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Stalker Is Strong Evidence For Tenno Being Humans


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I like to think that Tenno either have NUMEROUS scars from the void transformation(that or can't glow with energy color, you choose that)





.Codex art of unmasked Tenno


.Similar to Awoken from Destiny



Keep in mind that all these choices have some semblance of human features, though not fully human.

Humanoids that could have the occasional infested strain and have very strange body shapes and probably are weird colours. Maybe their veins glow with void like Cole when you go bad on Infamous 2. Just humanoids with near human flesh is the takeaway for lore.

Everytime I have ever seen him I killed him, at least ten times, he has only dropped a blueprint once. A blueprint for Hate, the worst melee weapon in the game.

Stalker spawns are the worst.

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I could care less what type of human like appearance we might have, I just don't want us to be ugly monsters.




Edit: Stalker Senpai hasn't hunted me down in months. Praise RNGesus.


Double edit overdrive: IMO, Warframe;s are like Guyver. There.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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The new raid also points toward the Tenno being a physical human. When armor integrity reaches zero, you see "vitals failing" and "life support failure imminent"(?) along with an Infested screen overlay to indicate the Infestation closing in on you.

As far as i'm concerned, the Tenno are human if they have a physical body since there are no alien races in Warframe. The only true nonhuman "race" would be the Sentients. The Grineer are just decaying cloned humans, the Corpus are clearly human, and the Orokin haven't been described in a way that would indicate they were nonhuman. If anything, everyone in Warframe are augmented humans.

Stalker was a Guardian and is probably exactly the same as a Tenno now, but chooses not to identify as one due to his hatred. He has Void powers, a Warframe, fights using the same ways of the Tenno, and survives death/defeat. We'll probably learn more about the Tenno through Stalker's role in U18.


finally someone else sees it plus before the recent update you could clip your camera into the warframe cryopod in defense to see a person similar to the people you see in releys 

Tenno are confirmed to not be human. I would have to find where, but DE has stated exactly that on past devstreams. Until they officially retcon that, it is the truth. On top of that, there is extra emphasis on things that would state they are not human, such as DE going out of their way to specifically state that posters portraying them as human are not canon and that the human (or close) characters on relays are not Tenno.

As for the occupants of the original frames, they likely were human (or close) at some point, but the Technocyte virus, the Void, something else, or a combination of those changed that. The Tenno as we know them now are not human.

Also, Tenno are biological, so of course sharp weapons would work. Plus, they were likely just designed as such for purely thematic purposes (rule of cool as well). You're reading too much into it.

people tend to confuse human with humanoid when they say human they mean at the generally mean that they look and function similarly to us like the martians on jon carter


A summary of what I've heard from the detatched theories:

Tenno are void spirits that operate useing void powered mass produced bodies that somehow resemble human flesh (Flesh health type) and bind themselves to a frame by using Oro when entering, the spirit is harmed in some way when the physical body takes damage when bonded in this way but that's ok because mission failure is noncanon, they never warp back to the Liset after being destroyed because they only ever win, and the Stalker has never thought about banishing them rather than attacking their replacable bodies.

You see why it is much easier for me to say that Tenno are modified humans in Warframes and that all problems are caused by a video game? Just adding point after point it all gets so messy. Is there a quick, easy way to prove Tenno are detactched that doesn't come up with a crazy ammount of new ideas? I really would like to hear it. It would be so much more satisfying to have canon gameplay than not quite true videogame gameplay.

if you look at the warframe universe every sentient species (grinier, orokin, and corpus) are humanoid in the sense that they look exactly like us even the lotus who *spoiler alert* is supposed to be related to the sentient is as well then when you observe warframes origins dark sector it was people in suits and if you go to its orginal trailer you have an excalibur with dual lato facing off against grinier and trinity even shows up so statistically its probably going to people in suits at least to some degree


Edited by (PS4)RainbowDash_Pony
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I'm not saying they're perfectly human. The Tenno have gone through a lot of changes. If we can agree that they have a single body, I don't care what the apperance is or why they smell like Infested.

