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Genuine Concern: Pvp Mods Usable In Pve?


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Terrible precedence, extremely terrible precedence that is created here, while the current selection of conclave mods might be more gimmick orientated, other mods might receive the same treatment and future mods might become mandatory. Content that can be used must be obtainable in the same game mode. Imagine if pvp mods could be obtained in pve, what would you people say then? No Teshin advancement necessary, just grind draco or something and you will get them anyways? I think you people would be quite pissed.


The only guys who are in favor are those who smell new ways of making plat which actually puts a whole portion of the WF community at a disadvantage, namely the ones who do not want to pvp and then are forced to spend plat (if the meta changes and I am pretty sure the meta will change). For now it does not seem like a problem but this can change pretty quickly just like DE does another 180. 


It is also a terrible precedence in terms of DE going back on their word completely to keep pve and pvp completely separated. That is a betrayal of trust, plain and simple!   


They can easily introduce new mods that are based on the pvp ones with slight variations and inject them into pve while removing some completely obsolete ones. This is just a very cheap way to handle the mod diversity problem.


Redo the old and useless mods! Replace them with others inspired from those pvp mods but not just copy paste them. Keep pve and pvp separated as you have once promised.


Start going back on things like that and people will lose (even more) trust.



As for going back on their word IIRC they said they would keep the balancing separate, which is still true.

Edited by xRufus7x
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Folks keep talking about how it's a terrible idea and PVP content shouldn't be in PVE, but none of the mods involved are absolutely mandatory for any kind of PVE gameplay. They're all just nice things to have. The Daikyu mod was something that should have always been available to it, regardless of gametype, but that's just my opinion.

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Why people complain when they can trade those mods for other mods or prime parts obtainable from PvE (no plat required) ?


Hypothetical question; what if such mods will be the "best"? Are you now forced to trade?


And would that be good, bad?

Edited by VoidNomade
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Hypothetical question; what if such mods will be the "best"? Are you now forced to trade?


And would that be good, bad?

This whole game is based around grinding content. To get the best corrupted mods you have to grind derelects, To get the best dualstat mods you have to grind spy or hardcore missions. Best arcanes, hit up a raid, best gear better get used to the void. Why would this be any different?

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Imagine if pvp mods could be obtained in pve, what would you people say then? No Teshin advancement necessary, just grind draco or something and you will get them anyways? I think you people would be quite pissed.

You think wrong.


PVP is not about progress, it's not about grind. It's about skill and entertainment. They could remove ALL progress from PVP and it would still be good. If PVP exclusive mods were obtainable through PVE I think most PVPers would be fine with it.

In fact it would be the PVE crowd who'd have a problem with it, complaining about a bunch of "useless pvp crap" diluting your precious drop tables.

Edited by Mastikator2
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"You can trade"


Yeah.. LOL.


What next?


Platinum-only Mods / Weapons / Warframes???


"Do not complain.. you can trade your stuff for platinum, than buy it in market".


You do not have to trade with Platinum.


Just like arcanes and syndicate stuff, work on maybe trading other rare mods/weapons/prime sets etc. 


Is not rocket science folks....

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Why people complain when they can trade those mods for other mods or prime parts obtainable from PvE (no plat required) ?

really? perhaps you would be willing to make such a trade? is anyone willing to trade them for other syndicate mods? or is everyone speculating the fact that not many players have access to those mods and are asking for big amounts of plat?

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Raids also gate a type of content: arcanes. Ever saw people complain about that? Maybe one or two but not this many. I don't want to raid because I simply find them to be boring CC spamfests. I would never be able to acquire any arcanes then, what did I do? I bought them or traded something else for them.


Some of them are actually really powerful (i.e. 20 Avengers giving +60% BASE critical chance) as opposed to the PvP mods that were just introduced to PvE. These PvP mods offer gimmicky improvements at best. Barely anyone would slot one of them if one had the choice between them or another damage mod.


If you really want a gimmick reload mod but don't want to play PvP, then trade something else for it. No one forces you to do anything. These mods won't allow you to ascend into godhood, you're not going to die if you don't have them.

ur missing the point which is raids even if a gate of sorts is still PVE and based on cooperation not competition. also players may want to aquire mods just to have them not because they are OP in any way.

bottom line if it's usable in PVE is should be possible to aquire the mods in PVE

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ur missing the point which is raids even if a gate of sorts is still PVE and based on cooperation not competition. also players may want to aquire mods just to have them not because they are OP in any way.

bottom line if it's usable in PVE is should be possible to aquire the mods in PVE


I'm not missing the point. Some people don't enjoy PvP, while I don't enjoy raiding, whether that type of content is competitive or cooperative is entirely irrelevant. Both lock special content behind them. You can circumvent that by trading for the items.


Collectors are not a valid argument. If they want everything in the game they have to bleed platinum or other items anyways, be it for vaulted primes, opposite syndicate mods, timed exclusive mods or whatnot.


Gate is gate, what gamemode it is doesn't matter.


Wait until DE makes anything heavily DPS related Conclave only and community go nut rage


Won't happen since that's exactly what the PvP team is trying to avoid. If they offer you a DPS upgrade from a mod, it usually is a triggered damage bonus, which is probably what the mod system will look like in general pretty soon. Everything that gives a straight DPS increase without some form of tradeoff or condition is a no-no for the PvP team.

Edited by Storchenbein
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If people will accept an ammo drum for these mods, I'll take trading as a valid option. Otherwise, I don't want to be pushed into PvP (or raiding) in what was originally a solo-friendly game.


But yeah, a thread made just to bait out an opposing opinion. Why am I even replying?

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I'm not missing the point. Some people don't enjoy PvP, while I don't enjoy raiding, whether that type of content is competitive or cooperative is entirely irrelevant. Both lock special content behind them. You can circumvent that by trading for the items.


