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If We Remove The Warframes What Will We Find Inside?


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The tenno are recognizably human.


Vor's prize is fairly heavily slanted that way.  The whole realization the Tenno were the power source bit:


A) Indicates that the line where the Tenno ends and the frame begins is clear - not neccessairly an obvious thing in a world where the Infested exist.

B) Indicates that the idea the Tenno were the power source was not an easy conclusion to draw - again, in a world where the infestation exists.  Very easy to explain if the Tenno underneath were recognized as Human and thus largely ignored, but much harder to explain if they were alienesque or the like.

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What if it's like from the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion?


Like this guy:



That our outer skin/armor isn't really armor it's something to protect the world from whats inside of us. As we all have the power inside us and the frames are just something that just contains it.


That idea seems to fit the theme with the game as there are stuff in this game that points to some Buddhism ideologies.


This also makes sense, because some Warframes are inspired by EVA units. Volt comes to mind.

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This also makes sense, because some Warframes are inspired by EVA units. Volt comes to mind.

When I saw Volt I saw EVA 001 and that made me want to choose him. One day once I decide to but the infested color pallet I'll cosplay as an EVA ingame.


Would make a lot of sense. And fits the description of Rhino's behavior.



You are right, but that still means the original tenno were human, and possibly the recent ones too. Which could imply shape shifting powers or the power to transform into energy beings. It is obvious they are made of flesh since they bleed. They could still have a human like form which they reveal when not wearing a frame and they change it to fit their frames. Possibly the form within the frames is vaguelly humanoid just as with the Evangelion units.

Or it can be there was a real mother who gave birth to these humans with almost super humanlike strength. But they never noticed it before then they went into the void that is where they seen the things inside them. As they came out they were super humans but slowly lost control but as they lost control they found a way to close themselves to protect not only themselves but to protect the world from them.


You know how the tenno needed a mother so they weren't bat S#&$ insane half of the time? Well a samurai needed a lord/master or they would rob and kill villagers. They were called Ronins. Warriors without a family or master. They are disliked by the Samurai/Daimyo and Warrior/Aristocrat families. They only were friendly towards their own-selves. No alliances to the Daimyo or the Imperial govt but only closeness to their own group. That sounds like something familiar.....


I'm confused to what is Rhino's behavior?

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If Tenno are anything like the average Peanut, a peanut will be inside.


This is what i imagine the Tenno to look like as well. Humans with Void energy cracks, veins, scarring, or etc on their skin.


This^ is what I hope.

Here is a pretty cool design too:



Edited by Lightsmith
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When I saw Volt I saw EVA 001 and that made me want to choose him. One day once I decide to but the infested color pallet I'll cosplay as an EVA ingame.


Or it can be there was a real mother who gave birth to these humans with almost super humanlike strength. But they never noticed it before then they went into the void that is where they seen the things inside them. As they came out they were super humans but slowly lost control but as they lost control they found a way to close themselves to protect not only themselves but to protect the world from them.


You know how the tenno needed a mother so they weren't bat S#&$ insane half of the time? Well a samurai needed a lord/master or they would rob and kill villagers. They were called Ronins. Warriors without a family or master. They are disliked by the Samurai/Daimyo and Warrior/Aristocrat families. They only were friendly towards their own-selves. No alliances to the Daimyo or the Imperial govt but only closeness to their own group. That sounds like something familiar.....


I'm confused to what is Rhino's behavior?

That is an interesting analogy between Tenno and Samurai cultures.

The first Rhino is described in the Rhino Prime codex entry. When they were testing him in a laboratory (possibly Corpus) he used his powers to release himself and then killed most of the personel, he even ate the remains of some of them. That was when the survivors realized they could turn them into war machines if they prevented thme from going insane.

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If Tenno are anything like the average Peanut, a peanut will be inside.



This^ is what I hope.

Here is a pretty cool design too:




It's good art but i don't like it. This looks more like a Terminator. I'd rather the Tenno look more human than monster/machine.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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I hope the Tenno are hermaphroditic amorphous blobs of technocyte that are able to fit into any Warframe. It just makes so much sense if you study what little lore's there.


Nah, there is no good reason for the Tenno to be infected. I'm much more convinced that they're simply void-touched humans. Just as physical as anyone.


The Warframes however _are_ made from Technocyte material and I see no reason why they don't bond-with and modify their pilot to fit their frame on entry.


To me the story concept-slots are clear:


Tenno are the warrior-monks, amnesiac martial-artists dedicate to their cause.

Warframes are the ancient, living suits of techno-organic armour, so advanced they modify the pilot to fit and have genders and personalities of their own.


