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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, with no takers, no matter how low my prices are. Instead of a trade channel, why not add an auction house? Here you could list your items so they're out of your inventory, and people can buy them for the price you set if they wish. This would also serve as a way to help people know what their parts are worth. Too many people out there give bids way over or way under what things are actually worth. So, DE, please add an auction house or player market so we can actually play the game instead of sitting in the trade channel for extended periods of time!

What do you guys think? Am i onto something? Anything that i missed? Am i completely bonkers? :P

Let me know down below!

Hi, definitely agree with you!

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Dont we already have like 2 topics about this ? 



They dont kill economies, they help them. Sure, they tend to drive prices down as competition arises, but that's basic capitalism. The game already functions on the idea of capitalism. An auction house would only make it more accessible to buy and sell items.

Except the games where Auction houses functions properly has trillions of items that has uses. What are you going to do when there's like ten million of the same thing?


Economy dies, every price falls down to trash levels, you wont gain Platinum properly. Auction house wont work in Warframe because we dont really have much we can sell in this game.


Most of the traders here doesnt want an Auction House because that would kill the platinum gains. There's no need for that. I for myself, never had any problem with Trades because i know what im doing and what im selling. It feels like people are trying to sell useless and most common things and start whining like " We need AH".


No you dont, You just gotta know what you are doing. End of the story.

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its not about the economy but how the trade system works 

its more a spam 


my eyes bleed from it so fast every time i need to scroll it back 

ore try to sell something and poof its out of your screen in a flash 


and hope other players see it in time what i try to sell 

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Dont we already have like 2 topics about this ? 



Except the games where Auction houses functions properly has trillions of items that has uses. What are you going to do when there's like ten million of the same thing?


Economy dies, every price falls down to trash levels, you wont gain Platinum properly. Auction house wont work in Warframe because we dont really have much we can sell in this game.


Most of the traders here doesnt want an Auction House because that would kill the platinum gains. There's no need for that. I for myself, never had any problem with Trades because i know what im doing and what im selling. It feels like people are trying to sell useless and most common things and start whining like " We need AH".


No you dont, You just gotta know what you are doing. End of the story.


I said it before, again and again but i'll say it once more. AH or not, traders will still wipe your asses on the floor. Those who know what I mean know what I mean. But I guess you just want to see for yourself. *shrug* Bring on the AH then. The game will change but the outcome will be the same for us.


To traders, the game is in the trade. You cannot realistically hope to out compete someone who only logs into warframe to trade.


In fact while we are on this topic, why doesn't anyone thank us traders? We don't complain about trade limits. We don't complain about you people ignoring or scolding us. We however provide liquidity to the market so your stuff still gets sold and bought and to ensure that platinum moves all around nicely.


If all the traders clammed up and stopped trading, the market might really die for a while. Think about it.

Edited by InfinitySinX
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Another day another auction house thread.


Another Auction House thread another no

Another no another why not


Another why not another long stupid post about why and why even though in the end the resounding answer is no because that is the majority of the forum. Also the idea of the auction house won't happen because it is less profitable for the DE because it causes prices to go down so in the end it removes the main purpose of trade which is MORE PROFIT!



The only thing Trade needs to change is the UI. That is coming in U18 AS A NEW CHAT UI. 

Separate chats for WTB/WTS will fix nothing. In fact, imo they would create even more hassle than they're worth, because that would mean some people would have to monitor both chats at once. A buyer spams the WTB chat every few minutes because he wants to buy a thing and still has to bleed through the massive amount of spam on the WTS account if he has any hopes for buying items the same day.


Warframe economy is already broken, in a sense. We often don't know what the average price for the items is, it changes from day to day on a whim of the sellers who either are overcharging or they just honestly don't know the price of the item in question. The communication between the seller and buyer is lacking for most of the time for various reasons. That is not the basis for a healthy economy.


In my many years of playing online games I have seen maybe once instance of an economy being ruined by Auction House/Marketplace, and it was only because players could exchange CS currency for in-game gold. The exchange rates skyrocketed so much in such a short time that average players was not able to earn enough gold to buy the essentials for the end-game.


Most of the time AH would just go hand-in-hand with a normal trading channel and/or player shops and the economy would function just fine. When one item lost it's value another one popped in it's place creating a new money sink, much like new prime parts are replacing the old ones as the most demanded. 

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traders will still wipe your asses on the floor. 

You are wrong. If AH Were to come, people who doesnt know how to make a profit will lower the prices Every, Single Day. Then we wont be able to make a proper profit out of anything because there will be thousands of copies in the AH. 


