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Liset Barrel Rolls?

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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Today U17.7 came out for console and my friends and I have been having tons of fun. I tried the quest but it was just as confusing as the new strange so I instead of searching over the forums for how to do it I bought Atlas with some plat I saved up. Atlas is really fun and by far one of the coolest warframes released in a while. he is....I could go on for days, but what I noticed about the update is that in the loading screen different parts of the Liset move around than before and the Liset seems a lot more, fluid and realistic then it did before. I was thinking it would be cool if in the next update you were able to do barrel rolls or flips while in the loading screens. Just suggesting that something like that would be cool, what do you guys think? Thanks for the awesome update DE.

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that would be really cool. one problem I have with the moving parts on the Liset... why do they need to move? assuming you are flying around in space, those flaps would not generate any drag to move the ship up, down, etc. unless they are orbiting a planet inside it's atmosphere? or maybe, as another player suggested, Ordis is keeping the Liset in the Void, and the Void, since it defies the laws of logic and physics, allows drag in space? or I am just overthinking this and I should just go, "ooh look flappy bits!"

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That said, it could be a fun animation to use. Not sure if it would be worth adding, but could be fun nonetheless. 

That takes gravity into account (as in: Gravity when near most celestial bodies). In space, where gravity is minimal (which is where our Lisets would be when travelling to most missions), then it would be theoretically possible to conduct a full circular loop at high speeds, as the force of gravity is negligible, and thus would not encounter problems as shown in the video (although I suspect with sufficient velocity and acceleration, a jet fighter affected by gravity could be able to conduct a full circular loop, if material flaws does not break the plane apart). 


Then again, I am just a mathematician with some knowledge in general physics, so who am I to rebut? 

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That takes gravity into account (as in: Gravity when near most celestial bodies). In space, where gravity is minimal (which is where our Lisets would be when travelling to most missions), then it would be theoretically possible to conduct a full circular loop at high speeds, as the force of gravity is negligible, and thus would not encounter problems as shown in the video (although I suspect with sufficient velocity and acceleration, a jet fighter affected by gravity could be able to conduct a full circular loop, if material flaws does not break the plane apart). 


Then again, I am just a mathematician with some knowledge in general physics, so who am I to rebut?

My point is just that the maneuver they're asking fire isn't actually called a barrel roll.
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There isn't enough room on the loading screen to do a barrel roll. A barrel roll isn't just spinning around the center of gravity of the ship, it's flying in a corkscrew. It's used in air combat to slow down without actually slowing down as much as cutting throttle and popping flaps and airbrakes. It's probably not a useful maneuver in zero G and no atmosphere, other than making yourself a harder target to hit. It would take more delta v to corkscrew while slowing, than to just slow down.

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