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Top 5 Most Annoying Enemies.


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ok, so for a bit of fun, I'm going to start doing these top 5 lists (purely for fun). I want to know what 5 enemies REALLY grind your gears.


one rule though; NO bosses, I'll make another top 5 for them. enemies from Events are allowed though.


My top 5 (this is just my opinion)


5. Ospreys (any kind) - I hate pretty much anything that flies, especially if it can drop EMPs or sap my energy. Ospreys are like the wasps of the Origin System.


4. Ancients - GET OVER HERE!.... that's literally all they do sometimes. and yes, I know that blocking can prevent being caught, but there's not much you can do when they grab you from behind, which is what they usually do. couple that with Healer buffs and it's a recipe for rage quits.


3. Bombards - they're heavy, they do a lot of damage, and the missiles are hard to avoid. just when you think a Grineer mission is easy, one of these will appear. and Napalms are just as bad. I didn't think so before, but they are.


2. Nullifiers - these guys might top your list, but since I usually charge them in melee or avoid them, I don't find them quite as annoying. the fact that they can shield enemies and cancel your powers though? ugh. I don't think the community will ever forgive DE for introducing these guys.


1. Bursas - be grateful that these (insert curse word) only appear during events, because they can knock you down so many times it's not even funny. nullifier grenades, endless knockdowns, and -to put the icing on the cake - they have a Rip Cord too. god help us all if we ever had to fight Infested Bursas alongside Ancients..



those are my 5 most annoying enemies, comment below with yours!

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You will never know the pain that was the Nervos

Oh dear god don't remind me of those little bastards.

Anyways, my list is.

1. Manics

2. Bombards

3. Nullifiers

4. Sapping Ospreys ( I hate them with a passion)

5. Shield lancers ( when I started war frame these guys were my Bain)

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Those were dark days

Those were the days where warframe was literally dark; there were only Corpus ship tilesets with just one enemy: the basic Grineer rifleman. Yea the most common Grineer we have now, used to be in swarms, and each one was as tank as a modern day bombard. And that was every level of Warframe way back in the day.

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Stalker tops my list. It's sheer annoyance as a game mechanic. To boot, it'd blatantly unfair to new or early players. In fact, the first time I tried Warframe I quit because of Stalker and getting wrecked without even having a chance.

Other than that, Nullifiers are awful. In small numbers they would be okay, but given their frequency...no.

Lastly, anything that robs you of control. Ancient, Scorpion, tar...its all cheap tactics.

As for Bombards, mod for Radiation. Look me up in game if you need a Wildfire mod, I have a spare. Radiation Hek one shots Bombards.

Though yeah, the whole Manic enemy type needs to go.

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Please never bring back Nevros.

Also, the bursas was mainly painful during the tac alert they got introduced in because of the babysitting.


But my list have to be

1. Nevros, even if they are gone.

2. Tar mutalist moa.

3. Ancient disruptors in large groups.

4. Corrupted Vor.

5. Scorpions.

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Stalker tops my list. It's sheer annoyance as a game mechanic. To boot, it'd blatantly unfair to new or early players. In fact, the first time I tried Warframe I quit because of Stalker and getting wrecked without even having a chance.

I know that pain. Couldn't get off Mercury because stalker came for each time you beat a boss, and back then he was too OP to face. I got swarmed by him every mission, so I, too, had stopped playing, at least for half a year.

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Underwater poison blooms. Seriously, what do these add to the game?

I can see how knockdown can be construed as challenging. It's not; especially with the frequency it appears, its tedium. But I get the point of view at least.

But the poison blooms? Did anyone ever think they would be anything but annoying?

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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