People who ask for AH are just lazy, they dont wanna spend 5 minutes and make huge profits. Instead, they wanna sell things without any effort but make what 50 plat at best? Its selfish that people begs for AH without thinking about the consequences. 


Warframe is not WoW or CSGO. Warframe economy cannot handle AH. Not without strict regulations. Like setting Minimum price for something and that is simply not possible. You'd see people crying about prices on Forums every day.


Trade chat could use some work but not the current trade system. Keep that thing away from Warframe.

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Warframe economy is already broken, in a sense. We often don't know what the average price for the items is, it changes from day to day on a whim of the sellers who either are overcharging or they just honestly don't know the price of the item in question. The communication between the seller and buyer is lacking for most of the time for various reasons. That is not the basis for a healthy economy.

TBH thats what we call Free market. A person who monitors the prices from time to time knows how to make profit, while the people who doesnt put time and effort simply sells the stuff for low but keeps the economy alive by allowing more trades for other players. 


Trade takes effort and time. It should be kept that way. Players are too used to lazy things like AH and AH cannot function in Warframe. Remember, we dont have trillions of items like WoW. Prices would drop down to 1 Plat because even if we careful people cared, newbies and the simpletons who doesnt care about economoy will keep lowering the prices each day. In the end, we'll need to play thousands of hours just to make a small percentage of what we're making today.

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You are wrong. If AH Were to come, people who doesnt know how to make a profit will lower the prices Every, Single Day. Then we wont be able to make a proper profit out of anything because there will be thousands of copies in the AH. 


People who ask for AH are just lazy, they dont wanna spend 5 minutes and make huge profits. Instead, they wanna sell things without any effort but make what 50 plat at best? Its selfish that people begs for AH without thinking about the consequences. 


Warframe is not WoW or CSGO. Warframe economy cannot handle AH. Not without strict regulations. Like setting Minimum price for something and that is simply not possible. You'd see people crying about prices on Forums every day.


Trade chat could use some work but not the current trade system. Keep that thing away from Warframe.


Traders will just change into scalpers. Sure, you might have a point that 95% of the market will tank. But some things will still retain value and traders will just learn to scalp these. Not sharing how it is done but it will be alot more unethical than what is going on now. 

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Just no.


Perfect example is Warframe market.

Low number of traders there - and yet there is plenty of items going as low as 1-2 plat. 


Now imagine everyone having an easy and effort free AH to use. Welcome to Warframe AH where the only items worth more then 1p are Primed Chamber and Trinity Systems. Sound good ? No ? Yeah i dont think so.

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Just no.


Perfect example is Warframe market.

Low number of traders there - and yet there is plenty of items going as low as 1-2 plat. 


Now imagine everyone having an easy and effort free AH to use. Welcome to Warframe AH where the only items worth more then 1p are Primed Chamber and Trinity Systems. Sound good ? No ? Yeah i dont think so.


Well, if DE can spare the resources for an AH (assuming its bug free HAHAHAHAHA), I dont mind seeing what happens

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TBH thats what we call Free market. A person who monitors the prices from time to time knows how to make profit, while the people who doesnt put time and effort simply sells the stuff for low but keeps the economy alive by allowing more trades for other players. 


Trade takes effort and time. It should be kept that way. Players are too used to lazy things like AH and AH cannot function in Warframe. Remember, we dont have trillions of items like WoW. Prices would drop down to 1 Plat because even if we careful people cared, newbies and the simpletons who doesnt care about economoy will keep lowering the prices each day. In the end, we'll need to play thousands of hours just to make a small percentage of what we're making today.

Trading should not consume as much time as it does now, though and remind people of a russian roulette. Not everyone wants to spend hours on a fast scrolling chat praying things will sell or they won't get ripped off.


Miscommunication is a huge problem too. While traders on forums claim they are fair with their practices and always try to negotiate prices they cannot speak for a large group of regular sellers (and buyers) that will straight ignore potential contractors because "lol price too low/high" instead of suggesting their price first. 


There's nothing wrong with people asking for a bit convenience or asking for a better way of delivering things. As far as I am concerned AH was not the only proposed solution in trading threads. We could have shops or a trading district in relays for players to trade things. Or maybe an offer listing directly in-game accessible from the relays to ease the clusterfuck that is the trade chat.

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Well, if DE can spare the resources for an AH (assuming its bug free HAHAHAHAHA), I dont mind seeing what happens

In a game whit infinite supplie and limited demand - i can already see whats gona happen.


