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So. Pve Stuff Available Only Through Pvp?


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Douches like you are the ones I warn new players about and the ones who ruin pretty much any game in any mode.

Fine, do whatever you want, complain whatever you want, I won't argue with you again, I will go do something more practical, like finding Manics Eximus in Mercury.

lol i'm the #$&(% because i try to help make the game fair to everyone?

or is it maybe because i don't think it's fair a select few with better computers/connections who exploit hosting latency and the latest broken meta in PvP should be allowed to flaunt their "superiority" to other players that don't even care for the competition aspect of this game?

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lol i'm the #$&(% because i try to help make the game fair to everyone?

or is it maybe because i don't think it's fair a select few with better computers/connections who exploit hosting latency and the latest broken meta in PvP should be allowed to flaunt their "superiority" to other players that don't even care for the competition aspect of this game?

Fair to anyone who dislikes pvp*

If a player doesn't even care about pvp, they won't even see any cosmetic as a sign of "superiority", so it shouldn't be any trouble.

On the other hand, pvp isn't that hard. In my country (Chile, south america, almost in the b*tt of the world) internet isn't good, but still I, a casual player, managed to fight on NA servers and get to the highest rank on pvp syndicate and get my own mods. If i can, you can be sure anyone is able of getting into pvp and improve (or even grind rep with no need to improve and just play gor fun abd whatever you want from pvp)

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Fair to anyone who dislikes pvp*

If a player doesn't even care about pvp, they won't even see any cosmetic as a sign of "superiority", so it shouldn't be any trouble.

On the other hand, pvp isn't that hard. In my country (Chile, south america, almost in the b*tt of the world) internet isn't good, but still I, a casual player, managed to fight on NA servers and get to the highest rank on pvp syndicate and get my own mods. If i can, you can be sure anyone is able of getting into pvp and improve (or even grind rep with no need to improve and just play gor fun abd whatever you want from pvp)


fair to everyone. having PvE usable content obtainable in PvE is not unfair to anyone is it?

what does caring for PvP have to do with seeing exclusivity and elitism as a problem?

I don't care for PvP but if I saw players flaunting their PvP gear in PvE it would bother me. im pretty sure im not the only one

yes I can be godly too if my connection is bad but im the host your point is?

there are so many issues with this like lack of proper matchmaking based on skill and gear which is impossible to implement at this point. maybe for you it's fun getting wrecked every time all the time in order to grind the rep I can assure you this is not the case for everyone.

what if someone isn't interested in PvP and cares only for co-op PvE? screw them right? force them to play PvP right?

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fair to everyone. having PvE usable content obtainable in PvE is not unfair to anyone is it?

what does caring for PvP have to do with seeing exclusivity and elitism as a problem?

I don't care for PvP but if I saw players flaunting their PvP gear in PvE it would bother me. im pretty sure im not the only one

yes I can be godly too if my connection is bad but im the host your point is?

there are so many issues with this like lack of proper matchmaking based on skill and gear which is impossible to implement at this point. maybe for you it's fun getting wrecked every time all the time in order to grind the rep I can assure you this is not the case for everyone.

what if someone isn't interested in PvP and cares only for co-op PvE? screw them right? force them to play PvP right?

I never host parties pvp nor pve, and still not getting wrecked always. I'm just an average player even with a bad internet connection, and if I can do it even with latency, why couldn't anyone else do the same?

If someone isn't interested in pvp, they simply don't have to play it and "accept" (word that many people doesn't understand) tgey won't be able to have everything if they aren't able to improve in every aspect of the game. But still at least mods could be obtained in more than one way (spy reward, sabotage caches, transmutation, etc) but still nobody forces you (nor anyone) to play pvp, even tough it could give you very little tools i.e: the current pvp mods available on pve.

Edited by -----LegioN-----
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I never host parties pvp nor pve, and still not getting wrecked always. I'm just an average player even with a bad internet connection, and if I can do it even with latency, why couldn't anyone else do the same?

If someone isn't interested in pvp, they simply don't have to play it and "accept" (word that many people doesn't understand) tgey won't be able to have everything if they aren't able to improve in every aspect of the game. But still at least mods could be obtained in more than one way (spy reward, sabotage caches, transmutation, etc) but still nobody forces you (nor anyone) to play pvp, even tough it could give you very little tools i.e: the current pvp mods available on pve.

Don't bother, he's so lost in his hatred for pvp that any word of reason is futile. We can only hope DE doesn't pay attention to those like him. Better go hunting Maniacs eximus or Corrupted Hyenas, that has higher posibilities of success than trying reason and/or basic logic on him.