The notion of the Tenno being void touched _and_ infected with the body-horror super-cancer just muddies their story.


I mean: Are you a social outcast because of the void energy boiling inside you that unnerves everyone or is it the fact you're the only self-aware being infected with the virus that co-opts everyone else in the system? It's like teenage fanfic about werewolf-vampires because that way you get double the angst.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Well they arent humans for sure since they can fit in different shaped frames(both male and female) so either they are "hermaphroditic amorphous blobs of technocyte" or they are energy, choose your canon XD.


They were children indsitinguishable from regular children in the Orokin era. Fitting into ALL the different warframes is also not finalized. Which is why DE are reluctant to agree with that being the case whenever directly asked about it. Though even that could be explained with the same method used in Guyver or other anime involving biomechanical suits.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Though even that could be explained with the same method used in Guyver or other anime involving biomechanical suits.


Aye, that's a possibility and it may be the one DE runs with. Difficult to tell, really, but it was directly cited as a source of inspiration by Steve in an interview - it was in regards to the look and feel of the game, but it may still be applicable to story. That's usually how that sort of thing works.

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They were children indsitinguishable from regular children in the Orokin era. 


They may not even be that. We _assume_ the Zariman children became Tenno, but all we know is that the Zariman children were probably void-touched. We have nothing that directly connects them to the Tenno.


For all we know they were ground up to make the Warframes.

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They may not even be that. We _assume_ the Zariman children became Tenno, but all we know is that the Zariman children were probably void-touched. We have nothing that directly connects them to the Tenno.


For all we know they were ground up to make the Warframes.

What about the Rhino Prime Codex?


When the Primal Rhino came near the morgue where all the Zariman children were he suddenly stopped moving and seemed as if he'd been possessed/controlled, or rather regained consciousness, or maybe gained a state of mind?

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If Tenno are anything like the average Peanut, a peanut will be inside.



This^ is what I hope.

Here is a pretty cool design too:




In addition to that, there are these images.






I'm afraid that the pretty faces that the OP posted are pretty unlikely.

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Hyper-sexualized humans are boring.


Amorphous technocyte is much more interesting, and stays true to the concept of a Warframe being an armour, not a character.



By hyper sexualized, you mean people with a general humanoid anatomy. Sorry Ani, but I don't identify as paste or a ham sandwich like the tumblr generation.

Amorphous oatmeal is as boring as you can get, nothing captivating or anything to relate to there, thats why we are given dynamic suits with the "hyper-sexualized" characteristics in the first place, and not a nebulous blob. A blob is lazy and has nothing distinct to it.

I also recall Steve saying he wanted players to picture people like themselves inside of the frames.

DE have frequently enabled the notion of humanoid beings inhabiting the frames, if not from background lore origin with the children of the Orokin, then off the cuff comments in streams or accepted fanart from the codex to Prime Times. Which is wise, since people generally like to see individuals that vaguely resemble people, and distiguished yet somewhat symmetrical bodies, as opposed to say, nebulous blobs.


 Your oatmeal theory is just that, not truth, and its contested by things like Lotus commenting on Infested Mesa. The concept of warframe is that there are beings within the frames from an ancient time (Orokin), end. Whether you want to say they are or aren't characters( About as much of a character as many other open ended Adventure game/MMO protagonists, with an origin and background, IE, you shape the characters personality through how you play or chat.) does not contest to them having an actual body inside. Do you see the NPC crew in Relays as "characters"?

Anyway, it will be nice when Update 18 rolls around and people can eat the proverbial technocyte crow.

Edited by UrielColtan
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They may not even be that. We _assume_ the Zariman children became Tenno, but all we know is that the Zariman children were probably void-touched. We have nothing that directly connects them to the Tenno.


For all we know they were ground up to make the Warframes.


Uh no, Excal codex said that they built the Warframes around those twisted by the void, to be a conduit of their affliction, gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became their saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking their enemies in a way they could never comprehend. Remember?


And warframes being ground up children is pretty unlikely considering that we still create warframes and the primes don't use many materials different than the ones we currently use to build regular warframes, among other things. It would be presentation suicide to turn us into accomplises of consistent child killing, and utterly macabre to imply that we wear baby flesh. Its just not happening.

Edited by UrielColtan
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In addition to that, there are these images.






I'm afraid that the pretty faces that the OP posted are pretty unlikely.


Why would they be unlikely? These pictures certainly aren't canon, they are fan art. These are one of my lease favorite of all the Tenno depictions. These don't have much originality when compared to the suits + they favor the Tenno per Warframe angle, which is not canon based on what we know.

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