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[Fanfiction] Unclean


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actually Kal a thought occurs.... if sun was adopted into the royal family BEFORE eliza was born would that not mean the HE has a greater claim to the throne than she does?


while we'll just have to hear it from Kal,

I think he would need to give up being Tenno before being able to claim anything

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2) you mean "people not being happy mess" or "damage mess"?


4) Draco?


5) have I been having blackouts while reading or something? when and with who?


6) does this mean she will still be aloud to be a Tenno unlike Michelle until that day 'might' come?


7) that being Jesse herself and by attachment Draco? (and pretty much everyone who loves her included?)


2) Both


4) Draco.


5) She talked about her son in the last fanfiction 'Motherhood'. He hasn't been born yet.


6) Jesse will remain Tenno until and unless she has to do something else.


7) Jesse, Draco, Janet, Nikis, Karl's people, the Caretakers, Iriana... Yeah. Eliza just pretty much guaranteed that her family will NOT have a doomsday any time soon. Any doomsday that rears it's head will die very quickly.



actually Kal a thought occurs.... if sun was adopted into the royal family BEFORE eliza was born would that not mean the HE has a greater claim to the throne than she does?


He is still Tenno. He won't take the throne. She begged him to and he told her 'No'. (Actually, he told her 'Stop whining and do your job.') He is one of the FEW people she will take such from.

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He is still Tenno. He won't take the throne. She begged him to and he told her 'No'. (Actually, he told her 'Stop whining and do your job.') He is one of the FEW people she will take such from.

Fair enough. then again would anybody SANE want him to take the throne other than someone trying to get out of the job themselves?

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Fair enough. then again would anybody SANE want him to take the throne other than someone trying to get out of the job themselves?


Eliza is not perfect and even SHE has moments of weakness.


5) Gunnery Sergeant?


5) Yes. Talked about it in 'Rites of Passage'






Cathi was not happy.


She was reasonably sure that this was not intended to be psychological warfare. That this was simply what the police did. But it was more than a bit demeaning. Her warframe had been left in Karl's dojo and she had arrived here -wherever here was- clad in a standard bodysuit. Said bodysuit was gone. Now she wore a bright orange thing that wasn't quite a bodysuit and wasn't quite a jumpsuit. It was something in between. It also had restraints built in at both ankles and wrists. The shoes she wore were flimsy. Too flimsy to serve as weapons or be made into tools.


Her 'quarters' were a very small room that was bounded on one side by an energy barrier. There was space for her to stand easily, but it was barely three steps across and two from the energy barrier to the hard bunk that had no sheets or pillow. There was no privacy. The small refresher system designed to take care of bodily needs was right out in the open. She wouldn't need that for a while. She ignored the security cameras that no one had bothered to conceal, all five of them. Paranoid much?


The major problem was that Cathi was bored. She had always been an active person for as long as she could remember. So, she exercised in the close confines. Pushups, sit-ups, running in place worked for a time. Then she meditated. But when she came out of her meditation, nothing had changed. She started reciting lyrics to a tune she mostly remembered in her mind. It would pass the time.


Carlos had stormed off to deal with some kind of bureaucratic mess. He hadn't wanted to leave, but Killian and another cop had been apologetic. Something had screwed up and they needed to fix it. She assumed it was also to pull Carlos away from her and allow someone access to her. So she was not at all surprised when a deep voice spoke from outside the cell.


"You are in deep trouble, Catherine Gata." Cathi looked to see a Tenno in a warframe she hadn't seen in a long, long time. A Rhino warframe, but not a regular one. Not even a Prime. A Temple Guardian. He wasn't armed that she could see, but that meant nothing here. She ignored him, focusing on her memory of the tune. "Sister. You are in trouble and I want to help."


Cathi did not scoff. It was very hard not to. She maintained her meditation pose on the floor in front of the bed, thinking of the lyrics and nothing but the lyrics.


Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me... She did maintain a surreptitious eye on the Rhino who shook his head slowly.


"You are not helping yourself or your case." The Rhino said calmly. "We want to help." Cathi stilled as a tickle touched the back of her mind and then she shook her head, just a little. "What?"


That was the only warning the Rhino had before a female scream erupted from nearby as Cathi retaliated to the mental probe with a pulse of sheer mental power. Cathi didn't move, didn't react at all as the scream died, to be replaced by sobs. Only a fool tried to mind probe a member of the Royal Guard without permission, even a fallen one like Cathi. They protected their secrets. It was what they did.


"You are Royal Guard." The Rhino said slowly. Cathi did not react. "Even with the tattoo, I didn't believe." Cathi did not react, did not reply, did not do anything. Of course they had seen it when she had changed. That tattoo could not be removed short of her death but it did have a red bar through it denoting her renegade status. Having that put on in Avalon had hurt worse than almost anything else she had ever suffered. "Fine. You will be scanned. We will discover what you-" He was interrupted.


"Over my dead body and the bodies of all of Karl's clan." Carlos' furious voice sounded from nearby and Cathi glanced to see the Oberon step right up to where the Rhino stood, his voice a cold, hard thing. "Your law has limits for a reason, policeman. You pass them at your peril. Go ahead if you want to start a war. I am ready. Are you?" His hand was on his Pangolin sword.


"Carlos." Cathi's soft voice had both male Tenno staring at her. "No." Carlos jerked and his hand fell away from his sword hilt.


"I am glad you are being reasonable." The Rhino said slowly, only to pause as Cathi shook her head. "Come on, sister. This doesn't have to be hard!"


"I don't know whether you are stupid or driven by something you don't bother to share." Carlos addressed the cop slowly. "But this is not going to end well for you if you keep pushing. The only reason your lying piece of filth of a friend is alive is that Cathi..." He enunciated Cathi's name heavily. "...didn't want him dead. Nobody sane spits on Karl's honor like your compatriot did." He shook his head. "And they call the Grineer stupid. You sure gave the clones a run for their money."


"You want to kill Tenno?" The Rhino asked carefully. Carlos made a sour noise and the Rhino shook his head. "I don't understand."


"And you are not going to." Carlos retorted. "To answer your question: No, I do not want to kill Tenno. Karl doesn't want to kill Tenno." He leaned close to the Rhino again. "But here is a hint, fool. He did. He hunted and killed his own flesh and blood brother when Nicholas went rogue. He killed his own clan when ordered to by the Elders because they followed his brother. He doesn't want to kill Tenno again, but he will if you push him hard enough."


