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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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All pvp mods are completely terrible in comparison with pve mods, and will likely never be used by anyone in pve.

Why complain?


Not everyone cares about the almighty damage formula every moment of their existence. I myself love to run experimental builds. In particular, I started Conclave to get the swap speed/auto reload mods to combine with the sniper-shoot-speed-on-crit Arcane to create an experimental build on a Mesa. (I later found out the auto-reload mod doesn't work on sniper rifles. >.<)


Yes, I respect that others don't appreciate dabblers like myself. Most seem to think we don't know how to build a warframe right, not realizing that we do already have a library of min-maxed frames and weapons and simply enjoy designing things based on concepts, behavior, or themes. 

Edited by Exodess
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All pvp mods are completely terrible in comparison with pve mods, and will likely never be used by anyone in pve.

Why complain?

Because the moment they make something not completely terrible that is usable in PvE and make it obtainable only through PvP, the dung is going to hit the fan and hard. The PvEers will complain a lot harder and the PvPers will complain that the PvEers are AFKing in their PvP match and no one will be happy.


And you know what, some of those mods aren't completely terrible.


Do I have to answer this question on every single page?

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On average, I'll rank usually between 2nd-4th place, occasionally 1st if I'm not taking on a Conclave vet. My K/D rates are roughly about 1:1, 1.5/1 on a good match. I usually get between 6-13 kills. And it's hell getting there.

I see you are from the XB1 crowd. Bear in mind I'm on the PC servers, so there's a very different level of skill and control scheme involved. Mice make twitch gamers godlike, and I'm not a twitch gamer by nature, focusing more on tactics; ambushes (attacking enemies while busy or caught unawares, ground-slamming), environmental manipulation (corridors, corner-glaiving, elevation), and psychological warfare (gaining first blood and causing many players try retreating). Yes, I fight like a coward, but I'm a modestly successful one given my competition.

Oh God not the PC requires more skill carp, pc requires as much skill as playing on pc does, xbox requires as much as xbox does, you can't compare them, xbox has limits as you have to work with them. And I'm a head on player, I'll melee you in the face and dodge your attacks, works nicely at killing everyone
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Because the moment they make something not completely terrible that is usable in PvE and make it obtainable only through PvP, the dung is going to hit the fan and hard. The PvEers will complain a lot harder and the PvPers will complain that the PvEers are AFKing in their PvP match and no one will be happy.

And you know what, some of those mods aren't completely terrible.

Do I have to answer this question on every single page?

The Devs should really look at other types of PVP to attract PVE players. If they keep up with this adding of PVP/PVE mods then their asking for AFKs and farmers just watering down Conclave. If they offered a sports game ie (Rocket League), or racing then at least PVE players could jump in and have fun learning movements and aquiring conclave mods so they can make the choice to use those mods in competitive PVP if they want the next step or not.

De is focused on Competitves, but they have such large base of PVE co-op players, you'd think they say, "hey what would make them "want" to play PVP, instead of having to play PVP? "

Because the Competitive players are covered. Balanced mods (seems to be the consensus if you go by the forum posts). Maps. Your basic CTF and death match game is right there. They nit pick weapons all the time, but there's no way around that. But they seem golden except the underlying frustration of why aren't we the majority. You know the usual gamer plight.

Hopefully the Devs experiment one day with other types of FUN PVP. Didn't any of those PVP devs play Griffball or Indiana Jones back in the Halo 3 days? They should because Indiana Jones races nearly killed me with all the laughing involved.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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The rep is oro based, I don't really care if somone isn't good enough to get a few oro, it's not that selfish because I learned to kill, and I'm just one guy in a match often time there is 4+ so me being leader doesn't mean they do baddly


Rep is oro based, but the guy who gets the kill usually gets the oro. And if you're killing the other team 15 times for every 5 times they kill you, they're not getting much oro to drop to begin with.

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The Devs should really look at other types of PVP to attract PVE players. If they keep up with this adding of PVP/PVE mods then their asking for AFKs and farmers just watering down Conclave. If they offered a sports game ie (Rocket League), or racing then at least PVE players could jump in and have fun learning movements and aquiring conclave mods so they can make the choice to use those mods in competitive PVP if they want the next step or not.

De is focused on Competitves, but they have such large base of PVE co-op players, you'd think they say, "hey what would make them "want" to play PVP, instead of having to play PVP? "

Because the Competitive players are covered. Balanced mods (seems to be the consensus if you go by the forum posts). Maps. Your basic CTF and death match game is right there. They nit pick weapons all the time, but there's no way around that. But they seem golden except the underlying frustration of why aren't we the majority. You know the usual gamer plight.

