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April Fools Idea For Next Year


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A buddy of mine gave me a pretty neat thought for an April fools' joke next year. What if DE releases Excalibur Prime blueprints to be obtainable in the void (or some other method in case the void has already exploded), but building it would require a certain item that is not and will never be introduced to the game? The bps will not be tradeable to other players, nor can they be exchanged for ducats, and they'll have a sell cost of 1 credit. This way, DE upholds their promise of never reintroducing Excalibur Prime... the warframe itself, anyway.


Come to think of it, if this ever happened, I'd probably rage pretty hard.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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this is a funny idea. and almost as evil as when i was in Star Wars the old republic and stood near the Sarlac and told new players that there was a special weapon attained by fighting your way throught the "Sarlac" dungeon :)


I would approve of this April fools joke, but DE wouldnt put it in game in a month of sundays.

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on gamescom 2014 i discussed a similar idea with DE_Steve


in the week around april 1 release a blueprint for the AkLato Prime and make it require 2 Lato Prime

after the week remove all bluepriunts from the game and give players ducats for them

oh and obviously untradable :D

Edited by Weidro
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this is a funny idea. and almost as evil as when i was in Star Wars the old republic and stood near the Sarlac and told new players that there was a special weapon attained by fighting your way throught the "Sarlac" dungeon :)


I would approve of this April fools joke, but DE wouldnt put it in game in a month of sundays.

Wait, where is the Sarlacc on that game?

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That is no April fools joke, that is just spite.

Cluttering up prime drop tables with useless items like this would turn the forums saltier than the dead sea


I think it would be funny. And, of course, after a week or something, the parts would be removed from drop tables so as to not clutter up anything.

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I'd like to see a tactical alert which is basicly made up of elements which existed in early open beta but have been removed or changed over development.


For example. First mission has you on the Grineer asteroid base, which not only has those overly large parts like the staircase again, but also features all Grineer wielding place holders (Bratons, Struns, Sicaruses) and Sawman instead of Butchers.


Second mission is a Corpus ship again with the removed elements brought back. All Crewmen variants wear the same brown suit and all Moas have smooth legs. Likewise the cameras have no visible vision cone but are only highlighted by a small light. Also the announcer is back.


Third and final mission is an infested Corpus planetary outpost, all the Ancients are just larger Crewman again and feature their 100% procs (ancients remove all your shield and energy with one hit, toxic leave behind a super deadly cloud). It's an assassination mission and the target is the original J-3 Golem with all his tricks.


Oh and during all that the Lotus is the chatty early version.

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