"That was never our intention." The Rhino said firmly. Carlos scoffed again and stepped back to the barrier.


"You okay, Cathi?" Carlos asked and Cathi nodded. "Good. We will get this sorted out soon."


"Why do you coddle her?" The Rhino asked carefully. Carlos didn't reply and the other shook his head. "We are not your enemies, Tenno Carlos. There is no need for you to treat us as such."


"You are also not my friends." Carlos might have been carved from stone now. "You gave your agent stupid orders. He obeyed them even thought it could have gotten him killed. Should have gotten him killed. Cathi is still recovering from serious injuries she received while on a classified assignment that you are not cleared to know about. I am here as her representative and as the clan medic. If we had sent our regular medic, you would be dead for what you just did. She takes issues of classification far more seriously than you apparently do."


Cathi did not react as a Nyx warframe reeled past the barrier, holding her head. The Nyx stared at the confined Tenno and shook her head. She did not speak as she staggered away.


"Tenno Alicia is a spy." The Rhino said, a hint of disdain entering his voice.


"No." Carlos retorted evenly. "Alicia is an agent. She has done espionage and counter espionage against enemies of the Tenno. But she herself is not a full time spy. That is unclassified knowledge among our kin. You are welcome to that."


"This would be so much easier for everyone if you would cooperate." The Rhino said calmly.


"No." Carlos retorted. "It would be so much easier for you if I tell you what whoever is running you wants to know. Sorry." He wasn't particularly apologetic. He shook his head. "Don't you have a Temple to guard or something?"


"Goading me serves no purpose." The Rhino did not react physically. His voice was still calm. "Justice will be done."


"Justice?" Carlos asked in a soft voice. "Really? You really believe that?" The Rhino nodded. Carlos shrugged. "Whatever."


"You don't believe in justice?" The Rhino asked carefully.


"Yes, I do." Carlos replied. "But I don't expect to see it here." The Rhino stared at him and Cathi looked at the Oberon too. "Where I was, we had a lot of time to think about things." Carlos' voice was reflective now. "Many people think the law and justice are the same thing. They are not. Some may use the law to seek justice, but other than that the law and justice have little to do with each other."


""That is not true." The Rhino said quietly. "The law exists to provide access to justice." The Rhino stiffened as Carlos looked at him. The Oberon's posture was... resigned? Sad? Pitying?


"Law exists to maintain order within a society." Carlos looked away from Cathi and the Rhino, likely he wasn't even looking at the wall his faceplate was pointed at. "No more. No less. Justice?" The Oberon shook his head. "There is no clear cut definition for 'Justice'. There never has been and there never will be because what is 'justice' for one person is not 'justice' for another. It is all subjective. In your view, it is just to lie, to cheat, to steal as long as you catch your quarry. In mine? That is wrong and you are no better than the criminals you try and apprehend." The Rhino stiffened and Carlos shook his head again. "You may think to fabricate evidence. To use unethical means to gain access to my clan mate's mind. To do whatever you think may give you an edge. But I highly doubt that that anyone who is not completely blind will call that 'Just'."


"That is not how this is going to work." The Rhino said slowly.


"No?" Carlos asked, shifting his stance a little. "So, 'Tenno versus Hera Kilis' was perfectly aboveboard and totally in the right." The Rhino froze at that and Carlos chuckled. There was no mirth in it. "Like I say, I had lots of time to study. Especially after Kori took up the Phoenix." Pain rang in his words and Cathi felt her heart lurch. To lose a flesh and blood sister had to hurt. "I believe the ancient term was 'railroaded'. You won't do that to Cathi." Space itself might have warped under the Oberon's cold tone.


"That case was seven hundred years before the Collapse and it was handled badly." The Rhino said slowly. "We did learn our lesson from it."


"So, the industrialist who profited from the false accusation that got our sister Hera Kilis executed was punished?" Carlos asked. The Rhino shook his head. "Of course not. What he did was perfectly legal. Immoral and corrupt, but perfectly legal.


"We can only act with the information we have, Tenno Carlos." The Rhino was choosing his words with more care now. "We have never claimed to be perfect. That was a travesty. A blot on our history."


"And you have never tried to cover it up." Carlos admitted, relaxing a little. "Good for you. But I refuse to trust you. You want to hurt my sister." The Rhino shook his head again.


"You really think I want to hurt her?" The Rhino demanded, apparently shocked. "She was Royal Guard! The best of the best." Then he slumped. "But she is a renegade now."


"Was." A cold, hard voice had everyone turning to where a white armored form stood behind them all. Everyone went still as Interrogator Sun stepped forward. "She was a renegade, Officer Grasfil." Cathi was hardly the only one to flinch, the Rhino had never introduced himself. Sun stepped right up to the barrier and looked at Cathi. "Are you all right?" Cathi nodded. "Have they scanned you?" Cathi shook her head. "Good."


"They tried to probe her mind." Carlos said quietly and Sun growled. "It apparently didn't work so well for them." At that, Sun actually chuckled. Dark and cold, that soft laugh seemed to frighten what little warmth was in the area away.


"Yeah." Sun said after a moment. "The Royal Guard were well trained in keeping secrets. Came with the job."


"Ah, Grandmaster Sun..." The Rhino was trying to regain his equilibrium. "Why are you here? This is not an Intelligence matter."


"It has bearing on several matters that Intelligence is keeping an eye on." Sun replied. "I also have information on what she did and why that I doubt Elder Hans had access to." Cathi stiffened along with Carlos as the Rhino recoiled. Sun continued in the same calm voice. "I get that he is a bit...confused about what happened. Especially since Mavri has not recovered yet. But this?" The Loki Prime shook his horned head. "This is not going to end well for him if he keeps pushing. He is not getting the information he wants."


"Elder Hans?" Carlos asked carefully. Sun nodded.


"Yeah." The Interrogator replied. "He was the Elder who managed to find the ship that Cathi and her former companions slept on and woke them up. As soon as he did, he was subverted by the one who held their reins." Cathi bowed her head and Sun turned to her. His tone sharpened just a little. "Not your fault, girl. Stop that. The ones responsible are dead. But we have to deal with the 'now'."


"How can you say she is not responsible?" The policeman demanded. "She was there."


