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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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In case of those greedy morons who say "Prices will plumet" + "DE wont make any money", just need DE to make buyable EVERYTHING. Making situation where platinum wont float around and get "lost in the void" after purchase. And players could trade only with item for item.

Easy as that.

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Or another way would be to separate the trading chat in 3 tabs that show up when you enter the trading chat, and then you select which one you want to get to and it redirect you to that certain part.

Now these 3 tabs can be something like a tab for prime parts, a tab for mods and a tab for other stuff like special weapons and the other tradable things.

That way people selling mods don't mix up with those who sell prime parts or special weapons.

Edited by CptHappyOrange
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Yeah, and those sub-1% mods are already cheaper than a prime frame, something that has a way higher drop rate. Which pretty much supports the price drop scenario with an AH.

Also, untradable items are irrelevant.

They are relveant, they show clearly that drop prices are set around market and not around trading.


If sub-1% items are cheap then maybe it got something to do with supply and demand.


AH doesnt do anything that we didnt already do with trading chat.

It just simplifes whole process of doing so.

Edited by Davoodoo
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not really, no.



what people are asking for, is the Steam Market, and many past trading systems like it that have come before.

they don't work. they always collapse. only to the loss of the Consumer though, whoever owns the system makes a killing off of such a system. but everyone that uses it is who uses.


just like how the Steam Market is - 1% of 1% of people using it make anything that actually lets them use the market without putting their own money into it every single time - and the same happens everywhere else.

they don't work. and they never have. it doesn't matter how many times someone tries to make such Marketplaces, they will always fail.


remember, part of the definition of Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.





the worst part, is the extreme oversaturation in such systems, in order for them to try and stay healthy, requires making things so incredibly rare that you change your game from whatever it was before, and mold it into a Stock Exchange Simulator.


people thought 0.67% for Forma was bad? imagine how low it needs to be to not over saturate when you multiply that by millions of Players.


let's estimate some numbers. from the average active Players per week, if everyone played ONE Void Mission at 0.67%, there would be approaching 14,000 of that item per hour(assuming said Mission takes an Hour, but most Missions are much shorter than that...) appearing on such a Marketplace.

open Marketplaces / Auction Houses do not work.


You still havent told us why its so bad and how is that different from trading in general.


Ofc if you dont need to replace your gear(and you dont in neither of games) then demand drops while supply constantly raises, but the same thing is with trading, only way that prices could raise again is cutting supply, but that is blatant manipulation and could still be done with ah.

Latron for 10p and 1% nightmare mods for 5p all clearly show that warframe market already crashed in a way you describe it, so its no ah that caused it.


Also warframe doesnt have milions of players, i would be amazed if there was 0.5mil accross all 3 platforms, its a very niche title.

Edited by Davoodoo
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AH doesnt do anything that we dont already did with trading chat.

It just simplifes whole process of doing so.

The most important "feature" of the trade chat is that it limits the number of sellers to those who are online, not in a mission, and is looking at tge trade window. That's a significant limitation.

Less sellers, less supply, higher price.

You don't get that with an AH.

Edited by Ninja-Kid
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The most important "feature" of the trade chat is that it limits the number of sellers to those who are online, not in a mission, and is looking at tge trade window. That's a significant limitation.

Less sellers, less supply, higher price.

You don't get that with an AH.

It also limits buyers in the same way so less demand so lower prices.


Your point??

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It also limits buyers in the same way so less demand so lower prices.

Your point??

No it does not.

When a buyer wants to buy, he goes into the trade chat and types "WTB>"


If you go into a mission, you are not buying, with or without an AH.

If you go into a mission, you are not selling with the trade chat, but you are still selling with an AH.

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No it does not.

When a buyer wants to buy, he goes into the trade chat and types "WTB>"


If you go into a mission, you are not buying, with or without an AH.

If you go into a mission, you are not selling with the trade chat, but you are still selling with an AH.

Most modern ah offer buy orders on it.

Hell old as F*** eve online have same feature.

Steam market got that feature.


You can post 9000 buy orders go afk and come back next week to collect items.


Tbh only wow ah doesnt have buy order feature, but they still have mobile app for ah.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Typo, edited already.


Want to argue semantics or are you gonna post something constructive??

Edit it all you want. You missed the point entirely.


The act of buying is active. You go into the trade interface and look for sellers.

In the trade chat, this takes the form of posting "WTB", or responding to a "WTS" offer.

In an AH, it takes the form of browsing, then placing a bid.

There is no change in buying behavior, only the nature of the act. Hence, there is no change in the total number of buyers.

Your 9000 buy bids is the same as 9000 WTB posts in the trading chat,


When it comes to selling in the trade chat, selling is active, you look for a buyer.

This takes the form of posting a "WTS" or responding to a "WTB" offer.

When it comes to selling in an AH, selling is passive. You just enter your item and reserve price and you're done. You don't look for a buyer.