Hopefully the Devs experiment one day with other types of FUN PVP. Didn't any of those PVP devs play Griffball or Indiana Jones back in the Halo 3 days? They should because Indiana Jones races nearly killed me with all the laughing involved.

Another type of pvp such as racing or sports would need a brand new balance to warframes, meaning a whole 1 person team working on it. And with players talking of pvp almost as a resource leech, proposing its deletion due to the reason listed above and saying things like "i didn't sign for this".

I agree on more pvp modes, but I don't know how "the majority of community" could take it

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Because the moment they make something not completely terrible that is usable in PvE and make it obtainable only through PvP, the dung is going to hit the fan and hard. The PvEers will complain a lot harder and the PvPers will complain that the PvEers are AFKing in their PvP match and no one will be happy.


And you know what, some of those mods aren't completely terrible.


Do I have to answer this question on every single page?

If there's anything mildly good in a mode i don't like to play and i refuse to play it, it's wrong.


Maybe 20 years ago i'd find logic there as well, but not at 25, no sir.


I don't like raiding, i absolutely hate it, i can bet anything i hate raiding a lot more than you hate pvping. Scheduling my free time, words can't describe how much that pisses me off, but hey, i want arcanes.


You know what i do? I either give in and play it, completely against my will and disposable free time, because i will be rewarded, or pay plat for it.


I can do it, why can't you?


Keep in mind DE also said cosmetics affecting gameplay wouldn't be a thing either, HOWEVER, YET AGAIN, you won't see me complaining, like, seriously.

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Oh God not the PC requires more skill carp, pc requires as much skill as playing on pc does, xbox requires as much as xbox does, you can't compare them, xbox has limits as you have to work with them. And I'm a head on player, I'll melee you in the face and dodge your attacks, works nicely at killing everyone

Different hardware must be used differently. Well duh.

Though it does suck when you have to use a secondary option and it doesn't perform anywhere near what the primary option does.

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Only one I used was spring loaded mod anyway. Didn't see the point in others.


Though on reflection I find it a joke that DE has stated "PVP will be separate from PVE and not effect it in any way" because in that regard; they've lied. I'm sure the argument can be put forward "You can get PVP mods through transmutation" which isn't a particularly good argument to make.

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People, this game is still in beta, it's still in development, don't take everything DE says as gospel carved in stone and steel by the gods. Open your minds to new ideas.

-The mods aren't mandatory

-The mods can be traded

Is it that difficult to understand?

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Agreeing and accepting are different too, but people seems not used to do the second one when the rules are changed.

Many people disagree with this and therefore refuse to accept it.

Saying "The mods aren't mandatory, the mods can be traded" doesn't do anything whatsoever to address this. It's nothing but repeating what people disagree with.

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Many people disagree with this and therefore refuse to accept it.

Saying "The mods aren't mandatory, the mods can be traded" doesn't do anything whatsoever to address this. It's nothing but repeating what people disagree with.

Yep, but sadly as long as things aren't changed in a way we all accept, we can't do but accept even tough we disagree. There will alway be people complaining because they disagree on the way things are currently and want a change, but that doesn't assure us a change, so we have to accept and adapt until the change is done.

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Yep, but sadly as long as things aren't changed in a way we all accept, we can't do but accept even tough we disagree. There will alway be people complaining because they disagree on the way things are currently and want a change, but that doesn't assure us a change, so we have to accept and adapt until the change is done.

This is feedback. Conformism has no place in this subforum !

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This is feedback. Conformism has no place in this subforum !

Said before we can still fight for what we want even though it's not added/taken/changed. But as long as we aren't heard we can only accept the way things are while giving feedback from our point of view, what doesn't assure our opinions being heard. Conformism would be simply accept every change and not even participating on forums to give feedback (many players do this or simply leave the game for many reasons)

I.E: I'm here to give feedback and reasons why i think pvp needs some love and rewards usable in pve. Some players disagree, and push back even tough pvp cosmetics aren't usable in pve and none of us knows if this will change or not. If this changes, players disagreeing will complain a lot, but if it doesn't change, pkayers agreeing on me will keep complaining, but as long as any change isn't done, we can't do but accept our pvp sigils can't be used on pve yet and keep giving our feedback about how it could be a good idea until it gets changed.

Accept =/= conformism

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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I still don't get your point.


Some of us want the mods to be acquirable in pve, so we come over here and state that. If we don't say anything how are the devs supposed to know ?

We acknowledge how it is right now but we expect it to change.


If you want pvp to get more love, that's great and it's still compatible with what we want, but a thread specifically asking for more pvp love would be more appropriate than this one.

