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Rng Vs. Tokens (Vote!)


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3) Merge.


There is a certain fun factor to using RNG, to never know what you're getting. That is, until you desperately want or need something. Take the multishot, for example. They are very rare for a lot of people, and they're unfortunately almost a requirement for very high level play (such as Pluto or Tier 3 Void). After spending almost 40+ hours on Sedna, I want to just get the damn thing already and I'm sure others feel the same. So yeah, allow us some way to trade in some of the stuff we don't need for something we do. I don't mind if the tokens are high cost. That's only fitting if they let us get something specific.

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I'm gonna vote 3, simply because if we get both, if the RNG decides "crew you you don't get what you want" you can just save up from runs to go get said item/part. And if the RNG decides to be gracious, well great! Then you can keep saving for what you don't have or need next.

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Of course the loot tables do need constant monitoring and balancing as has been said in this thread before. But I really do like the possibility of getting damn lucky and getting everything you need in few runs. (Like I did with my Saryn that I had building after 5 runs of the boss. Or latron prime which I had building after 10 lvl 1 and 2 void runs.) But I also like the possibility of the RNG being stubborn as all hell and refusing to give something I want. (Damn rhino helmet... -_-) because it will feel like a huge victory when I finally get what I want.


Tokens would make all this feel like I'm just grinding because I have to. I would know I would not get the things I want until I have grinded through a set number of set mission or boss and that is something I do not like at all.


In a pinch I might be able to accept some form of merger if the system would stay RNG heavy but right now I absolutely would like the system to stay as is, just with more polish.

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RNG. With one exception: the random drops should be cross checked with drops already in the inventory; so if you would try to get Nyx (just as an example) and got the Helmet BP, you would not get it again until you got the other two. 


In this way, you would not get 15 Helmet BP, 1 Chassis and no System BP, but you still would need to do the boss multiple times to get all BPs.


This could be used with mods too, so you would eventually get everyone at least once. For mods the limit for repeated drops could be 3 copies of the same mod already found. So if you already got ammo drum, redirection and rush 3 times for example, they would cease to drop until all other mods had dropped three times too. For rare drops this limit could be one (not that you get too powerful/ high leveled too fast). When you had got every mod the already working RNG-System would kick in once again and any next mod found would be pure random again.


Sorry for my bad english and have a nice day!

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I am taking all of this in. Thanks for the notes and opinions. Sometimes when all you have is a hammer (blueprints), everything is treated like a nail (new gear).

The difference between tokens, blueprints and credits is subtle. We treated credits like we did in the 'old days' of boxed game loot and priced like we would then. We didn't make credits and time/success/capped thing like LoL does with their Influence points.

Blueprint components are kinda like the random tokens discussed here but without spend freedom (like credits).

I am reluctant to put a 3rd currency into the game but I understand the spirit of the demand. I guess bluntly, people unwilling to pay want to have a reasonably predictable way to grind toward an item goal.

I've been thinking a lot on this and I will consider these systems carefully. Can't promise when and what but it is very much in my top 3 of things to deal with (the other 2 being coffee injections and baldness).

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I am taking all of this in. Thanks for the notes and opinions. Sometimes when all you have is a hammer (blueprints), everything is treated like a nail (new gear).

The difference between tokens, blueprints and credits is subtle. We treated credits like we did in the 'old days' of boxed game loot and priced like we would then. We didn't make credits and time/success/capped thing like LoL does with their Influence points.

Blueprint components are kinda like the random tokens discussed here but without spend freedom (like credits).

I am reluctant to put a 3rd currency into the game but I understand the spirit of the demand. I guess bluntly, people unwilling to pay want to have a reasonably predictable way to grind toward an item goal.

I've been thinking a lot on this and I will consider these systems carefully. Can't promise when and what but it is very much in my top 3 of things to deal with (the other 2 being coffee injections and baldness).

I like seeing dev involvement. Thanks for listening, sir.

And a vote--

Tokens or random drops? RNG, or component exchange?


Edited by Fleetwing
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Just an idea on a way to manage thing like Void missions reward but could work for other stuff.


If you want to keep RNG as the main way of giving items maybe something like this(just an idea)


All that would need to be done is add a script that reduced the chance of a duplicate (blue print related items) items appearing in future reward table for that player's account. This could be implemented on an item that was received once with(assumed) chance of 40% then lowered by -1% chance per acquisition, so future chance is now 39%, then if received again 38% etc.. similar to what was done with the Cronus sword.  So people do not end up with 70 Latron prime blue prints when they are trying to get frost prime system or something similar.


This would make it so given the fullness of time or deep enough wallet you would always get the weapon/item if you keep at it. With a script like this, someone could still luck out and get all items sequentially in a dozen runs but there would be a hard cap in place so the person that has no luck can get the item if they keep at it.

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I actually like the RNG, tokens would kill any interest I have in playing this game since it would just become a more objective grind. Drop rates do need to be tweaked or there needs to be some sort of check along the like of "hey, this is you 40th run and you haven't received a single receiver. Here you go."

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There is always possibility to add a "void trader" hireable with SCALABLE material/credits upkeep through dojo. Like some unknown rogue merchant from the void trading in 5 parts for another part or something like that.


F2P players already have torely on punishing RNG to get keys. On top of that, those keys most of the time doesn't give what they need (Latron Prime BP x 10)...

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Option 3.

A token back-up to rng has worked well in other games.  Pure rng leads to frustration, pure token leads to enforced grind.


It it much better to know that even if you don't get smiled upon by the rng gods, you still get a token for a run and know that you will get something, eventually, via tokens if the gods don't favour you in the mean time.

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