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Volt's Electric Shield Bugs


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This is a two part bug report for Volt/Prime Electric Shield.


Updating to show that the second issue no longer exists. This thread is now solely about the nullifier issue below.


In hot fix 17.6.1 we got this:


  • Corpus Nullifiers will no longer destroy Frost’s Snow Globes if Frost enters the Nullifier Shield and globes are placed elsewhere.


Volt's Electric Shield skill needs the same fix applied, please. If it was a bug for Frost, clearly it is not intentional behavior for Volt either, but I figure it may have just been over looked.




The second bug has been around for a while, I believe.


It appears that Electric Shield does not correctly apply the Electric damage to projectile based weapons like bows and the Boltor. The critical damage buff DOES work for bows however, just not the added electric damage and proc.


As a heavy user of bows, and Volt as my main, I'd like to see that resolved.



Edited by Dizzle22
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Gonna pitch in here. Electric shield's bonus stats seem completely borked beyond comprehension right now honestly. Sometimes it'll work on a weapon, sometimes it won't. Even if nothing has changed. Which weapons it does and doesn't work right with also seem random. I think someone said somewhere they saw a pattern relating to hitscan + punchthrough. But I just really would love to see it fixed, it's really hurting me when I play my beloved volt.

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Gonna pitch in here. Electric shield's bonus stats seem completely borked beyond comprehension right now honestly. Sometimes it'll work on a weapon, sometimes it won't. Even if nothing has changed. Which weapons it does and doesn't work right with also seem random. I think someone said somewhere they saw a pattern relating to hitscan + punchthrough. But I just really would love to see it fixed, it's really hurting me when I play my beloved volt.


Linking to the post mentioned here because these are all issues that need to be looked at. I get that Volt is not that popular, and so probably not a priority, but there are still many fans of his that would like to see this stuff resolved for good.



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Well, at least they fixed the punch through bug. But nothing on either of these yet.


Am I supposed to submit a support ticket too, or just have a thread here? I thought support tickets were for issues specific to my account, and bugs just get reported here.


Am I doing it wrong? Seems crazy that they fixed part of the ES issues, and ignored mine...  :(

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Hello Dizzle,


As a first hour Volt Fan I noticed your post and tested it for you in the simulacrum. Here are my results.


Boltor Prime Without shield 11dmg - With Shield 18 and I saw a few electric procs

Daikyu Without shield 81 - With Shield 101 and I got one extra rare electric proc, but considering how the damage repartition works in warframe, it's normal.


The critical bonuses were also working fine.


As you can see today's update fixed the issues you reported about not getting the damage bonus, if you still think there is a bug, I'm afraid you'll have to provide a more detailed explanation so we can take a look at it.

Edited by lukaself
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Thanks for the reply.


I guess I will need to try the damage again. I was testing it with the Dread a couple months back with no element mods and it would not proc electric at all. I know the Dread's procs seems to be weighted toward slash, but to have it never proc electric seemed odd to me.


It was actually another player that originally told me about it, like it was a known thing. I had never realized it and just assumed that the electric damage was being integrated into my corrosive was why I never saw any electric procs when firing through ES. (I use corrosive I nearly every gun)


I can test it again now after the patch, but how is ES supposed to interact with other elements? Does it just added to a combined element, or should it be it's own separate electric damage?




Everyone seems to be ignoring the first part of my post, though.


I have not had a chance to test the nullifer thing since the new patch.. but I assumed it has not been fixed because it was not mentioned. That one is seriously annoying me. My MO is to slide right into them and cut them in half. But if I have shields protecting/helping objectives or other players they all evaporate.


Kind of frustrating that they fixed it for Frost, and not Volt. Both skills fill a very similar role, despite Frost being the fan favorite. It never worked that way for either before, so something they did in a recent patch changed that behavior, and they realized this mistake and reverted it for Frost. I'd just like the same done for Volt.


I'll go log in now and test some stuff.

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This doesn't really apply to your concerns, Dizzle22, but given the recent patch notes:

- Fixed Volt’s Electric Shield not functioning on guns with punch through.

This explains (a little) why I thought volt was underwhelming. I pretty much always use shred/punch through as most of the WF tiles are corridors where the first guy rapidly becomes a corpse who absorbs all the bullets until he falls over, then the second guy becomes a sandbag, then repeat. Or use punch through. These tiles are why I don't see a need for sniper weapons in the vast majority of the game.

When these types of client bugs (or whatever type of bugs) exist, DE should really inform the player base. There was a recent-ish "buff/fix" to a warframe ability that meant they allowed it to work for clients. I don't remember what the fix was, but not allowing it work for clients meant that 75% of the time it didn't work. That's not just a bug, but a major bug, and while it hadn't been fixed, it had been noticed, so why didn't they inform people of this? Like the "bug" that multishot was always supposed to cost more ammo, but was never mentioned and has been a "feature" for as long as I have played WF (March 2013).