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OK, give me you idea of what should be, but taking into acount these conditions:

-Must not be biased in any direction (analyze it as a pure game content regardless of where it can be obtained)

-Must not make Conclave rep useless

-Must take roughly the same time and effort to get (think the "Stalker/Zanuka" suggestion I made above)


Probably some kind of PvE experience that doesn't involve direct combat, but which still awards conclave rep. How to balance that against current PvP content? Don't know, don't personally care. I've only played about 50 matches, so I'd be the wrong guy to ask even if I were interested.

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Not big deal. Also, the title of the Thread is misleading, those aren PvE mods obtainable trough PvP, those are PvP mods that you can use (if you CHOOSE) in PvE.

Don't want to do Conclave? There's trade chat. Everyone wins.

Except poor people that hate Conclave because Conclave is sh*t.


AKA me and a lot of other people.

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Except poor people that hate Conclave because Conclave is sh*t.


AKA me and a lot of other people.

You can always trade mods, prime parts and bps, imprints, arcanes and certain normal mods fully ranked. No need for Conclave rep grind if you don't like it. :)

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give one good reason why any PvE content (usable in PvE, doesn't matter if it's mandatory or not) should be PvP exlusive and cut the BS excuses trying to justify your greed and special snowflake syndrome.

p.s. I don't hate PvP I just don't think it's cool to have PvE content locked behind it because the overwhelming majority of WF players are here for co-op PvE, not PvP. keep them separated, we don't have a problem and players can have choice. if stuff is usable in both modes it should be obtainable in both. it's very simple and fair to everyone. how can you say no to that? why?

using exclusivity as a means to promote PvP in a PvE oriented community is like putting salad dressing on meat and feeding it to vegetarians and it ultimately fails if players are just in for the gear and then leave. all you get is friction and dissatisfied players

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Ok, let's make usable only stuff available through pve, delete any sign of elitism, starting with prime accesories (real life money elitism, not obtainable in pve)

Delete founders pack (same as above + antiquity elitism. can't be obtained through pve, so following your logics it shouldn't be there) delete lato and braton vandal (antiquity elitism, curently non-obtainable through pve)

If we keep talking about pvp mods usable in pve, they should be obtainable through pve, even tough it was tied to godlike rng (build sn army of oberons, make them get killed once by each hunter and sell them all for credits if you want them... unless you're lucky and get'em on a few tries) but there're no reasons to keep pvp without its exclusive cosmetics (sigils/ and syandana if added) away from pve. If you don't like pvp you simply have no reason to farm those stuff. Nobody forces you to pvp in order to satisfy a completionist disorder. Ie: don't like archwing? Nobody forces you to get jordas sekhara but you can still showing it off in pve if you manage to get it. Don't like pvp? Nobody forces you to get it's sigils nor cosmetics or even these mods. And there's no reason to keep players who ate actually able to dominate in this mode away from using their tools in pve. After all pvp mods aren't big gamebreakers. Cosmetics don't even give stats.

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Ok, let's make usable only stuff available through pve, delete any sign of elitism, starting with prime accesories (real life money elitism, not obtainable in pve)

Delete founders pack (same as above + antiquity elitism. can't be obtained through pve, so following your logics it shouldn't be there) delete lato and braton vandal (antiquity elitism, curently non-obtainable through pve)

If we keep talking about pvp mods usable in pve, they should be obtainable through pve, even tough it was tied to godlike rng (build sn army of oberons, make them get killed once by each hunter and sell them all for credits if you want them... unless you're lucky and get'em on a few tries) but there're no reasons to keep pvp without its exclusive cosmetics (sigils/ and syandana if added) away from pve. If you don't like pvp you simply have no reason to farm those stuff. Nobody forces you to pvp in order to satisfy a completionist disorder. Ie: don't like archwing? Nobody forces you to get jordas sekhara but you can still showing it off in pve if you manage to get it. Don't like pvp? Nobody forces you to get it's sigils nor cosmetics or even these mods. And there's no reason to keep players who ate actually able to dominate in this mode away from using their tools in pve. After all pvp mods aren't big gamebreakers. Cosmetics don't even give stats.

sure you can turn a valid point into something absurd anytime but you have yet to provide one reason for PvP exlusive content to be usable in PvE. no one is saying to keep rewards out of PvP but if you want them usable in PvE they should also be obtainable in PvE

I have already addressed your excuses. please. less bs excuses more actual reasons for why you think this is a good idea

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sure you can turn a valid point into something absurd anytime but you have yet to provide one reason for PvP exlusive content to be usable in PvE. no one is saying to keep rewards out of PvP but if you want them usable in PvE they should also be obtainable in PvE

As long as they are "PVP REWARDS" there's simply no reason for making them obtainable through pve. Where's the logics for putting "pvp rewards" obtained through "pve gameplay"?

