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A Thread To End It.


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Regarding the exclusiveness of Frost Prime:


I can get both sides, i seriously do, but this is getting out of hand.


Here's my situation:


I have a job and a life too, and i still had time to at the very least kill 1 SINGLE FUSION MOA to get the bp for frost prime in the event, yeah, that's all you had to do, amazing isn't it? People had enough time to kill at least 1 for like 10 mins of their day, there is no excuse since they even postponed the event till Monday as well.




I understand that people that missed would consider not getting Frost prime unfair, but an exclusive is an exclusive, every other game is not so merciful to their exclusives, DE backed out on what they said because they were afraid of people that for whatever reason missed out the event, that they would rage and whine it was unfair. Now there are people raging because it's also unfair since most of them actually spent a whole lot of time grinding to get the UNIQUE AND EXCLUSIVE reward for everyone that participated, both sides have their reasons.


I'm not trying to take sides here but i must agree with some people that defend Frost Prime's exclusiveness. So you didn't have 10 mins but you have whole hours to farm for the bp in the void? That's pretty illogical. 


I suggest next time they don't get to be so merciful, even if I miss it out i will only be mad at myself for missing it. But then again, after what happened they won't to "another time" because people will rage again.


What would happen if Excalibur prime suddenly got available in the void? "ERMAGERD I SPENT MONEY AND GOT AN EXCLUSIVE  EXCALIBUR PRIME NOW EVERYONE CAN GE IT." 


See where i'm going at? I could give out examples of games that are not so merciful with their exclusives but i won't bother searching for them right now cause i gotta go to school. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that i go to school too, my last year, still had 10 mins.

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it's also unfair since most of them actually spent a whole lot of time grinding to get the UNIQUE AND EXCLUSIVE reward for everyone that participated, both sides have their reasons.


? You only had to kill 1 fusion moa. what time grinding? I played in the event because it was fun. Cool new enemy that now is rarely seen, plenty of Rubedo, and rewards. What grinding?

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ignorance all over your post. some people don't have a gaming PC where ever they go. I know when i leave town i have to hope i dont miss too much good S#&$ because 1 gaming laptops are overpriced and 2 desktops arent exactly mobile.   the fact here isnt that DE backed out because people, it was because of the manner in which they chose to release their content.   the void would be dead content for those that missed the event since for starters hate is better the the reaper anyways.  how ridiculous would it be for you to have missed the event and every time you went to the void came back with a frost prime BP that you cant use... EVER    



try attempting to think about something from multiple angles before writing a post that makes you look stupid.



edit: "a thread to end it"  instead you fueled the fire.  i hope you dont put out fires with flammables cause eventually you'll be sued by some government for burning down a national park

Edited by Zhoyzu
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I remember that the frost prime bp was said to be "a taste" of update 8. They were right, it's a bp that would be in update 8 and it sits in your foundry for a long period of time while it takes forever and good luck to get the other parts.

I thought it was exclusive, but since a ton had it, I thought that this wouldn't be a big deal if they pulled the Frost Prime bps later, which they might. Its no big loss, I want the frame, not the status of it's rarity, it's the same thing for skins, I want it because it's cool, not because only people in beta or season 1 or whatever have it.

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Three threads for the indifferent over exclusivity,

Seven threads for the supporters of their cause,

Nine for angry mobs of flame,

One for the Dark Company on their dark throne,

In the land of London Ontario, where the shadows lie,

One thread to rule them all,

One thread to find them,

One thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,

In the land of London Ontario where the Shadows lie.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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Three threads for the indifferent over exclusivity,

Seven threads for the supporters of their cause,

Nine for angry mobs of flame,

One for the Dark Company on their dark throne,

In the land of London Ontario, where the shadows lie,

One thread to rule them all,

One thread to find them,

One thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,

In the land of London Ontario where the Shadows lie.


Lord of the Threads: The Fellowship of the Thread

Lord of the Threads: The Two Posts

Lord of the Threads: The Return of the Developer

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? You only had to kill 1 fusion moa. what time grinding? I played in the event because it was fun. Cool new enemy that now is rarely seen, plenty of Rubedo, and rewards. What grinding?

DE announced towards the end of the even that you only needed to kill 1 fusion moa to get the reward. That was approximately 48 hours after the event started.

Before the announcement people were under the impression that we have to reach 100% goal otherwise we all forfeit the reward. So, a lot of people grinded.

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DE announced towards the end of the even that you only needed to kill 1 fusion moa to get the reward. That was approximately 48 hours after the event started.

Before the announcement people were under the impression that we have to reach 100% goal otherwise we all forfeit the reward. So, a lot of people grinded.


I was under the impression that we did have to achieve 100% completion to get the reward. You were simply required to kill a single Moa in order to mark you as 'participating' in the event.

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ignorance all over your post. some people don't have a gaming PC where ever they go. I know when i leave town i have to hope i dont miss too much good S#&$ because 1 gaming laptops are overpriced and 2 desktops arent exactly mobile. the fact here isnt that DE backed out because people, it was because of the manner in which they chose to release their content. the void would be dead content for those that missed the event since for starters hate is better the the reaper anyways. how ridiculous would it be for you to have missed the event and every time you went to the void came back with a frost prime BP that you cant use... EVER

try attempting to think about something from multiple angles before writing a post that makes you look stupid.

edit: "a thread to end it" instead you fueled the fire. i hope you dont put out fires with flammables cause eventually you'll be sued by some government for burning down a national park

1. I do see the different angles.

2. Like I said, if I was the one who missed it I wouldn't rage. From my point of view people should not even be mad because that's how life works, if you miss the lottery number they won't give you a chance to repeat the number while knowing the result.

