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Authority Experiment / Poll


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So, ever since I started playing WARFRAME, I've had a dilemma of sorts.


Who would I rather have rule the world? Corpus (Master Race), or Grineer.


About a year ago, when I re-instilled my WARFRAME traditions, and returned to playing WARFRAME on a daily basis, I realized that Corpus was the faction I'd like to live under. Primarily because, it's orderly, a Republic / Confederation. Even though I hate beurocracies (since I live in one), Corpus seems like a Republic where everyone has an equal opportunity. Everyone can rise to the top, and bathe in credits like there's no tomorrow.

Work hard enough, and you'll see yourself on the top, if not, ruling Corpus yourself.


Of course, this is how I understood the lore, correct me if I am wrong.



My question would be, for you, fellow Space Privateers, what faction of the two [Corpus / Grineer] you'd like to live under, and why.


For the sake of everyone dissing Grineer because they're "fascists", I am a Fascist myself, and I dislike Grineer, so please give a reason why you WOULDN'T, other than them being capitalists/fascists, like to live under a faction if you can't make up a reason or a faction you would.


ONCE AGAIN, This is not supposed to be of political nature, I am just asking for reasons why someone likes a faction, or doesn't. Purely perspective.



Be honest, Space Privateers!

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Neither. Grineer and Corpus both would be terrible rulers of the Origin System.


The Corpus will sell anything to anyone. No morals, no justice, just profit. Exploitation and suffering of "normal" people would be commonplace. Paradise for those on the very top, and hellish for anyone below. It would be bad.


The Grineer would be worse. Anything not Grineer or subserviant (enslaved) to the Grineer would be killed or imprisioned. Furthermore, the Grineer only know how to fight and conquer. The goal of the empire would be to start a new war with the next closest star system. It would be a world of absolute tyranny and endless warfare.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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Just relaxing at my desk. Enjoying being a cog in the machine with my own little office and glaxion. Contented in my indifference to plight of the average crewmen. Work long hours making sure profits are where they need to be, then relax and enjoy lots of down time playing games once I've got things on track.

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Corpus seems like a Republic where everyone has an equal opportunity. Everyone can rise to the top, and bathe in credits like there's no tomorrow.

Work hard enough, and you'll see yourself on the top, if not, ruling Corpus yourself.


Of course, this is how I understood the lore, correct me if I am wrong.

This is absolutely not even remotely the case. According to Corpus CEO Frohd Bek, he's little more than a monarch. His son Darvo was born into the position of future chairman


You're either born rich or born a slave when you're a Corpus. Origin System is not the land of opportunity, it's not the American Dream in space. The Corpus is where the rich stay rich and the poor lose their life and limb due to rounding errors in tax return software

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Just relaxing at my desk. Enjoying being a cog in the machine with my own little office and glaxion. Contented in my indifference to plight of the average crewmen. Work long hours making sure profits are where they need to be, then relax and enjoy lots of down time playing games once I've got things on track.

Remember to play Warframe once you're done with your workhours.

I heard you can play as the Tenno there.


As for me, i'd rather choose to side as Tenno. You get to yell at your overlord DE for trying to make x weapon stronger/weaker, get to run around in Tyl Regor's lab while offering bulletdances to the Drekar Manics, and best of all,


The chance for all Tenno to nerf Trinity in their own personal way.

Edited by ViroVeteruscy
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This is absolutely not even remotely the case. According to Corpus CEO Frohd Bek, he's little more than a monarch. His son Darvo was born into the position of future chairman


You're either born rich or born a slave when you're a Corpus. Origin System is not the land of opportunity, it's not the American Dream in space. The Corpus is where the rich stay rich and the poor lose their life and limb due to rounding errors in tax return software


Sounds a lot like where I come from.


Glorious Kebab Remove country!

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I think there's a reason why the context in warframe is everywhere between "dystopia" to " dark ages of space"... you're asking us to choose between extreme fascism and extreme capitalism. The tenno and/or syndicates aren't safe per se with wild balor fomorians, and u don't live under the infested (do u even live?) As for the poor sentients, they're castrated by default unless they choose to stay wherever they came from.

But if it came down to it, I think I'd choose baro ki'teer's chauffeur. They have the time and money to enjoy alien jellyfish while raiding the void and somehow being mostly unaffected by the 4(?)-way conflicts.

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eventhough they are valiants... I prefer Grineer... they'll do anything to support their dying cloned body. 


Corpus has to many tech that won't stand a chance fighting our real enemy, Sentients. Besides, Corpus are to greedy for money...

they're like -name has been removed Trump- 



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It depends on what I am when they start ruling. If I'm a Tenno, I'd live under Grineer rule with no problems. If I was gonna be a random nobody I'd probably still pick Grineer, but I would lean more toward the Corpus. I honestly don't think I could be a Corpus simply because I handle cold temperatures like a shaved cat and the Grineer are usually found in tropical/desert tile sets, not including Uranus -insert Ordis laugh here-.

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Almost vomited when i saw "Corpus" and "master race" used together. That said, i'd prefer none of the factions.

yup that. I despise the corpus, like I really enjoy killing them because I hate them. I would set off a Formorian core in their home colony. Even attack their civilian population and wage a war of genecide.
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Grineer remind me of warhammer 40k marines .. behind them there are millions of planets of simple 'workers'.

Defeating the troops still means we need to worry about how their civilization survives.


Corpus only care about money, sooner or later we'll cut a deal with them and live in peace.

It may be paid for, but buying your way out of a war is still an end to a war.

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I think being able to choose neither should be an option. I personally think you are too optimistic about the Corpus social mobility. Its all based on wealth and that often limits your ability to move, it basically is like a monarchy. Grineer aren't much better, though I don't know much about how they operate. They seem very militant but to my knowledge, not towards each other.


Overall I would choose the Tenno, as they choose Honor (per lore, not based on players, since they are just mercenaries looking for scraps).


Personally I think it would be better to look at the Syndicates. What Syndicate Mentality would you prefer to live under. That is a tougher call. Steel Meridian is good since they want to help people, Hexis is noblish but also pretty strict. Loka seems discriminatory. A much as I like Hexis (mainly for looks) I'd probably be better with Steel. Second Suda, since I don't care to much about others.

Grineer remind me of warhammer 40k marines .. behind them there are millions of planets of simple 'workers'.

Defeating the troops still means we need to worry about how their civilization survives.


Corpus only care about money, sooner or later we'll cut a deal with them and live in peace.

It may be paid for, but buying your way out of a war is still an end to a war.

I'd say closer to Imperial Guard, since they are numberless and cannon fodder.

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Personally I think it would be better to look at the Syndicates. What Syndicate Mentality would you prefer to live under. That is a tougher call. Steel Meridian is good since they want to help people, Hexis is noblish but also pretty strict. Loka seems discriminatory. A much as I like Hexis (mainly for looks) I'd probably be better with Steel. Second Suda, since I don't care to much about others.

Veil might be interesting, seeing as how they're all about removing corruption. The moment your politicians start taking bribes, their tea starts getting poisoned.

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