rid of Saryn and am just using Vauban for MR fodder before selling him because they just don't fit my playstyle, which apparently is alternating between Excalibur, Frost, Oberon, and Nekros at this point.


I don't do the best in terms of damage, but hey, I'm contributing kills, reviving people left and right, and the only thing I legitimately get pissed at myself about is that I can never keep up with anyone on speed runs because I honestly admit I'm not very good at pulling off all these Movement 2.0 combo's because my hand gets cramped and seizes up before I can pull off four or five of them in a row, so I usually just get to be the guy continuously sprinting and sliding across the map.


When it comes to people being picky on frames, if they ask for a specific frame for a specific mission, that makes sense, I'll give it to them, my only rule usually is that if its an XP run feel just make sure to bring a weapon that can pull your butt out of the fire if things get too heavy, and if its not an XP run try to bring a loadout that is high twenties or maxed out across the board, which IMO is alot more reasonable than from what I'm hearing people asking for in these experiences you guys are telling me.

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This whole 'want this frame' thing annoys me.


Joined a game the other day H >ODD need EV Trin + 2 others


I went in as an 'other' and said :


Why Trinity ?

'For energy, skill 4 win'

But we have guns ?


Went in with Mirage and a Sobek .. got more kills then the three other players put together.

(Prism was set to max range and only 40% damage, so I wasn't getting easy '4 to win' kills either)

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That is why you play solo. No people, no problem. 


I've got so tired of people, both in game and in forum, b!tching endlessly about Ember that I have stopped playing public and going to Warframes & Abilities forum altogether. 


I do remember refraining from my 3-forma (now 4) Excalibur for a while, for the same reasons I refuse to play Mesa now. Hopefully DE learned their lessons and Mesa won't go through as much ordeal as Excal had to. 

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That is why you play solo. No people, no problem. 


I've got so tired of people, both in game and in forum, b!tching endlessly about Ember that I have stopped playing public and going to Warframes & Abilities forum altogether. 


I do remember refraining from my 3-forma (now 4) Excalibur for a while, for the same reasons I refuse to play Mesa now. Hopefully DE learned their lessons and Mesa won't go through as much ordeal as Excal had to. 

I love niche frame players - im one myself... its all mesa, rhino, excal and nova these days. The only request for choice i ever accept is frost.. cuz prime is vaulted so he too ironically is now a niche frame

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Honestly, I haven't read EVERY post in here but I'm sensing some common themes. My replies;

First, if you build your frame around relying on certain parameters, DO NOT PLAY PUGS. If you do and get caught out, it's your own damn fault. Don't complain that the Trinity is the wrong build because you ASSUMED they had a certain build.

Second, never criticise key owners. Just don't. You're an A******.


I don't take kindly to being bossed around.

 You know what I say when people tell me to play the frame that they want and to spam so and so ability? I tell them that we can just use my key instead if they are going to b**** about their precious meta. I only joined their squad because they begged afterall, not because I didn't actually have that key myself or because  I want to be their puppet. But no, they just got to be in control and have their meta. Meta they got from some personality on youtube instead of actually learning how to play the game.

I understand the meta around trying to level XP "fast"(Maybe for some camping scumbag host, but not so much for the Mesa he asked to be an aimbot for him.) and all that crap, but when the prime directive is to just camp and do the same repetetive crap over and over again with the same 4 meta frames with the same meta build, it starts to take its toll and FEEL like forever. Its more enjoyable to legitimately have fun and play the game instead of turning things into a monotonous chore.

The main requirement should just be that a person knows how to do the mission, since any random squad of frames are capable of doing those void missions, no Meta required, especially for one such as myself, who has been playing since practically the beginning and can adapt quite easily to a situation, no matter what frame I have. This bossy elitist  metacrap is partly why void is being demolished.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I don't take kindly to being bossed around.

 You know what I say when people tell me to play the frame that they want and to spam so and so ability? I tell them that we can just use my key instead if they are going to b**** about their precious meta. I only joined their squad because they begged afterall, not because I didn't actually have that key myself or because  I want to be their puppet. But no, they just got to be in control and have their meta. Meta they got from some personality on youtube instead of actually learning how to play the game.

I understand the meta around trying to level XP "fast"(Maybe for some camping scumbag host, but not so much for the Mesa he asked to be an aimbot for him.) and all that crap, but when the prime directive is to just camp and do the same repetetive crap over and over again with the same 4 meta frames with the same meta build, it starts to take its toll and FEEL like forever. Its more enjoyable to legitimately have fun and play the game instead of turning things into a monotonous chore.

The main requirement should just be that a person knows how to do the mission, since any random squad of frames are capable of doing those void missions, no Meta required, especially for one such as myself, who has been playing since practically the beginning and can adapt quite easily to a situation, no matter what frame I have. This bossy elitist  metacrap is partly why void is being demolished.

If you're referring to my key comment, if you join someone elses key, you're using their resource. Their resource, their rules. Dont be mad if they drop group and reform without you because you won't follow their rules.