"Yes, she was." Sun replied. "Cathi here was always intended as a honey trap for that group." The cop froze and Cathi slumped a bit. "But they didn't need her to subvert Hans. He was lost as soon as he woke the first of them. The group leader took control of his mind as soon as she was conscious. He was a lamb to the slaughter as far as her mistress was concerned. He had no chance. He has been cleared of the controls, but he wants to know what happened. He is not cleared for much of that information. Very few are or will be."


"So Hans is the one who is trying to get the information from Cathi." Carlos said slowly. Sun nodded.


"And from Karl as well." Sun elaborated. "The other recruit was asked to send any information she discovered to HQ. She swore to Karl and reported the request." Carlos hissed and Sun made a soft noise of agreement. "Karl is upset."


"I bet." Carlos actually shuddered and Cathi shared it. "Stepping on his honor is a bad idea."


"Yes it is." Sun agreed. "But..." He held up a hand. "This is not actually a bad thing." Cathi stiffened further and he nodded to her. "Tell me true, Cathi. Why did you not resist?"


"Because I am guilty of what he arrested me for." Cathi said in a monotone. The cop stared at her and then at Sun who nodded. "I copied history texts for the group. We needed to know what this strange world we had woken into was. Who the enemy was. Who our allies were. Who we could go to. I didn't want to fight. I worked hard not to."


"There was classified information in that vault." The cop said slowly.


"And I didn't touch it." Cathi replied. The cop jerked and looked at Sun who nodded. "All I accessed were the common drives. Nothing more."


"She is telling the truth. I did a full mindscan on Cathi here. Unlike you, I am cleared for all the information." Sun said quietly. The cop swallowed hard and the Interrogator shook his head. "She didn't look at anything but open source historical files. The one who sent her probably wouldn't have objected to her doing more, but Cathi had so little free will, it never occurred to her to do so." The Interrogator looked from Carlos, to Cathi and then to the cop. "This needs to be settled."


"Okay." Carlos straightened a bit and looked at Cathi who nodded. "What do we do?"


"We do what Hans wanted." Sun had a cold smile in his voice now.


"Just... not exactly what he wanted."




Cathi was cold. The room was cold to her. The restraints had clicked on as soon as the barrier of her cell had been deactivated. She could move, just not fast. Carlos stood by her right shoulder, the Oberon a silent pillar of support. The policeman that Sun had called Grasfil stood on her left, a stunner in hand. He hadn't said a word since Sun had left as quickly as the Loki had arrived. The room she had been led to was bare. No furniture, no decorations, no nothing. She shook her head slowly, but the cold was still there.


"You okay?" Carlos asked.


"Cold." Cathi replied. "Let's just get this done."


She jerked herself up straight as holograms started appearing. Several Elders in formal robes appeared in front of her. All of them stood on one side of the room. A jury? Or witnesses? She didn't know. She trusted Sun though. He could have killed her and didn't. He played his own game, but she knew who had his loyalty. She squashed that line of thought. No telling who might be perusing her brainwaves here and now.


A female Elder that Cathi did not know appeared in the middle of the room and nodded to the others before looking at Cathi and her escorts.


"Catherine Gata." The female Elder was calm and serene. Cathi envied that serenity. "You are accused of theft." Cathi met her gaze calmly. "How do you plead?"


"Excuse me." Carlos said quietly. "Is this a trial?"


"She is accused and she admits her guilt." The Elder said calmly. Carlos did not move and the Elder frown, but then nodded. "It is a trial."


"Then she has the right to face her accuser and to have a defense." Carlos replied evenly. His tone was respectful but firm.


"That is..." The Elder frowned again but then nodded. "True." She looked to Cathi's left and a holographic desk appeared with another Elder standing there. Elder Hans was known to Cathi and his face was stern. "Elder Hans brings the charges of theft against Catherine Gata." Carlos nodded to Elder Hans and then to the apparent chairwoman of the Elders. "Do you stand for defense, Tenno Carlos?"


"No. I am here as a witness for our clan." Carlos replied. "But we do have a defense ready."


Everything stopped as another desk appeared to Cathi's right. The Loki Prime standing behind it set his briefcase on the desk and nodded to Carlos and Cathi.


"I stand for Cathi." Grandmaster Sun said into the deafening silence that greeted his arrival.


Edited by Kalenath
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Aside from the hilariously incongruous image of a Loki Prime with a brief case, only one phrase comes to mind:


Get rekt.


((Yes, I am quite aware that is incorrect spelling.))


I think Hans will need to change his robes after this.

Edited by Kalenath
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aww poor Hans... to quote a favored artist of mine.. they knew the elder had gone Ta-das and his spring had finally sprung when he peed and crapped his pants and started screaming for his mum... i have rephrased the above to avoid being banned for obscenity

Edited by evafan002
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I hope he also discovers what Hans is trying to hide...


You think he doesn't KNOW? This is SUN we are talking about.


You know it could have been worse for the poor elder.. NIKIS could have turned up instead of sun.....





Who is being tried here?


None of the holographic Elders seemed to want to move. Hans looked like he was about to faint. Sun opened his holographic briefcase and set a number of holographic papers on the holographic desk in front of him as Cathi fought hard not to giggle. It wasn't really funny. This was very important. But the looks on their faces were priceless.


"This is...unexpected." The female Elder said slowly. "May I ask your intentions, Grandmaster Sun?"


"You may, Elder Franks." Sun replied. Again, Cathi had to fight mirth as the Interrogator stopped speaking. This was... Oh, this was just too funny. None of the Elders wanted to draw his attention. She couldn't really blame them for that.


"What are your intentions?" The Elder asked calmly.


"My intentions are twofold." Sun replied evenly. "First, I am here to maintain security." He nodded to Cathi who did not move. "Tenno Cathi has information inside her skull that must not come out. She has sworn binding oaths not to speak of that. She will not break those oaths."


"Catherina Gata is a renegade!" Elder Hans snapped form where he stood. "No oath she makes can be trusted."


"You are in error." Sun's tone was odd. Not quite calm, but not emotional either. A hint of anticipation? A hint of wariness? A hint of humor? It was hard to tell. "Catherine Gata is no more. This is not her."


At that, most of the eyes in the room landed on him. Cathi looked straight ahead, her emotions flip-flopping. She often said that. But... it hurt. She didn't want to be the person that she had been remade into but she could not undo the past.


