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Bring Back (Yea) Old Movement System


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What's going on here ?

super sayan jump but no more wall run, tricky parts/combo?


No more "hidden" rooms? (at least loot suck)


Is it how you go "mainstream" ?

Copy/Paste at his best , it is sad no one see the possibilities the game offers; and stick to few tactics.

simplification is not the solution, for sure... i t was fun to be a ninja (and play 4 free) but there sn't much *left of the ninja spirit, cash flowing but no more ninja spirit, huh


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Okay, I think I get what the OP is saying here;

He's saying that, since they removed coptering, it changed the loot in hidden void rooms. I mean, that makes sense so I'm not going to dwell on that.

Secondly, he's saying that DE copy/pasted the parkour code from another game, which they obviously did. I mean, sometimes I can't tell that I'm playing Warframe and think I'm playing Call of Modern Gunfare instead.

Also, it's super clear in the original post that these changes to how we interact with terrain was a way to generate more money for DE. I mean, you guys don't also pay five cents every time you bullet jump?


I thought that was how it worked anyway.


... o 3o

... hooooo .... haaaaaa ....wait ... haaaa .... wut ?


(nice one nonetheless :p)

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Parkour 2.0 transcends Parkour 1.0 in every way imaginable.


Thats not true, it bringed as many positive changes as it did negative changes, examples of bad changes, wall hops, nerfing of coopter also nerfed slide attack on ground(there was no reason to do that since slide attack isnt a coopter and doesnt send you flying to other end of room) this change made some weapons much less useful. zipline changes are both good and bad, from one side we can now go in both directions, on the other hand aiming on the enemies is actually harder now(before we could focus much more on shoting enemies since we didnt have to control our movements on zipline, also we frequently get stuck on ziplines on some titlesets, it would be great if they combined old and new zipline movement.


I liked how the wall run looked better than the hopping, but functionally...I almost never used wall run unless forced, because it had no real control. The hopping looks worse, but for gameplay purposes I prefer it.


Well wall hops are HORRIBLE to control, its extremly easy to fall of surface now, and shoting enemies while moving on wall is impossible now, because of that I completly stoped moving on walls now, wall hops was really bad change and  most people agree and most importantly this change failed what it was supposed to do, prevent getting stuck on sticking out parts of wall, which we still do most of the time, I cant even begin to count how many times sticking out corner made me fall from wall.

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we are nearing U18 where they gonna unload more stuff than they ever did


something like this shud be irrelevant now since all players already accepted the new parkour 2.0 system


unless u juz came out of the cave..hehe


forget the past and look onto the future o.0



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Ok, after re-reading the op a few times, I think I figured out the intent.

This is'nt your usual call for a return to coptering, but a complaint that bullet jump is akin to some sort of super power which makes it to easy to reach high places/hidden rooms as opposed to the old parkour system that required skill based wall running/back flipping and was in the Posters opinion more ninja like.

And to be fair he has a point, all be it poorly worded.

Not really. We're using a new system in old maps.
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90% of OP is ridicules BUT I would not say "no" to get back some form of wallruning 2.0, I liked it it was easy to wall run and shoot enemies , this new hoping look silly plus its almost impossible to wall hop and shot your gun at the same time if the enemy is not hugging the wall your running on and  I would LOVE to see an updated version of wall fling it was super fun to fling all over the map from wall to wall. Having it implemented to the new system(aim glide, super jump) would made it even better imo.

Edited by DraccoDoom
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 wall hops was really bad change and  most people agree


Who are these "most people" you speak of?

Every other reply in this post basically says that parkour 2.0 is better, so i don't see this "most people" you're referring to

Also, how were slide attacks nerfed? I don't see a change at all.

And as for coptering, it was never an intended feature. IT WAS A BUG. SO THEY FIXED IT.

About the ziplines, when you're on a zipline, you can stand still. Telling me you can't focus because of the new zipline changes is bullS#&$.

Edited by MujonaNoYagami
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What's going on here ?

super sayan jump but no more wall run, tricky parts/combo?


No more "hidden" rooms? (at least loot suck)


Is it how you go "mainstream" ?

Copy/Paste at his best , it is sad no one see the possibilities the game offers; and stick to few tactics.

simplification is not the solution, for sure... i t was fun to be a ninja (and play 4 free) but there sn't much *left of the ninja spirit, cash flowing but no more ninja spirit, huh


If I could get anything out of your post its that you feel the new movement system isn't truly ninja. To which I disagree. I liked flipping and flying on walls and bouncing off of my enemies only to cut them in half with my katana. Where as the old system you just "copter" everywhere. If anything I think the new system brought so much more ninjaness to the game and I love it. But that's just me.

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Go home, you're drunk. New Parkour is faster than Berserker-Tipedo-Coptering, if you actually take the time to learn how to use it.

Maybe you haven't stepped into the Conclave since Parkour 2.0. It's actually competitive now, and not just a bunch of wallowing idiots trying to whack eachother.

Coptering killed conclave for me, I still have nightmares about coming out of my spawnpoint only to find myself facing death by tipedo ;-;

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Coptering killed conclave for me, I still have nightmares about coming out of my spawnpoint only to find myself facing death by tipedo ;-;

You should give it a shot again! Much more balanced. There are a few things to watch out for, such as Trinity Link, Tempo-Royale-Martial-Magnetism, and and Burston Prime to name a few. But for the most part, you can go in and shred if you got the skill

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