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People Need To Go Back To School! I'll Educate You.


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If Mike owns a frost prime it doesnt mean yours looses value.
If kayley is really pretty it doesnt mean you're ugly.
If same sex couples want to marry it doesnt mean your straight relationship will fall apart.
If tom smokes weed it doesnt mean you flunk school.
If i own a vandal braton and you suddenly get one too even though you werent in beta, it doesnt mean ill love and enjoy my braton any less.

People are illogical and cant tolerate other peoples happiness and enjoyment.
People's enjoyment seem to be built upon others suffering and these people are very evil.

People seem to think strawberries only taste good if they alone get to eat it. Those of us who dare disagree fight for your freedom. Strawberries taste good regardless.

There are those amongs their ranks that ridicule us.
We are accused of misunderstanding the fundamentals of economics.
They believe value means price but they don't know value like we do.

And they believe demand changes this value, but they don't understand what we are demanding.

We have a message for them.
Leave some happiness for the rest of us.


Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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As much as I agree with OP... you can't stop humanity from decrying and nitpicking against him and his observational logic.

Also, when threads on forums get really negative and bring out philosophy to try and tone it down... not saying it's bad or wrong, it's just a bad sign for the forum going community.

Edited by Fjarri
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If i own a vandal braton and you suddenly get one too even though you werent in beta, it doesnt mean ill love and enjoy my braton any less.


That might be true for you, and I applaud you for that. However, many other people want to feel special.

How to feel special in the game that doesn't have pvp in any shape or form? Having something that other people don't is one of few ways.

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Ok? Got it? Logic lesson over i hope you learned about human beings and the root of societies evils.


There's no good and evil in logic. And your logic is full of holes.


I mean it's nice that you have opinions and stuff, and I won't shoot them down. But calling those opinions logic to give yourself more authority? Ha.

Edited by krisp
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Now put the spin on it saying small clans possibly being able to (realistically) afford something they want to build and enjoy doesn't mean large clans can't build and the same things much faster.

I actually hink this is a design issue wih a design solution. Dojo is code word for weapon research its what truely matters. Give small clans easier access to lab research facilities while keeping cosmetic and grand dojo building a benefit for large clans.

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That might be true for you, and I applaud you for that. However, many other people want to feel special.

How to feel special in the game that doesn't have pvp in any shape or form? Having something that other people don't is one of few ways.

Yes. I can agree with that, because it fleshes out your identity, it does indeed make you somewhat special.

But it's a digital item that's existence has nothing constraining other copies from being made, and going up to physical items, their transience, like the digital item, is easily apparent in many cases and if they do grant status, unless there is actual emotional or sentimental value for it, the status will wear away, and it will do so even if it was important due to the rigors of time.

There are few, yet many things that are special, and many are either experiences or actions/achievment.

The Braton Vandal and other "exclusives" give someone an item that proclaims/indicates your achievment/experience and others getting it buries that "sign" of their achievment, thus making it not special, but does that mean that whatever they achieved or did wasn't important or special?

You'd have to decide, but I think that if the loss of the item essentially removes one's status and one's perceived specialnes because of something they experienced/did, it's not that special.

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If Mike owns a frost prime it doesnt mean yours looses value.

1. Lose, not loose.

2. It does, socio-economically.

The only reason the works of Van Gogh, or Leonardo's Mona Lisa for example, are considered of value is because they (the authentic piece) are unreproducible by the original artist (due to them no longer being amongst the living) and that only a single such piece was ever commissioned by that artist. Were there many of them, their value would sink to an all time low of a minestrone soup.

Such is the nature of exclusivity, it denotes value due to supply and demand that by far exceed the item's effective worth or usefulness merely due to its quantitative deficiency.

Best Regards,

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If someone is considered pretty, that is only because there are ugly people out there. 


Unless you live like some saint, your happiness depends on others being miserable.

For example, there is a finite amount of great jobs and if you get one, then there's a person out there who didn't get that job because you got it.

If you're rich, that's because there are poor people out there to create that contrast. Same for beauty, intelligence and whatnot.


It's in our nature to put ourselves first and if that comes at cost to others, most of us accept it.


This Frost Prime is the same business. The huge appeal is that it's exclusive. That's why people liked it.

This can be compared to Lamborghini releasing 10 ultra rare limited edition convertible. Rich people will pay obscene amount of money on them mostly for their exclusivity. If Lamborghini then released the same cars for practically free few weeks later, you can bet your &#! Lamborghini will be finished.

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Omg OP who seriously plays a game for fun, anymore. The whole reason I gave DE 50bux is for this e-peen extending forum bling. It was not so that I wanted to pay for features, it was so that everyone else knows I did.


edit: fEpULpW.jpg

Edited by noubledigger
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If your spouse wants to bone me it totally doesn't mean you're inadequate?

Nope it just means either you are really rich or extremely hawt both of which i cant objectly blame her. Though i will break up with her.

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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Great Post.


Now....I will go back to Warframe public online sessions and watch it all go down regardless of mastery rank.


Oh **** Frost is about to use his Ult on the huge mob far up ahead!




Slash Dash!

Slash Dash!

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