"You are in error." Hans replied coldly. "Her energy is the same as recorded for Catherine Gata, renegade Guardswoman who fled before she could be taken into custody." His ire didn't seem to have any effect on Sun.


"The Tenno standing there calls herself Cathi." Sun replied evenly. "I submit to evidence, files A and B. these are both classified so they cannot leave this court." This was a warning and the Elder in charge nodded.


"Submit your evidence." The one he had called 'Franks' said with a frown. "The data will be sequestered here." Hans looked to protest, but a glance from her quelled him.


A pair of images appeared in front of Sun. One was Cathi's face as she knew it now. Probably from when she was arrested, if she wasn't mistaken. The other... Cathi looked away from them.


"That is a fabrication!" Hans snapped. "The log says it is from a Royal Guard data vault."


"Such vaults do still exist." Sun replied. "This is common knowledge. Finding such vaults now is anything but easy. Many who have gone into the Void or dark places seeking such have never returned." He shrugged expressively. "The data can be verified. Image B is Catherine Gata as she appeared when she won the Imperial Games for the third straight year. A feat never duplicated."


"Is that...a Veritux she is hefting? In a gravity field?" One of the witnesses asked, awe in his voice. Sun nodded. "Wow."


"Even assuming this information is valid, that does not change the fact that she is a renegade." Hans was trying to gain control of the conversation.


"What was done to her?" Elder Franks asked. Hans snarled but she raised a hand. "Elder Hans, this situation is far more complex than a simple theft." She looked at the other Elders and to a being, they all nodded. "Grandmaster Sun?"


"We Tenno do not like to remember." Sun's tone was sad now. "But if we forget, who will remember? I know of many who refuse to come out of the Second Dream because they do not want to remember." He gave himself a tiny shake and when he spoke again, his voice was calm. "I must. It is my job." He nodded to Cathi who would not meet his gaze. "Tenno Cathi was taken by a member of the Royal Family who discovered a means of controlling the minds of Tenno." A gasp went around the room and Sun bowed his head. "That member of the Royal Family corrupted twelve of the Guard in total. Brainwashed them to serve only her. Enslaved them. Once she had done so, she altered them physically to suit her personal preferences."


"Personal...preferences..." Elder Franks had gone pale. "Grandmaster Sun, do you mean what I think you mean?"


"The one responsible renamed the woman she had broken 'Cathi' and used her as a honey trap against male members of the guard as well as a personal toy." Sun replied evenly. Several of the Elders looked at Cathi and shook their heads. "Whatever horrors you can imagine do not come close to the reality of what happened to her. Be very glad that information is beyond your reach." Cathi shivered in memory.


Elder Franks looked at him and then at Cathi who still wasn't looking at the images. "I see."


"Elder Franks, that is immaterial!" Hans protested. "This renegade has admitted her guilt!" Franks looked at him and then at Sun.


"The second thing, Grandmaster?" The Elder in charge asked politely.


"I am not ambivalent in this." Sun replied. "I captured Cathi during the latest mess with Cyberlancer Jesse. The renegades were trying to subvert Jesse and Jesse proved difficult." A series of coughs went around the room and Cathi had to fight a smile. Massive understatement. But then Sun spoke again. "I broke Cathi free of the bonds that held her. I know how strong they were from personal experience. Once free, Cathi turned her rage against her enslaver. She is the only reason Jesse was not subverted or slain." Cathi shook her head, but the Interrogator was not done. "She consistently downplays her role. In her mind, she is not worth what Jesse and others have done to help her."


"I am not." Cathi's voice was tiny, but everyone looked at her.


"It will be a long hard road for her to fight her way back, but she is up to it." Sun spoke into the silence that fell. "That is not why I am here. She is guilty of stealing from the archives. She does not deny that. She was not in control of herself no matter what she may think."


"I was." Cathi said weakly. No one paid her any attention.


"Cathi was a renegade, but not by her choice. She is not a murderer." Sun continued calmly. "She fought enemies of Tenno and Orokin as a member of the Royal Guard and did so with honor. I looked through all of her memories when I captured her. She was used to trap kin, but she never killed kin. The theft she is on trial for, she was never seen by anyone."


Elder Franks looked at the Rhino who stood beside Cathi and he nodded. The Elder looked thoughtful and spoke after a moment. "So, what do you expect from this trial, Grandmaster?"


"Cathi will demand punishment for her theft." Sun replied evenly. Hans stared from the Loki Prime to Cathi and back. "It doesn't really matter if the files she took were commonly available or not. She acquired them through subterfuge and hacking. This is a violation of the law. None of us disagree with that."


"Then what is the point of this charade?" Hans blustered. Elder Franks glared at him and he subsided.


"Glad you asked." Sun said mildly. Another image appeared in front of him. Cathi stiffened as she saw a video of her arrest in Karl's dojo. "Who ordered this?"


"What the hell?" Elder Franks demanded as the scene played out.


It happened as Cathi remembered, up until the cop trapped her however he had. The rest, she hadn't seen. She winced as Karl and Carlos confronted the cop. She winced harder at Karen's reaction. At seeing Jasmina, Elenia and Mishka all glaring at the poor man. The record ended with a female scream of rage that Cathi was sure was from Brianna. She bowed her head further.


"Tenno Carlos?" Sun asked quietly. "What would Tenno Karl do if Officer Killian returned to that dojo right this moment?"


"Officer Killian would die." Carlos replied without hesitation. "You step on Karl's honor at your peril."  Hush swept the room.


"Once before an Elder tried to start a war with Karl's Tenno." Sun said quietly. "It was a bad idea then and it is a bad idea now. They are guardians of secrets that cannot be shared with anyone." The Master of Tenno Interrogators shook his head. "They did not wish to be such, but they are. You will not ferret out their secrets, Elder Hans."


"You accuse me?" Hans was probably trying to sound dangerous. It didn't hold a candle to Sun's effortless malice.


"You are the one who demanded that Tenno Rica report whatever she discovered in Karl's dojo." Sun replied. Hans stared at him and the Grandmaster shrugged. "And you are also the one who ordered Tenno Cathi's arrest despite Officer Killian's reservations." His gaze swept the room. "You did not think this through, Elder Hans. Cathi has powerful allies. Allies who must remain hidden for now. I have been delegated to act for them." He shook his head. "Actually... we tossed a coin, Nikis and I. He lost. He is not happy about that. He hates losing."


