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Stalker Is Strong Evidence For Tenno Being Humans


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What he's wearing looks like a warframe to me, and he uses the nikana. I don't remember DE saying that he wasn't a tenno. Why would he say "We were led astray" and we went into cryo and not him? If he wasn't a tenno why would it have been an option for him to go into cryo?


What he is wearing is simple armor, it looks nothing like a Warframe. DE definitely said it he wasn't and that they would add more backstory for him. He said that because he was also part of the Orokin Empire, like the Tenno, and cryo isn't a Tenno exclusive thing.

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DE have stated that Tenno are "brains in jars". They never said Tenno were completely inhuman; they could be human brains in jars

That assumption might be a bit of a stretch, and it's possible that was more of a metaphor. Any sort of consciousness transferable between multiple bodies can easily be considered a "brain in a jar."


Like I said, I do recall their stating that Tenno weren't human, but I'd rather not dig in the devstreams to find it (don't have much time atm). If I remember right, it was an early one, so it is possible things have changed since then. However, until they (or their game) states otherwise, that's what I'm rolling with.



the Tenno were Orokin people that went into the Void and were "twisted" by the Void. They may not be "human" anymore, but they started as human.

I just said that :L


As for the occupants of the original frames, they likely were human (or close) at some point, but the Technocyte virus, the Void, something else, or a combination of those changed that. The Tenno as we know them now are not human.

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What he is wearing is simple armor, it looks nothing like a Warframe. DE definitely said it he wasn't and that they would add more backstory for him. He said that because he was also part of the Orokin Empire, like the Tenno, and cryo isn't a Tenno exclusive thing.

Maybe you should go read what he had to say again, because he is saying it as a tenno not someone outside of being a tenno. It's pretty obvious the cryo sleep he's referring to is the one for the tenno not just some random cryo sleep that everyone back then had access to. Where did DE say that he wasn't a tenno? And yeah his armor looks something like ours except his face is exposed.
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Maybe you should go read what he had to say again, because he is saying it as a tenno not someone outside of being a tenno. It's pretty obvious the cryo sleep he's referring to is the one for the tenno not just some random cryo sleep that everyone back then had access to. Where did DE say that he wasn't a tenno? And yeah his armor looks something like ours except his face is exposed.


His armor literally does not look anything like a Warframe. DE said he was not a Tenno in devstrean 50, IIRC. Go watch it.

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I've always operated under the assumption that while Stalker isn't a Tenno or using a Warframe, that distinction doesn't necessarily mean much beyond classification.


The Tenno were deployed alongside soldiers who had "Zero-Tech" suits in the war against the Sentient. Other lore tells us that the Sentient turned Orokin technology against them, whether that be by copying it or controlling it somehow. They couldn't do that with technology of a low enough level, or with the Tenno since the suits channelled their power rather than granting them.


What I suspect happened was that original combat suits of varying design were created first. When those proved susceptible to the Sentient, the Tenno were used instead and any soldier who had one would either have to give it up for a Zero-Tech suit when fighting the Sentient or remain in the Origin system away from combat. Stalker has one of those suits. It can make use of powers similar to those of a Tenno, but the powers of the Stalker are technological in nature rather than being essentially supernatural as those of the Tenno are. Maybe his Slash Dash analogue relies on reducing his mass so he can move faster, while his Absorb uses Orokin shielding technology to turn energy back against his attackers, whereas Tenno are accomplish the same thing by channeling Void energy and controlling it with their will and the aid of their Warframes.


Virtually everyone with a similar combat suit would have been an Orokin loyalist. As such, they would have been destroyed when the Tenno turned on the Orokin, with Stalker and perhaps Teshin being the only exceptions.

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I've always operated under the assumption that while Stalker isn't a Tenno or using a Warframe, that distinction doesn't necessarily mean much beyond classification.


The Tenno were deployed alongside soldiers who had "Zero-Tech" suits in the war against the Sentient. Other lore tells us that the Sentient turned Orokin technology against them, whether that be by copying it or controlling it somehow. They couldn't do that with technology of a low enough level, or with the Tenno since the suits channelled their power rather than granting them.


What I suspect happened was that original combat suits of varying design were created first. When those proved susceptible to the Sentient, the Tenno were used instead and any soldier who had one would either have to give it up for a Zero-Tech suit when fighting the Sentient or remain in the Origin system away from combat. Stalker has one of those suits. It can make use of powers similar to those of a Tenno, but the powers of the Stalker are technological in nature rather than being essentially supernatural as those of the Tenno are. Maybe his Slash Dash analogue relies on reducing his mass so he can move faster, while his Absorb uses Orokin shielding technology to turn energy back against his attackers, whereas Tenno are accomplish the same thing by channeling Void energy and controlling it with their will and the aid of their Warframes.


Virtually everyone with a similar combat suit would have been an Orokin loyalist. As such, they would have been destroyed when the Tenno turned on the Orokin, with Stalker and perhaps Teshin being the only exceptions.

I was with you right up to the point you suggested that he had powers that emulated Void powers through sufficiently advanced technology. If the-man-now-known-as-Stalker is a Zero-Tech Elite who uses a bow and monomolecular arrow so the Sentients don't get the chance to cook him alive with his own rebellious laser sight, how is he expecting to walk two steps if his very skin is clad in the most sophisticated technology this side of Cephalon Suda's pocket dimension?

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Wasn't saying he was a Zero-Tech soldier necessarily. Just that such tech had to stay within the Origin system.  He may or may not have fought the Sentients, but if he was a Guardian that would suggest he stayed at home rather than leaving to take part in the war.


As far as anyone knew until recently, the Sentient had been defeated. The Natah quest throws that into doubt, but as far as the Stalker knows he doesn't need to worry about the Sentient taking control of his suit. His weapons are just his weapons of choice.

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We are lizard, lizard have flash too. Tyl Regor confirm this and he is a scientis.


  • "Tenno lizards, scampering 'bout my house, messing with my work, contaminating my science! Who let them in!? Which twit did this thing?" -Tyl Regor
Edited by Lunamare
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If hes a tenno he would have rocked a WF by now. Nah hes one of the few remaining non-corrupted orokin people whos pissed at the Tenno turning on his masters. Hes been driven insane IMO - he just wants tenno blood even if that means getting pissed at you killing an infected sephalon as an excuse.


I just hope its explained what he was doing before lotus started reviving the tenno and whether his beef is with OUR tenno or him being misguided in his real targets likely to have been the Umbra tenno.

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