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As long as they are "PVP REWARDS" there's simply no reason for making them obtainable through pve.

we have addressed this too. if it's usable in PvE it's PvE content no matter where it came from.

I think I found a new sport .. its called BS wading

WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE PVP EXLUSIVE CONTENT USABLE IN PVE? give me one good reason considering the majority of players are here for PvE

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we have addressed this too. if it's usable in PvE it's PvE content no matter where it came from.

I think I found a new sport .. its called BS wading

WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE PVP EXLUSIVE CONTENT USABLE IN PVE? give me one good reason considering the majority of players are here for PvE

Why would people buy content from a game that's free for the majority of players? Why everything has to be obtained through the easy game instead of locking a small amount of content behind an actual challenge? Why is people so afraid of not getting everything in the game?

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Why would people buy content from a game that's free for the majority of players? Why everything has to be obtained through the easy game instead of locking a small amount of content behind an actual challenge? Why is people so afraid of not getting everything in the game?

I have already addressed all those questions but here I go again.

because they want to save time (pay or grind). because if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE. we don't care about all the content just keeping PvP and PvE separate.

now can you answer a simple question with a simple answer or do you insist on showing me you have can be a bad politician?


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Why would people buy content from a game that's free for the majority of players? Why everything has to be obtained through the easy game instead of locking a small amount of content behind an actual challenge? Why is people so afraid of not getting everything in the game?

It's really about this.

PVE players are driven by cosmetics, gear, powers, and pretty much anything obtainable in the game. But they do not like PVP. Whether that is due to a tech, attitude, age, and skill, PVE players seek cosmetic items. Placing them in the heart of why PVP players play PVP for competitive challenge is going to be unacceptable. So the forums become that passive aggressive arena where players sound off for the developer's attention to shorten or remove those obstacles for them.

The best solution is provide an avenue for PVE players to obtain said items through PVP modes other than death matches and capture the flag. There's a large PVE base in this game, and the developers are not looking at it as something that could be tapped with fun PVP. Not competitive PVP.

Take me. I hate PVP now. When I was younger Quake Arena all day long if I could. The last combat PVP game I actually had fun in was Fall of Cybertron, because the Science Class is just insanely fun.

Then Rocket League got downloaded, and eureka !!! A game mode where you play against others and just laugh your butt off. I'm not gritting my teeth and hating PVP to its bone anymore thanks to getting a hat on a car. PVP Warframe needs a Rocket League for the larger PVE player base.

The minute they can ecru standing by having fun over being used as target practice, you'll find less complaining over PVP exclusive cosmetics and perhaps a percentage of players might transition to the combat challenge.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I don't agree with either of the "sides" that seem to be developing. I want the PvP mods available in PvE, and I would prefer not to have to do the current PvP stuff to get them.


I want the PvP mods because I think they're much cooler than the PvE mods we have. If it were up to me, frankly, I'd get rid of almost all the current PvE mods—especially the ones that directly increase damage—and replace them with PvP mods.


It's not about collecting, for me. I was fine with not having the PvP mods when they weren't usable in PvE. But now they are.

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I have already addressed all those questions but here I go again.

because they want to save time (pay or grind). because if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE. we don't care about all the content just keeping PvP and PvE separate.

now can you answer a simple question with a simple answer or do you insist on showing me you have can be a bad politician?


"because if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE" there's no reason for this. I can understand it if there was some game breaking items (such as arcanes available only through pvp playing). Also I understand it for puny utility mods, but not for cosmetic stuff. There's no reason to reward pve players only. Might be vast majority of community, but minorities have their own right to be recognized, treated like equals and show their differences to the masses.

but there will be always people looking for "equality" by maiming choices of the ones who think different, using masses of people as an argument to stomp over minorities

It's really about this.

PVE players are driven by cosmetics, gear, powers, and pretty much anything obtainable in the game. But they do not like PVP. Whether that is due to a tech, attitude, age, and skill, PVE players seek cosmetic items. Placing them in the heart of why PVP players play PVP for competitive challenge is going to be unacceptable. So the forums become that passive aggressive arena where players sound off for the developer's attention to shorten or remove those obstacles for them.