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Well, the post is mainly about pve items available through pvp, what might mislead due to said items being pvp ones usable on pve. Items include whatever can be obtained, such as cosmetics, mods, weapons, frames, etc.

Pvp and pve are both part of the same game, and as such, rewards on one should be usable on noth as long as they're not affecting gameplay, this last state also says "I agree on mods being available through any other mean besides pvp" (transmutation, teshin pve missions with special rules like friendly fire, loadout/build restriction, hard to beat enemies like hunters or grineer blackwatch, etc. All of this in order to make these items obtained through an actual challenge, different from nighmare missions) and ask to expand these game-affecting pvp items available on pve to those that won't do any change (as cosmetics) i guess sigils do much less "damage" than mods if available for every mode. In fact this change could be QoL change for us pvp'ers, due to constantly having to change sigils when changing gamemode (you can't equip a pvp sigil and a pve syndicate sigil at yhe dame time, due to both being syndicate sigils even tough they can't be seen on the other mode) and thus adding these sigils into pve for cosmetic purposes only would be an amazing change being discussed on general feedback because somehow it affects both, pvp and pve.

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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Rep is oro based, but the guy who gets the kill usually gets the oro. And if you're killing the other team 15 times for every 5 times they kill you, they're not getting much oro to drop to begin with.

There's other people on my team when I play team, mainly dramatic type of guy, so they can be getting oro
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Well, the post is mainly about pve items available through pvp, what might mislead due to said items being pvp ones usable on pve. Items include whatever can be obtained, such as cosmetics, mods, weapons, frames, etc.

"PvE items available through PvP" and "PvP items usable in PvE" are. The. Same. Thing.


I don't care what you call them. They are items usable in both PvE and PvP and obtainable only through PvP, which is something that should not exist in a game designed first and foremost for PvE.

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"PvE items available through PvP" and "PvP items usable in PvE" are. The. Same. Thing.

I don't care what you call them. They are items usable in both PvE and PvP and obtainable only through PvP, which is something that should not exist in a game designed first and foremost for PvE.

Not the same.

- Pve items available through pvp = items designed "for pve", but available only through pvp.

- Pvp items usable on pve = Items designed "for pvp", obtained through that mod and that can also be used on pve.

Agree on the mods being somehow obtainable through pve, but also think of pvp needing non gamebreaking rewards usable on pve.

and please don't start with "if it's usable on pve it must be available through pve", "the game is pve based","I didn't sign for pvp", "that would be forcing us to pvp", the majority of community" nor "pivipi ilitism" stuff again. At least bring something new.

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I actually don't agree with Conclave mods being available for use in PvE, but since the mods aren't mandatory I don't think much of it. What PvPers actually asked in the first place was cosmetic stuff usable in both PvE and PvP, not mods.

And good things have sprout from this thread actually, let's recap what's been suggested:

-Pve Challenges for Conclave that pose actual challenge to get rep

"earn your mods trough hard work not the sissy way in draco with a sigil"

-More PvP modes friendly to PvE players

Archwing racing, Archwing quidich, etc

-It highlighted the fact that Conclave has no cosmetics unlike the other Syndicates


All those things are great. And I'm actually going to suggest another bandaid:

-Weaker uncommon counterparts of some Conclave mods (like the holster rate) available trough PvE while keeping the more powerful rare versions as Conclave rewards

i.e. Holster rate +200% rare mod available trough Conclave standing. Holster rate +100% uncommon mod available in PvE by adding caches to EVERY sabotage mission and slaping those mods there and call it a day.

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Not the same.

- Pve items available through pvp = items designed "for pve", but available only through pvp.

- Pvp items usable on pve = Items designed "for pvp", obtained through that mod and that can also be used on pve.

Agree on the mods being somehow obtainable through pve, but also think of pvp needing non gamebreaking rewards usable on pve.

and please don't start with "if it's usable on pve it must be available through pve", "the game is pve based","I didn't sign for pvp", "that would be forcing us to pvp", the majority of community" nor "pivipi ilitism" stuff again. At least bring something new.

Analogously, "a free phone plan for local calling that makes you pay for long-distance" is the same as "a long-distance phone plan that gives you local calling for free". You're trying to tell me those are different.



Once again, I'll sit here and laugh when the PvPers start complaining about the flood of AFKers and Draco noobs the moment DE makes something like Double Tap usable in PvE.

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There's other people on my team when I play team, mainly dramatic type of guy, so they can be getting oro

That doesn't change anything. Your 15:5 ratio still means that the other team has to absorb a 5:15 ratio. The nature of the scoring means that if you're collecting rep quickly, someone else is collecting rep slowly. Edited by motorfirebox
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