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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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I wonder how many of the voters actually mean a re-work as opposed to a mere buff to a Warframe. Like Oberon, Volt and Hydroid do not actually have all that bad kits but they need buffs because they are underperforming. As opposed to say Limbo, whose kit needs a rework due to how few worthawhile and usable abilities he has.

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Hydroid. Those tentacles at th3 very least need a complete overhaul, and it would be more than welcome if nullifiers coildn't reactivate their blasted bubble inside the puddle and kick you out of it. As a 1, I can accept Tempest Barrage the way it is, but the 3 and 4 need a lot of love. Never really used his 2, so no opinion there. Maybe replace it with something else, or shift some powers down the line and add a new 3 or 4 after dropping out Tidal Surge. And would it kill them to give him a teeny bit more armor?

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No. Hydroid/Vauban fill roles for Interception missions the way that Frost/Limbo fill on Defense missions. Just because a frame is not as popular as others, does not mean it needs a rework.

Frames that actually need reworks?








Mirage (?)



Why these frames?


These frames are in every, single, damned game. No matter what mode. Saryn is only getting this much attention due to her ult changing enemies to cheese, after all of the other easymode ults (aside from Valkyr and Nova) were removed/nerfed/changed. She's expected to get a rework soon from the rumors I'm hearing, whereas Valkyr's invulnerability needs to be addressed.  Change her ult to give her invulnerability on a kill, or even have her just get a passive that gives her invulnerability on kill, and just have her ult boost her defenses. But this un-ending invulnerability crap can't continue. Nova will always be useful, no matter how much she's nerfed. I don't think it would even be possible to bring her favoritism more towards average without removing/scrapping her ult. Invisibility needs to be reworked on a whole, as it just avoids difficulty and lets the player complete any objective for free, along with that insane movement speed. Nerf his MS or bring other warframes to match it, change invisibility, don't worry about anything else.


Banshee. Absolutely useless. Her abilities have short range, but her stats say long-range character. Figure out what you want to do with the soundframe. Make her skills long range, and keep her stats the same? Keep them short-range, and bring her to around Oberon-tank level? Sonic Boom should either be a continuous channel like Spectral Scream or Petrify, keeping the effects of the knockback within X range, and forcing enemies to kneel and hold their ears in pain if they are in less than Y range, but greater than X range. Sonar is garbage, Helios can do the same thing with his Simaris mod. Also, why take Sonar when Molecular Prime is a stronger, equal range, applies to entire body, and detonates the target to cause a chain reaction for a mere cost of an additional 50 energy? No, this ability is useless in comparison. The ONLY way I could see this being somewhat useful is if the highlighted area was an instant-kill, or forced the target to drop additional loot. Silence would be useful, if it also showed the cone of sight of enemies, and if Invisibility didn't outclass it entirely. And finally, SOUND QUAKE. This ability, has so much potential. This ability could bring Banshee to the level of DPS as Nova, or to the level of CCFrame as Hydroid or Vauban. Instead, it does neither. Sure, it gives lots of CC, but it also pushes enemies outside of it's own range. This is the problem that Banshee suffers from on her 1, as well. Pushing enemies outside of your own range is a TERRIBLE IDEA if they have GUNS. Sure, on Infested? Go crazy. But anything that can pull a trigger, you want it close so you can stab it, or you want it dead.

Mag. She very rarely sees use in anything but hijack missions, and some play on conclaves due to shield polarize. Honestly, Greedy Mag was exactly what the community needed, and yet it was destroyed. I have no idea what to do to fix this thing. She's a caster/shieldbuff frame by nature. Grineer don't use shields. Half of her is useless because of this. Her abilities need to effect more than just shields on enemies, like, having it disarm them if their shields are removed/don't exist or something.

