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Saryn Vs Mesa: Before And After


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i know this thread is going to have alot of people complaining about this topic and i know some people will go "inb4 lock" or something like that.


normally when i say that saryn is over powered or someone else saying the same thing most people always say that mesa is more over powered and should get a nerf right away. the thing is saryn can just clear a whole room in 1 press of a button while mesa takes some time to kill enemies (and can die quite easily due to her being locked in a single spot until the ability is deactivated). im gonna go through before mesa's change and after her change:




mesa: while locked in a position, she can kill enemies around her quite easily (aimbot in other words). she is useful for defence, interception, mobile defence and survival (if your camping in a certain spot at least). due to her being stuck in a single spot she can get killed real easily. even with max efficency her energy while using peacekeeper can drain very quickly she she cant stay in her 4th for to long.


saryn: if modded with high power strength, range, efficency and negative duration she can clear out rooms of enemies at levels up to lv 50 with ease. simple to play, master of killing. good for every game mode (even spy... well sometimes at least)


mesa: 0 - saryn: 1




mesa: same as before but now you have to aim with her. the crosshairs get smaller the longer u shoot but gains more damage. she has become less useful for defence type missions unless your quick at aiming, have another mesa or have a mega nuke (saryn) instead.


saryn: same as before (will hopefulyl become much better and more balanced when her rework comes out)


mesa: 0 - saryn: 2


to make things more clear i decided to host a 60 minute t4 survival with another player (i played saryn while he played mesa). sadly i dont have any pictures as i forgot to take them but if i remember correctly, the mesa got over 400 kills while the saryn got over 1k kills. after the mesa change we decided to do another game (same as before) and the mesa got 200 kills while the saryn got over 1k kills again (the mesa lost more revives then the saryn in both games)


mesa: 0 - saryn: 3


this isnt a hate thread, a nerf thread or a complant thread but simpliy something i just wanted to get off my chest so feel free to leave comments and feedback below. (im sorry if this you dont like this thread and think that im bashing saryn into the nerf chamber but as i said i just wanted to get this off my chest. just dont spam hateful comments and / or flame ok)


moderators / admins feel free to lock this thread if things do go outa control ok.


p.s. i "might" update this thread when the saryn rework comes outs (well if i remember to do that XD or unless it gets locked)


edit: i "might" also update the score depending on how good saryn's rework is

Edited by crimsonspartan1
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Did you really compare a strong ult that was tweaked to a strong ult that's just always been strong? That's... that's not how fair comparisons work.


Not only that, but what's even the point of this topic? Buff Mesa? Nerf Saryn? Different ults give different results?


One's an AOE nuke that'll very likely be changed with her rework. The other is now more specialized. Why even compare them when it should be blatantly obvious that one is going to out-perform the other?

Edited by Vargras
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you forgot 1 before mesa exist: saryn is dominating already


Durability: Mesa can survive long enough without help if modded properly... while saryn can survive infinitely as long the damage isnt more big than her augment regeneration... mesa win this one


Prenerf mesa ult: damage is more bigger than saryn if the target was tanky type.


After nerf: Same but now no longer aimbot


And mesa ability is more like all situation frame, while saryn was much more nuke/damage

Edited by TheFalseEclipse
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they play completely different.


Yes but its not the case of: saryn is better at one thing while mesa is better at some other thing. If you take 2 frames and in most (or every) possible situations that appear in game one is more effective... you have imbalance. 

Edited by VorpalReaper
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Yes but its not the case of: saryn is better at one thing while mesa is better at some other thing. If you take 2 frames and in most (or every) possible situations that appear in game one is more effective... you have imbalance. 

One is a radial nuke that ignores LOS and deals arguably the best damage type in the game. The other is a frontal-cone skill that continually shrinks and requires aiming.


It should be no surprise at all that the former can kill more guys than the latter.

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according to devstream 61, a saryn is rework is inbound. For the most part, it increases the synergy between her abilities and weapons well. Not only does she have a passive status chance bonus, her miasma is now charged based on damage absorbed by her molt, which can get venom put on it for enemies to poison themselves with, oh, and contagion causes venom spores as well, so now you can decide if you want to infect people at range or with melee.also using toxin and viral gives a boost to your power strength, which is nice to theme her more.

Fun times, now i just need me that skin.

Edited by BaneOfOrion
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Seeing as Mesa recently got a balancing pass on her ultimate and a Saryn overhaul is inbound, this really isn't the best time to be comparing the two.


Hahahahaha "Mesa got balanced" ?  More like a wrecking ball treatment.


I wish they had taken there time and done the same for Mesa .

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Hahahahaha "Mesa got balanced" ?  More like a wrecking ball treatment.


I wish they had taken there time and done the same for Mesa .


There's definitely room for improvement on Mesa for sure, but the point stands that she's no longer a "press 4 to win" frame whereas Saryn still is, so it's an unfair comparison.

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Mesa got 'balanced' like all other things that get 'balanced' when they are too strong in DE's eyes.


ie. Hit with a sledge hammer, nerfed into oblivion, and forgotten.


It's funny, I can list many frames where not one bit of skill is required to dominate with their #4 but suddenly you need it for mesa. Ok. Mesa is still usable, ya but ONLY if you have an EV trin supplying infinite energy. Is it time to nerf trinity too then? Just hope one of your fav frames/weapons doesn't get gutted...er I mean 'balanced' as well I guess!

Edited by fizbit
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You need a specific selection of rare nightmare mods that are not exactly cheap to make Saryn's Miasma that good.


In my mind, that should be rewarded with a highly powerful ability after dumping almost every mod slot I have on her for that one ability. That is how modding should work. Even then some will act like her Miasma doesn't scale poorly in end game content, which it does. This is coming from someone who has used Saryn 31% of my total play time out of the 22 Warframes I've used.

Edited by Kethos
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