"Seriously?" Elder Franks was somewhere between wonder and relief. Sun was bad enough, but Nikis' idea of 'law' usually involved firepower.


"We are the eldest of the unassigned Tenno who are awake." Sun replied with a tiny shrug. "We take our responsibilities seriously. Nikis and I both owe Cathi for helping to end the horror of the one who enslaved her. She saved Jesse nearly at the cost of her own existence. Cathi's energy was recovered, but it could have been far worse for her. So Jesse feels indebted too. Do you dispute the debts that we feel she is owed?"


"No." Elder Franks said with a frown. "This case is not as it was portrayed to us." She glared at Hans who paled slightly.


"In some ways, no." Sun said with a shake of his head. "But in others, it is. Cathi did break the law. She feels responsible. She must be punished or Tenno law will go the way of Orokin law. Where money and power ruled." At that, every visible face twisted in a grimace. Not a pleasant thought.


"We don't want that." Elder Franks agreed. "So... What do we call you?" She asked Cathi who would not meet her gaze. "Please?" She asked.


"I am Cathi." The Tenno was shivering now. "I haven't been the other... since I woke. After. Maybe someday I can be Catherine Gata again. But not today."


"Well, I for one can hope you find your way." Elder Franks said with a smile. Then her smile faded. "You did break the law and you admit your guilt."


"Yes, Ma'am." Cathi said quietly.


"We were told there was classified data in the vault you pilfered." The Elder said with a frown.


"I did not touch it." Cathi kept her eyes down. "My orders were to find as much basic history as I could. We needed to know what we had woken into. It has been... a long time."


"You mindscanned her?" Elder Franks asked Sun.


"Objection!" Hans exclaimed. "He has admitted he is biased!" Franks looked at him and then at Sun who nodded.


"I am biased." Sun replied easily. "The records of her mindscan are not and will not be  available. However, there is a legal alternative." He turned to face the Rhino at Cathi's side. "Officer Graslin, you are the senior officer assigned to the investigation?" Graslin nodded but did not move otherwise. "When did the techs discover the discrepancy? May the court ask for your summary?"


Graslin looked at Elder Franks who nodded. The cop raised a hand and a holo appeared in midair. He made a gesture and the holo vanished and then appeared in front of Sun who nodded. He dropped his hand.


"These are official records and as you can see, they are verified by both the police and Elders." Sun raised his own hand and another holo appeared beside. "They asked for assistance in corroborating what was taken and it was granted by Intelligence. I have not been involved in that."


"You really expect us to believe that your private fiefdom didn't-" Hans choked off as Sun looked at him. For a long moment, there was utter silence in the room. Then Elder Franks cleared her throat.


"Unlike Tenno, who can be emotional and irrational,..." Sun said without a hint of emotion at all. "Documented facts rarely lie." Hans flushed, but Sun wasn't done. "They can be misinterpreted or they can be altered in some cases, but in all of those cases such alterations leave tracks." He looked at Graslin and the Rhino nodded.


"Dealing with Intelligence is rarely a comfortable situation." The Rhino agreed. "We checked all of the information that we had thoroughly. We did not have clearance to access the data, but we could tell what had been copied." He shook his head. "That doesn't change the facts of what..." He paused and nodded to Cathi. "...what Cathi did."


"No." Sun agreed. "But from the report I got, she didn't touch the classified portions. That checks with the mindscan I did."


"And we should just take your word for that?" Hans demanded.


"Elder Hans!" Elder Franks was apparently losing patience. "You will show Grandmaster Sun the respect he has earned or he will be well within his rights to discipline you as he sees fit." Hans froze in place, his face a mask. "Do not antagonize him. It would make such a mess."


"Elder Hans was touched by the same horror that held Cathi for so long." Sun was quiet, but everyone was hanging on his words. "He has been vetted and cleared by mental specialists. He was -barely- within his rights to demand the arrest of Tenno Cathi for her crime. Demanding that Officer Killian do it as soon as possible and with no regard to repercussions was stupid." His tone hadn't changed. His demeanor hadn't changed, but the derision came through loud and clear somehow anyway. "You very nearly started a clan war, Elder Hans. I would have thought that the Elders learned not to push Karl like that after what happened to Grina."


"We have." Franks said sternly before Hans could muster the courage to speak. "When we are done here, I will give formal apology to Karl and his clan." She shook her head. "Tenno Cathi, you have my apology for how you have been treated. Tenno Carlos?  Stay with her." Carlos inclined his head to the Elder. "What says the law?" She asked Graslin.


"A crime was committed." The Rhino said calmly. "But no one was harmed. Mitigating circumstances or no, she did what she did and she did not hurt anyone. She could have. Royal Guard were the best of Tenno."


"No, we were not." Cathi said weakly. No one paid her any mind. Carlos laid a hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. Graslin looked at her and shook his head.


"My recommendation?" The Rhino said calmly. "Supervised parole. She is too good to leave in lock up. We need her in the field."


"An excellent point." Franks said, her face thoughtful.


"Now wait just a minute!" Hans started to bluster. "She is a renegade and-" He trailed off as Sun turned to face him.


"You will not get the information you are demanding." Sun said calmly. "You are not cleared for it. Be glad. If you were, you would never sleep soundly again."


"You do not frighten me, Interrogator!" Hans snapped. Everyone in the room shook their heads in unison at that. He wasn't such a fool. He couldn't possibly be such a fool as he was acting.


"Hans?" Elder Franks said slowly and carefully. "Do yourself a favor. Calm down. We will talk later." He opened his mouth to protest, but she made a gesture and his hologram vanished. She shook her head. "He feels guilty for what happened to Mavri. He didn't think it through before he woke them."


"Be that as it may, he nearly caused a conflict between Tenno." Sun said with a shrug. "The only reason blood was not spilled was Cathi." He nodded to Cathi who did not raise her head.


"She is privy to the secrets that Karl's clan guards?" Elder Franks asked slowly. Sun nodded. "Then we can solve two problems with one solution." Sun tilted his head in inquiry and she smiled. "Probation is warranted in such a situation. I believe that Karl's clan would be a good place for her to serve her probation." Cathi jerked upright, staring at the Elder who face turned solemn. "That way, the secrets are kept and she is punished. We need to apologize to him."


"I..." Cathi swallowed hard. The Elder looked at her and Cathi slumped.