I despair of DE sometimes!

NB: Volt is my 3rd most played frame, after Trinity and Saryn. OT: I'm looking forward to the announced Saryn "buff" :(

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Okay, I went to Apollodorus, Mercury with Volt Prime and an un-modded Dread. I was fighting Level 1 Lancers and going for center of mass (chest) shots only.


I was getting 156 non-crit damage and 312 crit without ES


I was getting 231 non-crit damage and 923 crit with ES


So you are correct, the damage appears to be applying. That is an addition of 75 damage on non-crits, or about +48%. Electric procs did happen as well, but were exceedingly rare (I got like 2 in quite a while of testing). This could be because I was still one-shotting everything though.


So I think we can disregard the second part of my OP at this point.


Couple things, however:


1. ES is still removed by walking into nullifiers, per the first part of my OP. So, please DE still take a look at this.


2. I popped Split Chamber on my otherwise un-modded Dread, to up the status a bit, but noticed something weird. Despite two arrows showing, I was still getting the same damage values as without split chamber.... that may require more testing (and obviously a new thread), but something might be up there.

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Electric procs did happen as well, but were exceedingly rare (I got like 2 in quite a while of testing).

It's because of the way status effect works in warframe, it's not a directly proportional chance in relation to damage composition. When a weapon have physical damage it will proc physical (bleed-stun-puncture) status effects more often than elemental effects, even if the proportion is 50/50. That's why pure elemental weapons are best for status builds like the Ignis or the Gammacor. (there are better weapons for this but they happen to be the ones i'm tampering with at the moment ^^)


Regarding to your first issue it looks like people are ignoring it because it feels more like it belongs to a feedback thread. In my opinion, it's not because something works in a way for one Warframe that it should work the same for all Warframes - It's a debatable opinion though.

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It's because of the way status effect works in warframe, it's not a directly proportional chance in relation to damage composition. When a weapon have physical damage it will proc physical (bleed-stun-puncture) status effects more often than elemental effects, even if the proportion is 50/50. That's why pure elemental weapons are best for status builds like the Ignis or the Gammacor. (there are better weapons for this but they happen to be the ones i'm tampering with at the moment ^^)


True. I've also noticed (especially with the Dread) that if you outright kill an enemy with one shot, elemental procs don't seem to happen anymore. It wasn't always like that, mind you. Back in the day (talking update 13-14ish), I had a gas + electric event mod build in my Dread for crowd control procs, that would proc those two elements all the time, really destroying crowds. Not sure exactly when, but all the sudden the procs reduced dramatically and it seemed to be related to the fact I was killing the initial target in one hit.


Regarding to your first issue it looks like people are ignoring it because it feels more like it belongs to a feedback thread. In my opinion, it's not because something works in a way for one Warframe that it should work the same for all Warframes - It's a debatable opinion though.


I called the nullifer thing a "bug" because of the reasons explained above. Simply, it wasn't like this before, and they called it a (bug) fix when it was reverted for Frost. I wish a dev or someone would chime in on that and help me out here. I saw Rebecca on the other Volt thread, I was really hoping senpai would notice me..

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it shouldnt be changed just cuz frost globe was, they arnt the same thing

also its not a bug so the term fix is 100% wrong

NB: Volt is my 3rd most played frame, after Trinity and Saryn. OT: I'm looking forward to the announced Saryn "buff" :(

it isnt a buff... its a rework

Edited by Urska
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Does no one read what I wrote? Sorry, but I am getting frustrated now. I'll lay it out one more time.


1. In the past, walking into a Nullifier's bubble did not remove Frost's OR Volt's shields from the field of play. 


2. Something in an recent update* changed this behavior, making them both disappear if you walk into a Nullifier's bubble.


3. DE reverted this effect in 17.6.1, under the category of "Fixes", for Frost only. (How are "Fixed" items not considered bug fixes??)


4. Volt got ignored/missed in this fix.




If this is a nerf to Volt, and intentional, that's "fine". Just waiting for Dev to tell me that, and I will give up. Until that happens, it is a "bug" to me.




*Sorry, I do not know exactly what update introduced this bug. Somewhere around the late 17.5's, I think.

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Well frost's globe and volt's shield have a totally different mechanic but they both work as a shield:

Globe doens't have a duration, when it's hp reaches 0 or you place too many globes it will dissapear.

Shield has a duration and can only be destroyed when the counter reaches 0 and you can spawn as many as you want.


Then I thought of another warframe who could summon a shield which has the same mechanic as Frost's globe.

You might have guessed it already: Atlas!

So I tested it with Atlas in the Simulacrum, I spawned some Nulifier crewmans, casted tectonics and walked into a nulifer shield...