-like i said raids are still PvE which is what this game primarily is. your comparing the two is flawed i dare say


Collectors are not a valid argument. If they want everything in the game they have to bleed platinum or other items anyways, be it for vaulted primes, opposite syndicate mods, timed exclusive mods or whatnot.


-collectors is a valid argument since vaulted items return and syndicate allegiance can be switched. times exclusives are timed and will return as well


Gate is gate, what gamemode it is doesn't matter.


-if you mean gated behind raids vs behind PvP again flawed comparison. one is timed within PvE, the other a completely different gaming approach

although i agree that to solo players it's still a gate with no possible key which i find unfair

Edited by ..atom..
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1. like i said raids are still PvE which is what this game primarily is. your comparing the two is flawed i dare say


2. collectors is a valid argument since vaulted items return and syndicate allegiance can be switched. times exclusives are timed and will return as well


​3. i don't see how this excludes them from being acquirable in PvE


1. I'm not comparing them on the layer of their gamemode, I'm comparing them on the fact that they're both gates. Raids gate solo players (or just players that don't want to do it in general) from acquiring arcanes as much as conclave gates people that don't want to play it from a few mods.


2. Collectors can also play a few rounds of PvP and buy the desired mods from Teshin. They do have a way to get them without trading/paying for them. If they don't enjoy it, then they have alternatives (trading). It's not like they have to offer their soul to get the mods.


3. Wasn't a reply to you, but to Acidulant.

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1. I'm not comparing them on the layer of their gamemode, I'm comparing them on the fact that they're both gates. Raids gate solo players (or just players that don't want to do it in general) from acquiring arcanes as much as conclave gates people that don't want to play it from a few mods.


2. Collectors can also play a few rounds of PvP and buy the desired mods from Teshin. They do have a way to get them without trading/paying for them. If they don't enjoy it, then they have alternatives (trading). It's not like they have to offer their soul to get the mods.


3. Wasn't a reply to you, but to Acidulant.

1. i understand that but i don't think it's a fair comparison to make in the PvE dominant game


2. PvP rep is more of a grind than any other syndicate. it even beats simaris. and breaks the promise DE made about keeping PvP and PvE separate.


3. i realized and edited my post


the problem here is about the broken promise and the precedent it creates. the mods released now are not in any way mandatory but what it future ones are?

my point again is that if it's usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire in said mode. and tbh i do hope the damage overhaul uses the PvP model and maybe even the same mods but i just don't think it's fair to gate them behind that mode and give that much trading power to a handful of players that probably have a totally different mentality and reason for playing then the PvE folk.

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1. i understand that but i don't think it's a fair comparison to make in the PvE dominant game


2. PvP rep is more of a grind than any other syndicate. it even beats simaris. and breaks the promise DE made about keeping PvP and PvE separate.


3. i realized and edited my post


the problem here is about the broken promise and the precedent it creates. the mods released now are not in any way mandatory but what it future ones are?

my point again is that if it's usable in PvE it should be possible to aquire in said mode. and tbh i do hope the damage overhaul uses the PvP model and maybe even the same mods but i just don't think it's fair to gate them behind that mode and give that much trading power to a handful of players that probably have a totally different mentality and reason for playing then the PvE folk.


I can see that PvP feels like a grind for those that don't enjoy it.


I doubt future mods will be "mandatory" (see my reply to Acidulant). Looking at what they do compared to the current PvE mods I look at them as Exilus mods for guns.


I feel like what should happen is rework all the garbage mods we have (like Ammo Drum etc...) to be more like these mods. Then assign them to Exilus mods and create a new item (or use the Exilus Adapter we already have) to allow weapons to get an Exilus slot.


So basicly, put the mods that were made useable in PvE back to PvP only, and change existing garbage mods to be more like the PvP mods and give them their own Exilus slot.

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Should revert this change. PvP mods should stay exclusive to that game mode.

Not good. If something is usable in PvE, it should be obtainable through PvE. I started Warframe because it was a nice co-op PvE game. If I want to play a PvP game, I'll fire up Planetside 2, where the battles are far more entertaining. This is not a good precedent to set.

This. That's all what needed to be said. Everything usable in PvE should be obtainable in PvE. Imo they should have never added pvp to begin with, but if it's to be kept in game it should be separated from PvE.

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Let's assume I wanted to try and get some of these mods by playing PvP........(even though I dislike PvP to put it mildly)


Do I actually have to score kills to get the mods or are they just awarded at the end of the mission as certificates of participation? If I have to actually score kills then I'd rather just buy them. If they are awarded for participation then I expect whoever plays me to get an astounding KD ratio (and I couldn't care less).

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I can see that PvP feels like a grind for those that don't enjoy it.


I doubt future mods will be "mandatory" (see my reply to Acidulant). Looking at what they do compared to the current PvE mods I look at them as Exilus mods for guns.


I feel like what should happen is rework all the garbage mods we have (like Ammo Drum etc...) to be more like these mods. Then assign them to Exilus mods and create a new item (or use the Exilus Adapter we already have) to allow weapons to get an Exilus slot.


So basicly, put the mods that were made useable in PvE back to PvP only, and change existing garbage mods to be more like the PvP mods and give them their own Exilus slot.

it's not just that it feels grindy it objectively takes a much longer time. you can max a regular syndicate or simaris daily rep in 1 mission (30m-1h max). however it takes at least 10 times that to max the daily rep in PvP (tbh i never managed to max it and believe me i tried)


exilus/aura slot fore weapons is something i've been hoping for for a long long time. also the rework of useless mods.


they can just as well add the PvP mods to PvE if they are good just don't keep them gated behind PvP if they can be used in PvE. let us possibly aquire them in PvE too.

Edited by ..atom..
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