Mirage. I see more Loki players on the daily than Mirage players. Maybe she's just too gimmicky? All of her abilities are either random, or change in efficiency based on her environment. Due to this, she's at the mercy of the tileset generators. Her first ability renders fan favorites (Explosives) incredibly dangerous to use if you get confined hallways for the tilesets and was also nerfed to uselessness due to potatoPCs, her second ability is based on drops and what sorts of equipment are around her, her third ability is based on FREAKING LIGHTING. For her third ability, I'd suggest having it be based on what you use it inside of at the start, not as the light changes. Cast it in the dark, turn invisible. Cast it in the light, DMG bonus.

Nekros. Dude needs to be made useful somehow. All his friends are doing cool ninja sh!t and he's just sitting here Desecrating. Mind you, that doesn't mean nerf Desecrate, that means his other skills are lackluster/counter-intuitive.

ZEPHYR. Sweet jesus, this frame is below Banshee tier now. With Parkour 2.0 being not Parkour, but instead Flight Simulator 1.0, we're all Zephyr now. Flying right next to this birdframe is the fatframe, Rhino, and every single other player. Completely useless, aside from her jet stream augment, the MS is nice.

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Hydroid, Limbo, Mag, rhino... The most important frames that need to be reworked in my opinion (well we know that rhino is on the way).


And Ash need a playable ult like valkyr and excal. I've been saying that for 2 years and i'll keep on saying it. Tired of the automatic rooms wiping ults.

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Excalibur, I dont enjoy spamming EB+lifestrike to stay alive and RB is inefficient cc that does its role badly because of either wonky programming or a stupid/bad deign choice(awareness). What is radial javelin? Is there a reason to use slash dash after parkour 2.0? Why do I still play this game? Find out on the next episode of "Shreiko Rants About A Game He Once Loved".

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Limbo and Vauban. Ever since the bullet jump update I've been anticipating a rework of Vauban. Bounce is useless, and Vortex is more or less rendered obsolete by the Simulor. You lose the ability to ragdoll living enemies but you have a MUCH larger pool of 'energy' to work with. Also they explode. Tesla is neat and I feel an ability to alter the shock tics would be all I'd call to change for that ability. Bastille is beautiful and should never change.

As for Limbo, I think it's safe to say the shrinking Cataclysm is the horrendous downfall of an otherwise clever frame.

Wrong about vauban's vortex and simulor. No one ever used vortex for damage, it was for the ragdolling and cheap cc which is all warframe's gameplay is about. You either stop high level enemies from shooting you by killing them out right or making them inept with a cc ability. Vortex does the latter quite well while the simulor doesn't, hence the reason you are wrong.

Edited by Shreiko
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No. Hydroid/Vauban fill roles for Interception missions the way that Frost/Limbo fill on Defense missions. Just because a frame is not as popular as others, does not mean it needs a rework.

Except Hydroid still needs a rework anyway. Only one of his powers actually does what it's supposed to, and said power is a slower, more expensive version of Rhino's Charge


Hydroid's 1 is actually pretty cool, in my weird opinion. It just needs some bugfixing so it doesn't get hung up on doorways


Hydroid's 2 does not need to cost 50 energy if it's just another version of Rhino's Charge


Hydroid's 3 is just sad. I have no idea what it's supposed to do except earn me 5,000 affinity for "Stealth kill 10 enemies" after I sit still for five minutes waiting for the 25 DPS to kill something while the rest of my squad finishes the mission


Hydroid's 4 needs some actual pathfinding. The only time the tentacles earn any kills is when they spawn directly underneath something; when they flop around randomly then never manage to hit anything

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Hydroid is terrible , he's really really not good at all.


Anything he does , the other frames do it better , without water




Also Zephyr , Tail wind and divebomb need to become 1 


and she needs a 4 that allows her to fly or something

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And if his 4 ever actually hit anything. And if his 1 didn't get blocked by doorways half the time. And if his 3 actually did anything whatsoever


His three is basically free invincibility mode, it was too powerful that they actually nerfed the puddle ability. It used to do a lot more damage to enemies.


All his abilities have knockdowns, including his three.


You're supposed to build duration so that you can aim his ult to choke doorways (like atlas's rock thing) and using his 1 to force knockdown an entire crowd.