All will be revealed in U18 so just a few more weeks.

We hope.


DE please put us out of our theorising misery.

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I have a headcanon that they used some advanced tech to interact with people after some time. It's based on Mynki's description of the Orokin having become detached from their humanity and stayed in pods (probably to preserve their symmetry and beauty). I imagine they used things like the following as an extension of themselves from the pod:




It certainly fits the "cold and gold emperors, breathless" description we see in Stalker's codex.


Perhaps, but we've seen the Orokin as being perfectly fine with walking around, and Blisa's description of the use of the towers and various halls of the Orokin seems to suggest they did interact in physical realms. Most certainly Executor Bellas in the Detron Crewman Synth was there in person. So, don't really think Mynki's word's good for much here.

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Perhaps, but we've seen the Orokin as being perfectly fine with walking around, and Blisa's description of the use of the towers and various halls of the Orokin seems to suggest they did interact in physical realms. Most certainly Executor Bellas in the Detron Crewman Synth was there in person. So, don't really think Mynki's word's good for much here.


I'm aware. I'm not implying that they were incapable of interacting with the physical surrounding, but that some of them probably preferred not to (the emperors to be specific). It is a headcanon after all.

Edited by EmptyDevil
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Either a Tenno the Lotus forgot about (Freed from the Neural Sentries and put back into the 2nd dream after the destruction of the Orokin) or is himself an Orokin or something else entirely. The Second Dream quest should show more lore about him... or her? X3

im pretty sure the stalker was a class of orokin guard below tenno but im not sure

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Referencing how this has mostly become tenno form debate again, I think the identities have been conflicting for a reason: the bosses all see themselves in us.

Vor saw an opportunity to save his race.

Corrupted Vor sees energy, power.

The Sergeant, the weakest boss, mocks us and looks down on us.

Alad V claims we are at least mostly human, with some enhancements.

The Infested bosses all believe that we're made from the same disease.


You all constantly argue when every source deliberately conflicts with another, a little, building up unto these huge debates.


EDIT: What, Orokin debate now? That's new. (sarcasm ahah!)

Edited by aeonicstudios
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A thing to note here would be Borderlands. During the game you can die and be reborn, the game will even make jokes on this, however they reviving or cloning feature is not considered to be canon to the story. As well as having 2 of the same character in a given game, Maya is a character with a name. face, personality, back ground, and thoughts. Having 2 Maya's in a play session does not mean there are 2 actual Maya's.


Another note would be Valkyr and how she was captured. When captured she was tortured and her body experimented on, what would that mean to the "tenno" brain in a jar? We know she was scared by the corpus, and we know she is always aware of this, all Valkyr frames have this etched into them. Then there is the whole death thing. How can tenno die? If we die in a mission but appear in our Liset after mission failure, is that canon? Remember Mirage's quest? How it talks of the original Mirage dying at the hands of the sentient? She died tot hem, Lotus tried her very best to get her "body" out of there to save her, but she refused to leave and died. This means we have a deep connection to our bodies even if our brains are in jars. If our body dies, so can we (like in matrix where if the mind dies, so does the body).


So with this we conclude that with Valkyr's body suffering, so did her mind, when Mirages body died, so did her mind. Our bodies are a part of us and we can't be so easily disconnected.


Personally I just want DE to give up on "the player is the tenno" and allow each frame to be it's own character.

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That's pretty cool actually. Ruk sees us as treasure hunters and mercinaries as well, which matches up with this.

That being said, some people enjoy discussing this lore stuff or debating about it. If you don't, then you can probably avoid threads like this anyway.