That said, this applies just as much the other way round, which is how I originally meant it. If someone is playing a key for fun, that's their damn rules. If it's their key and they're not playing the meta for that key, you're the A****** for *@##$ing them out, not them for not playing it.

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If you're referring to my key comment, if you join someone elses key, you're using their resource. Their resource, their rules. Dont be mad if they drop group and reform without you because you won't follow their rules.

That said, this applies just as much the other way round, which is how I originally meant it. If someone is playing a key for fun, that's their damn rules. If it's their key and they're not playing the meta for that key, you're the A****** for *@##$ing them out, not them for not playing it.


I'm pretty sure that playing for fun should be the general objective, not seperate.

I also didn't know having a resource that I also have and can get quite easily myself, was an excuse to be a narrow minded meta fool and outright !. I don't insult people for the frames they use nor do I have stupid meta requirements when I form a key squad, so I don't resonate with that crap and don't have to respect it one bit. I tell them upfront to screw off or I will just use my own key and show the meta babies how to actually play the game instead of relying on their crutch like newbs who just watched some personality's youtube vid and think its the only way to stand a chance. Such garbage is precisely why the void is going away.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I have avoided playing some of my favorite frames due to other players, yes.


Though it wasn't because of expectations, it was because hosts have left and parties have disbanded due to the pleb stigma associated with certain frames. Currently I have to avoid using Rhino Prime due to the "Plebeian" stigma, if I want to find and keep a host.

Edited by Aoden
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I don't play Nova.  


I started Warframe in the end of 2013.  I built Nova because I had been lead to believe she was necessary for endgame content.  When I actually started playing her in pugs, I got nothing but hate.  I would show up in a defense mission and people start cussing me out before the match even started.  I had people telling me I was self-entitled and only playing Nova to boost my own ego.  I had people ragequit as soon as they saw me.


I was new.  I went through the entire star chart as a Soma Zombie (Soma was the rifle it was cool to hate before Boltor Prime).  I didn't know how the game worked.  I didn't know how affinity worked.  Apparently at the time, any enemies killed by the effects of Molecular Prime were counted as the Nova's kills, and all the affinity went to her.  I didn't know any of this.


I had some friends I could play with at the time and they were the only people I could play my Nova with.  Then they stopped playing Warframe and I had to stop playing Nova because I couldn't deal with the constant harassment.  At some point Molecular Prime was changed to be what it is now, but I wasn't playing the game at the time.  I take long breaks when my life gets busy.  But even when I was playing Warframe regularly, I couldn't touch Nova.  I'd remember all the harassment I'd gotten and decided it just wasn't worth it.  There's no point playing the game if it isn't fun.


Now it's the tail end of 2015.  A short while ago I built Nova Prime and that's when I started playing Nova again.  It had been so long I had completely forgotten how I modded her and had to teach myself how to play her again.


When I play pugs, nobody talks.  When I was new, people would only talk to S#&$ on each other, but today it seems that everybody is content to be silent.  Except when I played Nova.  They'd ask me what build I was.  "Speedva or Slowva?"  I'm @(*()$ unranked, I don't have Molecular Prime, don't ask me how I build for it because I haven't unlocked it.  And sometimes they want to be my friend.  "Come on Nova, let's get some XP.  Why don't you MP for us?"  Because I'm rank @(*()$ seven, I haven't unlocked it yet.  People saw a Nova Prime and jump on me.  They didn't interrogate any other players about what their builds were or why they were playing a certain way.  Just me.  Exactly like it was in 2013.  Except this time, instead of trying to shame me, they were acting like they were interested.


Somehow, that only pissed me off even more.


So I don't play Nova.  I have one friend who plays Warframe now.  I'll play Nova and he'll play Frost and we'll do Triton until our faces fall off.  Outside of that, she stays in the arsenal.

you could always mute them

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I love Mesa, but I never play as Mesa in public games any more. Reason is because as soon as I join ANY game mode, I'm expected to start ult'ing all over the place.


Frankly, I'd rather just play a duration build, but randoms wont have it that way. They'd rather I killed everything for them.

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Just for the record, I usually main Rhino Prime, but in a speed Rhino set up. Sure I kill most of the enemies usually, but thats without Iron Skin, and I usually only use Stomp and Skin if things are starting to get hairy and allies are bleeding out. 90% of the time all of my kills will come from just using weapons, and the occasional kick to the face :) Only once have I ever had someone question my lack of using Iron Skin, and it was a Try Hard Trinity in a Dark Sector Defence thinking it his because of him that I was still alive, when the Toxic Damage barely even scratched me, but was killing the new Ember player. Actually, did kill the new Ember player when the Trinity said he would stop healing me because I corrected him in how much of my longevity I owed him... so ya, more relaxed Rhino Prime player here that likes to also use other frames that are not always meta, vs a Trinity that thinks they are a god... gotta love this game :)

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