The best solution is provide an avenue for PVE players to obtain said items through PVP modes other than death matches and capture the flag. There's a large PVE base in this game, and the developers are not looking at it as something that could be tapped with fun PVP. Not competitive PVP.

Take me. I hate PVP now. When I was younger Quake Arena all day long if I could. The last combat PVP game I actually had fun in was Fall of Cybertron, because the Science Class is just insanely fun.

Then Rocket League got downloaded, and eureka !!! A game mode where you play against others and just laugh your butt off. I'm not gritting my teeth and hating PVP to its bone anymore thanks to getting a hat on a car. PVP Warframe needs a Rocket League for the larger PVE player base.

The minute they can ecru standing by having fun over being used as target practice, you'll find less complaining over PVP exclusive cosmetics and perhaps a percentage of players might transition to the combat challenge.

Totally agree and understand, but even if there was a pvp based on anything but kill (archwing racing, warframe sports, etc) still there should be pvp cosmetics locked in it for players to show off their dedication to this part of the game. And make them available to pve.

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So.. you keep complaining of "PvE" content that is available trough PvP.

Well... I want to be able to get ANY Warframe and Weapon trough Conclave standing, including Primed stuff, and Stance mods too, since if I want to participate in PvP with those I don't want to be "forced" to do PvE stuff. And you can get your holster rate trough the other syndicates. ow about that? Will you be happy?

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@ Legion & Nazerthim

PvE content available in PvE is totally legit because the majority of players are PvE.

you are already rewarded in PvP but what ur basically asking for is elitism. you are already treated as equals you want more than that. you want to be able to show the majority of players how much better you are. no way man screw that. you can do that as much as you want in PvP where such kind of player is unavoidable but not in PvE

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@ Legion & Nazerthim

PvE content available in PvE is totally legit because the majority of players are PvE.

you are already rewarded in PvP but what ur basically asking for is elitism. you are already treated as equals you want more than that. you want to be able to show the majority of players how much better you are. no way man screw that. you can do that as much as you want in PvP where such kind of player is unavoidable but not in PvE

No elitism due to any player being able to grind pvp rep even with no skills nor gear. It will just take a bit longer than for any experienced pvp player who dedicates time to improve builds and farm reputation. Elitism could be "you unlock pvp syandana only after getting a 10:0 KD ratio, if you go back to 9,9:0, you lose it" and still, there're many elitist players in pve (asking for MR over X to join their parties/clans, alliances not accepting shadow nor ghost clans to join, etc) while on pvp most of community seem to be very humble, even more mature from learning to constantly adapt to changes, different game modes and even different random teams. The toxic part of the pvp community are players who simply have no patience to learn this part of the game, and find it easier screaming and reporting whenever they lose or get killed. (Being this last also a big part of pve community)

Pve elitism over the other game modes is the only elitism being kept safe and untouchable as a holy cow.

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@ Legion & Nazerthim

PvE content available in PvE is totally legit because the majority of players are PvE.

you are already rewarded in PvP but what ur basically asking for is elitism. you are already treated as equals you want more than that. you want to be able to show the majority of players how much better you are. no way man screw that. you can do that as much as you want in PvP where such kind of player is unavoidable but not in PvE

Umm... no we aren't asking for elitism, we are asking for equal treatment in the Cosmetics department.

The mods debate is a joke because you CAN obtain them without doing PvP at all.

The only elitist I see here is a  doche who wants to have all the nice stuff without effort and leave players who participate in Conclave out of completionism, joy or simply challenge in the dirt with no worthy reward and nothing to show their support for the Conclave DE created for them.

PvP'ers aren't snowflakes for requesting a worthy reward for their effort, practice and patience. PvE players who complain out of hatred for pvp without a single braincell set in "objective judgment" are the problem here.

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give one good reason why any PvE content (usable in PvE, doesn't matter if it's mandatory or not) should be PvP exlusive and cut the BS excuses trying to justify your greed and special snowflake syndrome.

p.s. I don't hate PvP I just don't think it's cool to have PvE content locked behind it because the overwhelming majority of WF players are here for co-op PvE, not PvP. keep them separated, we don't have a problem and players can have choice. if stuff is usable in both modes it should be obtainable in both. it's very simple and fair to everyone. how can you say no to that? why?

using exclusivity as a means to promote PvP in a PvE oriented community is like putting salad dressing on meat and feeding it to vegetarians and it ultimately fails if players are just in for the gear and then leave. all you get is friction and dissatisfied players

I got a really good one ready for it: all pvp gear must be farmed in pve, the cruel irony. (Mind blowing I know)
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