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Things U18 Needs To Fix


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I understand U18 is coming. And I understand its likely to be the last big overhaul/rework of Warframe's foundation for some time. 


For this reason, here are some things I feel U18 NEEDS to fix and the reasons why:


-Power Creep: Constantly making older stuff useless wastes players' time and drives people away. Its bad for the game. A smaller gap between high and low level enemies and more reasonable balance allows new items to introduce new play styles, mechanics and benefits without just offering higher damage numbers and helps longevity.


-Forma Resets: This mechanic exists for no other reason than to literally waste a player's time. Its the reason we crowd Draco to speed-level weapons and gear. No one wants their stuff reset and its a frankly insulting mechanic. 


-Everything useful in the Void: Seriously, its time to redistribute loot and rework reward mechanics. I understand this one is in the works. Please, make the Star Map useful.


-Unrewarding Exterminate/Sabotage missions: There exists no reason to run these, beyond unlocking a tile. And fair warning: "Because there's a Void Gate here to a tower II mission" isnt a fix. These missions needs to be both more interesting and engaging, and more rewarding, IN THEIR OWN RIGHT. Hiding Void Access behind these maps DOES NOT accomplish this.


-Endless Missions: Their existence undermines the existence of non-endless missions. Half of your game literally NEGATES THE USEFULNESS of the other half. Think about that for a minute. Then, think of a way to fix it.


-Over-use of robbing player control: Too many enemies spawn simultaneously on high level missions that are capable of robbing us of control over our own characters. This needs to be toned way down. And the Ancient needs a tentacle and to lose a hook it makes no sense for it to have. That's just...lazy. 


-Bullet Sponges: This doesnt increase difficulty. It just increases tedium and the potential for Power Creep. Those Nightwatch Grineer were SO GOOD. That was the right direction to move in when upping difficulty for higher level content. High damage enemies with better AI, and the very, very occasional sponge to occupy our attention. The Nightwatch felt dangerous, but never made our weapons useless, and that was a GREAT series of missions.


-Corpus: More Proxy, Less Bubble. The newer modular dudes are ok. They dont mess with all of your powers or provide sanctuary under a huge bullet sponge for other enemies. But the bubblers need to go now. There are more interesting enemies doing what they do in a more fair and reasonable way. They can be replaced by proxy robots, such as scaled down Hyenas and those Bursa, to make things much more fun. Also, a few less ospreys would be nice.


-Grineer: The Manic, because its terrible. Invisible periods. Invulnerable periods. Healing. Robbing control. This guy is the literal embodiment of bad game design made into an in game enemy. Other companies would use something like to punish pirates. Here it exists to punish players, instead. And before the 'get gud' posts come rolling out, no, he is not hard. But he isnt FUN either.



So, some small suggestions for U18. Which I am seriously hoping drastically improves the foundations of Warframe. The endless grind and the NEED to run Endless missions to earn reasonable rewards is putting me off the game at this point. And the smaller issues aside, these are the things I would really like to see fixed.


So, what are yours.

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That's funny.


Aside from the bigger ones they are mostly already working on, though, these are mostly number tweaks. They seem big because they have a big effect. But moving loot to different lists and tweaking spawn rates, while requiring testing, really are not difficult things to actually DO. Or, if they are, you're using the wrong systems to perform the tasks. 


Most of these things really are pretty simple numerical tweaks, to be honest.

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It's a fair amount to ask. Quite a bit really, and I sincerely doubt this is what we will get. From what we know U18 is the Moon, Cinematic Quest, Archer Frame possibly, new gear, maybe small early tweaks to this grand rebalancing that Scott is looking into. U18 looks exciting but I don't see it offering a whole lot to set it apart from any other major update.

What I would like is a slew of fixes, rebalances, additions and all too. But it's only wishful thinking. With them aiming to push U18 out before the end of the year, I'm keeping expectations low.

(Still waiting on dem Sentients doe ;-;)

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That's funny.


Aside from the bigger ones they are mostly already working on, though, these are mostly number tweaks. They seem big because they have a big effect. But moving loot to different lists and tweaking spawn rates, while requiring testing, really are not difficult things to actually DO. Or, if they are, you're using the wrong systems to perform the tasks. 


Most of these things really are pretty simple numerical tweaks, to be honest.


I agree with most of your points but like changing endless missions and making everything useful in the void are some pretty big changes.

Also I think Forma reset is a thing because there is not a better option at the moment. Maxing your weapons/frame/companion/anything and being able to add 5 polarities automatically doesn't seem very fun or rewarding.

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- snip -


'Feedback' - Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.


Did the OP actually proposed changes? Solutions for said issues?


Then this thread should not be in feedback category, rather in 'Cry me a river' category.

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How about no RNG or Grind to do the quests?


I don't want to wait for some drone thing to randomly pop up in a mission to start unless that drone thing is a guarantee and not based on RNG.


I also don't want to farm a bunch of Argon to make a thingy majig that's necessary to complete a quest or have to seek out rare enemies like juggernauts, fight them and deal with THAT RNG all the while ORDIS is hounding me about not getting things done.

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How about no RNG or Grind to do the quests?


I don't want to wait for some drone thing to randomly pop up in a mission to start unless that drone thing is a guarantee and not based on RNG.


I also don't want to farm a bunch of Argon to make a thingy majig that's necessary to complete a quest or have to seek out rare enemies like juggernauts, fight them and deal with THAT RNG all the while ORDIS is hounding me about not getting things done.


These drone thing always spawn in all my missions.


Argon is easy to get, juggernauts is easy to find and farm, i don't see what is wrong with that.

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'Feedback' - Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.


Did the OP actually proposed changes? Solutions for said issues?


Then this thread should not be in feedback category, rather in 'Cry me a river' category.

And you think your post can be categorized as feedback?^^'



"Enemies that rob player control"


Handspring is an Exilus mod now. You'll never have to worry about being knocked down again.

Handspring only fastens the recovery animation though, it doesn't protect from knockdowns in any way. It is useful yes, but kinda lame and... cheap.

Why not give us "active" control over recovery from or even counters to that kind of mechanic instead of using mods? Wouldn't that be much better?

Edited by Marthrym
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Handspring only fastens the recovery animation though, it doesn't protect from knockdowns in any way. It is useful yes, but kinda lame and... cheap.

Why not give us "active" control over recovery from or even counters to that kind of mechanic instead of using mods? Wouldn't that be much better?

This would derail DE's usual practice of releasing band-aid mods though, and we don't want that now do we...? Well? Do we? DO WE!? 



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Why not give us "active" control over recovery


Because they gave us active control over prevention. All units with a knockdown attack telegraph it to the player, or do it predictably. Your position relative to enemy units is usually the deciding factor, and is a skill that must be learned just like any other.


For players who don't have the skill, don't want to learn, or simply can't dodge, there are frames like Rhino, Trinity, and Atlas, as well as mods. But sooner or later, you simply have to learn not to jump into the middle of a swarm of enemies.

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Also I think Forma reset is a thing because there is not a better option at the moment. Maxing your weapons/frame/companion/anything and being able to add 5 polarities automatically doesn't seem very fun or rewarding.

You could make it so that the rank your newly forma'd weapon is set at scales with Mastery Rank.
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