That being said, generally I go with the "Tenno are souls" Theorey. That is, tenno are former humans who were exposed to the void, resulting in a state of life independent of their body. They can't go from body to body freely, and need to have a neural system close their own original body's. While they can revive the body they have using their space-magics (Oro based revival), they can't exactly escape from containment in any other way, meaning if they don't have another body attuned to them, they can be trapped and eventually killed.

Unsurprisingly, this means that the warframes themselves are quite human physique wise, but consist of a composite of engineered infested flesh and technological based implants and chassis to both enhance the capability and to keep the infested flesh under control, rather than the reletavely harder to manufacture 'pure' flesh. Stuff like Valk are like that because we don't have the original blueprints, which have been lost to time (well, technically germsi skin, but yeah). Tenno aren't exactly well versed on the creation of warframes, which are significantly more complex than the guns that we design. The exceptions are Volt/Banshee/Zephyr, who are in the tenno lab, but it can be inferred that we have enough original copies now to reverse engineer the design. The number of original valkyrs running around is probably too small to reliably create the original warframe blueprints from, whereas the altered design blueprints are likely more completely recorded because Alad V was almost certainly taking notes when dissecting Valkyr.

That being said, it's really only a theory, and there's no evidence really stopping it from being body morphing suits like Guyver or such. 

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There is no need for evidence.  Devs said straight out on an earlier devstream that the Tenno are humans in technological suits.  They even described in detail the core idea of warframe when lore was in question.  Sadly I do not remember which devstream that was.  Anyone that saw it back then would know what I'm talking about.  Anyone else would be too new to understand.  It's not a debate, its not a mystery.  It's a known fact that Tenno are all human.

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Everyone knows the lore in his entry, but in light of the never ending what's-a-Tenno debate, I picked up on something. His gear is designed to kill humans, not machines. The Dread was built to decapitate things. That wouldn't be very useful against a robot, if that's what Tenno were. The Hate is a scythe because why not, and the Despair have the theoretical sharpest edge, helpful for piercing a Warframe and damaging its occupant. He doesn't take gas pelets to kill an Infested body. If the Tenno were detatched spirits, shouldn't he be trying to track you down and cast some kind of void exorcism on you, not down your replacable body? Because when he kills me, he says vrdwrst is no more. I am vrdwrst, I am a Tenno, the destruction of my physical body is the end of me. Unless, of course, Tenno are detatched beings and their sworen enemy doesn't know anything about the people he's been trying to kill for the past century.

Not to say Tenno couldn't be detached. Anything's possible with this much ambiguity. But that theory just has much less direct eveidence from hard story, relying instead on making gameplay appear logical and canon. I apreceate it, but it has much less straight up evidence, something that makes me shy away from it. So please keep an open mind, and don't flame the heck out of this.

play the prequal, tenno's are human, mutated humans

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I think we can look at tenshin and see what we are. He was a tenno, he uses our weapons and wears a warframe. He even says that he chose not to go into cryo sleep like the rest of us. and you can see part of his face. I doubt we are much different, including the stalker. Are we human? probably not considering the orokin were into cloning.

And considering how long we've been in cryo sleep somewhat dictates how long tenshin and the stalker have been alive outside of it. I doubt we are just human. Also look at the lore for the ancient, he said they were 150 years old and we're cloned.

Edited by War-Zone
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I think we can look at tenshin and see what we are. He was a tenno, he uses our weapons and wears a warframe. He even says that he chose not to go into cryo sleep like the rest of us. and you can see part of his face. I doubt we are much different, including the stalker. Are we human? probably not considering the orokin were into cloning, but who knows.


Teshin is not a Tenno. He does not wear a Warframe. Where are you even getting that from?

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DE confirmed that he is NOT a Tenno. Now where are you getting that he wears a Warframe?

What he's wearing looks like a warframe to me, and he uses the nikana. I don't remember DE saying that he wasn't a tenno. Why would he say "We were led astray" and we went into cryo and not him? If he wasn't a tenno why would it have been an option for him to go into cryo?
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