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Deals Too Good To Be True.


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I like ruining Trade chat by selling stuff for cheap. The sellers get all pissy that im undercutting them lol.

This is false. If an item is valuable, there will always be a buyer. Your undercutting does nothing unless you can flood the market.

You probably just look like a fool to savvy traders

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Selling syndicate weapons cheap can piss sellers off though. Buyers have become rare.

If its a valued prime part, then there is almost always another buyer.


syndicate weapons aren't worth the standing they cost, why would you sell 100-125 k standing for 40-50 pl when you could easily sell augment mods for 15 pl.


Now about people that undercut prices actually i'm kind of gratefull to them for providing free plat :p (they are rare enough not to be a nuissance)

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Tbh, I do that often. I hate how scalpers overcharge on mods and prime parts so I just advertise selling for a more reasonable price and even giving discounts often too. Because of that, I get a lot of customers. It's more about how often you can get buyers than how much you can charge for a single purchase. It works out better in the long run and I get returning buyers too.

Edited by AxialBlue
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only good deal I remember doing was selling some random Chesa imprints (no rare colors or pattern) for 125p + Trinity prime helmet bp then the next day DE released the Chesa alert. Lol! I have been badly burned on deals where the items became available by the void trader a few days later. I have given plenty of stuff away though.

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