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Mantis Part Collection?


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Sup All,

How many of you have got the mantis without buying it? Honestly, I think it's the most ridiculous thing in Warframe. I don't even know what grineer and orokin reinforced containers look like.

So, I thought maybe instead of dropping from a type of container that hardly ever spawns, it could be a rare drop from uncommon containers.

Post what you think about this.

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I found the engines on the day it came out while farming for Atlas, so I originally thought you got the parts from farming the J3 Golem. I didn't notice what came out of the Reinforced Corpus container I found during that mission, so I was pretty pissed when I learned the real RNG behind getting the parts.


Anyway, about a week later, I found a Rare Orokin container, broke it open, and got a Mantis Blueprint. A few days after that, I kind of feel lucky for getting it since it was removed from the drops and all parts were removed from the rare containers.


Fast forward to today, and I finally got the Avionics from a Reinforced Orokin container. Now I just need the fuselage, but in my two years of playing, I've never seen a Reinforced Grineer container, so I'm not looking forward to however long that'll take. I know they have a decent spawn rate in the raid, but I hate raids, and I don't want to deal with people who think a high MR means you are the best player ever and only want players that have done it multiple times.

Edited by Fukushu
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