"What, Tenno Cathi?" Elder Franks' tone was kind now.


"We need to explain to Karl what happened." Cathi said slowly. "All of it. I do need to be punished and he will understand that. But Hans had a police officer infiltrate his dojo. Try to spy on them. On me. It... I don't know..."


"I will be speaking to Elder Hans in the next few days pertaining to security clearances. Who is cleared for what and why such things should not be violated. We will also be discussing decorum." Sun said quietly. More than one of the observing Elders winced at that. "Be glad it is me and not Nikis."


"Hans is a jerk." Elder Franks said with a wince of her own. "But we don't want him dead. He is good at his job."


"Oh, Nikis wouldn't kill him and neither will I." For some reason, Sun's words were not a reassurance. "If the court has decided?"


"Tenno Cathi." Elder Franks said formally. Cathi jerked and stood straight. "You are remanded into the custody of Karl's clan. You will be monitored. You will be required to submit reports of your non-classified activities to the proper authorities for the next two solar years." Cathi bowed her head in acknowledgement. "And for what it is worth? Welcome back, sister."


Cathi stared as the Elder smiled at her and vanished. The other Elders vanished as well, Sun nodded to her and did the same.


"I... um..." Cathi turned to Carlos who nodded as well. "Back to the dojo?"


"First, we get you out-processed." Graslin said with a nod.


"Then I get to grovel."


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huh... Hans TRULY has NO idea just how lucky he is that it was sun who turned up does he?


We are the eldest of the unassigned Tenno who are awake Sun replied with a tiny shrug

May i inquire as to what sun means by Unassigned?

Edited by evafan002
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I don't think the politician gave up. He gave up legal means...


If i were Sun, i would be laying traps for ht next goons trying to get Cathi. We need to know if Hans wants any information regarding the dojo's secrets.

But my methods would involve bloody examples, Sun looks totally information gathering and will avoid death if possible.

Edited by renleech
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huh... Hans TRULY has NO idea just how lucky he is that it was sun who turned up does he?


We are the eldest of the unassigned Tenno who are awake Sun replied with a tiny shrug

May i inquire as to what sun means by Unassigned?


Do you REALLY want to ask him that? Really?


Be VERY careful what you ask him. He MIGHT answer you.


I don't think the politician gave up. He gave up legal means...


If i were Sun, i would be laying traps for ht next goons trying to get Cathi. We need to know if Hans wants any information regarding the dojo's secrets.

But my methods would involve bloody examples, Sun looks totally information gathering and will avoid death if possible.



Edited by Kalenath
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huh... Hans TRULY has NO idea just how lucky he is that it was sun who turned up does he?


We are the eldest of the unassigned Tenno who are awake Sun replied with a tiny shrug

May i inquire as to what sun means by Unassigned?

At guess, I'd say it means not bound to a clan at the basis...


But since Kal was suggesting that was not a good question to ask, there is certainly more to it.

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Politicians....The greatest enemy of mankind.


Also when Sun showed up with the briefcase and the papers, i immediately got a hilarious mental image of him wearing a suit and a pair of glasses on top of his warframe.(somebody make fan art of that)

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Do you REALLY want to ask him that? Really?


Be VERY careful what you ask him. He MIGHT answer you.



>.> l

It's all good no need to actually get sun involved hehehe ...Oh s@#t intelligence is aware of my existence oh hell um... RUN AWAY!!! lol

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It's all good no need to actually get sun involved hehehe ...Oh s@#t intelligence is aware of my existence oh hell um... RUN AWAY!!! lol


As if running from Sun of all people is going to do any good at all. It'll just make you look that much guiltier.

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I never said it was SUN that i was running from....


Running from a predator is a BAD idea. They tend to take up the chase even if they are not hungry. Sun is as much a predator as Nikis is.



Owning the past


"Karl! No!" Cathi screamed as she interposed herself between the furious clan leader and the still forms of the cops who had just followed her and Carlos out of the ship.


It had been an incredibly uncomfortable journey. Not physically, because the police medic -the same Nyx who had tried to read Cathi's mind- had gone over Cathi carefully and treated anything that might have been construed as an injury. The woman had apologized profusely and to her amazement Cathi found herself liking the other female Tenno. Cathi understood completely about being pushed by compulsions beyond her ability to control. The cops had been driven by political pressure to get results even when all of them knew that what they were doing was several shades of wrong. Magda was not a bad sort at all. She was dedicated to serving the law, but that didn't make her a bad person. She was very confused and upset by what had happened. She was determined to make it up to Cathi.


But then... the trip.


Killian had wanted to come and apologize in person, but both Cathi and Carlos had nixed that idea. Karl wouldn't relent. If he saw Killian, he would kill the man. No 'ifs, 'ands' or 'buts' about it. Maybe, eventually, with Cathi explaining, the Elders apologizing and some time to wear him down, Karl might relent his decree enough to let Killian apologize. But not anytime soon.


So instead, Grasfil and Magda had come to apologize to the clan. Magda also wanted to be sure Cathi got back all right. She said she was curious about Karl and his people, but Cathi wasn't sure if she trusted that or not. Grasfil was coming to apologize. Magda had been good company, asking questions, answering questions and basically working hard to set Cathi at ease. Grasfil hadn't said a word the entire trip. Despite Magda's best efforts, Cathi had been tense as Carlos had brought his ship to dock at the dojo.


She had been right to worry.


There had been a greeting party in the landing bay waiting for Cathi and Carlos to leave the ship. Karl of course stood in front, but Brianna and Karen stood just behind him. Aeron stood to one side. All of the Tenno were armed and Brianna... well, it was a good thing she wasn't as angry as she looked. She had stepped to to examine Cathi who had submitted the medic's scans without protest. Then the other two had followed Cathi from the ship and the tension in the bay had soared. And when Grasfil introduced himself... Karl went for his Hek.


"Karl." Cathi said firmly, not moving for in front of the police officers. "It wasn't their fault."


"Get out of my dojo." Karl directed his cold words to the officers.


"What happened was a travesty." Grasfil slowly knelt behind Cathi and bowed his head. "For the record, none of us meant harm to Tenno Cathi. We were misled."


"Get. Out." Karl said firmly. Cathi looked at Carlos helplessly. Brianna scowled as she finished her scans.


"What happened to your lip, Cathi?" Brianna demanded.