As i have said many times - i have about 20 frames and one maxed Blind Rage for all of them. So tell me how many Blind Rage mods do i need ? 

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In a game whit infinite supplie and limited demand - i can already see whats gona happen.


As i have said many times - i have about 20 frames and one maxed Blind Rage for all of them. So tell me how many Blind Rage mods do i need ? 


I share the same view as you do mate. But alot of people here don't. So I've had it with explaining why to them. I rather they see it for themselves. 


And as someone who has been in D3 through the glorious AH days, I can safely say 200% more people will beg for the AH removal a few weeks after its implementation

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I share the same view as you do mate. But alot of people here don't. So I've had it with explaining why to them. I rather they see it for themselves. 


And as someone who has been in D3 through the glorious AH days, I can safely say 200% more people will beg for the AH removal a few weeks after its implementation


You know what ?

Fock it. DE give us an AH. Do it now. 

I just cant wait for the tears on the forums "OMG DE non of my stuff is worth more then 1plat and even then there is 10 000 sellers selling the same stuff as me so i cant even get that one plat".

Hell its gona be good for DE as well. No more "WTB 20 plat - so i can instal a patato". Nope - now you need to go fork some money to DE.


I will just sit in the corner whit a smirk and enoght plat to last me an year or two.

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I'm tired. Tired of sitting in the trade channel spamming "WTS" over and over, 


Then don´t do it?


Instead of a trade channel, why not add an auction house? Here you could list your items so they're out of your inventory, and people can buy them for the price you set if they wish. 


You obviously know that this forum exists and I will tell you a secret now. There is a trading subforum, tada https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/180-trading-post/ Here you can post everything you want.

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Just no.


Perfect example is Warframe market.

Low number of traders there - and yet there is plenty of items going as low as 1-2 plat. 


Now imagine everyone having an easy and effort free AH to use. Welcome to Warframe AH where the only items worth more then 1p are Primed Chamber and Trinity Systems. Sound good ? No ? Yeah i dont think so.

Prices equalize over time and you can implement measures to counter that, like a 10% tax on all sales and limited listing slots per player.


The reason prices are so low on that site is because few buyers use it, so there is very low demand, meaning prices are low because no one there is buying.



An AH would benefit everyone except scammers.

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Prices equalize over time and you can implement measures to counter that, like a 10% tax on all sales and limited listing slots per player.


The reason prices are so low on that site is because few buyers use it, so there is very low demand, meaning prices are low because no one there is buying.



An AH would benefit everyone except scammers.


Incorect on every point so far.

1. Prices cant equalize in a game where i use one mod card for all my frames. Nor one mod card for all my weapons. Also taxes and slots - make no difference.


2. Prices are so low on that site becouse there is high supplie and low demand. Most players using it - dont register - and directly pm the sellers ingame. You can notice that when you see the plat gained for the week vs plat given. Chech the webpage a bit better.


3. An AH will benefit noone. But like i said i hope DE introduce it just to see you backpaddle when you realize that the core game dont support AH.



Like i said i just cant wait to see the tears.

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Incorect on every point so far.

1. Prices cant equalize in a game where i use one mod card for all my frames. Nor one mod card for all my weapons. Also taxes and slots - make no difference.


2. Prices are so low on that site becouse there is high supplie and low demand. Most players using it - dont register - and directly pm the sellers ingame. You can notice that when you see the plat gained for the week vs plat given. Chech the webpage a bit better.


3. An AH will benefit noone. But like i said i hope DE introduce it just to see you backpaddle when you realize that the core game dont support AH.



Like i said i just cant wait to see the tears.

1. False


2. Whatever you say, buddy.


3. Again, false. Also, why would I swim backwards if they introduced an Auction House?

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1. False


2. Whatever you say, buddy.


3. Again, false. Also, why would I swim backwards if they introduced an Auction House?


Lol we got to the "You stupid ! Im not - you stupid ect." rather fast.


1. How is it fals that i need one blind rage for all my 20 frames or one serreration for all my rifles ? Care to elaborate? 


2. Whatever i say ? Well i dont say anything - anyone who have used Wraframe market can tell you the same. THe fact that you have trow one look and decided you know it all - is a problem of yours not ours. Maybe investigate a bit more next time before you make a statement.


3. How em i false ? Care to elaborate ? Whit the current core mechanics of Warframe - can you maybe share few benefits of AH ? 

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