It is a complete change in selling behavior that allows the entire selling population to participate in the market simultaneously.

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You still did not give even one example of a game that has gone bankrupt specifically bacause of its AH/Marketplace, not even one, However i shall give you some examples of games that have not: ''Cabal'', ''Vindictus'', ''PWI'' and for f**k's sake even ''Requiem'' are all old AF, have Markets and are still running to this very day...

I see, you have this twisted vision that De are going to make prime parts have 0.0001% chance to drop in rotation C if an AH/Marketplace is added, you also think that something that is being sold by a large amount of players for an acceptable(to both seller and buyer) ammount of money, is unacceptable and ontop of that you think the Warframe playerbase is in the milions, which is... its just... DE, please, arrest this man!



Edit it all you want. You missed the point entirely.


The act of buying is active. You go into the trade interface and look for sellers.

In the trade chat, this takes the form of posting "WTB", or responding to a "WTS" offer.

In an AH, it takes the form of browsing, then placing a bid.

There is no change in buying behavior, only the nature of the act. Hence, there is no change in the total number of buyers.

Your 9000 buy bids is the same as 9000 WTB posts in the trading chat,


When it comes to selling in the trade chat, selling is active, you look for a buyer.

This takes the form of posting a "WTS" or responding to a "WTB" offer.

When it comes to selling in an AH, selling is passive. You just enter your item and reserve price and you're done. You don't look for a buyer.


It is a complete change in selling behavior that allows the entire selling population to participate in the market simultaneously.


And that is a bad thing because?! Why do you elude me and my comments hmm? Does it matter if 1 bilion ppl are selling just this one thing if its price is reasonable to both seller and buyer?! NO. I gave you an idea how demand and prices can be made constant, but you're stubborn AF, right?! Your mentality is... ''if its broken, but it works, it works!''. Like wha... really if everyone was thinking the same way as you do we all as a species would still be living in caves damit. Think about it, its not as good as living  in a house, or a luxurious one for that matter, but it WORKS! Right?! Absolutely wrong, on so many lvls...

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Edit it all you want. You missed the point entirely.


The act of buying is active. You go into the trade interface and look for sellers.

In the trade chat, this takes the form of posting "WTB", or responding to a "WTS" offer.

In an AH, it takes the form of browsing, then placing a bid.

There is no change in buying behavior, only the nature of the act. Hence, there is no change in the total number of buyers.

Your 9000 buy bids is the same as 9000 WTB posts in the trading chat,


When it comes to selling in the trade chat, selling is active, you look for a buyer.

This takes the form of posting a "WTS" or responding to a "WTB" offer.

When it comes to selling in an AH, selling is passive. You just enter your item and reserve price and you're done. You don't look for a buyer.


It is a complete change in selling behavior that allows the entire selling population to participate in the market simultaneously.

Then you dont even know how it works, yet feel free to post about it.


Your wts post is equivalent to setting item for sale on ah, you dont need to browse anything if you dont want to

Your wtb post is equivalent to setting buy order on ah, again you dont need to browse anything if you dont want to.

Selling is as active as buying.


Theres no change in both sellers and buyers.


If you still dont know how it works then look at https://warframe.market/ cause it is indeed how auction house works, 1 tab for sell orders 2nd tab for buy orders both equally passive.


Thx Armed_Monkey for showing me this site btw.


Rift, eve, wildstar and even steam market work on same basis. Like i said only wow is known for me example which still uses old system of active buying and even there economy is stable for all these years, despite wod even giving stuff for free, it remained stable.


So all you have is doomsaying that ah is bad with no proof and you dont even want to present proof despite your theory being proven wrong multiple times by other games.

Edited by Davoodoo
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You still did not give even one example of a game that has gone bankrupt specifically bacause of its AH/Marketplace

well, you're the only one talking about Bankruptcy. nobody else is.

so that's probably why.



(and the Warframe Playerbase IS in the Millions - but active within a timeframe is more around 100,000-200,000)

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I feel Warframe would benefit greatly from a auction house. This constant spamming WTS or WTB is tiring and boring and you have to be very lucky to find what you are looking for as it's flying by or for your item to be seen. Then you have to hope it's for the kinda of price you were looking for. Not to mention a lot of the time you can't get a rough idea on how much things are worth so either end up getting ripped off or selling something for too cheap.


At least with a auction house you can have a competitive market and finally get it for the fairest price.

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I feel Warframe would benefit greatly from a auction house. This constant spamming WTS or WTB is tiring and boring and you have to be very lucky to find what you are looking for as it's flying by or for your item to be seen. Then you have to hope it's for the kinda of price you were looking for. Not to mention a lot of the time you can't get a rough idea on how much things are worth so either end up getting ripped off or selling something for too cheap.


At least with a auction house you can have a competitive market and finally get it for the fairest price possible.

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