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Fat Warframe...


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1st ability: Fat Roll - the frame rolls around squashing all enemies in his path, as well as being a travel utility

2nd Ability: Cannibalism -frame eats corpses of enemies to regain health.

3rd ability: Bulletproof Blubber - while active, any bullets that hit will ricochet off, explosives are caught and safely detonated inside flab, and melee attacks bounce off, sending the enemy back.

4th ability: Belly Bounce - all weight is thrown into a dive that upon hitting the ground, causes a massive shockwave that kills all nearby enemies.

This would be a great idea if there is ever an infested warframe.

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My favorite character in Anarchy Reigns was Oinkie. He was super fun to play. He had a legit spin dash attack and would huff out "bacon bacon bacon bacon" when he ran in his shrill voice. I would play as a blue Oinkie and sing to myself "Running around at the speed of bacon..." because that wretched song is burned into by mind...

Anyway, my point being fat fighting characters can work. There's no reason why they shouldn't. The hardest thing might be giving them their own,unique skeletal structure to animate them with.


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1st ability: Fat Roll - the frame rolls around squashing all enemies in his path, as well as being a travel utility

2nd Ability: Cannibalism  -frame eats corpses of enemies to regain health.

3rd ability: Bulletproof Blubber - while active, any bullets that hit will ricochet off, explosives are caught and safely detonated inside flab, and melee attacks bounce off, sending the enemy back.

4th ability: Belly Bounce - all weight is thrown into a dive that upon hitting the ground, causes a massive shockwave that kills all nearby enemies.


We could probably change the names to not be so cringe worthy? :P


Steam Roll, Rollout

This one is fine, but Devour might be a better word.

Tactical Mass, Size Matters. This could also be his passive, so long as he is moving he has a percentage chance to deflect anything shot at him.

Body Slam


He could be styled like the grineer, very round but still strong looking.


Or you could have an infested Warframe where his abilities can work together.


1. Devour: <Frame> Attempts to consume the enemies in front of him, dealing (Slash/Puncture) damage, if the enemy dies, they are consumed and grant a buff that increases armor and health for a duration. <Frame> gets noticeably rounder the more he devours. Devour can stack up to 5 times with a 30 second duration. It can be a high buff but he loses the ability to parkour while the buff is active.


2. Regurgitate: <Frame> empties his stored enemies in a line, dealing (impact) damage based on the Devour buff. using this ability cleanses the Devour buff from <Frame>


3. Enfuse: <Frame> quickly digests what he has Devoured and heals himself for a portion of health based on the Devour buff. Cleanses Devour Buff.


4. Body Slam: <Frame> quickly lunges forward dealing damage to everyone his hit and knocking them down. upon reaching the end of his lunge, he explodes dealing massive amounts of damage to anyone in a 20 m range. Cleanses Devour. Damage is based off Devour Buff.


Passive: Life-strike with claws/fist/brawling weapons.

Edited by TheFatDrake
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De could do wounder with fat part on the frame think how trinity prime lobster tail moves and is ver rounded.

My fav ability so far is the roll idea de already has a similiar animation with atlas rock roll.

Heres a new ability bounce similiar to vauban bounce ability but he basically turns into a bouning ball and can stack damage by chaining together bouncing and crushing enimies combo

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The new warframe could have abilities that are ball related. The warframe balls up into a form similar to the big wheel thingy that the Grineer use. Of course it would be big and fat with a giant 'shield' on the back that gives the ball form some armor.

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The new warframe could have abilities that are ball related. The warframe balls up into a form similar to the big wheel thingy that the Grineer use. Of course it would be big and fat with a giant 'shield' on the back that gives the ball form some armor.


He could be a gorilla Warframe




and his arms are equipped with giant shields that lock together to become one BIG shield.

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