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Double Resource Weekend For Halloween?


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I need XP more than resources. Equinox isn't going to level itself. Although I wish it would...

Hum use main on low level mission you will level at a fast rate just running around. If you want you can equip an synoid gamacor it will replenish your energy event if you dont use it while maim is active.

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Hum use main on low level mission you will level at a fast rate just running around. If you want you can equip an synoid gamacor it will replenish your energy event if you dont use it while maim is active.

Lol I've been in this game for 2.8 years. I know how to level things (without cheezeballin at Draco). I was just sarcastic since I'm not a fan of Equinox.

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if there are just 200 keys ill be pissed off

Considering how badly the player base abused the last resource boost weekend I wouldn't be surprised if we never got another one.

abuse? why are they selling abuse boosters? is pay to abuse?

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Abuse might be too harsh of a word perhaps.  All I know is that the savvy tenno among us were able to obtain three-year or four-year supplies of rare resources the last time we got a resource boost weekend.  I'm sure DE has a stat-tracker for who did what and who got what.  I'm sure they don't mind if a few of us have such stockpiles, but the fewer who do...the better.

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