"I bit it." Cathi said with a half snarl, not taking her eyes from Karl. "My fault."


"You bite your lip to keep from crying out when things hurt you." Brianna's glare should have rendered the Rhino and Nyx down to ash. "So much for the law saying you wouldn't be hurt."


"I hurt myself, Brianna." Cathi snapped right back. This was beyond enough. "They didn't do it to me."


"Technically-" Grasfil started only to freeze as Cathi rounded on him. "Ah-"


"My teeth." Cathi said with a glower at him. "My lip. My own body's stupid response to anything that might be pain." She shook her head  she turned back to Karl. Brianna was staring at her oddly and Cathi shook her head. "I. Broke. The. Law." She heavily enunciated each word. "The way they went about apprehending me was rushed and ill advised, but they were pushed into it."


"By who?" Karl demanded, not moving.


"Sun said it was Elder Hans." Cathi said with a sigh. "But... he was messed up by Gemina and her cohorts." She slumped a bit. "And yes, I was there when they did it. Not involved, but I was there." She took a step forward, past Brianna to stand in front of Karl. "Karl, please. They want to make amends. I know about being out of control, Karl. I really do. They didn't hurt me. I hurt myself."


She was half expecting Carlos to say something. To call her out on the half truth. The police interrogation system had hurt her. But she had hurt herself worse resisting the pain. The Oberon did not speak and she wondered why but for now she had bigger concerns. Four barrels worth.


"Please, Karl." Cathi begged. "No one is dead. And..." She smiled a bit forlornly. "There was a trial. I am not going to prison. They sentenced me to probation. Here of all places." She made a face. "Sun's sense of humor is... odd to say the least."


"Did they scan you?" Karl asked, his Hek was lowering.


"I tried." Magda said before Cathi could speak . "I failed miserably. Hurt like hell. Remind me never to do that again, Cathi."


"Don't ever do that again, Magda." Cathi said with a smile. Magda fought a laugh, but a bit of it escaped her and the tension in the bay eased. "It wasn't their fault."


"Nor yours." Magda said with a glower. "We were misled. You were abused. Can we at least try to fix our mistake, Tenno Karl?" She asked the clan leader.


"Do not expect trust." Karl said flatly as he holstered his shotgun. Cathi relaxed for the first time since exiting Carlos' ship.


"We don't." Magda said with a shrug. Grasfil nodded agreement. "We were pushed to become enemies. Are we?" She asked Karl who grunted. The Rhino turned and left the bay without another word. The Nyx looked at Cathi. "I... um..."


"He is upset." Cathi said with a sigh. "I bet Brianna wants to poke and prod me and then I need to get my warframe set up again." Brianna nodded as she stepped back.


"We picked it up and secured it for you." Karen stood where she had the entire time, her arms folded across the chest of her Mag warframe.


"Thanks." Cathi shook her head. "Anything else happening?"


"Rica joined us." Karen stepped close and reached out to take Cathi's hand. Cathi took the Mag's hand and held it. "I think you will like her. She has a sick sense of humor."


"Well, then she will fit in just fine, won't she?"




Cathi was tired, but she felt good. Her warframe was intact and it had accepted her back in as if she had never left. She had put it away and on the medic's orders, gotten some sleep. She felt a lot better now with a few hours of sleep under her belt. She had started the paperwork for her probation, writing up her first report. She would give it to the cops before they left. Now though? She was hungry and wanted to talk to her clan.


Tenno Cathi.


Cathi froze in midstride, staring around wildly, but there was no one else in the hall. That hadn't been a voice she knew. It was neither male nor female, but it seemed sort of male. Sort of. More mechanical with an odd overtone. Almost more than one voice?


Tenno Cathi. Help me.


What the hell? Cathi shook her head and focused. Who are you?


I am... me. Trapped. Help me. The voice gave  small cry. No. They hear! Cathi! Help! The voice vanished.


Cathi gave herself a firm shake and moved to one wall. A com unit was set in it. She touched the control. "Karl?" She was proud that her voice did not quaver.


"Cathi?" The clan leader sounded tired. ""What is up? I thought you were going to get some sleep."


"I was." Cathi said with a frown. "I did. I am on my way to get something to eat and I just heard a voice."


"A voice." To her intense relief, Karl did not sound incredulous. Indeed, he sounded as if this were not out of the ordinary. That said some things about this clan. "What did it say?"


"It was asking for help." Cathi said slowly. "It called me by name, but I do not know the voice. I don't think. I think it was mechanical."


"Mechanical." Karl sounded wary now. "I am on my way and I am bringing Ric. He is our tech specialist. Stay there."


"Right." Cathi gave herself a stronger shake. "Do you want me to do anything?"


"Wait for us." The com clicked off and Cathi sighed. She turned to look and froze. Healer Iriana's daughter Mishka the Caretaker stood in across corridor, her face scared.




"He called you." Mishka said slowly. "Why did he call you? Why not me? Us?"


"Who?" Cathi asked, confused. "I don't know who that was. You do?"


"Yeah." Mishka said softly. "I um... Tell Karl to come and we will talk. It... This is not good." Before Cathi could frame a coherent question, the young Tenno bard was gone.


"Cathi?" Karl and Ric were both fully armed when they came into sight. Cathi nodded to them. "You okay?" The Rhino asked. Cathi beckoned him close and then tapped her eyes and ears. Ric shook his head.


"We are clear." The engineer said firmly. "Countermeasures are online. Only the Lotus should be able to get through. But... you heard someone." It wasn't a question. Cathi nodded and leaned close to Karl.


"A certain young bard said she knew who it was." Karl stiffened at Cathi's words. "But I don't. She said to come talk."


"Ric?" Karl said with a growl. "Where are the cops?"


"The woman is talking to Brianna in the medical bay." Ric said quickly. "The other is meditating in the zen garden. No surveillance at all from either of them."


"We have too many secrets to trust either of them. Cathi said slowly. "But they both did seem sincere. Too much is at stake though." She slumped a bit. "Pity. I like Magda."


"Yeah." Karl agreed. "Ric, keep a discreet eye on both of them. Cathi and I will go down level. Standard protocols. Non-lethal if needed." Ric nodded and took off at a run, the Vauban warframe moving like the wind. "Come on."


"It never rains, but it pours, huh Karl?" Cathi complained half whimsically as she followed him to a secured elevator.