If the timer is still going on, then go into puddle mode so that you can wait out the duration.


It's pretty much aim your ability and knockdown stuff.



If you've tried Hydroid latelly you could have noticed they've fixed that.

Oh is that the case? Then I have no complaints.
I'm too busy re-leveling Trinity Prime because I have a four forma build in mind, while Atlas is still in the back burner. I'll give it a shot to see if what you say is true.
Edited by ivlr3vil
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Leave Hydroid alone. He's fine just as it is. Maybe a bit more damage to his 2nd ability. 


A warframe that really needs rework is Oberon. But I'm guessing there's a reason you can find Oberon's components almost on "every streets".

I disagree - no idea how his 1st fits his sea theme. It belongs to a weather themed moveset - id replace it with a water sprout CC ability whick knocks them over, low damage as is norm for 1s but actually giving it flexibility.


His second is good, fits the theme, offers CC, allows quite mobility/escape, bypasses lasers etc - versatile if not damaging. His best ability - a mobility buff would be nice though so if he hits wall he keeps moving along it till it expires (like a wave in a corridor should... the fact its dead straight only is my one dislike of it)


His third is awful, he should be hurting enemies with it not gently drowning them at cost of minutes and half energy reserve. Id make it a whirlpool - he stays invincible but instead enemiesa are above surface stuck in it instead of under it so allies can shoot them to quicken kills if DE insist on keeping low damage (a bit like vortex really)


His fourth is iffy but unique so it can stay as its one of those defense themed ultimates which others also have.


He should be a more viable support frame as intended by he pales in damage, cc and utility compared go the other support units at the moment. His augments i actually like but its hard to fit them in a build as he needs a bit of... well everything really.

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And if his 4 ever actually hit anything. And if his 1 didn't get blocked by doorways half the time. And if his 3 actually did anything whatsoever

8D  I've done T4 Surv and Def. missions combining the 4th with the 1st and using th 3th to help a teammate heal another. Not to mention you can use his 3th ability to heal other with a mod from Cephalon Suda.

Edited by DuncanHydroho
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His three is basically free invincibility mode, it was too powerful that they actually nerfed the puddle ability. It used to do a lot more damage to enemies.

Invincibility during which I can't act is only useful in certain JRPG bosses who have those highly-telegraphed windup attacks. It has no place in Warframe



You're supposed to build duration so that you can aim his ult to choke doorways (like atlas's rock thing) and using his 1 to force knockdown an entire crowd.

Even in the narrowest of hallways, enemies STILL somehow walk right through his tentacles without even caring. It's ridiculous; Hydroid needs a rework if for no other reason than so his 4 will actually hit something other than the single enemy they spawned on top of



8D  I've done T4 Surv and Def. missions combining the 4th with the 1st and using th 3th to help a teammate heal another.

If you're with a team as Hydroid, they're doing all the work for you; your sole contribution is healing off any Slash proc damage they might take. OK, yeah, maybe his 1 works a lot better in the Void, when there are a lot fewer glitchy doorways to block the shots, but that same terrain works against his 4 and somehow makes it even less likely to deal any damage. Seriously, if Tentacle Swarm could somehow deal negative damage, Hydroid would find a way

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Outclassed in general? Not even close!


People underestimate his ultimate for some reason. Enemies get confused and blind others around them, which makes for a much larger CC area than they think. He already got buffed and is viable for an hour of T4 S at least.


Invincibility during which I can't act is only useful in certain JRPG bosses who have those highly-telegraphed windup attacks. It has no place in Warframe

Would you argue that for Nyx's ultimate as well? Both are invincibility moves that forces you to be stationary. If you're quick with his third ability, he's more fun to use. This is good for dealing finishers or just using your tentacle swarm on the spot, then fire your tonkor or whatever AOE weapon you got.
Also I have no clue how you're missing with your tentacle swarm, but mine has a maxed narrowminded on it. It's pretty hard to miss unless you put range on it.
Edited by ivlr3vil
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