And tectonics was gone...

That makes it seem they only looked at frost :(


While I do agree that Volt and Frost's shields have a totally different mechanic behind them, therefore you can't really say how Volt's shield should react to a nulifier shield.

I also agree that it's kinda strange that only Frost's shield got ''fixed'' and Atlas and Volt got overlooked (although Volt has a really different mechanic shield).


The only way to know why Atlas and Volt stayed unaffected is to get a response from DE about this (if they didn't already somewhere). Since it's kinda worthless to start replying in a thread like Urska does...

Edited by Odeusus
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Odeusus, I feel you're on the right track. Did nullifiers do that to Atlas when he was first released?


I'm curious what other frames that have similar skills are effected by this. Similar skills, in this case, as in they are cast somewhere and left behind by the caster. Skills like Cataclysm and Bastille/Vortex too, not just the shield skills. Unfortunately, I the only frames with skills like that that I had before and after are Frost and Volt, so I can't really say.


The thing is that I tend to read all the patch notes, and I do not remember seeing anything like this in them as an intentional change to the nullifier mechanics. No, I'm not crying stealth nerf, I'm just saying that I think they must have changed something that had unintended consequences on these skills. Then they rolled out the fix for Frost soon after.


So the problem may be (probably is) more wide spread than Volt. Now if you want to say "well that's how it should have always worked anyway", then why does Frost get the free pass? Or, if they wanted to have nullifiers cancel these skills, how about when a bubble touches the skill itself, not when it touches the caster who's not near it? I actually always wondered why it wasn't that way from the beginning, not that I was exactly going to complain about it..




Edited by [DE]Danielle
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This is a two part bug report for Volt/Prime Electric Shield.


Updating to show that the second issue no longer exists. This thread is now solely about the nullifier issue below.


In hot fix 17.6.1 we got this:


  • Corpus Nullifiers will no longer destroy Frost’s Snow Globes if Frost enters the Nullifier Shield and globes are placed elsewhere.


Volt's Electric Shield skill needs the same fix applied, please. If it was a bug for Frost, clearly it is not intentional behavior for Volt either, but I figure it may have just been over looked.


This is a known issue that will be resolved in a future Hotfix!

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Odeusus, I feel you're on the right track. Did nullifiers do that to Atlas when he was first released?


I'm curious what other frames that have similar skills are effected by this. Similar skills, in this case, as in they are cast somewhere and left behind by the caster. Skills like Cataclysm and Bastille/Vortex too, not just the shield skills. Unfortunately, I the only frames with skills like that that I had before and after are Frost and Volt, so I can't really say.



I can add Chroma's Effigy to this list, I believe, though I haven't tested it since this latest patch. It may also be happening with Banshee's Sonar, unless my memory is really going.


EDIT: reformatting to list of affected:

a much more nicely-formatted listing available in this thread.

-Banshee's Sonar (tested only with Resonance in)

-Chroma's Effigy

-Frost P (2 with aug, 3 persists)

-Hydroid's Tempest Barrage and Tentacle Swarm

-Saryn's Spores and Molt (though not her Miasma)

-Atlas's 2 and 4 (his 3's effects aren't despelled)

-Ember's 3 (her 2 persists)

-Excalibur (his 2 persists)

-Limbo 2,4 (1 persists)

-Mirage 4 (attempted to test 2, but drops exploded at cast, will check later to make sure I didn't have aug in)

-Nekros 4 (2 persists)

- Nova P 3,4 (2 persists)

-Nyx P 1,3 (1 will cast on a de-bubbled Nullifier, but be despelled as soon as the bubble regens)

-Oberon (1 and 2 both persist)

-Rhino (4 persists, still need to test 3)

-Loki P 1 (4 persists)

-Trinity P 1,2 (still need to test 4)

-Valkyr 2 (3 was just a knockback, maybe I was thinking with aug?)

-Vauban 4 (1,2,3 all persist)

-Volt P 3

-Zephyr 4

Edited by MechaGent
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"Fixed Volt’s Electric Shield giving every ranged projectile a 70m default range. Important note: we will be revisiting the design to allow for interesting range interactions with Volt's Shield and guns ASAP."





When is ASAP? This nerf was 2 months ago in 17.4.2 and you haven't mentioned it since. Please restore the old functionality if you aren't going to do anything to change it.

Edited by daldo
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And you were right. Deepest apologies Dizzle. 


  • Fixed Ember's Fireblast, Vauban's Vortex and Volt's Electric Shield Abilities being cancelled when you enter a Nullifier Bubble.



No hard feelings. Not sure if you saw my last post before [DE]Danielle edited out all our nastiness, but for what it's worth I was not lumping you in with the troll comments, so sorry if it came across that way. I may not have typed it out clearly.

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