"Not in my experience." His voice was warmer. "How you doing?"


"Getting there." Cathi admitted as the doors closed. "I don't want to ever do that again, but I did need closure on that. It was odd, seeing Grandmaster Sun of all people show up to defend me. He said he and Nikis flipped a coin to choose who came." Karl chuckled at that.


"I can see those two ancient and scary Tenno doing just that." Karl said with a snort. "They wouldn't want to fight each other, that is for sure."


"No one sane would want to be anywhere in the vicinity if those two fought each other." Cathi said darkly. "Nikis pretty much defines overkill and Sun?" She shook her head. "He cheats."


"Well, of course he does." Karl chided her gently. "He fights to win." The door opened and Jasmina was standing there, her faceplate open and her face worried. "Jasmina?"


"The cops?" Jasmina asked. "If they see Mishka, no big deal. She visits. But us? No. Dead giveaway for 'big fat secret that Tenno won't like' here."


"Ric said that Magda is in medical talking to Brianna." Cathi reassured her. She looked at Karl and the Rhino nodded.


"The other is in the zen garden, meditating." Karl shook his head. "Ric will keep a discrete eye on both and warn us if needed. Where?"


"Come on." Jasmina started off and Cathi followed, minding where she put her feet. The area was just wrong. It looked wrong. It smelled wrong. It felt wrong. It was different from the last time Cathi had been here. Now? There was a feeling she couldn't shake, A feeling of fear. Jasmina looked at her and the Ember Prime shook her head. "It is not you. It is us. We are afraid."


"What can I do to help?" Cathi asked quietly.


"I..." Jasmina slumped a bit. "I don't know. We are looking into it. The voice you heard was one of our... agents I guess you would call them." Cathi looked at her and Jasmina nodded. "We have masses out and about. Scouting, seeking biomass, tracking the feral masses. That one... He is one of our most capable ones. If he is trapped..."


"Then we free him." Cathi said firmly. Karl and Jasmina both looked at her and she shook her head. "Jasmina, what you protect is one of the greatest miracles I could ever have imagined." She shook her head. "No. I could not have imagined a sentient, civilized mass of Infested. I was born and raised Tenno. This is not something that I could have imagined."


"We need to confirm it was him." Jasmina said softly. "I am here. No one will harm you."


"Jasmina." Cathi said firmly. "What do you need?"


"We need to bring you in." Jasmina said quietly. "We can use the room you saw last time." Cathi frowned but nodded.


"Is that the easiest way?" Cathi asked. "The fastest?"


"No." Jasmina admitted. "But the faster way... is kind of gross."


"She is not joking." Karl said in an undertone.


"Do we have time to ease me in?" Cathi asked.


"We don't know." Jasmina said with a sigh. "You are very strong willed, but... Cathi. We can ease you in."


"Karl?" Cathi asked as she looked at the Rhino. "With your permission?" Jasmina stopped in midstep as  Karl did. The Rhino groaned softy but nodded.


"I cannot follow you there, Cathi." Karl said with a frown in his voice. "Much as I might like to talk to the mind mass, I cannot. I am bound as clan leader. I cannot let them have access to my mind that way." Cathi looked at him and he shook his head. "I won't stop you. But it will be gross."


"I can handle gross." Cathi said with a nod.


"You say that now..."




You...weren't kidding...


Cathi closed her eyes as the blue fluid seeped over her face. She fought her instinctive reaction as the fleshy tube wiggled in her mouth. Nothing hurt and she felt... good actually as the fluid covered her. Taking off her bodysuit hadn't bothered her. Climbing into the pod that the Infested Ancient had just... made did. Then the tubes had come. But... none of that hurt. She couldn't shake the feeling that it should.


We did warn you. Jasmina's mental voice was sharp with tension. You okay? How do you feel?


I am just freaking peachy, Jasmina. How are you? Cathi snapped at the Caretaker and Jasmina barked at laugh at her. I got barfed on and now I am submerged in Infested fluid. How the hell should I be feeling? I feel...ick.


She has got you there, Fire Heart.  A male voice sounded in her mind and she stiffened as best she could. Easy, sister. No one will harm you here. We need to check your recollection. Mishka is sure, but she never met him. Something that Cathi couldn't quite define wafted over her and she relaxed almost against her will. This may take a few minutes. Would you like to go somewhere more comfortable?


I am not in the habit of following strange men places. Cathi said quickly. No offense.


None taken.  The male voice said with a laugh. Fire Heart would flay me if I tried to take advantage of a sister. But we can make a bit easier for you. Let go. His voice was gentle and she felt her resistance waver.  I swear you will come to no harm. They want to meet you.


I... Whatever else Cathi was going to say was lost as she was flying. She landed on her feet in a small room. The only furniture were a tattered looking couch and an ancient looking wooden rocking chair. Her eyes went huge as a form appeared in the rocking chair, an very old human woman.


"For the discourtesy, we are sorry." The human -or what looked like a human- apologized. "But you are stressed and you do not need to be. We will not harm you, Tenno Cathi."


"You are the mass mind." Cathi said slowly. The old human nodded.


"This representation is far less threatening, far less alien, than our true selves." The being in front of her said with a kind smile. "We find it is better to show this first." She smiled a bit self consciously. "Sometimes this is all we show. It can be a bit much."


"I bet." Cathi shook her head and nodded to the couch. "May I?"


"The couch is there for you." The other nodded. "Feel free to stretch out of you like. Your last couple of days have been rough." Cathi knew that the being she was talking to wasn't real. Wasn't really an old, kindly human woman. But the kindness in the being in front of her was hard to deny.


"Yeah. Rough." Cathi groaned a little as she sat on the couch. It was far more comfortable than it looked. "I went from a slave to a pawn to a clan member to a prisoner." She shook her head. "And now? I am hearing voices."


"One voice." The other said gently. "Only one. Although he is more than one mind, he only has one voice." The old woman shook her head. "Calling the form a 'him' isn't really accurate, but it is close enough. Anything else just gets confusing. Even for us."


"So, who was it who spoke to me?" Cathi asked slowly, laying her head down. The couch felt marvelous under her. She was so tired. She would only close her eyes for a moment. Just a moment.


"You can sleep if you wish. You will wake rested. We call him J." The mass mind said gently, soothing Cathi into rest.


"The Tenno of this time called him the J-3."


Edited by Kalenath
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