I didn't want to fuel anything, but that's just how life is, sometimes it's fair, sometimes it's not, I've been raging lately about the alerts I missed but I realise that It's pure luck, some people get it some people don't. Even though the BP wasn't supposed to appear again, that's the whole point of it.

Edited by Nogard18
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Regarding the exclusiveness of Frost Prime:


I can get both sides, i seriously do, but this is getting out of hand.


Here's my situation:


I have a job and a life too, and i still had time to at the very least kill 1 SINGLE FUSION MOA to get the bp for frost prime in the event, yeah, that's all you had to do, amazing isn't it? People had enough time to kill at least 1 for like 10 mins of their day, there is no excuse since they even postponed the event till Monday as well.

i'm the same, i can't play whenever i want to. hell i'd rather be playing it right now rather than typing this, but oh well. anyway, what does it matter if frost prime is no longer exclusive, it's not like you can just pop in and out of the void when ever you want to get it unless you or someone else is willing to keep throwing platinum at void keys, or play way to much defense. you still have a free frost prime bp. like you said, you only gave 10 minutes of your time, it's not like you have to give up much to get it. i really don't see the issue here. if DE deciced that they want to make the blueprints a dropable item, then cool, more people can enjoy it.

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1. I do see the different angles.

2. Like I said, if I was the one who missed it I wouldn't rage. From my point of view people should not even be mad because that's how life works, if you miss the lottery number they won't give you a chance to repeat the number while knowing the result.

I didn't want to fuel anything, but that's just how life is, sometimes it's fair, sometimes it's not, I've been raging lately about the alerts I missed but I realise that It's pure luck, some people get it some people don't. Even though the BP wasn't supposed to appear again, that's the whole point of it.

your view is skewed and very narrow minded. if you did look at it from multiple angle you would have noticed that its dropped in the void. which means the void would be dead content for those that missed..... repeating my OP. the sad thing is you still fail to realize.

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your view is skewed and very narrow minded. if you did look at it from multiple angle you would have noticed that its dropped in the void. which means the void would be dead content for those that missed..... repeating my OP. the sad thing is you still fail to realize.

I will say it again but differently.

Everyone was eager to finish the event so that they could be awarded with something great, in the end everyone was happy cause they got something that they thought it would be only available to them, exclusiveness makes people happier whether you like it or not, the whole point of being exclusive is that people think "wow I wish I could have done X so that I could get Y", lots of game do that so that people feel "special".

Don't get me wrong, even though I'm arguing about the exclusiveness of Frost prime I'm totally fine about it,I'm just pointing out my view so that people realise it goes many ways and one of them is that it's supposed to be the way I said, they should just watch out next time so that things like this don't happen.

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your view is skewed and very narrow minded. if you did look at it from multiple angle you would have noticed that its dropped in the void. which means the void would be dead content for those that missed..... repeating my OP. the sad thing is you still fail to realize.

Are you saying Latron Prime and Reaper Prime are dead content aswell? The void is still new, this is update 8 and the game is still in open beta. There will definitely be more content added to the void.

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Ive said it before.

Two (three including monday) is dumb for an exclusive item. If it was an exclusive color set (valentines set) or skin, it wouldnt matter, this is one of the prime warframes. Besides, holiday gear can get cycled every year or so. If your internet is not functioning during the three day period because some monkey in india ruined it, then thats plain unfair.

However, I agree that frost primes BP should be buyable for platinum only(his components available through void runs). That way people still have access, but hes still exclusive to a degree. Perhaps something else to indicate that he was part of the event for those lucky enough to get there.

I dont care if excal prime gets full release. I paid my 200 so that DEs salaries can be paid, and server costs maintained. The extra frame is a bonus.

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I don't think there is a solution to this topic. I understand people who missed it, that they want to have it now since they probably had a reason for it too.
I also understand that exclusive is exclusive and what is the point of exclusive if it is not exclusive in the first place? Well, there is none.

The way they handled it was that people who put time and effort to it, did worthless job in the end. I did not do anything with Rubedo, the new enemy was cool but I knew it was going to stay so nothing special about it. The only thing that motivated even participating on the event was that exclusive part and now, well, there is no point in participating in events since you get the item anyways and while you avoid the event, not only will you have more fun for not grinding but you get materials and mods you need at the time.
Why should the participants suffer from this? They are the ones who gave you the opportunity to get it now in the first place.

Well who is to blame if it is not people who had weekend plans and neither the people who did participate and donated their time so that they (later on everyone) could enjoy the reward. Well DE is the one to look at. They messed up because they did not plan ahead, it is their poor communications fault that people missed the event in the first place since they announced the event on Friday and at that time, many people already had weekend plans which is reasonable without a question.

Conclusion? Exclusive is exclusive and will always be or there is no point. DE needs to see and learn why proper planning ahead and communication is important. Now that it is too late for Frost Prime, there should be some kind of skin or emblem, whatever works that shows you did participate in the event. This way the ones who did participate and donated their already busy time for this game, get recognition and everyone would still have a chance to obtain something they previously missed.

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